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Insex Cult Leader Calls It Quits! BDSM Mind Control

Moonshine | 15.10.2005 02:52 | Anti-militarism | Gender the #1 BDSM web site in the world shut down this week after the new release of documentary WWW.XXXEXPOSE.COM cracked and decoded the cult leader, PD's formula (check out the link, it's selling for 4 million, any takers?)! Unlike the digital photos and videos of abuse shot at Abu Ghraib, which has the nation in an uproar, the filmed activities of REAL sadistic tortures found on the sight have gone reasonably unnoticed, operating under the guise of a legally operating BDSM modeling business.

When we look at the recent cases of porno torture at Abu Ghraib, we see the dilemma that many sadists have come across time and time again, that along with the fun and satisfaction that they derive from torturing and abusing others comes the possibility of being charged as a criminal if there happens to be a leak in the system and the mostly delusional masses find out. So, knowing the overall agenda and intentions of the kind of people who are involved in perpetrating on innocents within the military industrial complex, we can see an underlying reason for the creation and ultimately the direction that the pornography and BDSM Internet industries have taken, to be able to legally and out in the open take part in victimless crimes.

The owner and leader of the site, PD (standing for punishment and discipline), was one of the very first people to bring the techniques of real torture, mind control, programming, cult tactics, thought reform and operant conditioning to the Internet for the public to view as sexual entertainment, hiring young women as "models" to take part in "acting" in his BDSM reality films. PD was also the first to offer "live feeds", live torture sessions in which the members could tune in blow by blow and make online suggestions to the torturer. Can you imagine if we were able to dehumanize the victims at Abu Ghraib to the point at which the abuse was being publicly aired live and US citizens could tune in and make suggestions to the soldiers about what technique of torture they would like to see next? What if the US military gets hip to PD's formula and starves the Iraqis out to where they are forced into signing a form stating that they agreed to being tortured for the soldier's enjoyment and for the exchange of food and thereby releasing any video or photos to the US military to later distribute and sell as pornography? Would the American public then turn a blind eye to their pain and reply with "they asked for it?" This has been the response to the hundreds of victims of the sex slave industry.

Torture as mainstream entertainment:

We have been force fed a steady diet of pain and suffering of others along with our own as a replacement for real sexually liberating entertainment. We have some how allowed ourselves to regress from thinking of sex as pleasure to now thinking of it as pain. The more real pain portrayed in a picture or a video the more value that picture or video has, the equation is simple more pain equals more money. But what is the real reason for this viscous cycle, who is fueling it and why?

We know that the money system is fake, the federal reserve is owned by a private corporation that prints the money out of nothing and owns over 70% of the stock market, basically what we're looking at here is a very, very small group of people that control everything, all the money, all the weapons, all the resources and all the media (about 118 people total own every media source in the entire world). These people believe in death, destruction, misery and maintaining and promoting predatory nature.
The BDSM "scene" is a smaller slice of the larger pie, a way that these people hoped they could sexualize torture in the mainstream. They call themselves "Working Sex Magickians." I first discovered this term during my initial research into ritual satanic abuse (a ritualistic method of conditioning through torture usually used on children in the MKULTRA experiments to program them for specific tasks and functions, one being a sex slave) and cults revealed in the web site, a sort of online bible and set of guidelines for the "Working Sex Magickians or Latter Day Satanists." The site defines this as:

"A Working Sex Magickian is a sorcerer who in the process of processing sexual appliances for magical purposes exchanges sex or sexual energy or a sexual performance or images for money, drugs, OV(tm) (a reference to synthetic varieties) - for example, any Working Sex Magickian who owns and operates a Brothel, Crack House and Temple Dungeon or any business that employs one or more call girl, exotic dancer, porn model, phone sex worker, pony doll and or a professional dominatrix and maintains open trade relations accepting a common OV(tm) Currency with the World Sigilizer's Cartel are all Sex Magick Workers."

These people consider themselves a kind of elite, part of an underground coven all following an unspoken set of rules with an ultimate goal of creating the perfect sex slave race, a race of the walking dead. Notice the term "sexual appliances," it is a very important basic rule to follow for all sadists not to ever allow themselves to humanize their victims, otherwise they may have a sense of regret or guilt. The attitude and agenda of the sadist can be easily detected in the statement:
"It's hilarious. The zombification process is complete when the Working Sex Magickian beats the sh*t out of it, given a new name such as Latrina69 or Lavatoria Blue and forced into Toilet Slavery--a poor soulless insect creature doomed to a life of captivity or aimless meandering in some subterranean Temple Dahmer Dungeon Complex. The Hot-Vessel Cadaver(tm) has joined the "living dead." "

The facade that this industry is a legitimate means for a woman to make a living and that it's "just a job just like any other job" has to be maintained in order to carry out the real agenda right in front of a blinded public. In this quotation you see what the sadist would define as a ultimate outcome for their victim, to become what they call a "Hot-Vessel Cadaver(tm)," "Hot-Vessel Cadaver" meaning the living dead, a person who's soul has died yet their body still carries on with it's normal functions keeping the body alive, and "tm" standing for true masochist, a person who has been brainwashed into the philosophy of sacrificing themselves for nothing and bases their existence and ego on being able to take a limitless amount of abuse without breaking or asking the abuser to stop. Now you can see where the victimless crime comes in, if the girl never said "no," then it's not rape anymore is it?
The writer associates being a toilet slave (a person who literally exists to be another's toilet) with being a real "tm" because in the sadist's world this is the ultimate in degradation and therefore a sadist's dream.

"a poor soulless insect creature doomed to a life of captivity or aimless meandering in some subterranean Temple Dahmer Dungeon Complex. The Hot-Vessel Cadaver(tm) has joined the "living dead." "
On the opening page of the web site you will see a spider sitting in the middle of it's web with the skeleton of a human body inside it's stomach as though it has just soaked off the flesh. They aim to return the victim to the realm of the "hive mind" or the insect, the most de-evolved of all existences, based purely on instinct without any thought or analysis, soulless. If you look around you, you will start to see the how the top controllers also fall into this agenda of trying to model our reality to the reality of the insect: they are the spiders that spin the webs (world wide web, the Internet: NET) and we are the little insects that crawl below them like little worker ants, warring with other slightly different looking ants and carrying the food home to our colonies (cities, suburbs, etc.) every night. In this way they are able to suppress our actual mental and spiritual while at the same time advancing technologies that only further the agenda of the insect. If you know Star Treck, a wonderful reference is the Borg mentality, a collective of millions of individuals all operating under the instructions of one leader through the collective mind, this is the goal of the cult leader, to program each individual to operate according to fulfilling his wants and needs and tapping into that collective hive mind on a frequency that he controls.

The writer from comments:

"Hot-Vessel Cadavers(tm) need to inherit just one copy of the mutated gene from one parent vessel to develop a diminished neural template favorable to autism......Nevertheless FLU called the finding a significant step in understanding what predisposes HVCWs to developing autism; once thought to be a brain disorder, characterized by profound social withdrawal, repetitive behavior and inability to communicate making it our most sought after sexual appliance"

We look around us and wonder, why is it that all forms of media have seemingly no depth? That the television is designed for people with IQ's under 100? That the school system is based on the learning and memorization of millions of us less facts all the while not one real topic that relates to any current day issue is ever brought up or discussed? For the same reason that the author states in his writing, to keep us partially mentally retarded. The brain is like any other muscle, if it is not used and stretched in certain ways, then it loses the ability to do so. For example, if we have been taught our entire life to never question anything, to never question or doubt why another has authority or dominion over another and who put them in that position and why, then as time goes on we will become less and less likely or able to do so.

In the goal of the sadist, though, we see an agenda to reduse the victim to an even lower level then what is possible with your average everyday institutionalized and mass media programming methods. We see a desire to return them to the state of an animal in servitude or an insect member of the "hive mind" and in this way permanently alter and retard their brain beyond recovery. We can note that from the statement that the desired mental retardation is characterized by "profound social withdrawal, repetitive behavior and inability to communicate," making the victim now a fully non-functional human being in any sort of normal sense. "Profound social withdrawal" and "inability to communicate" would of course be desired outcomes for victims of extreme torture and abuse being as though if silenced they will never be able to express their suffering and therefore will never be helped. "Repetitive behavior" is a sought after quality because the programmer or controller has a template or formula of control that is used to subvert the victim's sovereign autonomy and if the behavior has molded into something repetitive and predictable then the victim is all that much easier to fit into the selected program (there are of course different programs designed for different outcomes), remember these people are in essence control freaks and would aim for all variables in the equation to be pre-determined.

So, now I bet you're wondering how does a person allow themselves to get into a position where they open themselves up to being abused, tortured, conditioned, programmed and ultimately to become the total slave of a perverted predator? Well, the reasons vary with each individual person's experience and are quite complex, but I will try and answer the question to the best of my knowledge using my personal experience, research and contact that I have made with people who have been in similar situations (such as the women featured in my new documentary film).

