HIV: Auto-Report
Mac Crary | 25.09.2005 20:23 | Repression | London
The tragedy of how intellectual property claims on murder evidence papers were used to recruit The Beatles and The King Family into accomplice in the AIDS onslaught. If you don't read it here, you won't read it.
Prologue: HIV: Auto-Report
Letters: One: The Story I Tell
Two: Crime at Amnesty International
Three: Is This Hazing?
Four: The Velvet Revolution Dissented
Five: One Behalf: A Deaf Rape Victim
Six: Triple Jeopardy
Seven: The Jewish Community
Eight: General Press Appeal
Prologue: HIV: Auto-Report
This is a citizen's report on the circumstances surrounding new evidence being found in John Lennon's murder during an investigation into the origin of the AIDS epidemic. This material was found in Pittsburgh, in a Jewish Holocaust Survivor community but was not sworn in as testimony until the U.S. District Court of the State of Washington established Case No. CO2-623; ruling, "unable to establish jurisdiction". The tragedy of this crime is described in the following pages, extracts of testimony, focusing on the accomplice role of Paul McCartney, Bill Clinton and Ringo Starr. It is my belief that the evidence, which was planted on my home at a time when I was tortured as a child, was written by Reagan, Bush and Schwarzenegger. This accounts for the cruelty, and deranged false witness program by the U.S. Government, led by Oliver Stone, attempting to dismantle my ability to submit this material to you. All the material is copyright James MacRyland Crary, 2005. Because of the nature of the material, I invite you to share it under fair use laws, within reason. Please contact me at 315 Maynard Ave. S. #309 Seattle, WA 98104 or at if you or someone you know can offer support regarding the deadly attacks described in these pages.
Letter One: The Story I Tell
The story I have to tell is really very simple. In order to hide his accomplice in the AIDS onslaught, Ringo Starr claimed I was to blame for John Lennon's murder. Letters in my home, sent to me as a child, when I was tortured, were about the murders of Lennon and Dr. Martin Luther King. Because of Dexter King's obsession with intellectual property, the mindset of the Beatles caught on. They were slurring me sexually and claiming that I was never victimized, in order to empower the way I was being used as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig and to force me to do as they were doing and negotiate a surrender to what appears obviously to have been Reagan terror.
The King Family behaved abominably. So determined were they not to regard me as a victim, for fear that I would write a book over which they had no control, that they adopted Ringo Starr's claim that I was so non-victim that they could torture, torment and brutalize me, which they have done for years and no one would ever care. No one did, but I don't attribute that to me not having been tortured as a child. I just attribute it to society's terror of facing the truth about the Lennons and the Kings and what they have become.
The men who released AIDS used me on Mt. Desert Island as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig. I was from Pittsburgh. To cover this operation they claimed that I made a threat to rape Leslie Katz in a letter. That is not what happened. Leslie Katz had been taunting me and subjecting me to nightly ordeals of performing oral sex on her while denying me intercourse on the grounds of her virginity. I obeyed her wishes, but when she taunted me, "why should you get another chance?" I called her a fucking bitch and said she was suggesting I should have raped her. Since the men who deafened me, coached Leslie and then sold the tale of blame in Lennon's murder had released HIV, there was little hope that I would be able to stop them with the truth.
One of the pieces of evidence from Mt. Desert Island concerns a mousecage assembler for the Jackson Immunogenetic Laboratory who was introduced to me through the same men who wrote the Lennon murder papers planted on my home. This man, Wm. Zell, had said, "What would you think of a scheme to transform the human race by injecting the blood?" in 1981 or 1982, before AIDS was known. He engineered the experiment of using me as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island in 1987-88.
The King Family are in the council of Nation of Islam. When Wm. Zell produced a letter surrounding my name with positive and negative signs, after a woman seduced me bearing a tattoo of the grim reaper pointing at her vagina, (and his letter speaks of his reference to "injecting people"), the King Family were sold on the idea that if I were not a victim I deserved to die by HIV; which extended to the assessment that since I was not a victim, something as bad as HIV had to be done to me.
