small WORLD interview with Cyndi Rhoades, Anti-Apathy/Worn Again
small WORLD Podcast | 04.10.2005 07:43 | Culture | Ecology | Workers' Movements | London
Interview with Cyndi Rhoades of Anti-Apathy and Worn Again. We discuss how long she has been living in London and her newly gained U.K. citizenship; why she moved to London; the recycled materials that Worn Again shoes are made of; Galahad Clark of Terra Plana; Ecoist handbags; other products that Worn Again is planning to develop; shifting to different modes of living; manufacturing the shoes in China and ethical considerations; the origin of Anti-Apathy; ideology versus lifestyle; common sense economics and ethical banking; upcoming Anti-Apathy events; water issues and Debbie Harry; climate change and New Orleans and the possible flooding of London.
Featured song is “Funky Friend” by Achim.
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Featured song is “Funky Friend” by Achim.
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small WORLD Podcast