From the definition of the "Working Sex Magickian" we can see that the use of the phrase "Latter Day Satanist" is not depicting the kind of Satanism that has been pushed in main stream media and rock bands like Marilyn Manson, but is quite simply put as any person who chooses to practice "black magick" which is defined by the writer by the saying: "Hot-Vessel Cadavers(tm) do die and come back to life, and this is Black Magick by the Latter Day Satanic definition of the word." In other words these people operate as a type of psychic and spiritual vampire, they cannot exist without sucking the life out of others, they feed on other's life force energy and because they themselves as people are so spiritually weak that they cannot step up to the challenge of having another person love them in the context of a real loving relationship and because they have conditioned themselves into a cycle of hatred, even for those that they so called "love" (usually the people closest to the sadist are the ones they hurt the most), they have to weave diabolically complex webs in order to entrap people into being with them for a whole slew of delusional, false reasons.

The whole basis around their brand of Satanism has actually nothing to do with the character we have become to know as Satan, a muscular, red skinned horned beast with a pitch fork standing in a pit of fire, but is really founded on one major underlying principle: good=bad, pleasure=pain, freedom=slavery, etc. It is the switching and rewiring of everything that once made sense to us in the most natural kind of a way and reversing it to mean the exact opposite whilst all the while you think that you are not caught in a delusional reality but in a new found state of greater consciousness.
But of course this technique of confusion is all employed to trick the victim into serving the sadistic impulses of the perpetrator.

For example taking a look at an article written recently: "The Nature of Dominance" by Rick Umbaugh, we can see evidence of a kind of reverse psychology being used on the victim:

"Describing the submissive experience within the scene of erotic torture is very difficult. One must begin in the right frame of mind, submissive, pliant, ready to accept anything, no matter how unpleasant. You must set yourself that you will not call your safe word, no matter how unpleasant what you are feeling. Then you have to let go of your intellect, let your mind feel all those sensations and the results are climaxes that take you beyond the mundane world of sight, sound and feeling and into the nether realm of pure sensation where no culture, no society, no words stand between you and the universe. This is the understanding that is the nature of submission. This is the paradox of S/m. While the submissive receives all the sensation, the Dominant does all the work. He or she receives that sense of power that comes from being able to control. He or she receives the homage due all that work, but in the end it is the submissive who gets to touch heaven."

The victim is sold into a kind of fake spirituality based on a promise that they will have a god-like experience or get "to touch heaven" if they are "ready to accept anything, no matter how unpleasant." The sadists act as a kind of preacher of some false religious mumbo jumbo to serve their own need of having the ability to legally torture and abuse others. The victim is rewarded only when in complete and total compliance with absolutely every desire of the torturer. They claim they are giving the victim a special kind of gift that they are lucky to be receiving, that they are being allowed to return to their "animal state." There is a major point of confusion here though, what kind of animal state are we speaking of here? Are we talking about the part of us that can dance around with our arms outstretched and flap our arms up and down like the birds or prance around feeling the wind blowing through our hair like a wild horse? No, we are talking about the part of an animal's existence that really has nothing to do with the original identity of that animal or what it symbolizes but only what that animal has come to mean according to it's value in the current capitalist, life as a commodity system that we are trapped in today. The victim is fooled into believing that they are gaining some kind of an eternal knowledge, experiencing some kind of universal energy that flows through all beings when really we are simply allowing ourselves to be de-evolved.

"We are involved in all out Spiritual Warfare(tm) on a cosmic and multidimensional scale"-

While the system keeps the masses concentrated on fake, staged wars meant to divert our attention away from real issues, the real war is truly being waged right in front of our faces in every city of every country in the world. The real war is one of the predators vs the prey and anything and everything that can be used is used as ammunition including the victim's own spirituality, personality and integrity. This is the greatest crime of the sadist as we know it: to indoctrinate a person and initiate them into a cult and set of spiritual beliefs and practices without the knowledge that they are even being initiated. At least in the past standard cases of cults, the person had some knowledge that they were joining a religious group. In this case the person being indoctrinated believes that he or she is participating in a simple "modeling shoot," all the while the leader is slyly slipping in sub-conscious references to becoming enlightened through a type of false spiritual practice based around the idea of "beating pain." I find it repulsive that any human being could stoop to this level of manipulation to quench their own sadistic impulses. The sadists who have learned and mastered this formula of manipulation know that what they are doing is wrong and immoral. They know full well that a person does not become enlightened or "touch heaven" by being trained to be someone's own personal beating dog. They know that the person is not being given some kind of sacred holy grail of knowledge that they should be eternally grateful for. A person could say that they gave another a concussion, but does that make them a giving person? Is pain and suffering really a gift? Isn't this something that any common criminal could be capable of "giving" to that person?

Writing taken from the site, a woman describes one of her "shoots" (torture training sessions)

"Then on the floor, sightless and gagged. Bound more tightly now. I feel primal, feral. An animal squealing and wriggling. I am trying to avoid the electric sharpness of the cattle prod. I am terrified. A rush of relief when I finally find the toy he has thrown, complete my task."

We see the woman returning to her "animal self" through being forced to respond and return to the most archaic of emotions: fear.
Fear probably was one of the earliest emotions to develop, taking us back to our most primal and de-evolved selves. Fear allows us to detect and respond to dangers, and avoid things that could damage us.

"The Brainstem & Medulla
Sometimes called the lower brain, the reptilian brain, or the animal brain, the brainstem represents a very crude form of consciousness that is pre-verbal, pre-cognitive, and pre-emotional. The brainstem is barely self-aware but is able to carry out essential survival behaviors in reaction to environmental stimuli." -James Kent 'Psychedelic Information Theory'

We see the so-called "art" of BDSM stimulating the part of the brain Kent refers to as the "animal brain" through the usage of fear tactics bringing forth our most basic survival instincts. How ridiculous that the sadist would have us believe that in only stimulating the lower part of the brain we are somehow reaching higher states of consciousness!

"First, the medulla oblongata is the most basic element of the working vertebrate brain, and is probably very similar in structure to the very first vertebrate brain that came into being so many millions of years ago. It controls the very essentials of life: heartbeat, respiration, circulation; it routes primal sensory signals from the brain to spinal cord; it detects motion and position of the body and keeps us oriented; it mediates some very basic involuntary responses to stimuli, such as pre-cognitive avoidance reactions in response to pain, loud noise, and danger; and pre-cognitive seeking actions in response to hunger and food."
-James Kent 'Psychedelic Information Theory'

All of the techniques of behavior modification used on the site are methods intended on stimulating only the medulla oblongata and amygdala ( a brain structure that is present in all animals and regulates the subconscious ability to perceive threat and fear). Notably fear also causes increased activity in the amygdala and triggers the release of adrenaline, which has been found to "fuse" memories, making them more indelible. Thus we see in the insex quotation above, the woman mentioning being expected to "complete a task" at the precise moment of peak fear, reinforcing the behavior and memory of whatever motive the task was intended to have in modifying the woman's behavior. The behavior that is being reinforced is to follow commands without thought or question.

We also notice that she mentions being "sightless and gagged." The woman being sightless would completely discredit any claim whatsoever of her experience being enlightening seeing as the key connection to all energy awareness and connection with our spiritual selves in which we are able to transcend the physical realm into the energy realm is completely reliant upon the stimulation of what many people call the "third eye" or the pineal gland. The pineal gland is seated right in the middle of the brain and is responsive to light stimulation from the retina. Her being blindfolded or sightless would certainly not allow any light stimulation and would therefore cut off her ability to spiritual transcend through the third eye. In addition, her being gagged is a constant conscious reminder to the woman of the controller's desire to have her be an expressionless, voiceless being, thus deeming her autistic or mentally incapable.

The victim starts to think of any wants or needs of their own as something selfish and to be ignored. They are only taught to base their existence on their willingness to serve others. The only shred of ego they are allowed to hold on to is based around the amount of suffering that they will endure and for how long they will endure it simply for the entertainment of others. The saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is taken to be the victim's doctrine.

A quotation from a recent blog off of the web site:

"recently (4 months ago or so) went on some dates with a formal Insex model and she was amazed when I kissed her. I was evidently the first person in ages to do that... Everyone else just used her subbie qualities 24x7 and never actually treated her like a human with human needs. She, on the other hand, totally came to accept that that was what she was good for...which made me sad"

When good is bad and bad is good the victim starts to become extremely confused and then is much more likely to disassociate faster. To reinforce the confusion, victims are made to say "thank you" when hit and also made to "please ask for more" when in severe amounts of pain and discomfort. This is a key element to the training in getting the victim to believe that this is something that they truly want for themselves, that it is their choice to be slaves. They are told to learn to feel a freedom in being bound and restrained, to feel that their individual voice and expression is being heard while gagged. They are made to kiss and stroke the tools of abuse (such as a cane or a whip) and expected to feel happy and elated during and after sessions of intense torture begging their controller for more.
You can see the danger in a culture of people brainwashed into believing that they truly love being victimized, how will we ever bring another criminal to justice again?