It should be pointed out that when they made this assessment the Kings were servicing and working with those who released HIV, framing me for rape and as blameworthy in the death of Lennon.
The letters in Lennon's murder were planted on my home in 1974. In the 1980's, the faction who wrote the letters, now led by Ming Na Wen, who went on to work with Oliver Stone, pretended to find them and made claim to them while I was in Maine. Through an office at Carnegie Mellon University known as "Alternative Conflict Resolution", an English named Amanda Harcourt, professing to be in Amnesty International negotiated a plan that allowed them, while working with those who released HIV, to commit terror crimes, like the arson of the Jackson Labs, to send signals of protest about the AIDS virus, while blocking the public's right to know what had been found. Those who released HIV promised to help the Lennons and Kings keep it secret on intellectual property grounds.
The accomplices were promised future profits.
When I returned to Pittsburgh, where I faced continued sabotague, I unearthed the letters in my home, written by a girl from a holocaust survivor community when I was tortured as a child, and made the discovery known.
By then the Beatles were in a true frenzy denying my so-called "status" as a victim.
The Beatles launched a guerrilla war in Pittsburgh, on behalf of men I reported for child torture whose names they had secured from my testimony at Amnesty International and betrayed. The Kings and The Beatles not only attacked me but raped a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy, after circling us with an agent named Evangelia Karmas, or Avenging Angel of Karma. The King Family believed that this was the answer to doubts that I deserved "victim status", to keep attacking us and attacking us, while denying our being even human.
The English were advancing the idea that when I was forced to forgive those who tortured me, then I would be equal to the situation. They have made me an item in the plan to forgive the AIDS onslaught and profit from the material in question.
Frankly, I don't understand how anyone could have wanted to hurt me this badly. Jeannie is so deaf and retarded that she is legally a child. I haven't been able to see her in five years. I have been tortured repeatedly since childhood, a fact that drives the Lennon/King faction into a frenzy of hatred whenever I mention it. The fact that the Pittsburgh community made me a saleable laughingstock just testifies to how much cruelty I have been through. I live constantly being circled and harassed by the English. I have had seizures from their beastiality towards me.
I think it bears mentioning that I after I graduated from high school I hitch-hiked from Pittsburgh to St. Louis just to hear a solo, free guitar concert by Robert Fripp, a friend of Ringo's who is in the Gurdjieff Cult that harbored Wm. Zell. In the history of betrayals, the rape of deaf Jeannie by this marauder looms as one of the most infamous.
The fact that new evidence was found in John Lennon's murder during an investigation into AIDS origin and that the deaf victims on whom the evidence was planted were tortured and raped by the U.S. Government in answer (to the applause and with the collusion of the King Family) tells pretty clearly what the situation in Pittsburgh has been, and why I live in terror of every passing day in Seattle.
Having accompliced the men who released AIDS, the Kings are determined to force me to embrace the men who raped my beloved Jeannie. Ringo Starr is to blame.
Letter Two: Crime at Amnesty International
This letter is real. It is about terror hate crime from the offices of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL in England.
I am a poet. I won the Pennsylvania Governor's School Scholarship for Poetry in 1978 and once placed Second in a Seattle Poetry Slam. My father, deceased, was the author of "Humanizing the School" (dedicated to Dr. King), in 1968, and "America's Stake in Human Rights" in 1949.
I am deaf. I am impoverished and it takes stamina in the face of hardship to write these warnings. I was tortured. When I reported the abuse to AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, Peter Gabriel attacked me ferociously and executed the rape of my retarded deaf girlfriend. I am deaf from my injuries a fact about which Gabriel mocked me.
I am dealing with a man who is extremely violent, but who has the cloak of his arrangements with Amnesty International. He has stalked, shatteringly molested me and held me prisoner to his terror for 20 years.
I am now in Seattle. In 1985, at the age of 24, the situation in Pittsburgh had become very grave due to unprovoked, brutal gang violence towards me, which left me neurologically incapacitated and permanently deaf. I was isolated, and in a desperate attempt to get help and understanding, I made the very grave mistake of believing Peter Gabriel when he said that he was in Amnesty International. I named names.
