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Documetary linking human and animal cruelty

Moonshine | 07.10.2005 20:58 | Animal Liberation | Gender

We have uncovered and decoded the messages hidden in the modern day BDSM web sites, a euphamism for the legalized sex slave trade and exposed the master programmer, leader of, that trains young women to live in servitude like animals.


Note: before reading this that the activities discussed in this article are not describing relationships between people who trust and care about each other. The people who are participating in the kinds of behaviors described below are predators and true sadists, people who only derive joy from others' pain and have the worst intentions in mind for the person who they are "playing" with.
As a long time vegan and animal rights activist, one of most important correlations made in the film that helped me to realize how I had been brainwashed was the human to animal cruelty link that had been staring me in the face the entire time but I was unable to come to terms with until recently and upon the onset of my decision to make to this documentary. As you know Peta has been involved with numerous campaigns worldwide pertaining to the use of leather products in the S&M scene, asking of people to give up their leather and choose more humane materials such as latex and vinyl. But this is only the very tip of the iceberg. I feel that this campaign, although of the very best intentions, is missing a large part of the total picture. To bring the issue of animal's rights to the next level we have to start seeing a larger global picture. The real problem that we are dealing with right now as inhabitants of this planet, is a basic lack of respect for all life forms, be that animal, human, plant, etc. The system is bent on making us violent and hateful and wants us to see life not as something sacred and beautiful but as something that only has a value according to how that life form may serve the individual or group that owns it. In the BDSM community it has become standard to sexualize dog training, pony play (which is really most likely a person muzzled as a horse and whipped while they are made to pull heavy objects), putting people in cages, beating people with canes exactly like the canes you will see depicted in the famous PETA clips from the video "hog farm investigation," using cattle prods to make people go where the controller wishes them to, experimenting on people without their consent (this is something I fell victim to personally when I was involved with the web site in which I was programmed and operantly conditioned using electro shock and cult tactics), and on and on and on. There is no end to the correlations one could make....there were shoots that I did in which I was hunted in a scene called "turkeys" where I was stripped down with three other women and made to run naked in the forest while he hunted us with a paint ball gun and then later cooked one of the girls up over an open fire and had the other two baste and turn her as she baked. In another scene four of us where milked like cows and were attached to milk machines while tied to a metal contraption to keep us from moving. At the time I was excusing the activities as a way in which I was channeling the pain of the animal, becoming the animal so that I could better understand the true nature of the cruelty and further in my spiritual path of loving animals, but my realization started to happen at a crutial moment after the milking scene in which I asked the leader if he would consider changing the visuals and having the girls wear hand binds that made their hands more hoof-like, use cow tails and paint their bodies like cow hide to really portray us becoming the cow. He replied to me that it would defeat the purpose, which was not to portray us as being the cow but to portray women being treated like cows. In other words it was to bring the women's existence and purpose down to the level of the cow, not as we peace lovers see the cow, as a supremely enlightened and pacifist spiritual being, but as a being that's only purpose is to serve the master's needs for milk and then later as meat.
Here is quote from the web site which I worked with pertaining to the hunting scene described:
"He thinks of them as turkeys.To him these girls are nothing more than meat. He sees himself as a hunter, a man who loves fresh meat. He drags them outside and un chains them and starts spewing out pellets, scaring them up good. After all, he wants to be challenged. He’s looking for sport, just a little fun. They run through the woods all in a flurry, screaming, squawking. Open season on girl."
In another scene in which I was repeatedly shocked with a cattle prod this was written:
"They are ordered onto their stomachs. So much meat rolling on the floor. No wonder the cattle prod is used on them. Are these girls, or are they beef?"
This is not just about animals any more. The animals are a shadow of their original true selves, they have been bred over generations and conditioned into complete and total slavery with no way out and now we see these controllers trying to pull off the same thing with human beings. Their ultimate goal would be to create the same kind of a slave race parallel to these animals in bondage, only they can't pull it off quite as blatantly because human beings are still supposed to have more rights than animals so they have to trick us with imagery like Cat Woman and Vampire movies and make S&M seem like a bit of harmless fun all the while that it is the bait that hooks her into the fisherman's net. This is serious, if this imagery and cruelty that is so exactly akin to animal cruelty depicted in famous PETA movies such as "Meet your Meat" is accepted in the main stream as sexy and as entertainment then our cause is dead. Look around you in all media, the only thing that is portrayed as glorious is the destruction of beauty. We are never allowed to evolve past this world of living on instincts, this Darwinian society, dog eat dog, big fish eats the little ones, only the strong will survive, pyramid style society where every person is categorized and stereotyped and forced into a dominant or submissive box. We are conditioned into thinking about only 2s, 2 sides of the coin, good vs evil, black vs white, male vs female, liberal vs conservative, republican vs democrat, etc...we are not allowed to be individuals, we have to pick between 2 bad choices which corners us into a limited and narrow minded view of the world, then closing us off from other people and not allowing us to emphasize