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To test or not to test?

Artur Radosz | 07.10.2005 09:48 | Analysis | Education | Health

On 13 and 14 October the Ethical Platform of the Council of Europe will meet to finish they work on recommendations regarding drug prevention in school. One of the most important questions they have is to if the instrument of drug tests should be done in schools or not.

We are asking You to help them answer this question by filling the ENCOD survey. Our representative, will be on this meeting to make a presentation on this topic ( ) and to show them your answers. Please help them to make a good decision, fill our survey.

Artur Radosz
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07.10.2005 18:57

As a person of perfect behaviour and reputation in school, I would have waged war to the LAST breath in my body to prevent any f**ker from testing me, and I have never taken 'drugs'.

We ARE NOT SLAVES OF THE STATE. It has been time to make this clear for some time now.

Here's a question- why do we allow our lawmakers to function when 'HIGH'. Can you imagine any group of people more in need of their faculties. Name one parliament anywhere on planet Earth that drug-tests their lawmakers before they are allowed to debate, or vote.

Funny thing is, when questions like this are posed, people are so conditioned, that they think they are a joke!!!!

A footballer must not be allowed to play, if he has smoked grass in the last month or so, but Blair's goons can stagger into the House of Commons boozed up to the gills, or coked out of their heads!!!

YOUR KIDS ARE THEIR TARGET!!! YOUR KIDS WILL BE MADE TO FIGHT IN THEIR WARS!!! This cannot happen while you are still a strong parent, and responsible for the moral unbringing of your kids. You must be made to feel impotent and worthless- unable to give them the protection they deserve.

Want to video your kids in their school play- hey YOU are a pevert and a pedophile. Want to take your kids on holiday- hey you are a co-conspirator in truancy, regardless of how well your kids are doing. Want to agree to a sensible compromise with your kids over their diet- you are an irresponsible parent with NO RIGHTS to a say.

Fist in your face, fist in your face, FIST IN YOUR FACE.

The aim is VERY VERY simple- responsible parents with kids that do OK or better must feel that they clash with the system repeatedly. If the parent thinks that they have a right to an opinion, and a choice for their family, they must be hit, and hit hard.

REMEMBER THE CLEVELAND SCANDAL??? Every child in that area was informed that they would be seriously sexually assaulted at school on a regular basis, under the excuse that parents tend to sexually assault their kids. Can you imagine a world where a parent has to sit back and allow their kids to be sexually assaulted at school, and if they protest told that THIS PROVES that they are an abuser. The authorities in Cleveland came THIS CLOSE (imagine my fingers) to making this happen.

And to the dribblers that state the above scenario could NEVER have activated- WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. For years, all new students at many of the colleges across the USA were forced to strip naked, and pose for photographs. This included young women, at a time when nudity was VASTLY more of an issue than today. Ten's of thousands of young women traumatised by a ritual that spun out of the racist theories of POSTURE, INTELLIGENCE, AND RACE.

In one of the most telling events, on one occasion a whole batch of such photos were accidently ruined, and when a request was made to have the girls repeat the experience, the DEAN said that this would be impossible, due to the extraordinary pain and suffering involved. IN OTHER WORDS these bastards knew how much they were hurting the kids, but did it regardless.

Best story from those times. The abuse was introduced for the first time at one girls' uni. The young ladies were raped (for that is what the process was), and the response of their parents was nuclear. The Dean was PERSONALLY made to burn each and every negative. This is one occassion where *I* would have cheered the use of the lynch law.



Oh dear

07.10.2005 20:15

Twilight's lost the plot. Keep taking the pills mate, and stay away from the computer for a while.