From the web site depicting a particular shoot:

"The caning starts. She’s poised. Unguarded. You never see her stiffen to block the blow. There’s no doubt, Lorelie is the queen of this stage. Her stomach is caned, her breasts. A singletail whips her crotch, wrapping onto her pussy. It’s as though she wants to be devastated, ripped to shreds. She’s made up her mind. She’ll take anything.

A horrid beating follows. Her screams. The ragged red slashes covering her ass. He offers the cane. She kisses it. Then he really lets loose. The worst beating yet. He only stops when she can bring herself to say the word.


She’s released from the bondage. She’s sobbing now, hollowed out, empty. You get the sense it was inevitable, her annihilation. And when it’s suggested that she take more, she accepts. As though she’s been blinded, deafened. As though some perfect white light burned her beyond recognition."

Take into consideration while reading this that it is public information on the web site and was written with the knowledge that the woman herself would probably read it afterwards....

"You never see her stiffen to block the blow. There’s no doubt, Lorelie is the queen of this stage"
-This statement is made to establish a false ego for the woman around being able to withstand any amount of pain without complaint. The "queen of this stage?" What a joke, as though being able to take a beating denotes any sort of real accomplishment in the real world of any sort and yet in PD's world somehow these victims are fooled into thinking so. Anyone can be reduced to a piece of meat!

"It’s as though she wants to be devastated, ripped to shreds. She’s made up her mind. She’ll take anything"
-Once again establishing and reaffirming a false sense of accomplishment around allowing oneself to be victimized, rewarded only for letting others destroy you.

"A horrid beating follows. Her screams. The ragged red slashes covering her ass. He offers the cane. She kisses it. Then he really lets loose. The worst beating yet. He only stops when she can bring herself to say the word. Stop."

-Now we see that once he is given the cue off that she has developed her fake ego around being the champion masochist, he is determined to break her (it is impossible not to break, no one can withstand being brutally beaten forever) in order to truly shame her publicly for not living up to what she thinks is a test of strength; she will now be determined to continually prove herself over and over again, making up for her previous failures. We see this play out in the next line in which she is asked if she will take more and accepts. Once she has been publicly broken and shamed, the only shred of dignity left for her to salvage is in forcing herself to take the brutalist of beatings with total disregard for her own health and safety.

"As though she’s been blinded, deafened. As though some perfect white light burned her beyond recognition."

-We see two statements, one true grouped with another that is made up meant to re associate being blind and deaf with something that is part of a "white light" or god-like experience. Here we see the same pattern of good=bad clearly. The natural response to severe amounts of pain and trauma is to disassociate or leave your body so most likely the woman described here did not remember what happened during the time of trauma. This is why the web site descriptions of the goings on are so key in programming the victim with the reinforced messaging that they are truly deriving a real spiritually enlightening and enriching experience so that when they read this afterwards, the gap in their memory gets replaced with the words chosen by the controller and becomes the girl's reality.

The sadist targets people who are past victims of abuse, looking for acceptance, searching for answers, a community of people who respect and recognize their individual contribution, in need of a meaning or a purpose to their lives, etc. The perpetrator will use all of these things, they will say whatever it is that you want and need to hear and twist that into serving their purposes.

For their purpose they will single handedly craft a false reality for the victim, offering them a full life package, a way out of their current state of dissatisfaction with their mundane and fruitless life. For example, on the first night of arrival to the apartment in which I stayed over with the leader, we had a lengthy 7 or 8 hour discussion in which he gained my trust, mirrored my tastes pretending to be into all the things I like and in the process found out all the vital informational ammunition to later use on me as a tool of manipulation. After our discussion, it became known to him a few crucial things about my current life paradigm. One being my interest in composing music, two being my heavy involvement in the anti-globalization/animal cruelty/genetic engineering movements and three being my general hatred for the system. He therefore began to mention a possibility of me becoming a staff member as a resident composer and holding that promise over my head in order to get me to agree to withstanding greater and greater levels of abuse. He also held me to my own morality and the fact that I had told him that I was generally interested in what I had thought to be an art form of bdsm, not for the money but out of a real genuine interest. Manipulation in this way is all about absolutism and holding a person up to an impossible standard that they can never reach. From this point on I was constantly expected to prove how "into it" I was by allowing myself to be constantly used and abused at any given time and if at any time I would happen to back away from this challenge I would be deemed as someone who is not "hardcore" or a "real lifestlyer."

Once the sadist has thoroughly brainwashed the victim in believing that they are actually gaining something from being beaten and that real love means giving, everything and sacrificing everything with nothing in return, then the sadist has truly molded the perfect "tm."
As the writer puts it:

"This is one of the sexiest phenomena you can possibly imagine. You can own this bitch and kill her again and again."

How PD used the philosophies of Zen Buddhism to manipulate me into servitude:

Here we will be examining how the leader of, after finding out my former admiration for the teachings of Buddhism, used the philosophies to manipulate me into allowing others to prey upon me for sport.

Buddhist teachings taken from site:

-This is a key element of all Buddhist theory. Obviously you can see how this concept could be used and distorted to mean the giving of oneself completely and totally to another who means to hurt you without any thought of concern for your own well being.

"Dissatisfaction : Because of the desire to avoid pain and seek out pleasure, human suffering is inevitable."

-It would be easy to interpret this into justifying the logic that if the victim learns to endure extreme amounts of torture, both mental and physical and is then able to program themselves into thinking of that pain as pleasure, it would end all of the victim's suffering over the course of their lifetime and in all situations. Unfortunately, this is an impossible task and in trying to achieve it only leaves the victim feeling even more worthless. The presentation of an unachievable goal does however work quite well for the sadist's purposes being as the slave will always be working towards a goal that they will never reach, this keeps the slave going and striving to take more and more pain.

"Craving as the Root of Dissatisfaction : Desire creates dissatisfaction. Desire creates a need for change, and change eventually brings dissatisfaction because of the impermanent nature of all things.
Pleasure can only be a temporary state.
Elimination of Craving : If we can eliminate our desires, we will eliminate the source of our suffering.
If your happiness depends upon the fulfillment of your desires, you can never be satisfied.
A Buddhist learns to accept things as they are, and will not want for more, as the wanting will only lead to eventual suffering"

-Using this thinking as a base of PD's programming, the BDSM master to slave relationship began to make perfect sense to me. If I could train myself to only have the interests of the controller in mind while eliminating any of my own wants and needs, than I would be able to "eliminate the source" of my suffering. The psychology of a so-called BDSM master slave relationship is told to the victim as such: the happiness of the slave should rely only upon the happiness of the master, in other words whatever makes the master happy makes the slave happy, regardless of what that is and what effect it may have on the slave's well being. "A Buddhist learns to accept things as they are, and will not want for more..." This kind of thinking was used to program me into believing that if I could learn to accept any predicament that I was put into (i.e. bound, gagged, beaten, humiliated, tortured, degraded, electro-shocked, etc.) then I would be getting closer to my "Buddha nature."

Later, after de-programming myself, I came to understand that it is because of the misinterpretation of these kinds of teachings that allows the predators to continue to prey on the weak. This philosophy has to be applied cautiously and analyzed situation by situation if applicable. For example, in the case of a person accidentally tripping, falling and scraping their knee, it would do them no favor to desire that the accident had never happened and work themselves into some kind of an emotional fervor increasing their heart rate and possibly leading to a kind of panic attack. But, if you look at cases such as mine or of the Tibetan Buddhists also presented in the documentary, it is obvious that a mentality such as this could lead to disastrous results. If the Tibetans were to follow this teaching exactly and simply accept their situation, then they would be allowing the Chinese military to completely assimilate their culture, to destroy hundreds of years of development, to degrade their values and ways of life, to erase them from history altogether and take their identity and use it as merely a historic tourist relic to profit off of when western tourist groups pay to walk through museums that once were Tibetan temples. The same goes for my situation: if I had simply just went with it, followed my instructions, gone with the program, my identity would have been erased, I would have become only whatever task he seemed fit for me to complete. I would only have a value of whatever my controller and then whomever master he would pass me on to next would grant me. My individual contribution would be lost forever, making me completely expendable. Similarly, the Tibetans would cease to be Tibetans and simply get absorbed by the dominant culture of the Chinese thus losing their worth as a unique culture.

The hope of touching god or becoming something akin to the resident web site composer are only the shreds of false dreams that the victim is given to hold on to in order to distract them from the real work that is being done on them during the "shoots."