with other beings who exist too far outside that box. For instance we have one name for each "species" of animal. In science class they teach us very little about animal behaviors, most especially the ones that they want to convince us exist for us to feed off of and use as our servants. Watch a national geographic episode and they generalize about every species of animal: e all X birds migrate to Y spot and mate in A, B and C fashion. Being a long time friend and caretaker of two beautiful cats, I can tell you that one thing I have learned is that each cat is completely different, they have different likes and dislikes, they communicate differently, have different spots and positions they like to sit in, etc, but this is not something that a person would notice at first glance. Each being is different, and it is in getting to know each one separately as an individual that you discover all of the things that make that being unique. Sure, a person could take a look at my two cats and see them both cleaning themselves and assume that they are cats...know one know em all, but we have the potential to do the same exact thing with each other if we allow ourselves to see each other as our chosen labels. We have to think for ourselves and be able to evaluate what it is that you like and want and not care if it doesn't fit into you little category. There are always two sides with prejudices and generalizations, the person who is looking and the person who is being looked at, both are victims of massive brainwashing campaigns and conditioning through media The person looking is generalizing about the person they are looking at making immediate assumptions and coming to premature conclusions and the person being looked at is most likely allowing themselves to portray and fall into a chosen stereotype which makes it easier for people encountering them to generalize about who they are and how they interpret the world. And so we get back into the subject of bdsm and into the experiences I had in which I was unknowingly being operantly conditioned and programmed. The purpose of the programming is to erase all of your actual individuality and replace it with pre-determined, pre-programmed responses so that nothing about your behavior will be unpredictable. They aim to reverse all of your natural responses to pain and trick your mind into convincing yourself that it's pleasure. Thinking from the side of the sadist, this works out very well for them seeing as all they enjoy doing is hurting other beings, so wouldn't it be lovely if they could fool you into believing that you love getting hurt, that way there is no fight any more, rape is not rape, torture is not torture and the criminal is no longer a criminal but the person's most endearing lover giving them exactly what they need. This is necessary, as I said earlier, do to the fact that human beings are supposed to have rights so these people cannot openly torture people in the way that they do to animals without inventing a whole clever set of false pretenses and fake realities in which to do so. I was convinced into this masochist mentality very easily seeing that I am a woman who is determined to break out of the normal female, weak mold. I had it in my mind that if I could show people that I could take more pain than anyone then people would respect me as equal to men, that I would be seen as a true warrior. I had never had an opportunity to "prove" myself in any other settings previously, I was not allowed to participate in sports or any sort of commonly male rites of passage activities. I had been the loser in school, bullied and picked on my entire life, always last in every physical activity, overweight and socially inept which I now know is the #1 targeted victim for luring into becoming involved with these types of BDSM sites, women with histories of abuse who have been conditioned due to harsh childhoods into taking more pain than others and shutting up about it. When I was working with I was told that the path to enlightenment was to be able to completely beat out pain. I would learn to dissociate, to cut off from my core self and drift into some other realm where I no longer could feel either sensation, pain or pleasure, what some would call leaving your body. The BDSM community has termed this subspace, they describe it as a place in which pain and pleasure become one. In order to "go there" and achieve subspace you have to stop thinking, stop evaluating and just go with it. You have to only react without analyzing what it is that you are reacting to and why. This is the mental state of the animals who are currently enslaved, they are in a constant state of shock and trauma, going from one sensation of pain to the next, being forced to just deal with it and accept that their lives boil down to nothing but misery. Think about the consequence of a society of people who just accept and "go with it" without questioning, isn't this the major problem with everything, that people are so readily conforming to whatever societal norm they see fit? When every life form is a number and a generalization, then that life is expendable. I suddenly woke up and realized that I wasn't being me the warrior by showing how much pain I could take, I was doing something that anyone can do, anyone can be tied up, beaten and gagged, there was nothing unique or artistic about any of it! Just the same as with most job titles in our society, they are technical skills, the slot could be filled by anybody or by letting yourself identify a person with a particular culture based on what that person looks like, ex: being a person who for a long time considered myself to be "alternative," I had thought that I had more in common and identified more with people who dressed "weird," who had piercings or tattoos, but now I realize that these are accents to who a person is. Anyone can go out and buy a tattoo or get a piercing, that doesn't make them a good person (a government agent could get a tattoo and infiltrate any club or scene being completely trusted because of his appearance). People have started to lose the ability to see deep inside of things and can only see the external facade, there is no attention to details and people look for specific cues and commands that tell them whether to like a person or dislike them: ex. oh, that man is wearing a nice suit and drives a nice car, he must be a nice guy. Let's call these people on what they are: sadists who derive joy by inflicting pain on others: animal or human. I urge you to please check out our documentary and see the undeniable evidence for yourself.

