Ramadan in London - Muhammad Haque Political Poetry Tuesday 4 October 2005
© Muhammad Haque | 04.10.2005 02:39 | London
Ramadan in AD 2005!
Fasting in London in a media-propelled
climate of terror !
"Muhammad Haque Political Poetry”
4 October 2005
But what is terror?
And why is terror?
Who is terror?
When is terror?
Where is terror?
I will let you in
on a big secret
as secret
as a blatantly blazing
from Hell
burning lies
It is that ‘secret’!
The truth is that
I never met terror
at least not ‘Terror’
until I woke up one
morning in London
and was distracted
by the overdressed
over-dolled up
presenter on the BBC
uttering what sound
almost exactly like
one of the millions
of plasticity performances
that I have suffered
as brought to me via
the BBC
the world’s
most unbelievable
rentable statesman
the Reverend Jesse
who became to me
a symbol of embarrassment
rather than of dignity
when he made himself
available to lend his
image and his sound
to the media lynching
of Clarence Mitchell
around Mitchell’s
nomination for US Supreme Court by an avidly right-wing US President.
I felt that Jesse jackson discredited
the cause of justice for women
when he did the rabbit-rated
rendition on variations of
Anita Hill’s name
Why I felt that outraged by
Jesse Jackson’s availability ?
Because had Jesse Jackson
been really concerned about justice
I could have said
the same about a
host or a hundred
other video news outlets
had I had the nuance
in time to pay attention
to the matter of what matters
and had amassed dollops
of degeneration dosh
apparently being injected
into the UK inner cities
under the degenerate
agenda of Anthony Blair
I could have installed
all manner of video and
tv receiver devices
and added to the suffering
of the senses
and would
in the process of
inner cites degeneration
have lost
the remnants of whatever
constitutes common sense
As it happens
I only can afford a restricted
contraption of almost
obsolete variety
capable of marginal
albeit frequently unreliable
BBC terrestrial reception
BBC terrorising conception
BBC terrible deception
BBC terroriser redifussion
BBC terrorists’ obsession
BBC treacherous confection
My sense of terror was from being
a licence payer in the UK
which means that I can
be one of millions of UK
residents who are daily
be targeted by the BBC
as they flicked before me
the arrays of ethnic surrogates
vacuous immoral duplicates
of the original vicious vessels
of lying perfect impeccable
broadcasting degenerates
they struck terror
as they uttered it in full
as they embellished it
as they elongated it
as they abbreviated it
as they turned it up
as they turned it down
as they countryed it
as they regioned it
as they zoned it
as they darkened it
as they whitened it
as they blanked it
as they blunted it
as they brazened it
as they ethnicised it
as they minoritied it
as they majoritied it
Fasting in London in a media-propelled
climate of terror !
"Muhammad Haque Political Poetry”
4 October 2005
But what is terror?
And why is terror?
Who is terror?
When is terror?
Where is terror?
I will let you in
on a big secret
as secret
as a blatantly blazing
from Hell
burning lies
It is that ‘secret’!
The truth is that
I never met terror
at least not ‘Terror’
until I woke up one
morning in London
and was distracted
by the overdressed
over-dolled up
presenter on the BBC
uttering what sound
almost exactly like
one of the millions
of plasticity performances
that I have suffered
as brought to me via
the BBC
the world’s
most unbelievable
rentable statesman
the Reverend Jesse
who became to me
a symbol of embarrassment
rather than of dignity
when he made himself
available to lend his
image and his sound
to the media lynching
of Clarence Mitchell
around Mitchell’s
nomination for US Supreme Court by an avidly right-wing US President.
I felt that Jesse jackson discredited
the cause of justice for women
when he did the rabbit-rated
rendition on variations of
Anita Hill’s name
Why I felt that outraged by
Jesse Jackson’s availability ?
Because had Jesse Jackson
been really concerned about justice
I could have said
the same about a
host or a hundred
other video news outlets
had I had the nuance
in time to pay attention
to the matter of what matters
and had amassed dollops
of degeneration dosh
apparently being injected
into the UK inner cities
under the degenerate
agenda of Anthony Blair
I could have installed
all manner of video and
tv receiver devices
and added to the suffering
of the senses
and would
in the process of
inner cites degeneration
have lost
the remnants of whatever
constitutes common sense
As it happens
I only can afford a restricted
contraption of almost
obsolete variety
capable of marginal
albeit frequently unreliable
BBC terrestrial reception
BBC terrorising conception
BBC terrible deception
BBC terroriser redifussion
BBC terrorists’ obsession
BBC treacherous confection
My sense of terror was from being
a licence payer in the UK
which means that I can
be one of millions of UK
residents who are daily
be targeted by the BBC
as they flicked before me
the arrays of ethnic surrogates
vacuous immoral duplicates
of the original vicious vessels
of lying perfect impeccable
broadcasting degenerates
they struck terror
as they uttered it in full
as they embellished it
as they elongated it
as they abbreviated it
as they turned it up
as they turned it down
as they countryed it
as they regioned it
as they zoned it
as they darkened it
as they whitened it
as they blanked it
as they blunted it
as they brazened it
as they ethnicised it
as they minoritied it
as they majoritied it
© Muhammad Haque
Hide the following 4 comments
Refenece in the poem to USA Supreme coiurt - CLARENCE THOMAS
04.10.2005 07:22
CORRECTION - Clarence Thomas (NOT Clarence Mitchell)
There was a technical error in the production of the first post .
The name of the USA Supreme Court Judicial nominee at the
time referred to is Clarence Thomas, NOT Clarence Mitchell
0714 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 4 October 2005
e-mail: aadhikarlaw@yahoo.co.uk
ClarenceThomas, NOT Clarence Mitchell.
04.10.2005 07:48
There was a technical error in the production of the first post . The name of the USA Supreme Court Judicial nominee at the time referred to is Clarence Thomas, NOT Clarence Mitchell.
Muhammad Haque
0748 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 4 October 2005
e-mail: aadhikarlaw@yahoo.co.uk
Bollocks poam
06.10.2005 15:39
Mr Lustbather
Addition - a note on an updated version of the poem
22.09.2007 18:27
1828 GMT
Saturday 22 September 2007
Muhammad Haque
e-mail: aadhikarlaw@yahoo.co.uk