European United Left to challenge Blair's "social model"
GUE/NGL (European United Left/Nordic Green Left) | 13.10.2005 14:46 | Ecology | Education | Social Struggles | London | World
The GUE/NGL group of the European Parliament, entering the debate on the "European social model" launched by Tony Blair, is holding a hearing in London with British trade-unionists, elected representatives and experts to discuss their experiences, analyses and proposals for a social model for Europe. This event comes in advance of the extraordinary EU summit on this subject at the end of October organised by the British presidency.
Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 October 2005
in LONDON, Royal Garden Hotel,
2-24, Kensington High Street - London W8 4PT
Tel.: 00-44(0)20- - Fax 00-44(0)20-73.61.19
The event will be opened and chaired by Francis Wurtz, President of the GUE/NGL group.
A press conference will be held on thursday at 12h30
Press contact:
Bruxelles: Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 646628
London: David Lundy +32485 505 812, Gay Kavanagh + 32473842320
GUE/NGL (European United Left/Nordic Green Left)