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Chop the Monarchy

Anarcarl | 04.10.2005 20:08

Chop the Monarchy is an aggressive campaign of direct action world wide. Here in the Northeast (UK) Class War will be mounting one of its biggest mobilisations of anti-royalists against the visit of HRH Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip on the 14th October 2005 in Newcastle.

Chop the Monarchy

Chop the Monarchy is an aggressive campaign of direct action world wide. Here in the Northeast (UK) Class War will be mounting one of its biggest mobilisations of anti-royalists against the visit of HRH Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip on the 14th October 2005 in Newcastle.

The importance of this campaign and the ongoing struggles in countries (Nepal) that suffer under the royalist yoke can no longer be tolerated. Unjustly promoted as Divine, these figure heads have grown like a cancerous growth on the backs of working class toil and deserve nothing less than the chop.

Our call is Revolutionary as we cannot supplement one power for another. We seek nothing less than the removal of all rights the monarchists claim to power, property and wealth. This removal is to be instituted immediately as the insult & assault these criminals perpetuate is an offence under every Religion, Law & Cultural Norm, where society values equality.

Please pass this message on to Friends, Neighbours & Groups and make the posters available to all.

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Contact Indymedia Ireland ASAP!

04.10.2005 22:18

oh, you should tell Sinn Fein and the other Irish Republicans about this, I am sure they will be able to muster several thousand supporters to march in Solidarity with you guys.

American Anarchist

Anti Parliamentary (advert)

05.10.2005 08:55

The Traitors to Socialism now going along with the Fascist policies of New Labour are a far more important target in the UK. We have to go back to the Anti-Parliamentary movement of the 1890s to see where the left in the UK started to go wrong.

The Monarchy in the UK is like the other ancient monuments, since we had a Revolution it is an empty shell stripped of its power .. except for the power to invite a Politician to form a Government. In a Democracy, that also implies a duty to declare a State of Anarchy when over fifty percent of the voters do not vote and so have demonstrated the rejection of this corrupt political system. It then becomes tha duty of all who have taken an Oath of Loyalty to the Crown to ensure that the declared State of Anarchy works -without using coercive power!

Actually this is advertising for a book "Anti - Pariamentary Passage : South Wales and the Internationalism of Samuel Mainwaring (1841 - 1907)" there may be some very first editions in plain covers on sale at the Anarchist Bookfair if you can find the IWW stall. If someone will scan the text it could be available much more cheaply on CD or a floppy. Big money needed to pay for printing a second edition.


Why violent tone?

05.10.2005 11:49

A large movement could be built to campaign against the monarchy but under these aggressive banners it will only ever be a few punks joining in. Is activism about image or about what is really effective.


Mr Richard

Back to fundamentals

08.10.2005 13:34

Yes Mr Richrds, AnaCarl has devalued the attack on certain foreign Monarchs by including the castrated form of post revolutionaty Monarchy we have in the UK. But the degenerates now in charge in Saudi Arabia have deserted their own faith to the extent that they plan to demolish the house that Mohammed actually lived in. It may be impossible to stop them without a bloody revolution.

Unfortunately it seems that God is not Great becuse there has not been one. The Imams have been bought by the Saudi Royal family.
