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Insidious Police Recruitment

Happy Snapper | 05.10.2005 21:41 | Repression | Social Struggles | London

In the exact spot where police under Ian Blair shot dead Jean Charles de Menezes, there is now an advert recruiting for people to join the London Metropolitan police force...

stockwell police recruitment
stockwell police recruitment

I could not believe my eyes -

In the exact location where de Menezes was shot dead, the police have put up a poster recruiting for people to join the police force! What heartless, sick and twisted people are running the met? Fuck!

Happy Snapper


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Twisted Poster

06.10.2005 08:54

I saw that new recruitment poster yesterday, though not at Stockwell. It's yellowshirts this time, rather than brown. Anyone who would give up eight hours of their free time to put on a uniform (free uniform!) and exercise their authority over others, is clearly psychologically unfit to be policeman. We have the TA for such dangerous inviduals, don't let them loose among the general public! It's all a bit Clockwork Orange if you ask me.

Antipholus Papps
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Change from within?

06.10.2005 17:54

You don't think the police can be changed from within? The police and security service have been infiltrating protest groups for years. Here they are providing the route to infiltrate, learn about, influence and change the police. When you see a police officer mishandle a situation, abuse their authority, provoke agression or use unnecessary force, do you think how you would handle that situation better?

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No its not

06.02.2006 21:00

Why have you printed this lie ?
I work for tfl and there is no poster there or has there ever been..