The City of Pittsburgh deliberately deafened and brain-damaged me to facilitate my humiliation. They monitored and obstructed cognitive learning during my upbringing to prevent my understanding. The nightmare they subjected me at age 13 included beatings, abduction, gassing and a neuro-toxin. I'm trying again today to locate civilized humanity.
Gabriel attacked me, through union ties, with so much cruelty and beastiality that I was driven from my home. He has attacked me for years claiming that I was lying about child torture and needed to be discredited. Among the groups he cites for his catastrophic hate crime is the Pittsburgh Post Gazette who embroiled me in a nightmare by asking me to address the Fundamentalist Movement in letters to them. Gabriel's attentions to me can be verified. He carried on an extensive and wierd correspondence with me for three years before attacking me. He stalks me and brings evil false witness against me.
But that is not all he has done. Gabriel has had me psychiatrized and labled delusional for the purpose of political suppression of information about his beastiality. Despite this, and even though my own family has saught to prevent my testimony, he has been unable to prevent my mother Nancy, from bringing forward admissions that he was in contact with me and using me in his show business without payment and without permission. He also executed the brutal, brutal rape of a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy, for no reason but that she attempted to help me and interfered with what is apparently a wierd and ideological war game. He forced me to do things under hypnosis which were unforgettably degrading. He followed me around everywhere I went attacking me.
With some justice you might be asking, why in the world would Amnesty International brutally molest and rape two brain-impaired deaf people? Gabriel maliciously held me responsible for Lennon murder papers planted on my home by the men he adopted for Hollywood control, who themselves were behind the crime. If you are funding Amnesty International, I suggest you stop doing so, because you are funding a truly hollow promise. The letters were planted on me apparently to punish my family for my parents' work during the Civil Rights Movement. We deserved compassion for this strange and terrible circumstance, but received nothing but scorn and hatred.
Gabriel cited as his cause for serious sadism, and I had terrible, terrible seizures under the glare and violence of his beastiality towards me, a letter written just out of high school. I do not think a person, much less a poet of many public services and important testimony of torture, should be burned for life over one letter. Gabriel does; and his meannness and destructiveness have gone beyond Joe McCartney. He gave ultimatums of suicidal behavior to prove my merit in the death of Lennon and is informed by the extremism and impunity of Vaclav Havel. They brutally tortured me and they raped my deaf girlfriend. No Beatles agitprop about love will ever make amends for their hatred and sex crimes.
I must repeat that the girl he raped is retarded, deaf, legally a child and has epilepsy. There is absolutely no question it was him. They staked her out in advance and left their calling card. Oliver Stone printed me in Cineaste Film Quarterly and Asian Cult Cinema Magazines afterwards to brag of it. He raped my girlfriend as part of an effort to force me into his cult.
Gabriel's people threatened me in writing with HIV. He claims that they were only hazing me with terror of the virus when he used bacteriologicals on me. I would like you to bear in mind that he did this to someone whose loved one he raped and a deaf person who was tortured as a child. You can see the horror of what was done to me throttling still in my facial nerve over 30 years later. I had seizures from his beastiality. You could hear the troubling crucible of my mother recounting the tragedy of losing our home.
PETER GABRIEL has used the office of Amnesty International for rape and he has used it for black-marketing and he has used it for torture. He has made no secret of the fact that he regards this as a game. I have been badly and permanently injured in his beastial and unprovoked hate crimes. This horrible man is devious. I am a weak man, deaf, with neuro-trauma, who was in no way prepared for or equal to an encounter with his animalism and sadism.
I am writing not only to plead with you for intervention, but also to warn you.
Letter Three: Is This Hazing?
I was driven into homelessness where I was stalked and mistreated for over a year. The persons responsible did not relent after I found a Section 8 shelter and it is possible that I may have to evacuate my Seattle apartment for an Emergency Shelter in another state soon. I have been repeatedly tortured. No one will help me. Taking actions of social protest such as seeking Emergency Shelter in attempts to get away from abuse is the only course of action open to me. I do not want to leave my home in Seattle and did not want to leave my home in Pittsburgh. I reported child torture and the discovery of murder evidence to persons claiming to be from Amnesty International. They contacted my tormentors, framed me as accomplice and took extra-judicial actions to "punish" me which included the brutal rape of my retarded deaf girlfriend. They made no secret of their role in this crime and left damning evidence at the scene.