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Hide the following 4 comments

She sounds like a bush loving Christian-Fundamentalist

07.10.2005 22:18

...Let me guess... this person probably wants to ban BDSM and S&M the UK. This is like the South Park episode "deathcamp of tolerance" where the southpark characters are put into concentration camps until they become more "politically correct".
And... it is damned obvious that she has Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and she only did the job for the money, and now she is all traumatized by her experience with capitalism in it's most rawest form ( no pun intended ). Look, free speech is a god given right, you have the right from god to look at anything two consenting adults do... but this ladies campaign is probably going to be used by the new labor reich to further restrict "free speech".

American Anarchist

American anarchhist who said another american could invade our country

08.10.2005 01:32

you're boring, get a life

who cares about your petty opinions

please discover the nature of the new pornography laws coming to the UK in 2006

08.10.2005 03:51

Look, free speech is a god given right, you have the right from god to look at anything two consenting adults do

Sorry, but early 2006 Tony Blair is going to have laws passed that will SEND PEOPLE TO PRISON FOR THREE YEARS for looking at MANY of the things two consenting adults do. These laws are in the public consultation stage at the moment. They ARE COMING, and they will gain an easy majority in the House of Commons.

A massive propaganda campaign is being planned for TV and Newspapers equating fetish pornography (made by consenting adults) with child abuse images. This strategy is already clearly spelt out in the government consultation documents!!!

This campaign is being co-ordinated with the US government, where Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the extreme right-wing nutjob behind the official mass use of torture by US forces, has made THE SAME FETISH SEX CLAMPDOWN a major priority for the FBI (and raids have already occured under this new directive).

Go google - gonzales torture pornography - and discover the nature of Tony Blair's little playmate.

One big difference though- in the US they will NOT be able to go after the users of sexually explicit material, only the producers and vendors, because US citizens are protected by their constitution. IN THE UK BLAIR INTENDS, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN BRITISH HISTORY, TO CRIMINALISE SIMPLE POSSESSION OF PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGERY SHOWING ACTS PERFORMED BY CONSENTING ADULTS.

Blair intends to trap vast numbers of UK males in an 'operation ore' style operation, although these males will only ever have watched ADULT FETISH PORNOGRAPHY. The purpose is a massive close-down of ALL OPPOSITION VOICES in the UK when Blair moves to the next stage of his war plans. Hitler used Homosexuality to blackmail and suppress much opposition in Nazi Germany. Tony Blair intends to use Adult Sexual Fetish to achieve the same aims here.

Things are going to get nasty to a degree that few of you will even be able to imagine. This is NOT a game!!! Blair is going to go ALL the way, and each and every one of us are going to have our lives changed forever.

BTW to make this crystal clear, from some time next year, if you and your partner were to video yourselves indulging in one of the most common forms of fetish play by 'vanilla' couples, namely mild bondage and 'rape' play, you will be sent to prison for three years, you will both be on the sex offenders register, and your children (if any) will be removed from you, and given to one of Blair's organisations (eg NCH) responsible for backing and creating this law. After that, you will ENVY that Iraqi man holding the ragged corpse of his female child after Blair had blown her to pieces in that famous Photo taken during Blair's massacre of Iraq.


In response to your comments

08.10.2005 21:55

Lemme go through your comments and try and help you to understand where myself and the other girls who are featured victims on the film are coming from.

"She sounds like a bush loving Christian-Fundamentalist"

My backround is radical, I have been for many years active in the anti-capitalist/war/bush campaign and have spent the greater portion of my life organizing protests around the country for basic human rights and environmental protections.

-I am in no way a christian, I have a tattoo of a right side up pentagram on my back and I am a self-proclaimed pagan that follows the earth traditions of the original goddess-like religions of earth fire water air spirit, all beings are of one thought.

-For one thing, if you really knew Bush and his crooneys you would know that he is not in fact a christian but he is a practicing satanist who goes to and participates in rituals such as the "cremation of care" at Bohemian grove in San Fran where they pray to the owl God, Molluk, a god that feeds on innocent children and they burn an ephogy of a human child. He is also a long time member of Skull and Bones, a group out of Yale university that is led out of the order of death and believed in devil=death and death=death, this is all documented by journalist and film maker Alex Jones who snuck into the Bohemian grove and taped the whole ceremony,\

No I am not a nazi, the Bush family is a fmaily of Nazis and is vowed to bring to death and destruction to the world, that is their unspoken goal.

"Let me guess... this person probably wants to ban BDSM and S&M the UK"

I have no interest in banning one sweeping gerenalized word like BDSM or all S@M, this is about people who have learned real techniques of conditioning and programming passed down from the Nazi experiments, to the CIA in the US and then to all sorts of nofarious groups such as the mob and now porn and bdsm web site owners who are using the legitimacy of real people into the "scene" who just wanna have a little fun and think it's all play and pretty costumes with a little smack on the ass to mask their true intentions and operations.

