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WMD weapons of mass deception showing in London!

Paul O'Hanlon | 12.10.2005 18:35 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Education | London | World

Danny Schehcter's new film `WMD weapons of mass deception` will be showing this weekend in London. Here is some information along with a review and photographs.


WMD (Weapons of Mass Deception)
Premieres in London October 16 at the Everyman
Plus Media Critique with the filmmaker

A hard-hitting expose of the media coverage of the war in Iraq will open a new series by Hampstead's Everyman Cinema Club showcasing British and foreign independent productions deserving of media and public attention.

American filmmaker Danny Schechter's award-winning documentary "WMD (Weapons of Mass Deception)" has its UK theatrical premiere at the Everyman Oct 16th at 3 pm. The filmmaker, a one-time resident of the Hampstead community, will be present for a Q&A.

For a review of the film please see:

WMD also screens Monday, Oct 17 at 6:45 PM at the Ritzy Cinema, Brixton.

LSE grad Schechter is an investigative journalist, author and blogger-in-chief of, a global media issues network. The film shows how corporate media outlets "did more selling than telling" about the Iraq war and were complicit. While the film focuses on US networks, it features prominent British journalists as well as well as the role of Arab media. It is an insider film with an outsider perspective often favorably compared to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911.

Everyman Expose screening of 'Weapons of Mass Deception' followed by Danny Schechter Q&A session at 3pm on Sunday 16 October at the Everyman Cinema Club, Hampstead (diagonally opp Hampstead tube). To book tickets (£15 each) please visit or call the Box Office on 0870 066 4777.

For Press enquiries, Diane Mckaye: Tel: 07771 926726; e-mail:


About 'Weapons of Mass Deception'
Having tracked TV coverage of the Iraq War on a daily basis for, Danny Schechter editor of, investigates the media war that took place alongside the military war, fought with cameras, satellites, armies of journalists and propaganda techniques. Featuring footage from inside Iraq and inside the media, 'WMD' busts through so-called 'objective reporting' to challenge US media complicity with the government and its co-operation in presenting the Iraq War the way it did. Additional 'WMD' Screening with Q&A at the Ritzy Cinema, Brixton, on Mon 17 Oct with TV broadcast on ITV4 in November.

Main Index
Danny Schechter, News Dissector
575 8th Avenue
New York, New York l0018
212 246-0202x3006

To buy a copy visit
To see" The Making and Mission of WMD"
visit: http://www.

Danny Schechter's work and times

Paul O'Hanlon
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Hide the following 3 comments

No weapons of mass destruction were found that doesn't mean they didn't exist!

14.10.2005 09:34

Just because no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq doesn't mean that they never existed. Right at the start of the hunt for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction senior government officials both in Britain and in the USA both admitted that the weapons of mass destruction might never be found for a number of reasons. One they could have been destroyed in the ariel bombardment of Iraq during the war by the allies. Two they could have been looted during the chaos immediatly after the fall of saddam's regime. Three they could have been hidden over the border in Syria just prior to the war.

If there were no weapons of destruction in Iraq then why did America and Britain spend millions of pounds on the Iraq survey group trying to find them for 18 months? Also if Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction why did Saddam continually obstruct and harrass UN weapons inspectors for 12 years? Surely he had something to hide.


brainwashed Americans

14.10.2005 15:55

The earlier post about Saddam had to have had something to hide is just the point. The point being who gives a crap about Saddam having anything to hide when it didn't have anything to do with WMD's! Its none of your godamn business according to the Bush gangsters when it comes to them having something to hide, which is much more than Saddam ever had to hide.
Look you right wing brainwashed cronies, we screwed Saddam royally when we sent weapons inspectors in there only to spy on his country, which was widely known to everyone in the world except the brainwashed Fox viewers who get less than 40% of the available news information. Saddam would have been smarter to hide even more since all Americans did was lie about the entire WMD search and conclusion to boot! You right wing loonies have blown the US credibility world wide and why don't you think Iran or N. Korea want to trust us with inspectors or anything else? I think this is even easy enough for a brainwashed fool to answer.
You blew it, 1st by voting for a complete fool, then trying to make excuses for the next 5 years. Get over it neocons, you lost the battle, and the fight. All you have left is to lose every election in the future, which will be the only chance for the USA to get any semblance of credibility back not just around the world, but for us citizens of America.

Steve Souza
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Since this is UK, its just the same

14.10.2005 16:02

Since this is the UK, I can give you Blair cronies the same lashing. You Brits have followed the US neocons on a road to complete brainwashing. You also allowed Rupert to take over your country's media without a whimper. You Brits also better get on the stick, and get that bastard run out of town, and get him back where he belongs, Australia. In fact it wouldn't hurt to make another jail over there for his entire family.

Steve Souza
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