Stay tuned for Part Two when we will delve more deeply into techniques of operant conditioning, mind control, programming, regression, and on and on........
-Thank you

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Hide the following 28 comments

On your doc.....

15.10.2005 12:44

had to click a few times....finally got it, watched the 30 minute free censored version. very real, interesting mix of interpretive music and art with the reality of the interviews....A+



15.10.2005 14:45

...but fascinating. I think the issue here is not so much the actual events and the website described, but how it mirrors the subconcious nature of capitalist society. After all, working for a wage is all about submitting our will to that of those who exploit our labour. And I suppose voting is like asking for more! Though the cane has been abolished in the school system, kissing the cane is still the main lesson on a subconscious level.

Ad Nauseam

I smell the stink of fundamentalist Christianity

15.10.2005 20:34

So people involved in making BDSM porn are brutalised and alienated individuals - what a shocking surprise!

The deathandhell site was made by someone who dresses in black, has shelves of Crowley & Burroughs books and Boyd Rice and Psychic TV records, has way too much time on their hands and is no doubt an extremely meek and shy person in real life. Let's blame everything on Satan.

The hocus-pocus in this post serves to detract attention from something porn-related which Indymedia SHOULD be covering - the site, which traded membership to an amateur porn site for gory photos of 'war porn' from serving US & British soldiers in Iraq. The webmaster is currently awaiting trial on a ridiculous number of trumped-up charges, all basically for causing a PR disaster for the military. Now that's an interesting story in my book - as opposed to this hysterical Xtian conspiracy crap.


I smell an agenda!!

16.10.2005 00:49

First off, this person has the exact same wiritng style and is making the exact same commentary on my work as in the last article that was posted about the movie on UK indymendia: here's the link

Why is it that whether I am linking human and animal cruelty or I am referencing an online Satanic bible, I am a fundamentalist Christian? Is anyone who questions ANY company in the BDSM or porn industry a Christian? They are hoping to switch readers off to my message by making them immediately judge the material before being able to analize it themselves.

Last time in reposne to being Christian I wrote:

Lemme go through your comments and try and help you to understand where myself and the other girls who are featured victims on the film are coming from.

"She sounds like a bush loving Christian-Fundamentalist"

My backround is radical, I have been for many years active in the anti-capitalist/war/bush campaign and have spent the greater portion of my life organizing protests around the country for basic human rights and environmental protections.

-I am in no way a christian, I have a tattoo of a right side up pentagram on my back and I am a self-proclaimed pagan that follows the earth traditions of the original goddess-like religions of earth fire water air spirit, all beings are of one thought.

-For one thing, if you really knew Bush and his crooneys you would know that he is not in fact a christian but he is a practicing satanist who goes to and participates in rituals such as the "cremation of care" at Bohemian grove in San Fran where they pray to the owl God, Molluk, a god that feeds on innocent children and they burn an ephogy of a human child. He is also a long time member of Skull and Bones, a group out of Yale university that is led out of the order of death and believed in devil=death and death=death, this is all documented by journalist and film maker Alex Jones who snuck into the Bohemian grove and taped the whole ceremony,\

No I am not a nazi, the Bush family is a fmaily of Nazis and is vowed to bring to death and destruction to the world, that is their unspoken goal.

"Let me guess... this person probably wants to ban BDSM and S&M the UK"

I have no interest in banning one sweeping gerenalized word like BDSM or all S@M, this is about people who have learned real techniques of conditioning and programming passed down from the Nazi experiments, to the CIA in the US and then to all sorts of nofarious groups such as the mob and now porn and bdsm web site owners who are using the legitimacy of real people into the "scene" who just wanna have a little fun and think it's all play and pretty costumes with a little smack on the ass to mask their true intentions and operations.

I have no problem with people who are into each other who are honest about what their intentions are towards the person, but I do have a problem with people who set up a false reality and lie to your face.

" someone who dresses in black, has shelves of Crowley & Burroughs books and Boyd Rice and Psychic TV records"

-Being a person who has always considered myself "alternative" I myself have been one of those people you say "dresses in black" but I am not a Satanist! That's what the mainstream media would want us to believe a Satanist is...that has been their mass brainwashing/disinfo campaign...the real satanists are the controllers of the banks, the heads of the military industrial complex, the pimps!!! This is what it means to be satanic, to buy life, human or animal, as a commodity, to objectify it and use it for your means ONLY without any compassion or love whatsoever, this is the nature of the people running the web sites featured in the film.

Thank you to all of the REAL people out there (maybe whoever wrote this post is getting paid to do so, but I am not)

I look foward to anyone who wants to engage in real discussion about the actual content of the film.

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agenda bender

16.10.2005 03:51

I am a real person, I never saw your earlier post. Thanks for clarifying your background - the reason I suspected you were Christian is that some aspects of your film and post reminded me of the early 90s 'Satanic Panic' scare, in which fundamentalists caused no end of trouble by accusing people they didn't like the look of, of many nefarious practises. In Britain we had a case 'Operation Spanner' in which consenting gay males were sent to prison for 'uncivilised' sexual behaviour which included BDSM. At the same time the artist & media prankster Genesis P-Orridge was forced into exile by a Christian author obsessed with Satanic abuse, who had a lot of media clout but no proof whatsoever. And the craze hit many social workers, many of whom were feminists and not necessarily religious...these people liked to break up homes by accusing parents of 'satanic and ritual abuse' with no proof whatsoever. Children taken into care where more often than not they really would end up hurt. The idea was like a horrible virus that infected people and caused nothing but witch-hunts. Did you ever see the film 'Capturing the Friedmans'?

Yes, I've seen the Alex Jones film of the Cremation of Care. I found Jon Ronson's analysis rather more perceptive - Jones is a great showman and businessman, not great on logic.

From just a few clicks I found that the author of the deathandhell site is now deceased and was a well known 'shock-tactics' occultist. I found his writing on his site to be fairly amusing - you know, a lot of thinkers in that field are actually talking in metaphor - people always look at the Aleister Crowley quote about how great it is to sacrifice thousands of children, only those who can really read it were aware that he was writing about onanism!

Satanism and indeed BDSM are not my fields of expertise, thank god, but as a relative layperson I still found quite a lot 'wrong' with your analysis. The abuses taking place in Abu Ghraib and Gitmo are a lot more worrying to me than what mixed-up people get up to in private. Thank you for your posts and film anyway for giving me something to think about.


I see what's going on here!

16.10.2005 05:38

Hello all you REAL readers out there.....

I am aware now that there are people assigned to me now to try and discredit anything I say and divert attention away from the specifics of the film and the research that I have done. I know that this is a trap to send me into a downward spiral of arguement after arguement and since I am only one person and they have limitless resources to hire as many people as they like to sit around and blog all is a huge time waster and energy sucker. So, please understand if I am unable to argue down every individual stab and put down, I urge anyone out there to please just go to the the 30 mins free and make up YOUR OWN MIND!!
Thank you

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I am a real person!

16.10.2005 22:57

Moonshine, I'm a real person - my name is Simon and I live in north-west England. I was fascinated with your posts enough to write more on Indymedia than I ever have before! As far as working for some organisation set up to discredit you goes - well, all I can say is that I'm NOT, and you're being paranoid. (& I know from being paranoid myself what a pain in the ass it can be when someone calls you paranoid...)

My first post above was bad-tempered and misinformed - my second post was an attempt to communicate. I do have an interest in this area, having read Cathy O'Brien for instance. I remain sceptical about the wilder leaps in logic made by yourself and other researchers. And I've met a number of self-proclaimed 'sex magick' occultists who are extremely nerdy, harmless and have difficulty getting laid :)

All the best with your work, but don't expect me to support anti-BDSM legislation to criminalise the behaviour of people damaged by the daily alienation of life under capital.


Oh my god....

17.10.2005 01:59

Can you say paranoid? You had a bad time at Insex, get over it. The world is not out to get you, you are not worth it.


Mountain out of a molehill

17.10.2005 15:26

It's not complex, or satanism. It's quite simple. I'm not sure why you've written such a lengthy and overblown article. Insex had a site with burly/stud males submitting to torture ordeals too which you didn't mention. No-one [erforming there is misdirected into these submissive situations. The hardcore models undergoing these 'tortures' do so primarily because they PERSONALLY love the experience of it! I won't elaborate further because it's quite simply that and the site is popular for the reason that intelligent consenting adults find a commonly enjoyable/though perverted endeavour thoroughly enticing in its uniqueness- so stay out of the privacy of consenting adults minds/pursuits/bedrooms, don't cover up your own insecurities on such a topic with jibberish that in no way pertain to the actuality- Abu Ghrab comparison...not at all -there's a difference between consenting and cruelty- don't blur the 2 together when referring to the bdsm community-such comments are a joke and show a critic of the community needs a 101 in what such a community is really all about.


