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Support Gate Gourmet and BA Heathrow workers - Nottingham Support meeting

Pete Radcliff | 02.10.2005 15:55 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Gate Gourmet may be 'resolved' but the sacked workers at Gate Gourmet and BA Heathrow workers still need solidarity

Gate Gourmet may be 'resolved' but BA Heathrow workers are still sacked

Sponsors include: Nottingham District T&GWU, NUT Notts County, Nottingham City branch UNISON , RMT East Midlands branch

Speaker: Sanpal Sangha, Gate Gourmet TGWU shop steward

5th October, 7:30 pm, at the YMCA, Shakespeare Street, Nottm

British Airways (BA) contracts out meals provision to US-owned sweatshop company, Gate Gourmet ... Gate Gourmet workers sacked whilst in mass meeting discussing company redundancy and casualisation plans … other workers coming into work sacked by megaphone announcement … spontaneous sympathy action by BA Heathrow workers puts BA under serious pressure … after resumption of work 3 British Airways Heathrow workers sacked … T&G prepares ballot for strike action at BA

Don't let Gate Gourmet and BA get away with this!

Organise Solidarity
• Fight against sweatshop managements
• Demand the right of unions to organise trade union solidarity
• Support the Gate Gourmet workers - financially, personally and politically.
• Support the BA Heathrow workers whose only crime was to support their victimised sisters and brothers as effectively as they could.

Read history of dispute at:
National Support Group
TGWU national website

Pete Radcliff