They poured a bucket of blood outside my home.
I was tear-gassed in my kitchen while preparing dinner at age 41 years old.
They threatened me in writing with "injecting" of HIV.
They notified those I had reported for child abduction and torture with intent to incite hate crimes towards me.
They brutally raped my retarded and deaf girlfriend, who also suffers epilepsy.
Something was put on the skin of my face.
They used scabies on me deliberately.
I had shingle attacks after a home break-in and poison incident which resulted in permanent acid reflux.
They called me a rapist. They called me a dog. They also have called me Hitler.
They graffitti'd epithets around my home.
They addicted me to Zyprexa. When I have tried to stop taking the drug, I've suffered sever nightmares.
Lights and recurrent motion hypnosis (FLUXUS mental abuse) were used to trigger seizures that caused dissociation due to prior inflicted head and neuro-trauma. It was like savagely pulling a ripchord through my head. I fell to the ground screaming while they jeered at me and spat on me.
They laughed in my face and denied everything. It is analogous to triggering epilepsy deliberately through flashing lights. The seizures I suffered were prolonged and the neuro-plastic head trauma surfaced in my facial nerve which throbs now in an unsightly manner constantly.
They tried to provoke outbursts of suffering so they could claim I was dangerous.
When I tried to protect my head with my hands they accused me of making a "threatening gesture".
I was told I was lucky.
Controlled incident structures were staged with hidden implications of a deranged nature.
Dead animals were left at my door.
They contracted an attack prostitute who claimed she was in love with me and wanted to be married for the purpose of deeply intimate defamation of character.
They plastered the school with photos of abortion they had contracted for which was recognizably my own.
I was forced to abandon my loved one after she was raped in circumstances of nervous breakdown and homelessness.
My fingernails bleed constantly from being bitten.
I suffered tachycardia.
I was offered beastial terms of accord with deranged false witness.
Seven boxes containing my life's work was forcibly taken and destroyed using deadly threats and life-shattering assault.
I endured blows by automobiles.
Oliver Stone printed my name in magazines in such a context as to suggest that sexual attacks on me and the rape of deaf Jeannie were filmed in progress to amuse him. Yoko Ono has a controversial film called RAPE and believes she was avenging John Lennon's murder.
I was and am subject to mind shattering, codified "selective distractor" hypnosis or Indian Sign, right up to my present doorstep where origami has been left in frightening suggestion.
They lacerated the inside of my throat somehow. Note the mysterious rubbing of his throat by the Oswald character in "JFK". I was printed on the subject of this film by Stone himself in the worldwide cinema magazine "Cineaste".
They have followed me in the library with their necks poised in the hanged man position.
They have cyber-stalked me brutally.
Hospital reports that my deafness was a result of a nerve agent which also gave me lifelong atypical facial pain were ignorred in favor of fraudulent explanations.
I was put in a series of jail and prisoner dilemmas for even food, which I was told to eat from the ground.
My hearing aids were forcibly taken. For four years I lived in absolute deafness, something I never had to do before, because I was too terrified to replace my hearing aids.
THEY DEMANDED THE GOLD CAPS BE CUT FROM MY TEETH. I went for five years with broken teeth.
They mocked me in seizures Jerry Lewis style.
They stalked me with one eye shut, repeating over and over, "I'm sorry? I'm sorry?"
Court support for them was assured by the fact that Lennon's family was involved.
They challenged my right to exist, tormented me with skin creatures and HIV threats, stalked me sexually and accused me of rape.
They called me a pedophile.
They called Jeannie's rape "Karma".
Extreme destitution and homelessness was derided as performance art for the spectator amuse of Paul McCartney.
Personal records and dedicated poetry were impounded and destroyed.
Testimony of being pedophiled was broadcast to humiliate me.
They contracted sexual assault.
They gave me scabies.
They forced stool into my mouth.
My grandmother was sent Satanic literature on her deathbed.
