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Guildford Civic Hall - empty, and begging for grassroots development

Mercurious Britannicus | 11.10.2005 21:52

The Guildford Civic Hall has been sitting empty for years. The town is crying out for a decent music venue and/or other grassroots provision for young people to avoid the loop of drunkenness/asbos.

Firstly, solidarity with the people at St.George's in Tufnell Park.

Secondly, the Guildford Civic Hall has been sitting empty for years. The town is crying out for a decent music venue and/or other grassroots provision for young people to avoid the loop of drunkenness/asbos.

We have a music academy here now which has a large number of students and hence lots of bands. Lots of talk from politicians for a long time about developing the space but still no action as far as I can see. If there is action it will probably be more luxury flats or perhaps another casino application - these seem to be colonising the town, to increasing local resistance.

There has to be a sea-change of attitudes soon so that we see grassroots development and social centres as the most positive and sustainable and democratic sources of development.

If anyone with organisational skill is able to see a vision for the Civic Hall please get involved!

Or drop me a line.

Mercurious Britannicus
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3 Issues Here

13.10.2005 03:24

a)One of the reason's the civic hall is being closed is that it required £500000 a year in subsidy from the Council to maintain. How is a social center going to provide that?
b)Gigs won't do anything for the drunkenness. Quite apart from the fact that chavs are almost by definition not interested in bands, the reason the Civic Hall ceased allowing local gigs was underage drunkenness. Too many pissed 14 year olds killed Splatch.
c)The Guildford music scene is shit. Pretentious, wanky and overcommercialised ACM bands, crappy Green Day wannabes from RGS and oh-so angsty Marilyn Manson-alikes.

Anyway, apart from Phil Ward, what's wrong with The Star?

Old Guildfordian

Move on

08.11.2005 00:18

a=sell beer sell tickets run courses sponsorship book bands Put Guildford on a credible map
b=better a little drunk and creative than with mindless nothing to do at all
c=the music scene is shit cos of people who have negative attitudes
with nothing better to do than be negative.
People like that should go to Windsor they will fit in with the posh nobs there better.

Some of the best bands are the underground bands like Guns and Knives
Meet me in St Louis and Kingskin, they thrive in our dirty little pond.
Nobody asked anyone to listen to acm bands.

Look at Guldfest and Ambient Picnic and Freak Fest

These are great positive moves in our town built by people with a vision

You cant count the cost without first looking at the gain.

Local music needs our help and positive attitude.

Its time to think big and get the music scene moving with or without the Civic Hall

Steve Radiate

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