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Iraquis vote "Yes"

William Brewster | 16.10.2005 14:18

The final tally of the votes is being done in "The Green Zone"

How nice. The chaps in there can't even go out and meet the voters.

The Invaders Count
The Invaders Count

Vote in Iraq =‘YES’

The Sunnis can get lost.

Uncle Sam has shown them what democracy is all about.

You can vote early and often but Bush and Blair get the result they want.

A big ‘YES’

How nice.

The people in the Warehouse could not vote because of US military action.

Anyone who voted ‘NO’ in any other district will only have they vote counted in “The Green Zone” if it does not exceed the proper ‘Yes’ vote.

As one Iraqi asked “who is counting the votes”

Well now he knows.

That’s like having a vote in Venusalia and letting Pat Robertson count the votes in Washington.

What a crock.

And Rice was able to tell us the result this morning.

The seeds we now sow will ripen into a swarm of body bags heading for the US and England before Christmas.

This clown Blair will never learn.

William Brewster


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16.10.2005 22:11

It was interesting to watch the Americans effectively close down those areas of the country where the Iraqi Resistance is the strongest, effectively shutting the people in these areas out of the process. The Geneva Conventions makes this type of meddling by an Occupier illegal, yet the media does nothing but repeat the Propaganda ...

Don't Let Them Limit The Debate


17.10.2005 01:14

Blair created the circumstances for invading Iraq by manufacturing lies, and supporting the US in the UN- BUT BLAIR IS A CLOWN???

Blair got EVERY one of his dishonest wishes passed by both Houses- BUT BLAIR IS A CLOWN???

Blair faced down the biggest anti-government the UK had ever seen, and won a massive majority at the following election on 20% of the people- AND BLAIR IS A CLOWN???

After having every one of his lies clearly shown to be lies, Blair starts the EXACT SAME process over Iran without negative consequence- AND BLAIR IS A CLOWN???

Blair runs an illegal vote over an illegal so-called (occupier's) constitution, fixes the vote for his chosen result, and has his Mass Media cheer him- AND BLAIR IS A CLOWN???

Blair maintains Iraq as a 'live-fire' training ground for the US armed forces, ensuring that almost EVERY American soldier has received REAL combat experience, boosting their effectiveness in future wars by an extraordinary amount- AND BLAIR IS A CLOWN???

Blair's bombers are caught red-handed in Basra, and the story is killed immediately throughout the UK- AND BLAIR IS A CLOWN???

BLAIR IS A CLOWN, BLAIR IS A PUPPET, and BLIAR are trademarks of the New Reich Black Propaganda squad (usually found frequenting online anti-Blair, anti-NeoCon sites).

You want to know one of Blair's favourite tricks? He gets the LITTLE MAN to mock, and laugh at him. Blair knows that NOTHING makes a LITTLE MAN 'feel' like a BIG MAN than saying rude things about Blair. It's an old army trick from the dawn of time. All those poor saps who die happier for their master, when they are allowed to call their master rude names in 'private'.

Blair is the most ruthless and calculating mass-murdering leader the Human Race has yet produced. Like any evil psychopath of his calibre, he knows that it is not about the wickedness of today's acts, but the far greater wickedness of those acts that he WILL be able to do tomorrow, if he prepares carefully, and lays down the right ground. This should surprise no-one, since all human criminality follows the same pattern. The more confident the criminal feels about his skills, the more sophisticated the crime that the criminal will plan for and execute.

But let me go back to the people he has to 'fool' with the Iraq 'training-ground' point again. Read ANYTHING about war, and you will discover the same fact OVER and OVER. Real battle experience is almost impossible to substitute. This is SO TRUE, that modern armies use LIVE FIRE EXERCISES (and in times of war, accept that training will generate many fatalities- read about preparations for the D-Day Landings) in order to approximate combat experience.

Read ANY account from WW2, and immediately you discover that units with VETERANS expected that 'green-horn' replacements for casualties had almost NO life-expectancy once in the field.

The US HAD a massive army with no actual experience on the ground. TODAY the US has the most experienced army in the world. Even its reservists have been put in the front lines. The price for the EXTRAORDINARY improvement in the capability of US ground warfare is maybe 10,000 dead, and perhaps 5-10 times that seriously wounded (the real figures are far higher than the ones you are usually given), a tiny, tiny cost in US military terms.

The level of conflict has allowed ongoing improvement in the equipment designed and manufactured for US soldiers, and has caused a significant increase in the size and output of key weapon system producers (especially helicoptors and armoured ground vehicles). More importantly, methods are being perfected for creating modern police states, with the training of oppression and torture squads, and the elimination of free movement .

Iraq is a crucible, a factory maufacturing the worst kinds of generic nightmares for the 21st century. Even better, Blair pays for a good part of this with the oil money stolen from the people of Iraq.

Iraq is a success BEYOND BLAIR'S WILDEST DREAMS. For sure, he has to keep the heat turned up, for even the worst places on Earth have a tendency to return to some kind of normality left to their own devices. But this is easy, for Blair has SO MANY sides he can play against each other, when needs be, and no shortage of ruthless psycho's under his direct control who will happily blow-up ANY group of brown-skinned humans at his command.

The real trick for Blair is moving his proxy army of COMBAT VETERANS into their NEXT war ground, the war for which they have been so carefully prepared.

At this stage, Blair is so far advanced against Hitler, it isn't funny. Where could Hitler safely BATTLE HARDEN his troops before he really had a need to use them? Answer was- he couldn't- and Hitler's plans suffered terribly because of this.