They forced me to immerse my bleeding hands in a sink of horrible filth.
They told me they loved me and were trying to help me.
I was used as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island.
I was earmarked.
I was given the black spot in the cafeteria and experienced food poisoning.
Small possessions were taken from me and I was called a thief.
They identified themselves as being from a studio system.
They hinted that I was in a special service mission.
They said they were union philanthropists.
They called it "equity".
They used the neuro-plastic head injuries incurred in crimes I tried to report to Amnesty International and they recycled the injuries and trauma causing convulsive arrest.
My life has been destroyed.
This has gone on thirty years.
They solicited personal information using fraudulent overtures.
I was locked in a house from the inside and unable to escape.
I was framed as a reckless driver in a van driving incident at a grade school when, in reality, I was a protesting passenger who quit the job over the incident.
I may face wrongful death from poison crime.
The tragedy of gradeschool when I was tortured was monitored by a law firm who ply'd me with marijuana in attempts to normalize the beastiality.
Children were hired to behave in sexually suggestive ways towards me, obviously to give monitors something to imply about me.
I have been forcibly cut off from peers.
AIDS victims have been incited towards me, as have an organized homosexual lobby.
He has organized a thrill kill syndicate who stalk me in such places as on the buses.
He has aided men who inflicted severe bodily harm on me as a child.
He constantly protests that it is love, that his hatred drives him and that cruelty is his only antidote.
He says I should feel privileged to provide amusement.
He organized my being wrongfully banned from school, despite a Pell Grant.
He had me arrested for trespassing upon arrival to a place I was invited.
He has tried to incapacitate me by causing traumatic mental illness.
He has done all he can think of to disgrace my dead father who wrote a book dedicated to Dr. King.
He tried to sabotague my testimony through overwork of a head trauma inflicted when I was brutally attacked and gassed as a child.
He has used the occult to suggest that I am his "property".
He has saught to provoke police hostility towards me.
He claims to be with Amnesty International.
He spread rape rumors.
He has stalked me in para-military formations on the street, utilizing his fan base.
He has suggested that I woman I once loved eloped with the men who tortured me.
I want nothing to do with Midori. My loved one is named Jeannie. They raped her.
They spread horrific race slanders about me.
They said I deserved it.
Letter Four: The Velvet Revolution Dissented
I am a deaf person living on disability in the City of Seattle. I am formerly of the City of Pittsburgh, where my deceased father Ry, author of "Humanizing the School", and "America's Stake in Human Rights" was Chair of Education at the University of Pittsburgh. If you investigate this letter you will, to be sure, hear a distorted account from those responsible, particularly the Olga Havel Foundation.
As a deaf, library clerk, I was flattered when Vaclav Havel showed personal interest in me, although I sometimes wondered why, since I had nothing to my credit except my column, "Ritual Dissent" at Pitt NEWS, where I had taken an anti-apartheid stand in opposition also to the Arms Race. Unbeknowest to me, men who I reported for torture to Amnesty International, which left me badly neurologically impaired in childhood, had planted Lennon assassination letters on my home, word of which had reached Havel before me, because dad had been from Bush's ship in the Navy and the researchers informing Havel had dope about me which was nothing short of miraculous.
I am writing to you about abuse and rape of a Korean and retarded deaf girl who volunteers at the Pittsburgh Deaf Services facility and lives in the grief of mental retardation, isolation and poverty, because it was a professional hit job. I was tortured...later evacuated by ADWAS: The Abused Deaf Woman's Advocacy Service Jeannie Tamburro was being punished for helping me to survive horrifying violent organized crime. The Professional Community in Pittsburgh is unspeakably malicious.
I am writing to you because my rights were violated as a deaf person shockingly. I was never legally accused, much less convicted for, a crime. Yet, full knowing what they were up to, The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf allowed Robert Fripp of King Crimson to frame me for rape with the University of Pittsburgh Psychiatric Team and then, in punishment for a crime which never occurred, but which he led people to believe did, he executed the revenge rape of deaf Jeannie Tamburro.
I apologize that I am so angry.
