G8 / No-ID Benefit
Bill | 26.09.2005 17:54
InTheSameBoat Productions presents a live music benefit at the Sumac Centre, for the G8 and N0-ID campaigns/
Friday 28th October 2005
InTheSameBoat Productions presents a live music benefit at the Sumac Centre, for the G8 and N0-ID campaigns, with
- Melodic Punk, Down And Out In Paris And Lenton, and now Forest Fields too
Cape Canaveral
- beautifully layered interwoven rock action - peppered with yearning vocals
Jonathan Beckett (TBC)
Proceeds to G8-Prisoner support.
There will also be information about NoID.
Starts at 8pm; £2.50 recommended donation.
Members and guests welcome @ the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham
InTheSameBoat Productions presents a live music benefit at the Sumac Centre, for the G8 and N0-ID campaigns, with
- Melodic Punk, Down And Out In Paris And Lenton, and now Forest Fields too
Cape Canaveral
- beautifully layered interwoven rock action - peppered with yearning vocals
Jonathan Beckett (TBC)
Proceeds to G8-Prisoner support.
There will also be information about NoID.
Starts at 8pm; £2.50 recommended donation.
Members and guests welcome @ the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham