Rising Tide CLIMATE ACTION NEWS SHEET 52, 28.9.05
toadally | 29.09.2005 23:08 | Ecology | Globalisation | Social Struggles
Back from the summer lull and ready to roll…
Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK:

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1.) Art Not Oil heads to Newcastle
2.) Ecuador Stops Petrobras's Oil Road Into Biodiversity Treasure
3.) Free the Rossport 5! Shell out of Ireland!
4.) ALERT: Stop the arrests of cyclists in New York
5.) October courses at the Low-impact Living Initiative
6.) Freedom to Protest Conference
7.) Road Block e-bulletin
8.) No M1 widening
9.) Remember Saro-Wiwa update
10.) George Fox 6: Campus Activism at the Crossroads
11.) International Demonstrations on Climate Change
12.) Happy Birthday to CAT
13.) Rising Tide is looking for web input
1.) Art Not Oil heads to Newcastle
ART NOT OIL at The Forth, Pink Lane, Newcastle; Tel: 0191 232 6478
FREE PUBLIC OPENING, WED OCT 5th, 7pm: art – music – food.
As the BP Portrait Award settles in at the Sunderland Museum and Winter
Gardens, its alter ego Art Not Oil comes to the Forth to offer up what
could be a truer portrait of an oil company, as well as celebrating our
creative dissent. Catch both if you can, then make up your own mind. If
you come away concerned about the way arts sponsorship diverts public
attention from the systematic abuses of the oil industry, one thing you
can do is let Alec Coles, Sunderland Museum boss, know how you feel:

If emailing, please copy your message to National Portrait Gallery boss
Sandy Nairne -

Tel: 07708 794665
2.a) Ecuador Stops Petrobras's Oil Road Into Biodiversity Treasure QUITO,
Ecuador, September 8, 2005 (ENS) - Under heavy pressure from conservation
groups and the indigenous Huaorani, the Ecuadorian Environment Ministry
has temporarily stopped the Brazilian national oil company Petrobras from
building an access road into Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve,
located in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

b) ‘Invitation to build a new civilization’
Quito, Ecuador - September 2005
Powerful new declaration from southern-based network of groups opposing
the oil industry:
3.) Free the Rossport 5! Shell out of Ireland!
A consortium of Shell, Statoil and Marathon is building an experimental
high-pressure natural gas pipeline through the village of Rossport in
County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. Local people are opposing the pipeline
on safety and ecological grounds. On June 29th 5 Rossport residents were
jailed indefinitely without trial for blocking Shell from building the
pipeline across their land. Please send urgent letters of support to:
Brendan Philbin McGrath, Vincent McGrath, Philip McGrath, Willie Corduff,
Micheál Ó Seighin, Cloverhill prison, Dublin 22, Ireland
A UK solidarity group is forming:

4.) ALERT: Stop the arrests of cyclists in New York
On August 26, almost 50 bicyclists were arrested while trying to
participate in New York City's monthly Critical Mass bike ride. Over the
past year, almost 600 cyclists have been arrested in New York. Truckloads
of bikes have been confiscated, many cut from their locks while their
owners stand by helplessly.
You can show that the world is not blind to this blatant abuse of human
rights, not to mention the equal rights to use public streets. Tell New
York City officials and police that the world does not accept this kind of
Go to and send a letter to the mayor and
police commissioner of New York. Defend cyclists rights now!
World Carfree Network: www.worldcarfree.net/nyc
5.) October courses at the Low-impact Living Initiative
Wind & Solar Electricity, Oct 7-9
Living in Communities, October 14-16 2005
Sustainable Energy for Homeowners, October 28-30 2005
LILI, Redfield Community, Buckingham Road, Winslow, Bucks, MK18 3LZ
(01296) 714184 web: www.lowimpact.org

6.) Freedom to Protest Conference
Sunday October 23rd 2005 at The Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road,
London, N7 ‘Any oppressive laws can be rendered unworkable through
protest, non-co-operation and defiance.’
7.) Road Block e-bulletin
16 September 2005, incl. Fuel 'protest' flop, Jeremy Clarkson 'pied' &
much more: www.roadblock.org.uk
PO Box 164, TOTNES, TQ9 5WX
020 7729 6973; 07854 693067

8.) No M1 widening
A campaign has been established against the planned M1 widening, with the
official campaign launch on Car Free Day, 22 September, in Sheffield. The
group is opposing the government’s plans to spend over £3.5 billion
increasing sections of the M1 to four lanes. With oil scarcity and
rising fuel prices high on the political agenda we think it’s a campaign
we can win.

Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX
9.) Remember Saro-Wiwa update
21 October - 10 November: The Remember Saro-Wiwa Season;
A 10th anniversary season of public art, film, music, dance, poetry and

c/o PLATFORM, 7 Horselydown Lane, London SE1 2LN
tel: 020 7357 0055
For US activities, see www.thepriceofoil.com
10.) George Fox 6: Campus Activism at the Crossroads
On Monday 26th September, the trial of the George Fox 6 began at Lancaster
Magistrates Court. Six student activists face charges in a three day
arising out of an action that took place at Lancaster University in
September 2004 where protestors had gone into the George Fox building at
the university to hand out leaflets and talk to people at the "Corporate
Venturing" Conference - a networking meeting for multinational
corporations. Speakers at the conference were drawn from controversial
arms manufacturer BAE Systems, Shell and other companies the six say have
'long histories of human rights abuses and environmental destruction'.
Police attended and told the protestors they were doing nothing wrong, but
some months later they received summonses through the post. The defendants
are seeking support at the trial.
George Fox 6 Supporters Group:

11.) International Demonstrations on Climate Change
Demonstrations will be happening all over the world on 3rd December for
action on climate change. There will be a large demo in London whilst the
UN climate talks are happening in Montreal.
12.) Happy Birthday to CAT
The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) marks its 30th birthday with a
special new display to illustrate three decades of Innovation, Inspiration
and Information. The Mid Wales eco-centre has been open to the public
since 1975.
01654 705 957

13.) Rising Tide is looking for web input:
If you might be up for helping update and/or maintain
www.risingtide.org.uk, send a message to

Take care and see you somewhere offline -
Your tethered-to-his-computer RT News Sheet collator
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