It is a well known fact that Rosa Monteleone (Rosine was chosen for the name of Havel's town Ruzyne) and Evangelia Karmas (Alia), a name meaning Avenging Angel of Karma, got involved with me to set up defamation of character in advance of Jeannie's rape near St. Rosalia. They were from a group in England called "Hidden Pun" who had claimed to be from Amnesty International, and to whom I reported torture and later murder. They were contracted on me sexually to attack a head neuro-trauma which was inflicted in a childhood abduction crime. They have tortured me. They have sent death threats in demand of forgiveness.
As an undercover journalist who reported from Mt. Desert Island on an illicit AIDS related crime there, which I investigated as an undercover reporter and resigned Medical Library Clerk I am well aware that skepticism about my talent as a field investigator served as a blackout umbrella on
this terrible and frightening affair. I am writing to inform you that this took place, and that WPSD allowed the criminal sexual marauders responsible for perpetrating untrue allegations about me to brutally rape a mentally retarded and deaf girl who has epilepsy, has no concept of sex, is legally a
child and to justify it by stoking pre-existing and totally unjustified hatred for me.
Deaf Jeannie has lived a lonely life as a retarded, deaf, Korean orphan. I do not understand how anyone can justify the crime she endured when she was raped as a package deal worked out in Pittsburgh over a criminal rock's star demand for personal revenge in a crime neither she nor
I took any part in, but for which I have been maliciously held responsible, the death of John Lennon, whose murder was a part of the horrifying outrage I unearthed in this city of fear and insurmountable lying. I had seizures from their sadism towards me.
I hope you might share my concern about a group that violated the integrity of an academic institution after claiming to be with Amnesty International. I am a member of the Emerald House Clubhouse in Seattle, and also a deaf person. They brutally tortured me and raped my deaf girlfriend after claiming to be from Amnesty International.
The reason I am sacrificing time in order to speak with people who may have contact with or derive information from or even have heard of Amnesty International, especially those involved with the deaf or in colleges is to warn you about a very psychotic and violent individual whom Amnesty International refuses to be accountable for, even though many of their websites and his personal biography identify him as their spokesperson.
Jeannie Tamburro is deaf, retarded and has epilepsy. In cold blood, Peter Gabriel and his mob circled her and raped her to execute a revenge crime after I was maliciously blamed by them for a misfortune that befell them with which I have absolutely nothing to do. They were insinuating that I was a rapist, without a victim, to justify hate crime incitement over the death of Lennon and circumstances which enveloped me. I had written to Amnesty International in a state of trauma caused by severe trauma from a child abduction incident when I was tortured at age 13 and deafened. There was no place in the English mindset for a second victim in the Lennon murder crime. They aided the guilty for control of the property rights.
Dr. Ryland Wesley Crary, my deceased father, wrote many textbooks, including "Humanizing the School". His first book was "America's Stake in Human Rights", a pamphlet still interesting even today, published in 1949. I grew certain that it was due to his work that I was tortured. I learned from the Department of the Navy that he had been blamed by George Bush for the loss of his plane at sea in World War Two. The letters blaming me for Lennon's death are initialled GB. Go figure.
Gabriel had sources from within my family, one of whom, a vicious stepbrother with Universal Studios, let him read these letters from another child, Gail Carolyn Burstyn, at the time I was tortured the content of which I did not understand. They were, sadly, evidence in John Lennon's murder. Gabriel contacted Oliver Stone, who printed my name in Asian Cult Cinema Magazine and Cineaste Film Quarterly, violently molested me, and raped deaf Jeannie Tamburro in a rampage with no justice to it whatsoever. The attack on Jeannie was, among other things, an attempt to force me to recant my testimony.
Yoko Ono has in fact received a sort of license to do serious injury and has committed many acts, some of them occult, seeking to torment my mind about her dead husband. The rape of deaf Jeannie was simply one of many brutal attacks.