I have no problem with people who are into each other who are honest about what their intentions are towards the person, but I do have a problem with people who set up a false reality and lie to your face.

"And... it is damned obvious that she has Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome"

Although, yes, this experience has been esptremely traumatic, making this film and talking with the other girls about their experiences has allowed me to grom as a person and actually heal.

"and she only did the job for the money, and now she is all traumatized by her experience with capitalism in it's most rawest form ( no pun intended )."

Everyone has to make money to survive, this is the nature or our unfortunate capitlaist system, the world does not run on love and artwork. The money was a factor but if you llok at public published experiemtation done with animals, there always has to be a drive, in the case of an animal the only drive cann be food, but in the case of humans food=money. This was not however the only driving factor that was placed upon me to submitting to his form of submission, I was also fed a whole line of fake spirituality, community, respect and love that I would attain through my complete and total servitude to the company and to the lifestyle of a true masochist. You have to understand that at the time I was searching for a mentor, for a prupose to my life, for a spiritual path and a balance between satying true to myself and my identity and also being able to eat. Thai is how I was lured into the program, it seened like the only waa out, I had already rejected the institution, if you look at my pictures from the site I have what some would call an alternative look: tattoos, face peircings, died hair, weird clothes, weird makeup; these are things not acceptable in the mainstream and limits a person in their ways of survival, but they were so important to mainatining my sense of self and integrity that I was not willing to conform and give them up to satisfy the will of the oppressive system.

"Look, free speech is a god given right, you have the right from god to look at anything two consenting adults do... but this ladies campaign is probably going to be used by the new labor reich to further restrict "free speech"."

Firstly, this is not an issue of "free speech." What the system would like to have us do is think in massive sweeping generaliztions: ex. porn vs anti-porn, liberal vs conservative, democrat vs replulican, good vs evil, male vs female, black vs white, etc. In this way we are trained into always being expected to pick sides and we are then cornered into a set indentity within which allows others to make premature conclusions about who we are and does not allow people to see the details of unique and individual cases. It is easy to point a finger at somone who is trying to bring injustices to light and to box them into one or another label in trying to silence their voice but it is another to try and come out of oneself and relate to another human beings' unique experience and try to empathise with that person's pain.

WHen we are talking about "free speech", we are talking about a person's right to be able to create and express any idea or message regardless of whether or not that message offends others. In the cases of these web sites featured on the film all activities taken place could have been reinacted without any damages to the girls or without threatening their safety in any way. For example, if you watch the peice of the film that features an interview with a girl who was conditioned into becoming a man's toilet slave, you will see that the whole segment has hundreds of clips dispersed throughout the interview of a recreation of the real shoots that she did with the company. To remake the scene we used a combo of peanut butter, chocolate pudding, bars, ketchup, etc. We did not need to use actual real feices to get the effect needed, we were able to recreate the scene without having to put me through all of the pain and trauma that comes along with actually swallowing real human waste! The same goes for the electroshock torture, the pain of the electric shock is not something that can actually be captured on film, it is not necassary to expose the girls to real electric torture to express the visual of a person getting shocked (as you see in the film as well in the recreated scene of me in the electric chair in which no real electricity was used). Therefore it is not a matter of free speech, the truth is, is that the members of these websites are paying for REAL pain and suffering, not acted pain and suffering. They call us models and actresses, but where is the acting if we are truly suffering? They are paying for the real degradation and breaking of the individual, not a role play, they are paying for the real destruction of this person's life and dreams. Is it a matter of free speech if a nazi wants to express the real toturing, experimentation and killing of a jew and put that on camera and sell that as a product? Does the fact that it is a filmed make hurting other people ok?

The only people's speech who is threatened is the girls' speech, their voices are silenced among clouded layers of fake liberals and fony puritanical religions. These companies make millions of dollars off of the suffering and pain and other human beings, these companies' voices are heard every single day millions and millions of times again and again all over the internet every time somone clicks on their sites and buys their product. These companies own million dollar houses and BMW's and offices in the center of Hollywood and Manhattan; most of the girls are living month to month, barely able to pay the bills with no money to invest in themselves or support of any kind.

"Look, free speech is a god given right, you have the right from god to ..."

You say that I am a Christian and bash me for this accustion, but you seem to be very confused in your wording, I notice you use god references 2 times within a short 8 line post. Over here in the US we have something we call seperation of church and state, that is that the law of land is not affected by one groups' religous views, this seems to be the major hole in your entrie statement and philosophy. Please go to the website and actually take the time to sit down and view the free 30 min sample so that you may comment on the actual content of the movie and not make arbitrary references to things like south park. I am always up for a debate with some real intelligence.
Thank you

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