Bogus marketing gimmick faux "expose"

18.10.2005 03:42

This is a scam folks.

Just another viral marketing campaign to peddle outre porn (feces eating, torture, bukkake, vomiting, etc.). Since the U.S. Feds are starting to crack down on edgy porn (not something I agree with, but that's another topic), this porn peddler decided to cloak their shit (no pun intended) as a documentary. Throw in some relation to Satan (egads!) and it's pure exploitation.

The pay membership (with SHOCKING FREE PREVIEW!) is a dead giveaway.

I call bullshit, but check it out yourselves. Anyone doing a documentary to "expose" this kind of thing wouldn't do it in such an obviously exploitative way.

If you like watching people eat poo, you will probably like it. But don't for a second believe this is a legitimate attempt to expose the industry -- it's just another moneymaking scam.

Professor Pan
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indymedia spammed to death?

20.10.2005 22:16

ehm... can anybody of the more frequent readers tell me whether there is _any_ (self-)control within the indymedia network regarding such spams / bot advertisings or similar commercial tricks?

Obiviously the owners of flooded nearly any english-speaking site - just check google for "insex" and "moonshine".

If there is _no_ kind of evaluation, control, investigation or whatsoever and everybody can just post everything here - then indymedia obviously is open for almost every kind of abuse, be it commercial interest like here or corporate or governmental propaganda.

Call me naive - but I would regret that...

One last thing regarding moonshine and her (?) new commercial website:
Administrative contact for her website is some

Frauwirth, Adam
1720 north fuller ave
Los Angeles, California 90046

If you search the web you find that organised the nyrocketball in 2002 - so I assume here's just some people who are quite clever at webmarketing (regardless of _what_ they are selling)



Misandrist Documentary

21.10.2005 03:04

As a lifelong member of the BDSM community, I feel I must comment.

This so-called "documentary" is a sham. It shows that whoever made this documentary is 100% ignorant of the BDSM community. They are also quite selective in their leveling of accusations, which leads me to believe an undercurrent of Misandrism is at work here. Let me elaborate.

No mention of Female on male, Female on female, or Male on male domination is made. Only Male on female domination is discussed. This documentary acts like there is no such thing as Femdom (female domination of males), only Maledom (male domination of females). You do not mention that, the very site which they are berating, has a sister site (no pun intended) that focuses on Femdom. You fail mention the THOUSANDS of sites out there that cater to Femdom. You fail to mention that these sites inflict the same levels of pain and torment on their male submissives. You don't even SAY the words Mistress or Dominatrix. Why is that, Moonshine? Do I smell burnt metal from that ax you have to grind?

Your Nazi comparison is laughable. Insex staff is fascist because they wear black and combat boots!? I thought hating Jews made one a Nazi. There has not been one single mention of the Hebrew religion on their site or during any taped sessions. What a crock. That's like calling Goth kids Satanists. I think you make that comparison to further justify your Misandrism and your extreme dislike of the more hardcore interrogation scenes.

You act like these models were duped into a hardcore BDSM session. Like the site doesn't have tons of images of what goes on there. You make absolutely no mention of the online model questionnaire that has been around for YEARS. It asks you what you're into, what your pain level is, if you're okay with electric play, what your LIMITS are, etc. If you don't believe me, just go to their main page and click on the green "Model Call" link. You also make absolutely NO MENTION of the fact that every new model at Insex is given a light first session for their first time to feel them out. Not everyone knows exactly what they like or don't like. Usually these first time sessions are called "Tests" or "Canagirls." If they have fun and enjoy themselves, they return. If they don't like it, they leave with a hearty paycheck. You fail to disclose that there are many, MANY session at Insex that are cut short at the model's request. There is ALWAYS a Safeword (a word or gesture that is a signal for immediate stoppage of a BDSM session) in play. Either you were monumentally stupid by overlooking these facts, or you CHOSE to ignore them, because you had a preset agenda.

You ask how can it be acting if there is real pain involved? The answer is simple: THERE IS NO ACTING. The models and staff ENJOY what they do. Some of Insex's models have been on other BDSM sites. Some of them are seasoned veterans of the BDSM scene. Many of these seasoned models have plenty of work and own their own sites in CA, yet they fly out to Insex because they enjoy the experience. Are there models that do it purely for the cash? A few, yes, I would agree with you, there are a few. But 99% of them LEAVE after their first session. They don't come back for the harder sessions that involve more than bondage. If they do return and they hate it, and they do not utilize their safeword, then they only have themselves to blame. The models always have an out. How do you think PD developed such a great reputation in the bondage community!? By kidnapping 18 year old women and torturing them against their will!?!? You're out of your fucking mind.

YOU are the one with the problem. You just can't understand how one person can enjoy being dominated by another. You cannot understand how one person can enjoy dominating someone else. You don't understand BDSM, you don't understand its community, and you don't understand its participants. You just don't get it, and you never will. So you do what everyone else does when they are confronted with something they can't understand - you attack it. You get a bunch of professors with PHds (one of whom sounded pretty damn screwed up) who share your lack of understanding, ONE disgruntled model (out of the thousands Insex has used), a bunch of sleaze bags who make BJ videos (BJ videos and BDSM - two completely different worlds), do a bunch of slam cuts of animals and old cartoons mixed in with BDSM scenes, and you call it a documentary.

What you're doing is just as bad as gay-bashing, but you'll never see it. You'll never see that BDSM is a lifestyle, that it's something that millions of people from all walks of life practice and enjoy immensely. Yes, there are bad people in this lifestyle, but there are bad people in EVERY gender/race/religion/lifestyle.

Your claim that Insex is shutting down because of your documentary is also quite laughable. You have George W. Bush and his cronies to thank for that, not your paltry documentary. You made a mockery of the BDSM lifestyle and the Master (or Mistress)/Slave relationship. All your documentary did was offend/piss off the millions of BDSM practitioners out there. Congratulations.

In closing, I would like to give my reasoning for why you did this documentary. They are in order of probability, 1 being the highest.

1. You are a Radical Feminist/Misandrist. You hate men and you cannot stand the fact that there are women out there that not only fuck men, but enjoy being dominated by them. You probably understand BDSM, but you think it's only okay if the WOMAN is in control, not the man. You'll cover this up with tons of meaningless psychobabble and rhetoric, but the end result is always the same - women should be in control, never men.

2. Despite your protests, you are a religious-zealot of some kind. Whether it's Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, I don't know.

3. This documentary is in fact a scam to get people to join your website and make you money. I seriously doubt that is why you made this documentary, but stranger things have happened in the world.

4. You were just so shocked at the content of Insex that your lack of understanding/drive for film making caused you to produce this hopelessly skewed documentary.

Only you know the truth.

No doubt you will brand me as one of "Them." Those that are paid to comment negatively on your film. You do this because you refuse to believe that there are actually millions of Male Masters and Female Submissives out there that would be offended by your film. No, you'd rather believe that Insex is only a twisted little "cult" that must be destroyed. But you're wrong. We're much bigger than you'd ever care to believe. In fact, as soon as I am finished writing this, I'm going to have a session with my girlfriend. Whips, floggers, violet wands, and bondage racks, oh my! It's going to be a nice long one too, and there isn't a damned thing you can do about it! :)

Everyone who believes what I believe, please visit this site and report to the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom for what it is - a hate site.


"Sleep. Those little slices of Death. How I loathe them." - Edgar Allan Poe.

Mr. Man


12.11.2005 08:22

I have almost never looked at porn. I was afraid of it… afraid of the twisted image it could give me of sex, afraid that I might become addicted to it, and loose my way to a caring, loving relationship with a woman. Yesterday, for whatever reason, I gave in, and I watched a lot of it on the internet.... I was curious and, yes, it struck something perverted in me. Two sites particularly aroused me. One showed teens having sex with a man who remains faceless. The other, the girls pretended to pay their rent with sex. On both sites women were systematically represented as dull, gullible and utterly exploitable.
I knew women, real women, weren’t like this. They have their own power, they make their own rules, and you must earn their love. Having to prove who you are is hard work, a never ending job. It would be much easier to live in world of love-slaves who are exploitable at will. The reasons why I enjoyed this fantasy are clear, yet I deserve better and the people around me deserve something better from me: namely, love and respect.
Deep down I also knew pornography harmed the people who made it. After my porn frenzy, I did some research and I found a documentary about the porn industry. It was created by a very intelligent young lady who once worked for a BDSM site. She exposed the human suffering that goes into these films. One woman held her baby in her arms and explained that she just needed a quick way to pay the rent. She was made to gag on men’s semen. The men who create these films exploit women’s desperation on other levels too. I learned that most of the women in these videos were victims of sexual abuse in their childhoods and that they already had a terrible self-image before being made into “human toilets” and such.
The extremes of sexual exploitation are terribly shocking, yet all porn carries these extremes at a potential level. When you use a woman solely for your purposes, and forget who she is, who she wants to become, you ultimately forget who you are too, you destroy yourself, and you contribute to destroying another person.



