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URGENT ACTION against Blair U-turn on climate !!!

Campaign against Climate Change | 28.09.2005 21:01 | London | Oxford

URGENT ACTION against Blair U-turn on climate !!!

DEMO OUTSIDE DOWNING STREET, 6.00 pm Thursday 29th

Demo outside Downing Street, 6.00 - 7.00 pm
tomorrow (Thursday) evening:

"Blair Betrayal on Climate"

Dan Rogerson MP ( Lib Dem, North Cornwall)
Cllr Darren Johnson (Green Party London Assembly member)
Flick Cox (National Union of Students Executive)

Both from the leaked transcript from an international meeting in New York, and from his speech at the Labour Party Conference, it now looks like Blair is moving stealthily towards the Bush position which does not back mandatory emissions cuts but which just encourages voluntary 'incentives". This is much more serious than the amount of media coverage given it would imply - it means Blair is effectively dealing the death blow to Kyoto, or any binding international treaty on climate.This is a recipe for global suicide. Blair is now in the process of betraying all those who are working to save our planet from ecological catastrophe, and more importantly all those who will come after us on this planet.

We need to demonstrate that this has not gone unnoticed and people are angry about it. So please make this if you can !



Dont forget the 'National Planning Meeting' - plus gig - in Oxford on Saturday : here are the details again :

National Planning Meeting for the London National Demo
Saturday, October 1st, Oxford
12.00 noon to 5.00 pm, at the ASIAN CULTURAL CENTRE, Manzil Way, off Cowley Rd. (Next to mosque; No 5 bus from Railway Station; ring 07903316331 for directions)

Speakers include:
Mark Lynas, author 'High Tide: News from a Warming World'
George Marshall, co-director COIN – Climate Outreach and Information Network

Full timetable at

Come and organise a national climate demo, bigger and better than ever before. Help us build for the December 3rd demo - and create a network for more demos in the future.

Be there ! Be part of the action !

And after the meeting, the fun.. Climate Gig !

6.30pm - 2.00 am (after the Meeting) at East Oxford Community Centre, 44b Princes Street, Oxford OX4 1HU (near meeting venue)

A variety of Live Sets, amplified and acoustic. DJs, Visuals, Performers - Nova (Ultimate), Youth (Dragonfly, Camouflage, LSD), Nic Manassa. And more (check website)

And if you're still around on Sunday 2nd :
10.30 am 'Fancy Dress Breakfast Parade', with Climate Impacts theme, followed by
1.00 pm Picnic in the Park



Campaign against Climate Change
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Display the following 2 comments

  1. Among Other Things, No More Polar Bears — Guardian
  2. Update — Nadia