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Madness in Plain Sight: Bush's Other "God Moment"

Daithí Mac Lochlain | 07.10.2005 01:33

The issue of the Bushling’s mental health, or lack thereof, was raised in yesterday’s White House Press Briefing:

“Q Have you ever heard the President say that God told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and --

MR. McCLELLAN: No, and I've been in many meetings with him and never heard such a thing.

Q Are you aware of the -- there's a BBC broadcast tonight that's quoting the Palestinian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister as saying that they were in a meeting with the President in June of '03, and there are some very detailed quotes here, saying that the President said to them, "God told me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan,' and I did," and then "God told me, 'George go and end the tyranny in the Iraq'" and so forth and so on?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, that's absurd. He's never made such comments.

Q Were you in the meeting when that took place?

MR. McCLELLAN: I've been in meetings with him with President Abbas; I didn't travel on that trip, if you're talking about to Jordan. But I've been in many meetings with the President with world leaders where he's talked about this.

Q So you don't know about the June '03 meeting?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I checked into that report and I stand by what I just said. “

It should be noted that the aforementioned meeting was not the only time that the Bushling described his politico-mystical episodes.

Jack Brubaker of the Lancaster New Era reported on a campaign stop and visit that the Bushling made to the Amish community of Pennsylvania:

“At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, ‘I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn´t do my job.’”

The Dubya White House also denied that story at the time.

It seems that Mr. Brubaker got the story from Mr. Sam Stoltzfus of Gordonville, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Stoltzfus is himself a member of the Old Order Amish Faith and writes for The Dairy, a monthly Amish newspaper.

Now, I’ve never met Mr. Stoltzfus, but I’ve heard more than enough of the Bushling’s lies.

Whom do you believe? The Bushling's press secretary…or the Plain Folk?

Easy, eh?

Daithí Mac Lochlain


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07.10.2005 17:25

Take your mind back to "I, Claudius" (the TV version- may have been in Graves book as well, don't remember).

Remember the scene where Claudius seeks to flatter Caligula, and thus prevent him from doing something terrible. He does so by constantly stating that Caligula's divinity is plainly obvious to all, and that Gods should be generous. (BTW Spielberg steals the self-same scene for Schindler's List.)

Point is, a mad, sad, bad leader is always prone to control by such siren words. Bush knows his own history (idiot playboy son, drunk, and cokehead). He accepts his success by TRULY believing that god has chosen HIM for a divine purpose. After all, Bush knows that he has done NOTHING on this Earth to deserve his position of Leader of Men, so God's mysterious plan becomes a likely explanation.

God, the psychology is so old, I'm amazed there exists anyone who does not understand it!!!

Point is, you have a puppet/madman, and you wait to see which of these two characteristics will be the more significant.

Does Bush talk to 'god'? Without a doubt, yes! Should this scare us? Well, everything that motivates American presidents seems pretty scary to me. I'm not sure if this factor is any worse than the others.


Cremation of Care

08.10.2005 10:30

The only 'God' Bush talks to is Moloch, a demon who demands the sacrifice of children, by fire, and Bush is following these instructions to the letter.

How many kids have you killed today, Mr President?
