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Remembrance Procession for those who have Died in Custody

posted by megan | 08.10.2005 11:25

United Friends and Family Campaign

Saturday 29th October 2005

Remembrance Procession for those who have Died in Custody

United Friends and Family Campaign

Saturday 29th October 2005Assemble 1pm at Trafalgar Square (nearest Tube Charing Cross) for a silent march down Whitehall and a noisy protest outside Downing Street.
Everyone who want to show their support for families who have lost loved ones is welcome - please wear black. No placards please but bring along trade union/ community organisation banners.

posted by megan


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United Families and Friends Campaign

08.10.2005 22:51

United Families and Friends Campaign
READ The Family Campaigns page for each of these people who have died at the hands of the police, and whose families, friends and supporters are seeking justice:
* links on this site to campaigns including:


Mikey Powell

Daniel Morgan
* BENT COPS involved in his murder.
At an inquest in April 1988, a bookkeeper employed by Daniel’s company Southern Investigations alleged that Daniel’s partner, Jonathan Rees, and Detective Sergeant Sid Fillery - a member of the murder squad – had planned the contract murder.
(... I thought the murder squad was supposed to stop murders not commit them!)
* Police corruption
* 2nd October 2005 'Sunday Times exposes Rees' (Daniel Morgan's ex-partner) latest business venture'
* 2 October 2005, Daniel's brother welcomes MPA review proposal.

Roger Sylvester
On 11 January 1999, Roger Sylvester, a 30 year old black man, was restrained outside his home by eight police officers, from Tottenham Police Station. He sustained numerous injuries and was later in a coma on a life support system. Seven days later, Roger was dead.

Roger Sylvester Campaign for Justice, Mission Statement:
We will do all in our power legitimately, to ensure that this matter is thoroughly and vigorously investigated. in order to establish the truth as to how Roger, a fit and healthy 30 year old man came to a horrific and premature death after being detained by the police.

Roger Sylvester, Campaign Demands:
* Police officers involved in custody deaths are suspended until investigations are completed.
* Officers responsible for deaths should face criminal charges even if retired or otherwise.
* All deaths in custody should be investigated independently.
* Police Complaints Authority (PCA) to be replaced by a body independent of the police.
* Police forces are made accountable to the communities they serve.
* Legal aid and full disclosure should be made available to the relatives of the victim(s).
* Where an unlawful killing verdict is returned, a prosecution should follow automatically.

Tribute From Louise Raw (UNISON) January 2000: Remembering Roger Sylvester
At the beginning of last year, Roger was a young man with his whole life in front of him, looking forward to the new millennium.
Even after all this time it’s still hard to believe that Roger isn’t ever going to walk into the union office or phone us again. He always stood out, and was a pleasure to speak with, because he was so polite and friendly. He had a very gentle way about him and a deep rumbling laugh, which was infectious. Having met Roger’s family. I can see where he got it from, and I wish that I could have met them under different circumstances.

Azelle Rodney (died 30 April 2005)

Jean Charles de Menezes (died 22 July 2005)
Please attend the Menezes Family Campaign launch, "Shoot first, ask questions later".
MONDAY 10 October 2005, 6.30-9pm
LSE New Theatre, East Building, Houghton St, WC2
(tube stations Holborn and Temple )

Speakers will include:
Family and friends of Jean - Including Jean’s parents and Giovanni da Silva (Jean’s brother)
Gareth Peirce - The de Menezes family’s lawyer
Irene Khan - Secretary General of Amnesty International
Bianca Jagger - Human rights activist and EU goodwill ambassador
Matthew Taylor MP - Chair of Lib Dem Party 2003 - 5
Frank Dobson MP
Yvonne Ridley - Journalist / Respect National Council

Paul Coker (died 6 August 2005)
His girlfriend heard him scream "You're killing Me. You are killing Me." She had never heard a man scream like that. Then it all went quiet. A woman downstairs says that when he was carried out Paul was not struggling. Police were holding his arms and legs." Hours later Paul Coker was declared dead.
Vigil with Paul's mother and his sister
"I’m here to support the vigil because it may be him today, it may be me tomorrow. This is not a black or white thing, it’s a human thing."

Know Your Rights, Blink

Injustice film

The police are not above the law
"No man is above the law, but that here every man, whatever be his rank or condition, is subject to the ordinary law of the realm", A.V. Dicey ("The Law of the Constitution", 1885)

Copyright 8th October 2005. May be only be reproduced in full.