16.11.2005 08:35

Insex 15.Nov.2005 13:12


this is excerpt found off a CURRENT festish/bdsm models and SUICIDE GIRLs (members journal) talking about how she was treated at INSEX

it's all about the head trip. From the moment one walks through the door to the second you leave - your mind is his, and almost everything has a price tag.

not a three hole girl? I'll bet ten bucks that will change by weekend's end. he will focus on the things you can't do, and slowly pick away at that, FOCUS on that, until that obstacle is his triumph. I cringed watching this mind game - only the strong kept their foot down, but most caved because they needed the money and were in an environment where no one was going to be their defender.

it was hard to watch. it was even harder to make it your life. No furniture, no creature comforts - this was the life at the apartment. No cooking, no perishable items allowed in the refrigerator, no television - just a 24 hour work environment where it was guaranteed to have him looking over your shoulder, watching everything you did.

And kindness? that is a word they do not understand. I baked a birthday cake once for one of the people there. I got permission to do this in advance, from the person that was responsible for me. i brought the cake over, instead of it being a party i was scolded for using the oven, and no one defended me. I was crushed, i was embarrassed, and i learned quickly that kindness is not a word that they understand.

I remember once I started crying because of something that was said, and one of the people there just burst out laughing watching me cry, saying that she wasn't laughing *at* me, just that it reminded her of the first time she cried at the studio because of something someone said and that it was funny to see it happen to someone else. That's when I realized that being there does nothing but harden a person - instead of offering comfort, I was more reminiscent entertainment ... it still makes me sick to my stomach.

This is living? The rational mind screams to me, "this is the quintessential example of not living at all."

I didn't fit in, didn't fit with their philosophy, didn't fit in their lifestyle, didn't ask how high when I was told to jump.... I refused to wear the all black uniform, to listen to the daily diatribes about the government, about his paranoia, about how stupid and incompetent the world was.... the insane babblings of a mad man, an idiot savant that will ultimately be his own undoing. But still I cowered, and in doing so, I lost the mind game.

(sounds like several of these models were put through these "mind games" physically and pschologically pushing many models past there limits......some are just strong enough to put this info out there)
heres the link:

Suicide girls(member journal)diary

alot of these responses are totally uncool

28.11.2005 04:12

alot of these responses are not cool. on this indymedia site, but also on the other indymedia sites, and on the ezboard site (google for and you can find it).

if this were any other industry, the good liberals would be screaming about worker exploitation, evil capitalist greed, heartless managers, etc etc etc.

instead alot of people are saying 'blame the worker' or 'man hater' or 'exploitation'.

when time and newsweek publish abu grahib next to an advertisement for a 2006 ford explorer, is that exploitation?


Not in my Experience

16.12.2005 05:19

I've actually done a shoot with this website and personally met PD and all the people involved. It was by far the best bondage shoot that i have ever done. Everyone was extremely nice to me. All of my limits were respected. I was very impressed with PD's experience. He knew what wasn't quite right even before i did. He immediately adjusted anything that needed it and with the slightest hint of hesitation about something he never asked me to do it again.

I'm not trying to say that you didn't have a bad experience with Insex. I just find it disappointing since you were one of my favorites, and a bit weird since from what i saw you did LOADS of videos with them.


Misguided Propaganda

20.01.2006 01:27

While your article is well written and I do not personally know any of the staff at Insex or any of the other websites you mention, I do have a lifelong experience as a masochist and the mindset you descibe - that women get into this as dupes, for money and experience more and more pain as a matter of brainwashing and pride is simply ludicrous. I personally have been a masochist since I was sexually active... in my personal experience it was something akin to being gay (I am also bi-sexual and no one brainwashed me into that one either) - it was just there from the beginning. I have never had any lover coerce me into anything - rather I have been the one from the beginning showing THEM how to pleasure ME with pain. Over the years my tolerance for pain has probably increased, but it has nothing to do with pride but more with my confidence in myself, my lover and delving further into my own sexuality and the sexual exerience. Yes, it is a release.

All of your babbling about brain parts - has nothing to do with WHERE the sensors are and everything to do with what you are or aren't thinking. If I am gagged and blindfolded and immobilized...I have absolutely no sexual response required. I don't even have to move, and yet I feel everything. The feeling for me is utterly amazing - like being on a different planet and I would not call it a RELIGIOUS experience - that is quite laughable, but it is quite a mind bender.

I dispise people who distribute rubbish propaganda about subjects in which they have no knowledge. If you had truly done your research, you would have objectively looked at BOTH sides of the issue to see why people do this for enjoyment. And you neglected to mention not even once that these models are having orgasms and not just crying and screaming in pain. Why does it elicit a sexual response? OR are they brainwashed into that too? And PD must be an amazing magician to brainwash them to cum from such a terrible beating on their first visit. Maybe he can help me quit smoking.

My lover had no interest in BDSM until he met me and it did not excite him at all until he saw how excited it made me and how much it pleased me. He is definitely no sadist...he just loves to elicit those responses in me that I only get from being tied up and whipped. Does that make him the brainwasher? Or me? I think the whole subject just scares you - or perhaps you have a latent desire yourself that your Christian guilt will not let you express.


Some Sanity Here

08.02.2006 06:18

This is obviously not a good use of the time of law enforcement or the government. I do not completely doubt that the woman that calls herself moonshine had a bad time, but come on look at the website, it is pretty clear what you are getting into if you go there, and in my opinion this type of reaction is the ultimate insult to women, basically you can not decide for yourself what is abusive and demeaning, big brother or sister has to do it for you. The expose is a sham in my opinion, it uses the same methods that the author disparages to sensationalize and titilate in its own right. I keep seeing references to Abu Ghraib come on, the prisoners did not sign up for their torture volunteers and they were not paid, my understanding is the models at these sites are well compensated. I know everyone is now on the side of pc and not speaking against this, I do not want to see women taken advantage of, but as someone that has been involved in the D/s community taking away the ability of people to participate in activities they choose to with informed consent is going too far. Read the Handmaidens Tale, you do not know where this will stop. Most of you are probably comfortable where it starts, it remains to be seen where it stops.

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Some women enjoy it as Well.

06.03.2006 10:39

This article seems a little ambiguous. I have myself experienced BDSM, and I agree that some of it is a little extreme, but as much as it seems so, even torture, or pain that is a little excessive can be pleasing to a woman as well, even if she is being humiliated and degraded. There is a reason , a sexual link, behind all the torture, it is liberating, and can allow, for SOME women the opportunity to not concentrate on anything else but their physical state and body , to allow them to not let their mind drift to other things and allow them to suppress their inhibitions that are so often the problem of many women who, I hate to say it, probably fake an orgasm just about everytime they have sex. If the woman wants it, and needs it, what is the problem? They are degraded and lowered in the moment, it's not for everyone, but for some it can be a fantastic experience and is not always an experience that will damage the ego or person in their real life. So you can dissect PDs so-called methods as much as you want to, but just realize that it is not always one-sided.

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BDSM is a Nasty Violent Cult

17.03.2006 22:28

There is increasing evidence to support Moonshine’s assertions about the sadistic lifestyle being riven with cultic behaviour.
I have seen at first hand these controlling and manipulative factors at work, and they are easily recognised as classic cult recruitment tactics, tactics that have been widely studied and measured. All cults use the same tactics, that is why they are so easy to spot.
Many in the lifestyle do not realise that the way that sadism operates, its closed milieu, fear of outsiders, an adherence to a dogma that wider society has no value in, even the use of a specialised language, are all factors which develop a cultic mindset.
Add in the belief that sadism holds a special knowledge about pain and humiliation, a ‘sacred science’ then its little wonder that it has spiralled out of control into the cultic domain.

Moonshines experiences are typical, she has been taken to a place where the only opinion heard is that of the cult (closed milieu), she has been excluded from any outside influence which might question the cult dogma, and she has been forced to rely on sadism as her support network, the only people who ‘really understand her’. It is no wonder that they have succeeded in their aim of finding another person to abuse and humiliate to satisfy their lust, whilst convincing Moonshine that its what she wants to do. I think its obvious from her story that before she encountered the cult she would never have done these things, and that the cult recruitment processes did exactly what it is designed to do, be it recruit new acolytes, people to be fleeced of money or new ‘meat’ to be abused. At the end of the day every cult is after something.

Earlier in this thread someone posted about the spanner trial, and implied that this was a miscarriage of justice. Whatever the opinions of the sadistic cult, it has to be remembered that operation spanner was originally set up as a murder investigation, and the word spanner was used because the abuse being circulated in video’s, in the words of a chief policeman, made your nuts tighten.
The spanner case went through every court in the land, to the House of Lords, and the European Court of Human Rights, and in every case the conviction has been found to be sound. Sadists may dislike this, but a miscarriage of justice it is not.

