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Mistakes will be made

Lessons will be learned | 12.10.2005 21:59 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | London

Terrifying New Terror Laws!

Only a government preparing to impose a dictatorship would require the Terror Laws enacted in the United Kingdom. Tony Blair said police need to act on intelligence, without evidence, to protect the law-abiding public from terrorism, criminals and anti-social individuals, but who is going to protect us from police with unprecedented powers?

The game has changed, says Blair, and so must the law, but civil rights were introduced in medieval Britain to ensure a fairer system and these laws have maintained justice and security in this country for eight hundred years. What Blair is proposing is a return to the Dark Ages, when men were caged in dungeons based on rumour, suspicion or lies.

Blair is wedded to the notion that suspects are guilty until proven innocent because senior police presented a compelling case. The same police who claimed to be acting on intelligence, when they shot an innocent man on July 21st, whom they insisted had been involved in the failed tube attacks. They were dead wrong, but its too late for Menenez.

Lessons will be learned


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it is black propaganda to push the line that Blair is sincere but misguided

13.10.2005 05:53

Once again...Blair introduces Terror Laws for the same reason Adolf Hitler did, NOT BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IN ANY TERRORIST THREAT, but because such actions change the way people think and feel.

Menenez was shot ON PURPOSE, lies were told about Iraq ON PURPOSE, Iran is attacked on Indymedia over and over ON PURPOSE.

Blair seeks to terrorise so that a frightened public will accept any action in the name of their terror. For god's sake, after WW2, every tactic used by the Nazis was detailed, and explained. When Blair does the exact same things, in the exact same ways, who are these idiots who keep saying he is genuine, but misguided???

Blair's power grows by the hour, the minute, and the second. He has NO NEED to worry about dwindling support in the country, because basically he HAS no public support. GET THAT!!! He is all powerful without having to worry what any of us think (so long as we refuse to organise).

Blair IS going to turn the UK into a police state, but THAT is the least of our worries. For most Germans, the Nazi police state was of little concern as well. It is the why that should concern you.

What are you going to do when Blair declares war against Iran. Perhaps you're thinking of waiting until he declares war against Pakistan, or Saudi. Or perhaps, you'll give up on the Middle East, and wait until the war spreads?

What are you going to do when Blair first publically uses nuclear weapons, or weaponised viruses, or bombs his first city flat along with all of its occupants?

What are you going to do after America reintroduces conscription, and Blair follows shortly afterwards. Perhaps you'll wait for your father to die, or you brother, or your daughter before you start to worry?

What are you going to do when the mass arrests start, when the first concentration camp opens, when non-government sites on the internet are shut down, and the ONLY 'truth' you are allowed to read or hear comes from the BBC, or The Guardian,or other outlets spewing Blair's pure evil?

What are you going to do when Blair finally openly declares the muslims an enemy of humanity, and then the chinese?

Are we going to hear the same "doesn't that silly Blair understand how silly he is" crap at each and every stage. At what point did Hitler become understood as evil by the people of Nazi Germany??? At what point did they STOP making excuses for him. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN ***UNTIL*** GERMANY ACTUALLY LOST THE WAR. Are we really going to wait until after war has ravaged this planet before we say "that Blair was one evil bastard, how come no-one ever noticed that and stopped him?"




Now who amongst us is so stupid that they do not understand these simple concepts. They 'mostly' apply even when a leader is not a monster. However, when a man is a thinking tyrant (as opposed to a half-wit who inherits the position), EVERYTHING is done to his command.


Terror State

13.10.2005 08:20

You will also notice that political opposition to the new Terror Laws only concerns the extention of detention without charge to ninety days. All other aspects of this Draconian Act, like stop and search, control orders and house arrest or expulsion are acceptable!


Our Friend Twilight and his Pals

13.10.2005 09:21

Yet another pro-forma reply from Twilight. THis set me thinking, and I spent a few minutes looking at a random sample of his previous postings. The results are of interest:

No. of postings considered: 10
No. with accusations of Blair conspiracy re: police state, total control, etc: 5
No. predicting imminent invasion of Iran (various with/without Israel) 6
No. referring to false flag/black ops (various different events) 6
No. alleging media conspiracy 8
No. using CAPITAL letters 10

No. of postings with links to sources, evidence, etc. 0
No. of postings where people have asked for evidence 5
No. accusing those with contrary views of being gvmnt spooks 5

The phrase "broekn gramaphone record" springs to mind.

Paranoid Pete

What is twilight going to do...

13.10.2005 10:02

Well twilight, what are you going to do when the shit hits the fan?

Any positive contributions to make or are you just gonna post more rantings with RANDOM CAPITAL LETTERS?