- Homepage:

United Families and Friends Campaign

08.10.2005 23:04

Paul Coker: Family can't understand why police were violent
Paul Coker: Family can't understand why police were violent

Roger Sylvester: Healthy 30 years old died after police beat him
Roger Sylvester: Healthy 30 years old died after police beat him

Daniel Morgan: Murdered by corrupt cops
Daniel Morgan: Murdered by corrupt cops

United Families and Friends Campaign
READ The Family Campaigns page for each of these people who have died at the hands of the police, and whose families, friends and supporters are seeking justice:
* links on this site to campaigns including:


Mikey Powell

Daniel Morgan
* BENT COPS involved in his murder.
At an inquest in April 1988, a bookkeeper employed by Daniel’s company Southern Investigations alleged that Daniel’s partner, Jonathan Rees, and Detective Sergeant Sid Fillery - a member of the murder squad – had planned the contract murder.
(... I thought the murder squad was supposed to stop murders not commit them!)
* Police corruption
* 2nd October 2005 'Sunday Times exposes Rees' (Daniel Morgan's ex-partner) latest business venture'
* 2 October 2005, Daniel's brother welcomes MPA review proposal.

Roger Sylvester
On 11 January 1999, Roger Sylvester, a 30 year old black man, was restrained outside his home by eight police officers, from Tottenham Police Station. He sustained numerous injuries and was later in a coma on a life support system. Seven days later, Roger was dead.

Roger Sylvester Campaign for Justice, Mission Statement:
We will do all in our power legitimately, to ensure that this matter is thoroughly and vigorously investigated. in order to establish the truth as to how Roger, a fit and healthy 30 year old man came to a horrific and premature death after being detained by the police.

Roger Sylvester, Campaign Demands:
* Police officers involved in custody deaths are suspended until investigations are completed.
* Officers responsible for deaths should face criminal charges even if retired or otherwise.
* All deaths in custody should be investigated independently.
* Police Complaints Authority (PCA) to be replaced by a body independent of the police.
* Police forces are made accountable to the communities they serve.
* Legal aid and full disclosure should be made available to the relatives of the victim(s).
* Where an unlawful killing verdict is returned, a prosecution should follow automatically.

Tribute From Louise Raw (UNISON) January 2000: Remembering Roger Sylvester
At the beginning of last year, Roger was a young man with his whole life in front of him, looking forward to the new millennium.
Even after all this time it’s still hard to believe that Roger isn’t ever going to walk into the union office or phone us again. He always stood out, and was a pleasure to speak with, because he was so polite and friendly. He had a very gentle way about him and a deep rumbling laugh, which was infectious. Having met Roger’s family. I can see where he got it from, and I wish that I could have met them under different circumstances.

Azelle Rodney (died 30 April 2005)

Jean Charles de Menezes (died 22 July 2005)
Please attend the Menezes Family Campaign launch, "Shoot first, ask questions later".
Monday 10 October 2005, 6.30-9pm
LSE New Theatre, East Building, Houghton St, WC2
(tube stations Holborn and Temple )

Speakers will include:
Family and friends of Jean - Including Jean’s parents and Giovanni da Silva (Jean’s brother)
Gareth Peirce - The de Menezes family’s lawyer
Irene Khan - Secretary General of Amnesty International
Bianca Jagger - Human rights activist and EU goodwill ambassador
Matthew Taylor MP - Chair of Lib Dem Party 2003 - 5
Frank Dobson MP
Yvonne Ridley - Journalist / Respect National Council

Paul Coker (died 6 August 2005)
His girlfriend heard him scream "You're killing Me. You are killing Me." She had never heard a man scream like that. Then it all went quiet. A woman downstairs says that when he was carried out Paul was not struggling. Police were holding his arms and legs." Hours later Paul Coker was declared dead.
Vigil with Paul's mother and his sister
"I’m here to support the vigil because it may be him today, it may be me tomorrow. This is not a black or white thing, it’s a human thing."

Know Your Rights, Blink

Injustice film

The police are not above the law
"No man is above the law, but that here every man, whatever be his rank or condition, is subject to the ordinary law of the realm", A.V. Dicey ("The Law of the Constitution", 1885)

Copyright 8th October 2005. May be only be reproduced in full.