I will leave the final word to lord justice Templeton who’s written judgement from the court of appeal stands as a byword about everything that is wrong with sadism, and maybe accidentally pointed out what Moonshine and others are now finding to be true.

‘In principle there is a difference between violence which is incidental and violence which is inflicted for the indulgence of cruelty. The violence of sadomasochistic encounters involves the indulgence of cruelty by sadists and the degradation of victims. Such violence is injurious to the participants and unpredictably dangerous. I am not prepared to invent a defence of consent for sadomasochistic encounters which breed and glorify cruelty . . . . Society is entitled and bound to protect itself against a cult of violence. Pleasure derived from the infliction of pain is an evil thing. Cruelty is uncivilized.’

Lord Templeton
Judgement in the spanner case

I believe that it is remarkable that Moonshine has been able to recognise this cult, and been able to de-programme herself from the cultic mindset. This is a very difficult and emotional process, and I wish her well on her journey.

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BDSM is a Violent Cult

19.03.2006 17:14

There is increasing evidence to support Moonshine’s assertions about the sadistic lifestyle being riven with cultic behaviour.
I have seen at first hand these controlling and manipulative factors at work, and they are easily recognised as classic cult recruitment tactics, tactics that have been widely studied and measured. All cults use the same tactics, that is why they are so easy to spot.
Many in the lifestyle do not realise that the way that sadism operates, its closed milieu, fear of outsiders, an adherence to a dogma that wider society has no value in, even the use of a specialised language, are all factors which develop a cultic mindset.
Add in the belief that sadism holds a special knowledge about pain and humiliation, a ‘sacred science’ then its little wonder that it has spiralled out of control into the cultic domain.

Moonshines experiences are typical, she has been taken to a place where the only opinion heard is that of the cult (closed milieu), she has been excluded from any outside influence which might question the cult dogma, and she has been forced to rely on sadism as her support network, the only people who ‘really understand her’. It is no wonder that they have succeeded in their aim of finding another person to abuse and humiliate to satisfy their lust, whilst convincing Moonshine that its what she wants to do. I think its obvious from her story that before she encountered the cult she would never have done these things, and that the cult recruitment processes did exactly what it is designed to do, be it recruit new acolytes, people to be fleeced of money or new ‘meat’ to be abused. At the end of the day every cult is after something.

Earlier in this thread someone posted about the spanner trial, and implied that this was a miscarriage of justice. Whatever the opinions of the sadistic cult, it has to be remembered that operation spanner was originally set up as a murder investigation, and the word spanner was used because the abuse being circulated in video’s, in the words of a chief policeman, made your nuts tighten.
The spanner case went through every court in the land, to the House of Lords, and the European Court of Human Rights, and in every case the conviction has been found to be sound. Sadists may dislike this, but a miscarriage of justice it is not.

I will leave the final word to lord justice Templeton who’s written judgement from the court of appeal stands as a byword about everything that is wrong with sadism, and maybe accidentally pointed out what Moonshine and others are now finding to be true.

‘In principle there is a difference between violence which is incidental and violence which is inflicted for the indulgence of cruelty. The violence of sadomasochistic encounters involves the indulgence of cruelty by sadists and the degradation of victims. Such violence is injurious to the participants and unpredictably dangerous. I am not prepared to invent a defence of consent for sadomasochistic encounters which breed and glorify cruelty . . . . Society is entitled and bound to protect itself against a cult of violence. Pleasure derived from the infliction of pain is an evil thing. Cruelty is uncivilized.’

Lord Templeton
Judgement in the spanner case

I believe that it is remarkable that Moonshine has been able to recognise this cult, and been able to de-programme herself from the cultic mindset. This is a very difficult and emotional process, and I wish her well on her journey.

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01.05.2006 06:34

I just want to say 'congrats' to Moonshine for being brave enough to write this article.

There is nothing wrong about consensual sexual play between two adults, but not everyone draws their boundaries the same way. There are lots of people out there who get their kicks from stepping over *every* boundary - transgression is what turns them on - and getting away with it turns them on even more.

There are 'underground' networks in which you can pay to 'play' pretty hard - that includes access to victims who you can rape violently - victims who will never tell, because the group controls them body and soul. These groups have 'stables ' of captive adults and children that are brutally trained to cater to your every whim.

Unfortunately, if you access these networks as an outsider ... you become a member, because your 'use' of their 'services' is guaranteed to be photographed and recorded, and you will be blackmailed. The blackmail operation is incredibly profitable for these groups, even if you put aside the money they make from porn and prostitution.

Moonshine, when I speak out about these issues, I am constantly accused of being a "fundamentalist Christian" ... which is ridiculous, I am no such thing. I know victims of these networks and their lives are destroyed - their minds are destroyed - their bodies are destroyed. The police are no use and, even if you get a cop interested in the case, the victim is so mentally ill they are unable to work effectively with law enforcement.

These groups are real and they are very, very dangerous. Anyone who claims otherwise is naive or dirty.


Sensationalism and Slander

14.12.2006 23:45

This article is almost sickening. Insex is no cult, and PD, no cult leader. PD does NOT stand for "Punishment and Discipline", but stands for "Philly's Dom", the name of one of the first submissives he's been in a relationship with. He employs no mind control, does not have a cult following, does not believe in the acquisition of slaves and of dehumanizing women, in general.

First and foremost, PD is an artist and it's all a form of art to him. He is also a performer and one that likes to put on spectacles and to entertain. He has creative interests in cinema, art, drama, sexuality, etc. and attempted to create that on a medium that was perfectly suited for it at the time.

He had no slaves or cult followings, he certainly isn't a cult leader. He merely wanted to put on a good show and show his flair for theatrical side of life. Safety was always promoted and well looked after and much of what "appeared" to be real on Insex was only a merely well done production.

Stop flapping around about mind control and operant conditioning. Somehow you got caught up in this lifestyle and for whatever reason, got burned and decided to rant and try to spread your flames throughout the whole industry. Perhaps it was to ease your own guilty conscience for repeatedly going back and doing multiple shoots with them and liking it while your other societal influences were trying to convince you otherwise. Grow up and accept your decisions, or get out of the flames without attempting to burn everything else around you.


Someone got way too worked up...

14.03.2007 15:08

This is a sad case of someone working themselves up into a furor because of what they imagine, not because of the facts.

I know PD personally. The things I see in the article are hilarious at best and criminal at worst.

A) As stated by another poster, PD stands for Philly's Dom. He didn't ask for that nickname, someone else used PD for short and it just sort of stuck.

B) When he started INSEX, all he wanted to do was make some home movies of his hobby, with his WILLING partner, and maybe make a little money. The whole thing grew out of control. When he first tried to make it into a business, he went deeply into debt and found himself in a bad way financially. However, with a little time, the videos became profitable and things just grew like crazy again.

C) There only cult is in the original author's fantasy. The models are not slaves nor are they victims of anything. They contacted INSEX, not the other way around, and they knew what they were signing up for. The are talked to at length about what makes up a good video and what has to happen in reality for the shot you see to be created. They know, and sometimes do use, codes to stop the action and cut the cameras if they can't handle what's happening or if something else goes wrong, such as a cramp or a rope pinching where it shouldn't.

So why do the models sign up for this sort of thing????

D) Some do this sort of thing in private for the twisted fun of it and decide to make some extra money for something they already do at home for free. Hey, some people like the thrill of a good horror movie, others like to be tied up and at someone's mercy... it's a similar, scary thrill and whatever floats your boat. Others are professional models who go from website to website, plus some movies, and make a very good living doing this sort of thing. Some of those pros do it because it's a challange and they are the type who want to take on the toughest things they can find (Molly Matthews and Liz Tyler are such people). Others have reduced ability to feel pain and see this sort of modeling as a way to turn their condition into an advantage since they can endure what most people couldn't possibly consider doing.... and they use that edge to get paid the highest rates for the toughest jobs. Others may feel that they want this but then get shocked when they find out that the reality is a lot less pleasant than their fantasies. Most Cana Girl videos happen this way... the models bail out halfway through the video shoot and there isn't enough footage for a full update, so the website collects 3 or 4 such aborted shoots into one collection and releases the footage that they do have. And then still other models may need the money and decide that they'll do this just once, as a way of taking care of a temproary financial crisis.

But, one way or another, for all of the models it comes down to getting paid. They don't mind being nude on camera the way most folks do so they have no such inhibition to get in the way of making some cash. The models are paid, at minimum, $500 for a few hours and I've seen some girls do 3 days of shoots (about 9 or 10 hours camera time in 3 days) and walk out with well over $3500 in one weekend.

