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911 truth activists in Yorkshire

dh | 27.09.2005 23:02

Hmmm - 7 years max before they impose total global digital Nazi control over the earth through repeated staged terror events
IIts coming down real fast
Collective action to oppose the grid clampdown

911 truth activists walked under 911 and 7/7 banners , and distributed hundreds of 911 and 7/7 leaflets, dvds and deception dollars on the Stop The War demonstration on Saturday
A wholly successful stall parked itself at Speaker's Corner and David Shayler did his bit
Sunday proved its worth when 911 activists sorted its programme in a loving environment in the Tufnell Park circle community in the squatted and righteous church
The UK community has just reached an upturn
Get with this stuff - we're going to overtake the Americans in exposing this manipulation

West Yorkshire area among others is very under-represented in the national forum
Please contact if you want to act on this very basic issue
The left activists are generally in terrible denial, while those who understand the MO are in inertia

I hope to coordinate a 911/77 group in Yorkshire
Please contact
This is so important to those who dont want to live in a global Nazi state
We must expose their lies not go along with them as so much of the left, yeah unto Chomsky, does

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Photos from Hyde Park

29.09.2005 20:19

Sandwich board lady and heart and soul
Sandwich board lady and heart and soul

Author and whistleblower
Author and whistleblower

Mad conspiracy theorists flogging scurrillous wares
Mad conspiracy theorists flogging scurrillous wares

Author and whistleblower 2
Author and whistleblower 2

Find us the truth
Find us the truth

"Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11th...."
George W Bush


Hell and damnation

29.09.2005 21:52

Shite - back with these folks when I've learnt how to make the files smaller


dave fatley

06.10.2005 17:12

That fat slimy spook was spying on your lot a decade ago,now your playing tig with is ringpeice.And can,t you lot stop useing the word "NARZZEE" every time ,you sound like sixth-former or a nipper reblling aginst his stepfather.

Mr Lustbather