I would also like to point out that soon, the Armies of the West are going to massively expand. The conscripts, as 'green' recruits, will find that 'nursery-slope' conflicts are carefully maintained as training grounds. The so-called professional soldiers (previous volunteers) will front line duties like the taking of Iran. The 'cannon fodder' will fall in behind them, taking up their previous duties, and training to be future 'veterans' themselves.

PROVE TO ME where I am wrong. Prove to me where Blair has harmed himself with any of his deeds. Prove to me how the US army (as opposed to the idiots that die within it) has been harmed by recent events. Prove to me how circumstances that battle harden troops make war less likely. Prove to me why politicians getting MORE power with less support makes them stupid.

You won't find ANY direct facts to contradict my argument. You won't find ANY analogy from our planet's history to give you hope. Blair, by any definition, is a WARLORD that surrounds himself with other WARLORDS, and seeks to install and support WARLORDS in other countries. His states clearly his philosophy of murder and power, When given any opportunity, he ensures his deeds match his words.

Most importantly, Blair has broken the back of any and all opposition that could interfere with his plans. The ONLY limit on has fast he can move (and this has been common with ALL dictators throughout human history) is the speed with which the PEOPLE can be made to accept each new change. The PEOPLE must not be allowed to become a MOB because this is the ONLY force that can now halt Blair. The more the PEOPLE are abused, the more they get used to the abuse, but this strategy is never without risk. The ONE TIME that Blair acted against his own desires was over the fuel tax protest, when Blair felt that the PEOPLE were on the verge of bcoming a MOB, and with extraordinary speed, he sought to placate them with a duty freeze.

After facing down the anti-invasion protest (helped by the fact that it was mostly led and arranged by Blair's own agents), Blair reasonably concluded that the PEOPLE were of no consequence to his plans in the near future, and the level of domestic abuse conditioning could be safely increased (notice the new Channel 4 ad, where Jamie Oliver poses as a LITERAL 'dingleberry' dangling upsidedown from Blair's backside- then look up the history of Hitler's 'dingleberries' and THEIR association with family and childhood issues in Nazi Germany at the time).


Twilight is ???

17.10.2005 04:59

Twilight gave it a good rant above.

It is not as dark as it seems.

Twilight's military experience may make it seem to him that Blait is an almighty warlord.

He is not.

He is just an ex-junkie whoes brain is fried, following the orders sent from Washington.

And the clown in Washington is also finished.

George Soule

So You Would Prefer CRIMINAL?

17.10.2005 06:08

Fine, Blair achieved his goals by lying to his subjects, ignoring their will and both demonstic and international law. So he's a criminal Neo-Fascist.

That better?

You Say Tomato

Get A Grip, Man!

17.10.2005 07:28


"Blair is the most ruthless and calculating mass-murdering leader the Human Race has yet produced"

What? More than, say, Hitler? Or Stalin? Both of whom committed multi-million genocide? Or Idi Amin? or the Khmer Rouge? Or the Belgians in the Congo? Or the South African Apartheid regimes?

Get a grip, you fool.


Iraq was far worse off under Saddam Hussein!

17.10.2005 09:25

Critise America and Britain for all you want, but the fact remains that Iraq is now a much better place and has a much brighter future than it ever did under Saddam Hussein. Now Iraq is for the first time ever a true democracy where people can speak their minds, vote freely, join trade unions etc. That would never have happened had Saddam been left in power. Saddam terrorist Iraq for 24 years killing 300,000 Iraqis and forcing 4million of them to flee the country during the process as well as starting two major wars, the war with Iran and the invasion of Kuwait. The Kurds for one are really glad to see the back of Saddam as are all the countless relatives and friends of all those tortured to death and persecuted under Saddam's reign of terror.


Bush said:

17.10.2005 10:41

"We cannot accept that there can be free democratic elections in a country under foreign military occupation".


Stale BS

17.10.2005 22:35

"Critise America and Britain for all you want, but the fact remains that Iraq is now a much better place"

A great number of Iraqis, many of whom still live without power, clean water, employment, etc., have stated quite the opposite, and even prominent Humanitarian Agencies have stated that life for the average Iraqi was better under the US Puppet, Saddam Hussein, who was installed and allowed to become the feared dictator with the full backing of many of the same US Extremists as occupy the White House today.

"and has a much brighter future than it ever did under Saddam Hussein."

Perhaps, if the Iraqi Resistance manages to push out the Foreign Aggressor, and return the political power in the country to Iraqis, instead of a small number of corrupt, bribed (read: Seymour Hersh) Puppets.

"Now Iraq is for the first time ever a true democracy"

True democracies do not exist under illegal Occupations, nor consider rigged elections as successes. And the Geneva Convesntions make this type of political meddling by a Foreign Occupier illegal.

"where people can speak their minds"

When Iraqis speak their minds, the Americans and British round them up and imprison/torture them, or kill them and destroy their villages. That's what this Guerrilla War is all about.

"vote freely"

The provinces expected to reject the US-imposed "Constitution" were effectively under lockdown by American Forces during the election. Starting Monday, several of the villages in these provinces were incinerated by US airstrikes.

"That would never have happened had Saddam been left in power."

That's a Red Herring, and it isn't happening now ...

"Saddam terrorist Iraq for 24 years"

I believe you mean "terrorized".

Indeed, with the full support, protection, and backing of the CIA and US Government, under the orders of many of the same criminals who comprise the current Bush/PNAC Regime.

And now the Americans and British, led by madmen, are having a go at it ...

They slaughtered over a hundred thousand innocent men, women, and children in just the first year. How much longer do you think it'll take them to match the body count of their deposed Puppet ... ?

Don't Let Them Limit The Debate