Democrat Will Oppose Anti-Terrorism Laws
FX | 28.09.2005 04:24 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War | World
AUSTRALIA: NSW: September 28th 2005 : NSW Democrat MLC, Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans, has accused the Premier, Mr Morris Iemma, of selling out to John Howard after agreeing to new 'Anti-Terrorism' laws yesterday. Dr Chesterfield-Evans said the proposed laws agreed to by Morris Iemma will not work.
Dr. Arthur Chesterfield-Evans MLC
'All this talk about 'tougher laws' is rubbish. Laws like this degrade our civil liberties and will ultimately fail. Draconian anti-subversion laws in Indonesia did not stop Muslim extremists placing a bomb at a night club in Kuta Beach. Even the British who have been engaged in a war of attrition with the I.R.A. for the past 30 years could not stop the London subway being targeted,' said Dr. Chesterfield-Evans.
Dr. Chesterfield-Evans has voiced his concern that the participants of yesterday's Terrorism Summit are asking the wrong questions.
'They should be looking at the very real reason that we have become a terrorist target. The main reason is because of our part in the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Even General Peter Cosgrove, said that there would be minimal danger from terrorism if Australia withdrew from Iraq, and many people agree with him,' he said.
The issue of safeguards raised by a number of state Premiers has also come under fire from the NSW Democrats because of the failure to provide timely and independent review mechanisms. Dr. Chesterfield-Evans will be voting against the Bill, and asking members of major parties to cross the floor to defeat the Bill.
'We already have the legislation we need to pursue people who take life and damage property. These laws exist within a framework that provides all the safeguards on which Western countries pride themselves. Our laws require proof of guilt, and they do not allow for detaining people without charges. We don't need to destroy the rule of law, the cornerstone of liberal democracy. These laws are the only thing that separates us from terrorists according to people like John Howard and George Bush - so why are they doing everything they can to eliminate these safeguards of democracy?,' Dr Chesterfield-Evans concluded.
No, your rights
By AL 28 September 05
[Your rights explained for you]
You have the right to not remain silent
You have the right to not question, decide, remember, observe, create, nor otherwise consider yourself a free individual
You have the right to work long hours for less than fair pay, without holidays and sick leave, and subject to arbitrary dismissal without appeal
You have the right to remain in debit for life, and to engage in conspicuous over-consumption
You have the right to be kept alive and force-fed, but not to euthanasia
You have the right to remain indoors, stupefied in front of the TV, except on Sundays
You have the right to eat irradiated genetically-modified inorganic foods that are fat free, low cholesterol, high in carbohydrate sugar salt preservative and behavior modifying drugs
You have the right to be gouged by oil companies, insurance companies, supermarkets, privatized monopolies, taxation, and dentists
You have the right to second rate, high cost, and impersonal medical care from poorly trained doctors and overworked, tired nurses
You have the right to be scared by your government, and abused by public servants and their cut-outs
You have the right to believe this is not a quasi-police state, run by unprincipled authoritarians who can't tell the difference between an activist and a terrorist
You have the right to be watched, followed, and tracked, overheard, profiled, identified, classified, correlated, and suspected
You have the right to indefinite detention, to inadequate counsel, to declared guilty by media leaks and defamation, and to secret trials requiring you prove your innocence without being told the accusations
You have the right to be deported at your own expense, despite being a citizen, crippled, young, or mentally ill
You have the right to bank accounts that cost you money, while the executives are paid well to devise ways of outsourcing the staff
You have the right to be arbitrarily denied welfare, child care, health care, or work assistance
You have the right to the total absence of privacy, to always carry your ID, and to surrender your DNA and biometrics with complete trust
You have the right to be searched, insulted, manhandled, confined, menaced and rejected by overzealous security guards on every train, airport, and entrance, and at every event, gig, show, movie, birthday party or cake stall that you might even think of enjoying yourself at
You have the right to be poorly governed by a parliament that is dominated by extremists, segregated from the electors, unaccountable and undemocratic
You have the right to vote for liars, bible thumping red necks, charlatans, bigots, failed lawyers, and other upstanding self-interested cheats
You have the right to be lied to, persuaded, misled, misinformed, and kept ignorant by a media that is complacent, biased, contrived, and for sale to the most ruthless and wealthy
You have the right to be socially engineered, dog-whistled, pork barreled, demographically data mined, lumped with the lowest common denominator, and ignored
