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get clued up bout migration friday 30th september

saturday club | 26.09.2005 12:05 | Migration

get clued up bout migration 30th september 7.30pm at the basement 24 lever street

friday 30th september from 7.30pm at the basement 24 lever street manchester city centre. Free entry (though donations will be appreciated)

A jam packed evening of short films...speakers...workshops and performers tackling and discussing issues around migration including:

Workshops led by people who work with refugees, academics and refugees who will discuss their personal experiences.

inspiring short films

We shall also have live acoustic music throughout the evening

if you want to help out with this event please email

Also this month take action against the oppression of refugees

1st October Demo in Bolton against section 9. Meet at Noon at Lever Edge Lane CP School, Bolton

8th October Subvertising workshop- book a place by emailing
and street theatre around the city

16th October Indymdia film night tackling Featuring Digital Diaries film and Dallas Court film.

saturday club