Miss Point

Poor old Twilight

13.10.2005 12:02

His hands are tied: How can he actually do anything when everyone except him is one of BLAIR'S GOONS and PART OF THE CONSPIRACY.

Trust no-one. Ally with nobody. Unity is too important to risk by joining forces with people who might not have the same line as yourself.

Got Your Number

Number of posts from paranoid p p

13.10.2005 12:33

seems like thousands.

and with something useful or sensible to say...

can't say I've noticed one.

cheers p p.

go for it twighlight



Ho Hum

13.10.2005 12:57

Oh Twilight, what a vision of the future you pedal. A Blair-led dictatorship, mass arrests, compulsory conscription, concentration camps, strict control of the media. The Fascist state is imminent, if not already upon us. A grand conspiracy of the highest order involving the CoE, opposition parties, EU, the Americans, Trade Unions, and just about everyone else in a position of power.

And yet you alone are able to discern this, like Dante describing the descent to hell. Anyone who voices contrary views is a spook, or a troll; the security services have infiltrated Indymedia to crush any sign of dissent. Time and time again you spend hours posting long, long messages extoling the danger we face, but to no avail - we are either deaf or stupid, for we cannot see your truth.

All you need as a placard with "The End is Nigh!" in which to parade the streets, and truely you can be happy as the devil takes us all.


Twilight not so far off the mark

14.10.2005 13:54

twilight does seem to comment on most of the threads I read although i don't bother to read most of his comments he is not far off the mark. The swinging sixties are long gone and even if there are two generations of middle class happy go lucky fuckers who have never done a serious days work in their lives swanning about the vicinity freedom is a thing of the past. (50 years). So while Twilght might get the IMC Sun readers goat , what we used to call straights, establishment posse or what ever you like to call Magoo, Boab, Sceptic, paranoid pete and observer.
Bliar and his labour hegemony control everything. Funny that Observer should mention Dante, a common enough name in Tuscany (controlled by a left wing ex commie hegemony since 1945, he is of course refering to Dante Alighieri who lends his name to numerous main squares in the region and also to very many masonic lodges including one in Arezzo where P2 grand master Licio Gelli
resided at Villa Wanda. I wonder does Gladio figure as a Conspiracy theory amongst the dead brain contingency as far as I know there is no proof of "stay behind" in England perhaps the Russians or who ever it was that was going to invade europe were not supposed to get that far. Yes Piazza Dante Alighieri with a nice big war memorial (oblelix) and according to my report from the "Commissione parlamentare Antimafia Relazioni della XI legilatura (9 marzo 1993 - 18 febbraio 1994" available from the "camera dei deputati"
Dante Alighieri is a very common name for masonic lodges in Tuscany where according to the anti mafia commision there were 195 in 1994 although I have found one or two more and lodges with the name Dante Alighieri at , Florence, Lucca, and Arezzo and one in Palermo and also another called L'Alighieri which is not surprising as the book says on page 89 freemasonary is the link between the mafia and the Institutions.
So while the trial of the cops who smashed in the heads of the "no global" at genova proceeds at genova the trial of the Calvi murder trial has started in Rome, now conspiracy there !, and the MAF (florentine anarchist movement) were evicted from their long term squatted premises after a battle with a hundred cops in which 20 of them were arrested .. Whaa 'appen wid you all boab and company ... ???

left puppet

... haven't I seen you before? ...

14.10.2005 16:15

... here's tony ...
... here's tony ...

Never mind.

Twilight is a star. Those who do not learn the lessons of history, are doomed to repeat them ...

... I'm afraid there are those who haven't learned these lessons yet, and they have dragged us into yet another cycling war for resource domination ...

... then there are others who have learned some lessons from history and claim hedgemony in debate ... the 'experts', conventionalists, and fierce antagonists to, what they like to call, 'conspiracy theory'.

For the most part, my feelings towards them ... sceptic, boab, maggoo, PP ... have mellowed. I have tried seeing things from their point of veiw ... distancing myself from the antagonism ...and must admit they make enough cogent points in general. I have even found myself in agreement with them on occasion ... so if I have offered any offence in the past, or made wild accusatations, I am truely sorry.

I only rarely now encompass the notion that hey are spooks!

However, I find their remarks deviod of serious analysis and informed only by conventionally programed paradigms ... text book history if you like.

Twilight is much more a meta-thinker and presenter of info and is usually right on the money ... as regards who is doing what to whom in real time and space ... it's a naked lunch only when you see what is on the end of everyones fork ...

... debate however, is paramount ... so keep it coming ... we could even try being human beings towards each other (the good stuff, not the bad please)!?!

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