Sun Newspaper's viscious gutter propaganda
Sim1 | 13.10.2005 18:01
Yes I know we shouldn't expect anything but lies and filth from Trevor Kavanagh political editor of the Sun but this is really beyond the pale. Below is a sample e-mail I sent to him
By Trevor Kavanagh, Political Editor, 12/10/05
We are now to all intents and purposes at war with Iran.
It may still be a war of words - and worried Western leaders will do their best to keep it like that.
But if oil-hungry Teheran has its way, this is doomed to turn to bloody conflict.
It has been clear almost from the start that Iran is not just fanning the flames of the insurgency in Iraq, but providing the fuel and the ammunition.
Now impeccable intelligence sources confirm they are providing the training camps for the killers who recently slaughtered eight British squaddies in Basra.
They are taught and supported by Iran's infamous Revolutionary Guard.
This will come as no surprise to Tony Blair.
If he has sleepless nights, it is the prospect of an expansionary and merciless Iran that keeps him awake.
His nightmare is fuelled by certain knowledge that nothing - apart from unimaginable military action - can stop the mullahs acquiring nuclear power and then nuclear weapons.
Worse, there is every prospect they will use them.
The fear of a nuclear blast - - even a dirty bomb - in a major Western city has preoccupied Washington and London for years.
It also strikes fear into the hearts of Iran's Arab neighbours who are convinced they are pawns in a power grab which will establish Sunni Iran as the dominant Islamic force in the Gulf.
The inexorable rise of Iran as a threat to world peace is a bitter lesson in appeasement. The West has been banking on a velvet revolution in Iran where millions want freedom from harsh religious oppression.
We have backed successive regimes in the hope the people - many of them under 25 and aspiring to Western lifestyles - would turn on their leaders.
There was also a futile hope that diplomacy would stop the mullahs acquiring the know-how and hardware to build nukes...
Subject:- Enjoyed your article...
...Especially the part where you describe Tehran as "oil-hungry".
Talk about the pot calling the unrefined heavy crude black!
Oh and remind me, which is the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons?
One more. Which countries defence ministers have said that they would use nuclear weapons in a first strike capacity in parliament, in the last five years? (A clue for you as you seem a bit politically naive; their leaders names ar George and Tony)
Yours in amusement and disgust,
Simon Hayward
We are now to all intents and purposes at war with Iran.
It may still be a war of words - and worried Western leaders will do their best to keep it like that.
But if oil-hungry Teheran has its way, this is doomed to turn to bloody conflict.
It has been clear almost from the start that Iran is not just fanning the flames of the insurgency in Iraq, but providing the fuel and the ammunition.
Now impeccable intelligence sources confirm they are providing the training camps for the killers who recently slaughtered eight British squaddies in Basra.
They are taught and supported by Iran's infamous Revolutionary Guard.
This will come as no surprise to Tony Blair.
If he has sleepless nights, it is the prospect of an expansionary and merciless Iran that keeps him awake.
His nightmare is fuelled by certain knowledge that nothing - apart from unimaginable military action - can stop the mullahs acquiring nuclear power and then nuclear weapons.
Worse, there is every prospect they will use them.
The fear of a nuclear blast - - even a dirty bomb - in a major Western city has preoccupied Washington and London for years.
It also strikes fear into the hearts of Iran's Arab neighbours who are convinced they are pawns in a power grab which will establish Sunni Iran as the dominant Islamic force in the Gulf.
The inexorable rise of Iran as a threat to world peace is a bitter lesson in appeasement. The West has been banking on a velvet revolution in Iran where millions want freedom from harsh religious oppression.
We have backed successive regimes in the hope the people - many of them under 25 and aspiring to Western lifestyles - would turn on their leaders.
There was also a futile hope that diplomacy would stop the mullahs acquiring the know-how and hardware to build nukes...
Subject:- Enjoyed your article...
...Especially the part where you describe Tehran as "oil-hungry".
Talk about the pot calling the unrefined heavy crude black!
Oh and remind me, which is the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons?
One more. Which countries defence ministers have said that they would use nuclear weapons in a first strike capacity in parliament, in the last five years? (A clue for you as you seem a bit politically naive; their leaders names ar George and Tony)
Yours in amusement and disgust,
Simon Hayward
Hide the following 6 comments
13.10.2005 18:16
I expect to see a shitstorm over any military action against Iran soon.
You're dead right the Scum article is bad even by their standards
13.10.2005 20:34
Also, if you're in London this weekend watch out for Danny Schehcter's new film `WMD weapons of mass deception` (see newswire for details)
Best from Edinburgh, Paul.
Paul O'Hanlon
Bush and Blair are looking for any excuse to have a war with Iran
13.10.2005 20:47
Shell - human rights abuser
Environmental polluters
I don't believe Iran killed those British soldiers. The American government and Tony Blair are using any excuse to invade Iran. Iraq war - non existent WMD.
The death of a few dead paid British soldiers isn't worth killing thousands or millions of Iranians, especially not civilians in Iran.
Tony Bliar won't lose sleep, he doesn't care about 100,000 civilians killed in Iraq. If Tony Blair wants to go to war, Blair's sons should be conscripted to wars Tony Blair starts, Tony Blair should be in the battles, Tony Blair is a coward who runs wars from an office.
Trevor Kavanagh, Political Editor of the Sun newspaper has invented a tabloid story.
Oil hungry Teheran - Iran's not oil hungry it has oil, but America is.
Tony Blair must have a massive tax free offshore Bank account.
American multi nationals make their wealth by stealing from the people of other countries and exploiting these countries. And america supplies weapons causing wars that destablize their countries. That's why those countries are poor.
Bush and Cheney, KBR Halliburton and Lockheed shareholders are getting rich though.
Exploitation, excessive profits taken from workers labor and unfair trade agreements
Dirty deals: cases of corporate influence over global environmental negotiations
American human rights
Warning this shows sexual abuse by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib
Damage to the environment. Americans consume and deplete more of the world’s resources than other countries.
Destroying the planet with overconsumption, GMOs and pollution. Americans and Canadians account for approximately 5.3% of the global population, yet they produce about 26% of global CO2 emissions, one indicator of the amount of energy consumed.
Bush and Tony Blair in the pay of the oil companies
The Sun's reporting is as accurate as any mainsteam media outlet!
14.10.2005 08:52
Voice of reason
Propaganda sucks
14.10.2005 09:15
If Tony has sleepless nights, it's because of a recurring nightmare, where he is dragged out of No.10 and lynched by pro-hunt peasants with firebrands and pitchforks.
Either that or he's dreaming about Jeff Gannon.
Voice of hilarity
14.10.2005 17:22
You're not saying much there Mr Reason.
How come your sentences have exactly the same rhythm to them as Rockwell's used to.
Are you sure you're not a computer programme churning out garbage?