Faringdon Peace Group celebrates its 25th birthday
Nuala Young (edited & published by eileen) | 02.10.2005 08:41 | Anti-militarism | Oxford
DATE AND TIME:Sat 8th Oct 2pm-8pm.
VENUE: Corn Exchange, Gloucester St, Faringdon, SN7 7JA.
Faringdon Peace Group, 1980 - 2005, celebrates 25 years of campaigning for peace.
ATTRACTIONS: Art, events, meetings, barn dance. SPEAKERS include: Tony Benn, Bruce Kent,
Caroline Lucas & John McDonnell.
THERE WILL BE: Music, exhibitions, refreshments & more.
Faringdon has a tradition of hosting inspiring events open to all and this is one of them to launch their "month for Peace".
Nuala Young is planning to go so anyone who would like a lift or can offer one, please contact her as soon as possible:
nualayoung@hotmail.com or telephone Oxford 749459.
DATE AND TIME:Sat 8th Oct 2pm-8pm.
VENUE: Corn Exchange, Gloucester St, Faringdon, SN7 7JA.
Faringdon Peace Group, 1980 - 2005, celebrates 25 years of campaigning for peace.
ATTRACTIONS: Art, events, meetings, barn dance. SPEAKERS include: Tony Benn, Bruce Kent,
Caroline Lucas & John McDonnell.
THERE WILL BE: Music, exhibitions, refreshments & more.
Faringdon has a tradition of hosting inspiring events open to all and this is one of them to launch their "month for Peace".
Nuala Young is planning to go so anyone who would like a lift or can offer one, please contact her as soon as possible:

Nuala Young (edited & published by eileen)