You have the right to become a statistic, a frangible entity defined by your patterns of expenditure
You have the right to be waited on by asylum-seekers who are temporarily welcome, provided they keep their children away from the water
You have the right to inform on your colleagues and friends; to ridicule the defenseless; and to blame, accuse, and libel without foundation
You have the right to have opinions conforming to those the officially mandated mainstream gives you, and to express them when it allows you
You have the right to attend, read, watch, and listen to commercially viable, advertising saturated, highly censored, warning stickered, sexist, unchallenging entertainment, approved by politicians, accountants, churchmen, and self-appointed eminences
You have the right to have your homes and your community destroyed at the whim and design of property developers
You have the right to a fundamentalist fee-paying education, to be fitted for the most menial and casual of jobs
You have the right to respect authority, to worship celebrities and sports stars, to disparage artists and despise intellectuals, to harbor racism and foster intolerance, and to deny that global warming is real
You have the right to be criminalised for smoking, but not for drinking; to be stigmatized for drug addiction, but not for gambling
You have the right to a small, heterosexual, god fearing, law abiding, car owning, fashionably dressed, tax paying family
You will attend places of instruction, worship, labour, diversion, and correction without deviation from the designated routes
You have the right to exploit the environment, pollute, degrade, and occupy without compassion for animals and other humans, and without respect for the indigenous
You will sleep, eat, work, play, fornicate, exercise, consume, barrack, and commute in the prescribed manner only
You have the right to not protest, demonstrate, or organize, and to be labeled and detained as an extremist if you do
You have the right to conduct yourself according to the edicts of the cartel that owns the government today
You have the right to be compliant customers of globalised corporations, who have neither responsibility, nor ethics, or constraints on their ability to make a profit
You have the right to be bombed, invaded, gassed, shot at, interrogated, shocked, interned, beaten, subjected to indignity, threatened, hooded and deprived, to encourage you to become a more co-operative and patriotic citizen
You have the right to be abandoned in time of crisis and need; to be sacrificed; to be forgotten, mocked, and overlooked
You have the right to endure fake terrorism, real war crimes, notional liberties, and military injustice
You have the right to be protected by expensive taxpayer-funded government advertising, and fridge magnets, while the police guard the property of the rich
You have the right to the arbitrary denial of civil rights as a refugee in your own modern 1950s styled free-market penal colony
You have the right to a future the same as yesterday, without evolution, relativism, feminism, socialism, post-anything-ism, or enlightenment to trouble your mind, or to interrupt the holidays of your superiors
You have the right to forget that you ever had rights, or that you will ever need them again.
(c) 2005 AL is added to the copy.
Mein Kampf by John Howard
All Sieg Heil John Howard as his enabling act gets passed.
'All this talk about 'tougher laws' is rubbish. Laws like this degrade our civil liberties and will ultimately fail. Draconian anti-subversion laws in Indonesia did not stop Muslim extremists placing a bomb at a night club in Kuta Beach. Even the British who have been engaged in a war of attrition with the I.R.A. for the past 30 years could not stop the London subway being targeted,' said Dr. Chesterfield-Evans.
Dr. Chesterfield-Evans has voiced his concern that the participants of yesterday's Terrorism Summit are asking the wrong questions.
'They should be looking at the very real reason that we have become a terrorist target. The main reason is because of our part in the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Even General Peter Cosgrove, said that there would be minimal danger from terrorism if Australia withdrew from Iraq, and many people agree with him,' he said.
The issue of safeguards raised by a number of state Premiers has also come under fire from the NSW Democrats because of the failure to provide timely and independent review mechanisms. Dr. Chesterfield-Evans will be voting against the Bill, and asking members of major parties to cross the floor to defeat the Bill.
'We already have the legislation we need to pursue people who take life and damage property. These laws exist within a framework that provides all the safeguards on which Western countries pride themselves. Our laws require proof of guilt, and they do not allow for detaining people without charges. We don't need to destroy the rule of law, the cornerstone of liberal democracy. These laws are the only thing that separates us from terrorists according to people like John Howard and George Bush - so why are they doing everything they can to eliminate these safeguards of democracy?,' Dr Chesterfield-Evans concluded.