Oh, and as far as PD as a cult leader goes, that's a joke. He has fans, yes. He's a creative person who has tried to turn what he's doing into an art form and some people get it while others don't. Such a thing will always have it's fans. However, PD is a person who is very difficult to get along with over the long term. He's ultra paranoid that everyone is out to screw him over and that's not simply referring to idiotic articles like the one above. He's convinced himself that everyone is out to take what they can get, normally by over charging him or shorting him on goods he's paid for. No matter how up front you are with him or how good a friend you try to be to him, eventually some situation will arise where he thinks he's being taken advantage of or plotted against. This has caused him to alienate a great many people who once considered him a friend and, because of this personality trait, he has a hard time holding onto those who take the time to befriend him. Even talking to someone he's estranged from for a few minutes is, in his mind, enough of a reason to turn against you.

PD, I know you'll read this. I write it to inject a little truth and reality into this totally pathetic article. I am NOT "New Yorking" you... and, if you feel I am, then get your paranoia in check.

PD has a side that he hides too. For all of you who are so sure that it's an evil side, the fact that you're thinking that reveals why you need psychiatric help. PD's hidden side is hidden because he is afraid that people will exploit it. He's actually very generous and hates to see anyone *really* suffering. In his mind, he seperates sexual torment for fun from true suffering, such as not being able to pay the rent, not being able to afford a meal, someone caught up in the web of drug addiction or someone being bullied and beaten up in the street. He can't stand those things but doesn't want anyone to know that he'll do something about it because he's afraid that it's a weakness in him that others can exploit. I know for a fact that he's given money to complete strangers and paid for many things that people needed but couldn't afford. However, he keeps that a closely guarded secret, and therefore won't do it often, because he's paranoid that people will find ways to take advantage of it.

Lastly, the fact that the author claims to have caused the downfall of INSEX shows just how deluded this fantasy article is. Intersec LLC. owns INSEX, and it was sold to a European firm because of the conservative political persecution that was being put together by the Bush administration. PD went on to other sites, some new and some old, and INSEX is operating just fine out of Europe.

Been there, know the people, have seen the good, the bad and the drug addicts who are looking for a quick score come through. It's not all pretty, nothing ever is in reality. But the original article sets a new standard for pathetic delusions and propaganda.

Congratulations to the original author for that. You will be remembered for something... for being more pathetic than anyone else ever could have.



B made a point about owning someone "body and soul"...

14.03.2007 15:36

This is in response to B's point about how victims are supposedly provided to be violently raped and they can't tell anyone because they're owned body and soul.

A sad part of reality is that most people don't pause to look at the details. This makes it easy for someone who is worked up into a furor to take a fact from something completely different and blend it into their misinformation. This leaves the reader thinking that it's all one and the same when the truth is that is' not even close.

There are people who have NOTHING to do with BDSM who bring girls into the US from Russia and Eastern Europe under the false pretense that they will have a job when they arrive in the US. Once the girls arrive, their passports are taken away and they are shown pictures of their family members while they're told that if they don't do as they're told, their family will be hurt or killed. They are also told that, without a passport, they will simply be arrested and sent back where they came from. Using such tactics these girls are imported but they are not imported for BDSM. They're imported for brothels run by the Russian mafia. According to most reports, a large concentration of such brothels is located in North Carolina. I have personally met a girl in Phoenix who was also trapped in such a situation. She was told that she had to have sex with whomever her captors told her to and then, if there were no paying customers for a few hours, she was sent to a seedy strip club to make money there.

This is the white slavery trade... and it has absolutly nothing to do with BDSM. There are many people who try very hard to blur the differences away because they have an agenda. They don't like BDSM so they twist the truth however they can to make the most sensational argument that they can. These people should be ashamed of themselves because the time that is wasted in arguing over the fact that they are deceiving people would be much better spent trying to help get those girls out of the forced prostitution rings.

Just because a woman is tied up when having sex doesn't make it BDSM. Just because an ass is slapped doesn't make it SM. In either case, if the woman is not in the situation because she chose to be, without being coerced, then it's not BDSM at all. It's a criminal act of rape, assault and sexual assault.

THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE. Don't let those who try to twist the truth to serve their own agenda trick you.

ASK questions, EXAMINE details. HELP those who are truly captive and STOP HARASSING those who do what they do because they decided to do it all on their own.

B got confused about the circumstances regarding "provided victims". I'm in a tough spot here because I need to dispell this vicious lie about BDSM while still respecting the fact that there are a LOT of women out there who are being held in captivity and raped every single day. They need our help, despirately. Many women are literally abused and raped to death... and they do die. But what causes their horrible situation is not BDSM, nor is it INSEX. It's the forced prostitution rings that use drugs and intimidation to control the girls... and many of them are run by the Russian mob.

Do Google searches for "forced prostitution", "white slavery", "human trafficing" and "white slave trade" in the US. What you will find is sickening... but it has nothing to do with BDSM.



Same overeager BDSM defenders

20.09.2007 09:18

It's getting really old. Real damage was done to women. Whether it was paid or not is irrelevant. Also to the PD defender, I don't give a damn whether he gave money to a complete stranger or not. Anything good like that is completely undermined by the suffering he inflicted on some of these women. Having women eat feces for sexual _is_ real suffering and degradation.

It's clear that some women suffered, some of it was not consensual, and some women were clearly not in a psychological or financial state to make an informed decision. End of story.



29.12.2007 07:58

You do not want to understand. You do not want to tolerate.

BDSM is evil, because people are hurt?
So Boxing, or Kickboxing, or Muay Thay is evil?
Or do think it's okay, because it is only physically.
It's not! There are many athletes suffering searious phobias.
Others love it.
Is car racing evil? People even die from it.

If someone is not forced to do something dangerous, challenging and problably overstraining,
but decides to do it, then it is his oder her own resposibility. It is his or her own risk.
There is something called a safe word, so you can quit whenever
you want to. You even hear models using it in some insex videos. And
then it is stopped.

Do you really think, somebody only in need of money, would do a shoot for only 500 bucks?
There are other reasons. You do not need to know or understand them, but people have their

Or do you think, they were blackmailed? So INSEX blackmailed models for 8 years, and
PD is still free and running a bdsm business? For sure...

And to you, who think of the poor girl, being defenseless. There are sites of slaves,
where they themselves sell their videos. The are many sites where men are submissive.
There are many non-commercial sites of bdsm practitioners.

All there is, are people doing things, you find disgusting or abhorrent. So you hate these pratices.
Well, it's okay to do this. It's your freedom. But do not be an egomaniac.
Do not be so arrogant, to think you know what's right. Do not judge!

I hate football (soccer).I disgust pop music.
I think the abuse of youth by selling ring tones is abhorrent.
The social programming of government and industry is forcing the majority of
the unfornately noncritical mass to be a consumer (not customer), to be an elector without choice, by peer pressure and lobbying.
By telling us, what we have to archieve in life.
That is humiliation. That is exploitation. At least in my opinion.

Feel free to think otherwise.
But do not demonize. Criticize! Do not instigate. Discuss!
So please be clinical, impartial and keep an open mind.


Half Minds

29.07.2008 06:43

I have been in So called M/S relationship and reading this has brought some nasty feeling from past back to haunt me.

My ex master, beat me and hurt me with promis that i would be happier at the end of his "so called training" but in truth he was scare little man who wanted control over somone else because he no control in rest of his life. life had made him its bitch and now he wanted to make me his bitch.

I was at vunrable time in my life. i tried to kill my self twice and basic was about to be homeless. as just few of my issues at the time.

he took advantage of it and he knew it, but so do did i. i was aware that he was programing me and breaking me down. infact i help him do it. i told him when things were going wrong. and when things were troubling me. and slowly but surely he beat me and controled me into being someone that he wanted me to be. thinking back i feel hurt that i let my self do that.

but again i do miss it. i think your artical has basicly give very one sided view on it and basicly made many sweeping statements that perhaps are alot more complicated that your like to make out.

in truth I will never go back to that life and in the end i beat him up so badly i was arrested and caution for assualt the police let me go, after they seen the marks and burises he given me. so no he scared of me,

i never proud of any sort viloence but in this case i felt full justifed that i need to take my power back. i woke up and seen that he was using me fears, issues to use me to his advantage.

but then again i did have roof over my head, lots of clothing and many things bought for me, i never had work, i just ran about after him. which after while became easyer. the beating we something you learn to deal with. scary as it sounds but you can move on from these things and get on with your life. yes i was victum now i am stronger than ever and will never let somoene like that back into my life.

here the kicker. i know so many girls like my self in same positon with Masters and use to go clubs and place to meet up with them. and i know some of them are treated well and happy.

in my experance it went wrong, but this does not mean every single relationship based on Master/slave dynamic is abusive one. and i think you clear want this demonised because your hurting and this your personal agenda again a few people. perhaps you need look at who your really angry with. its not BDSM community. its the people who did it to you.

