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Careers fair corporate invasion of University of Nottingham

NSPM | 12.10.2005 11:47 | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Globalisation

A careers fair takes place on Mon & Tue at which BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, Caterpillar, Shell & others will attempt to recruit graduates. Help us give their whole stories.

On Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th Oct, AIESEC are holding a careers fair in the Portland Building of the university (10.30am-3.30pm). Companies invited include BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, Caterpillar (arms dealing companies), Shell (environmental and human rights abuses), and many others. A full list can be found on AIESEC's site:

Members of Nottingham Student Peace Movement, People & Planet, and the Environment & Social Justice (E&SJ) committee will be handing out our own materials to fill in the gaps in students' knowledge, that these companies will invariably leave them with. This will follow on from a successful leafleting last year, and will be backed up by increased pressure from the E&SJ committee to ban the worst offenders from our campus.

E&SJ have organised an ethical careers fair that will take place later this year.

This is a call for students to come and take part, and for those who have material relevant to campaigning against these companies to pass it on. Please email the address below.

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So which ones ?

12.10.2005 15:50

So you are campaigning against these companies, well in that case are there some you do find acceptable, if so which ones ?

I ask because I can find objections to nearly every single company that was here at Bristol last year, does that mean I should work for nobody when I leave ?


the way forward?

13.10.2005 08:17

Hi Student,

It's an interesting point you're making... Maybe it's worth looking into individual companies to see how bad their record on environmental and human rights issues really is. I have worked for some of the big 'corporations' a few years ago, but now I'm more aware of the issues, I wouldn't think of going back. I work in a workers cooperative at the moment. Working on a horizontal level, with shared responsibilities and a good collaborative working environment. It's the way forward !


Meeting Time and Place

13.10.2005 09:17

We're meeting at 12pm on Monday, on the steps at the front of the Portland Building.

Nottingham Student Peace Movement
mail e-mail:
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don't work for any companies!

13.10.2005 09:20

"So you are campaigning against these companies, well in that case are there some you do find acceptable, if so which ones ?"

don't think it's really about which are acceptable, it's more a case of which are the most unacceptable. to my mind those that manufacture weapons designed to cause mass slaughter are fair game

"I ask because I can find objections to nearly every single company that was here at Bristol last year, does that mean I should work for nobody when I leave ?"

you could work for yourself if you can. you might also try joining or starting a workers' co-op, where you'll get a say in what the company does.


HI Student.

14.10.2005 15:31

"does that mean I should work for nobody when I leave ?"

-I think you might be on to somthing there!


top marks

17.10.2005 09:49

work is the downfall of the drinking classes.
