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Bono Pimps for Rightwing Nutjob? Dump Bono!

cher | 11.10.2005 17:31 | Culture

the senator who claims that homosexuality is equivalent to bestiality is about to be lauded by none other than the so-called rocker, Bono

it's hard to believe, I know, but after parading around the world to "save the poor" with the likes of former Bush appointee O'Neill, Bono is now pimping himself out to help an extreme right wing nutter to raise money for his re-election campaign!

this is clear evidence that religious beliefs tend to cloud (if not completely atrophy) the functionality of the human brain.

santorum is known for his legislation to substitute creationism for evolution in school curriculums, for his view that there is no right to privacy in the US constitution, for his attempts to privatise the national weather bureau, for the privatisation of social security, and a host of other often bizarre and crudely conservative views.

in 2003 Santorum described homosexual acts as part of a class of deviant sexual behavior, including incest, polygamy and zoophilia, which he said threaten society and the family. Santorum further stated that he believed consenting adults do not have a Constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.

Santorum said that he did not believe there is a Constitutional right to engage in private consensual sexual acts.

Far from retreating from such intrusive crap, in 2005 Santorum said: "Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm." seeming to condemn all the inhabitants of Boston, Massachusetts to his imaginary hell of man-dog buggering perverts!

and this cracker is a Senator in the United States!

such triumphalist conservative lunacy has branded Santorum with a new definition, courtesy of the gay columnist, Dan Savage:

and this is the jackass demagogue that Bono is supporting!

oy, anybody still buying Bono music? blech, better to vomit up the poison and forget we ever heard of U2!

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Hide the following 6 comments

what a surprise

11.10.2005 23:33

Ho, Ho, Ho... Bono backing Blair did not give you a bit of a clue???
The old joke- how does he sleep at night? on top of a pile of money, with many beautiful women!- is a living reality for people like these.

Enjoy their music, but for god's sake, ignore their dribbling rants. Making music DOES NOT make the person your political or spiritual leader.

Personally, I think that anyone who uses the misery of others to sell their music is a first rate scumbag, regardless of politics.


Twilight, A question

12.10.2005 08:51

Is there anyone you actually like? Any high profile anti-poverty, anti-3rd World debt, anti-whatever campaigns you do approve of? I've read a lot of nasty messages from you about a lot of things, but don't seem to recall any in a more positive frame....


Boab - why does twilight have to?

12.10.2005 13:13


What you mean like the news - you have to end up with a feel-good story?

Oh, bono's a sell-out twat - but errr - well at least the weather will be mostly good!

How would that actually help?


Oh Gary....

12.10.2005 16:49

Gary, friend, I think you need to have a look at some of Twilight's other postings to get the answer to that me


The story is false

13.10.2005 12:41

The story is false. It seems that Santorum hired a private box at a stadium where U2 are playing and is selling seats in the private box to raise funds. It has nothing to do with the band, who have objected.


so let Bono denounce the lunatic Santorum then

13.10.2005 18:01

a follow-up claims that Bono has nothing to do with Santorum buying a private box:

and yet, what does the $1000 ticket to sit with Santorum get? backstage hand-shake with Bono?

If Bono has a problem with Santorum's super-conservative views he should say so!

but if you check the conservative websites themselves, they reveal more going on than just an accidental convergence:


REPUBLICANS HEART U2. Yesterday the conservative site NewsMax "reported" that activist rock star Bono would be hosting an exclusive $1,000-per-head fundraiser for Senator Rick Santorum. Capitol Buzz countered by pulling quotes from Santorum's book, It Takes a Family, in which the embattled senator called Bono's voice "Satanic." Bono and Santorum have worked together on international AIDS issues in the past, so such a collaboration didn't seem wholly outside the realm of possibility. Apparently, however, Bono has not endorsed Santorum and is not doing a fundraiser for him. Instead, some Santorum supporters are using a U2 concert as a way to raise funds for their man in Pennsylvania.

Santorum's not the only Republican trying to capitalize off the popularity of U2. The National Republican Congressional Committee lists four upcoming events in which the Irish rockers will be the marquee attraction:

* Darrell Issa is holding a $2,000 per person reception at the band's upcoming Oct. 19 MCI Center concert in D.C.
* Lobbyists Herschel Abbott of BellSouth and Dan Gans of the Alexander Strategy Group, along with "Special Guest Chief Deputy Majority Whip Eric Cantor," are selling $5,000 and $2,500 PAC tickets for "the concert of the year" that same night.
* Doug Lowenstein, Ed Desmond, and Representative Mary Bono are hosting attendees at the band's concert the following night for $1,500 (PAC) and $1,000 (individual).
* Representative Todd Tiahrt and Vicki Tiahrt will also be hosting a $1,500 per ticket "evening with U2" on the 20th, with the family-friendly price break of $2,500 for two tickets.

Bono, who has also worked closely with ultra-conservative former SenatorJesse Helms, has long known the value of maintaining bipartisan relationships. Now it looks like certain Republicans are learning the value of selling access to his cool.


So just what does Bono represent, besides an aging holier-than-thou rocker who aligns with hardline human rights violaters, misogynists, racists and homophobic uber-Christian blowhards!!

let Bono deny it!!