No, your rights
By AL 28 September 05
[Your rights explained for you]
You have the right to not remain silent
You have the right to not question, decide, remember, observe, create, nor otherwise consider yourself a free individual
You have the right to work long hours for less than fair pay, without holidays and sick leave, and subject to arbitrary dismissal without appeal
You have the right to remain in debit for life, and to engage in conspicuous over-consumption
You have the right to be kept alive and force-fed, but not to euthanasia
You have the right to remain indoors, stupefied in front of the TV, except on Sundays
You have the right to eat irradiated genetically-modified inorganic foods that are fat free, low cholesterol, high in carbohydrate sugar salt preservative and behavior modifying drugs
You have the right to be gouged by oil companies, insurance companies, supermarkets, privatized monopolies, taxation, and dentists
You have the right to second rate, high cost, and impersonal medical care from poorly trained doctors and overworked, tired nurses
You have the right to be scared by your government, and abused by public servants and their cut-outs
You have the right to believe this is not a quasi-police state, run by unprincipled authoritarians who can't tell the difference between an activist and a terrorist
You have the right to be watched, followed, and tracked, overheard, profiled, identified, classified, correlated, and suspected
You have the right to indefinite detention, to inadequate counsel, to declared guilty by media leaks and defamation, and to secret trials requiring you prove your innocence without being told the accusations
You have the right to be deported at your own expense, despite being a citizen, crippled, young, or mentally ill
You have the right to bank accounts that cost you money, while the executives are paid well to devise ways of outsourcing the staff
You have the right to be arbitrarily denied welfare, child care, health care, or work assistance
You have the right to the total absence of privacy, to always carry your ID, and to surrender your DNA and biometrics with complete trust
You have the right to be searched, insulted, manhandled, confined, menaced and rejected by overzealous security guards on every train, airport, and entrance, and at every event, gig, show, movie, birthday party or cake stall that you might even think of enjoying yourself at
You have the right to be poorly governed by a parliament that is dominated by extremists, segregated from the electors, unaccountable and undemocratic
You have the right to vote for liars, bible thumping red necks, charlatans, bigots, failed lawyers, and other upstanding self-interested cheats
You have the right to be lied to, persuaded, misled, misinformed, and kept ignorant by a media that is complacent, biased, contrived, and for sale to the most ruthless and wealthy
You have the right to be socially engineered, dog-whistled, pork barreled, demographically data mined, lumped with the lowest common denominator, and ignored
You have the right to become a statistic, a frangible entity defined by your patterns of expenditure
You have the right to be waited on by asylum-seekers who are temporarily welcome, provided they keep their children away from the water
You have the right to inform on your colleagues and friends; to ridicule the defenseless; and to blame, accuse, and libel without foundation
You have the right to have opinions conforming to those the officially mandated mainstream gives you, and to express them when it allows you
You have the right to attend, read, watch, and listen to commercially viable, advertising saturated, highly censored, warning stickered, sexist, unchallenging entertainment, approved by politicians, accountants, churchmen, and self-appointed eminences
You have the right to have your homes and your community destroyed at the whim and design of property developers
You have the right to a fundamentalist fee-paying education, to be fitted for the most menial and casual of jobs
You have the right to respect authority, to worship celebrities and sports stars, to disparage artists and despise intellectuals, to harbor racism and foster intolerance, and to deny that global warming is real
You have the right to be criminalised for smoking, but not for drinking; to be stigmatized for drug addiction, but not for gambling
You have the right to a small, heterosexual, god fearing, law abiding, car owning, fashionably dressed, tax paying family
You will attend places of instruction, worship, labour, diversion, and correction without deviation from the designated routes
You have the right to exploit the environment, pollute, degrade, and occupy without compassion for animals and other humans, and without respect for the indigenous
You will sleep, eat, work, play, fornicate, exercise, consume, barrack, and commute in the prescribed manner only
You have the right to not protest, demonstrate, or organize, and to be labeled and detained as an extremist if you do
You have the right to conduct yourself according to the edicts of the cartel that owns the government today
You have the right to be compliant customers of globalised corporations, who have neither responsibility, nor ethics, or constraints on their ability to make a profit
You have the right to be bombed, invaded, gassed, shot at, interrogated, shocked, interned, beaten, subjected to indignity, threatened, hooded and deprived, to encourage you to become a more co-operative and patriotic citizen
You have the right to be abandoned in time of crisis and need; to be sacrificed; to be forgotten, mocked, and overlooked
You have the right to endure fake terrorism, real war crimes, notional liberties, and military injustice
You have the right to be protected by expensive taxpayer-funded government advertising, and fridge magnets, while the police guard the property of the rich
You have the right to the arbitrary denial of civil rights as a refugee in your own modern 1950s styled free-market penal colony
You have the right to a future the same as yesterday, without evolution, relativism, feminism, socialism, post-anything-ism, or enlightenment to trouble your mind, or to interrupt the holidays of your superiors
You have the right to forget that you ever had rights, or that you will ever need them again.
(c) 2005 AL is added to the copy.
Mein Kampf by John Howard
All Sieg Heil John Howard as his enabling act gets passed.