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Brick Lane London E1 Area Community Against the Crossrail-hole Bill

LondonE1families | 26.09.2005 21:50 | Analysis | Health | Social Struggles | London

Stop Crossrail hole Bill


Tower Hamlets Council in inner city East London must withdraw totally its support for all aspects of the Crossrail hole Bill, now in the UK parliament awaiting passage after formalities of the 'select committee' 'scrutiny'.

The demand was reinforced at a powerful demonstration held in the Hanbury Street London E1 at 'lunchtime' on Thursday 22 September 2005 when the campaign group KHOODEELAAR published a detailed list of demands on the local council.

Campaigners have now written o the current ‘leader’ of Tower Hamlets Council Michael Keith asking him to confirm his alleged agreement with the campaigners that the Crossrail hole MUST not be dug in the East London inner city borough of Tower Hamlets at all.

Other demands put to Michael Keith included the call on his to resign if he would not publish the full contents of the communications that he – Michael Keith- had had in the name of Tower Hamlets council with the promoters of Crossrail over the past five years.

Campaigners are also preparing a series of legal actions including against 'Tower Hamlets Councillor' Michael Keith and against identifiable employees of Tower Hamlets council alleging deception over Crossrail.

[More to follow]

2150 Hrs GMT
Monday 26 September 2005

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The East End will unite in opposition to Crossrauil hole attack

30.09.2005 01:17

© The Writer / ELYO 2005

"The East End of London will awaken and defend the community against the Crossrail hole.
There is no democratic alternative. the only way the people in the easy End of London in September 2005 know they can protect themselves against the Blair-set series of attacks on the environment, on the society in the Brick Lane London E1 area area, is for the appeal, to get united against the local Blair agents. Or Brown agents. Or MCcartney-agents.

After the audacious violence on the escapee from Hitler's Nazi regime, the Blair Party has no screens behind which to hide their robbery of democracy.

The Crossrail plan is a direct party of the project to silence democracy. To eject sense and to expel legitimacy from the arena of power.

Be that in the formal building of the UK House fo Commons. be that from the actual structures and buildings where Blair and his operatives seek to contrail and to confuse the masses, there is no denying that Blair has turned the country into a very intolerant one in a matter of weeks.

Planned periods of hysteria and mass scare have been implemented as parts of the designed programme to test the people’s state of alertness against a totalitarian regime in Britain.

What the Brighton Nazi Style violence on the 82 year old 'Labour' Party member objecting to the leis of the man of straw [in contents] shows is that the people are unlikely to fall for the plastic charms of the face of the neo totalitarian a.
That same thing applies to the East end of Lon don where the people can only defend themselves by getting united action against the Crossrail attack.

There is no economic justification for the Crossrail hole plan.
There is no hole plan need for the Crossrail hole dust and dirt imposition programme.

There is no constitutional justification fort the Crossrail hole attack on the East End people.

To learn more about the evidence against Crossrail hole plan
, visit

This has been written in London and posted on the web at 0115 Hrs GMT
Friday 30 September 2005

East London Youth Organsiation
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Organise more events to maintain pressure on Tower Hamlets Council

30.09.2005 11:19

Well done with the demonstration on Tower Hamlets council in the Hanbury street.

We need more such events.

We need information on the street-by-street effects of the Crossrail hole;e.

tell us why our community leaders have been so silent - except your group.

Why is it that the council can keep our so-called leaders quiet when the council is working hand in glove with the Crossrail to finish off our community.

Can we have those during the month of October when the MPs will return to the Commons and start to look at the Crossrail Bill objections?

East London youth Organisation

East London Youth Organisation
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Ordinary people in London and other areas can unite against corruption

02.10.2005 09:02

© The Peoples Forum for an End to Corruption in Public Office 2005

Why we are calling for a wholly independent media of active partipation against corruption in public life

Parts of the Summary of the rationale
London Sunday 2 October 2005
It may not be immediately noticeable from the contents of the BBC and the so-called free press in the UK but ordinary people know that councils, MPs are not doing their job. The Councils and Parliament have become rubber stamps. Not that they were very different in the past.

The difference that has occurred in the practice and in the perception of public life and public office has been a new factor that has been imposed. That has been done by mass media lying rather than by use of direct force on the target - the public.

This shift from direct physical force has been something very new. In scale and in permanence and in the pernicious, insidious nature and the manner of the effectiveness in brainwashing so many people in such a short time on so many viral issues.

To what extent the internet and related tv, broadcast and electronic media have been hijacked by the brainwashers is not completely understood yet.

But the vast majority of access, agenda and content of all the media remain in the control of the same forces as before.

They have merely reinforced their hold over people.

The so-called minority and the non-state forums and ac accessed lines are far too
small and disunited ti constitute a reliable alternative to the states-controlled operations and obstructions .

The EVIDENCE of the so-called left in the mainly print media over the last 100 years in western Europe and the USA shows that the left is really not quite the left that it fancies itself to be.

The reason is that the left has been ideologically part of the very capitalism that it claimed to oppose.

This dilemma has long been identified by people who never bought the left slogan that the western left was really a ally against colonialism, racism and fascism

with the rapid imposition of semi-fascistic measures by Tony Blair in the UK, the left has begun to show slow signs that it had been under delusion of democracy for so long.

This is be seen in all the so-called mainstream left-wing web sites and their publications.

Even after the treatment of Walter Wolfgang by the Blair gangsters, the left is not prepared to accept that the use of corruption is far more serious and sinister than the left has ever seen it to be.

Corruption is at the centre of the system that Blair profits from and promotes.

Yet none of the so-called left 'organs' or media has shown any interest in even mentioning corruption as part of its political opposition rhetoric.


Because most of the left are personned by or made-up of individuals who are liberally careerists inside the corrupt system of bureaucracy in Britain. Others not yet inside the corrupt system aspire to be in there soonest!

(more a bit later)
0954 Sunday 2 Oct 2005

end corruption uk
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Inviting info on local councils, MPs, GLA members - any sleaze, abuse

03.10.2005 07:48

©endcorruptionuk 2005

We are setting up an accessible library on the corrupt doings of local councillors,m MPs, regional assembly members, mayors etc

We would give credit in the virtual library if you ask for that or we would give the credit to whoever else is the source or collector.

The point so to create a practical movement against the overwhelming abuse, corrpton, misrepresentation that the elected bodies are doing and getting away with.

more soon

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