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Revolt ?

Power to the people | 29.09.2005 10:53

An uprising ?

It looks as though some people are questioning Roy Bards' right to run Indymedia as his private news outlet, will this be allowed or will the United Kollective once again slap down any dissent in their ranks ?

Will Roy be allowed to continue to edit posts at will and have others pretend it doesn't happen ?

Are the newer members of the kollective going to be allowed to have any power or will the new 'rule' about power being held by those who have been 'involved for the longest mean they will continue to be sidelined ?

We will enjoy watching the fight for control confident in the knowledge that the old Indymedia is starting to implode as the old guard are being ousted by new younger more radical elements who don't have the same agenda.

Power to the people


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Are the article and the link by any chance related?

29.09.2005 14:46

We should be told.

list reader