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Stop the vote

John Carver | 15.10.2005 06:22

The US Military have been deployed to disrupt the iraq "No" vote.


It is called a security clampdown.

In reality it is a vote rigging operation.

The US military is on it's biggest push for a long time in Anbar,Salahaddin, Nineveh and Diyala provinces in Iraq.

They are bombing and shooting up the place.

The citizens can not come out on to the streets let alone vote.

The passing of the Iraqi constitution with this kind of vote rigging will be praised in the western media as a glorious step forward for democracy.

I wonder what Salahaddin would have made of it all?

Would he have taken part in an election organized by Richard the Lionhearted?

What a crock.

John Carver


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Take a closer look at the map!

15.10.2005 21:02

Well it wouldn't be very many "no" votes affected now would it. I mean that in terms of the total population in Iraq damned few live in the indicated area -- though it would be primarily "no" votes there.

HOWEVER --- " wonder what Salahaddin would have made of it all?"
Uh -- IF Sal ad Din would be voting "no" it would be for the same reason that some of the extreme Kurdish nationalists are going to vote "no" -- because they don't think this compromise gives the Kurds enough autonomy or independence. The Sunni "no" votes are because they fear being a religiously suppressed minorty WITHIN Iraq. The Kurdish "no" votes are because they don't want to be any part of Iraq, want a fully independent Kurdistan.

You don't know why I am talking about Kurds? Did you think he was an Arab?

mail e-mail: stepbystpefarm

stop this corrupt vote

16.10.2005 22:13

Goddess help us! US military!!!!? (Choke!!!) Power to the woodlands!!!! I reject slime and murder. Ann Coulter!!!? Antonin Scalia!? I guess, I can't tell one reactionary, fern-lying-to, bloodthirsty servant for the Cato Institute from the other!!! (Jeb Bush either, IMHO.) Actually, BusHitler caused hurricane Katrina by neglecting the uppity prisoners in Mogadishu!!! As a disadvantaged Iraqi, certainly I am crestfallen. What about RENTERS insurance!!!!? What about free money!!? What about dialogue and FREE chocolate FOR the 24,406 nontraditional Native Americans who are ignored in Vermont every single day by our Thief-in-Chief and his squad of neocon fluffers? I reject theft and division. The Murderer-in-Chief's War Against Dental Insurance must end now!!! I must say, it's like 1979 all over again!!

the truth