My own research into the assailant faction allowed me to file Case CO2-623 in the U.S. District Court proving that they also released the HIV virus as a weapon. Gabriel has used the tendency on the part of bureaucrats to dismiss this Casefile as fiction in order to cloak his underground activities as an assassin. Gabriel was fanatically driven to protect the truly guilty because he can make a storybook explanation around the fact that the author of the letters came from a Jewish Holocaust survivor community. The length of time they have been silent, professing to have learned no earlier than 1985, tells the grim truth of the tale. In order to do this sale, he has maliciously characterized me and allowed the guilty to go free. At no time were those at risk from this enterprise and from the assassins in any way meaningfully warned. They are at large. We have received DEATH THREATS from both those who tortured us and from those who at one time dared to claim that they represented Amnesty International.
Neither I, nor deaf Jeannie Tamburro, had anything whatsoever to do with the death of John Lennon, which is the obsessive and solo focal point for Gabriel. I repeat: NOTHING. I told Amnesty International in good faith the truth about the terrible sadism I endured, which left me
permanently and irreversibly impaired. Gabriel's gang ferociously raped deaf Jeannie Tamburro and he left his easily identified calling card at the scene. He also sexually attacked me and I suffered trauma and terrible neurological seizures. He did this rampage in revenge for John Lennon's murder. I was a library clerk in a community college when he molested me.
I went to Amnesty International in good faith. I had no role in John Lennon's murder. Those who were truly guilty went free. The girl Gabriel raped is legally a child.
Please do not write to me simply to ask why you received this message. I am dealing with a very brutal murderer who tortured me and raped my deaf girlfriend. I cannot get help.
As a person who has had to make a full-time job of defending myself from his beastiality, I know from bitter experience that Olvier Stone will tell any lie no matter how cowardly and low to defend his twisted interpretation of what is real. He sided with a complaining ex-girlfriend, Leslie Katz, Gail Burstyn's partner, because I was weakest at that point and vulnerable. Nobody who knew me well considered me dangerous to Leslie. However, I have a severe neuro-plasm from head trauma and the degree to which I could be put into suffering through abuse titillated Oliver Stone. I was barely a high school student when he and Gabriel first set upon me sexually with attack dogs.
The film "JFK" was a travesty not because it was entirely wrong, but because of a different crime it covered for and empowered. Stone was stalling and buying time, meanwhile, around me, he has built a very brutal, private prison, staffed with lookalikes of men who child molested me and capable of raping a retarded deaf girl. Oliver Stone wants you to believe that the issues are too big to care whether two deaf people are tortured and raped and he printed my name in both Cineaste Film Quarterly and Asian Cult cinema to brag of his henchman status for Yoko Ono in what appears to have been their filming of the attack on my loved one, a very odd way to do credit to the memory of John Lennon, as master criminals acting in his name. Towards me, Stone and Ono have incited the most vicious and depraved people that Hustler Magazine money can buy. Ono is one of the fascist forces who have prospered as our society's Commonwealth has been looted.
Martin Sheen has led a campaign depicting the rape of two innocent deaf people, one retarded, one simply writing opinions in a campus newspaper, as special street justice. He loops crimes committed by other people towards me, calling me to blame for them, in order to cover his real atrocities.
...and they're planning something big that requires them to do nothing but go along with the master plan.
911 was your imagination.
There is a widespread presumption, originating in Pittsburgh where I lived, that I can be ridiculed and mistreated because it amuses them. Yoko Ono got on board with this group abuse picture, which is possible because I am deaf, and in a rampage, supposedly over her husband's murder, in which she projected a role about me, in league with the men who killed him, I was tortured and my deaf, retarded girlfriend was raped.
It's not a theory. I have proof of every word which those who see it concede. It is a script and attendant papers written by those who killed John Lennon and which my research proves released HIV.
The men who released HIV are in power. I proved it by taking a long shot at securing their arrest. For my effort to have prevailed, Peter Gabriel's mind would have had to be on the truth, rather than simply hijacking the operation in tandem with assassins in a struggle for material control of the idea behind the crime. He was recruited in a staged and phony intercept of the criminal source material planted on my home that could have led to very early public warning, in 1985, had Paul McCartney not been determined to shake cold hands with Reagan and keep it secret in a publication right claim and grab. These were the ultimate "Pentagon Papers". Ronald Reagan is depicted as Godfather of accomplices in their innocent plea.
I believe the evidence shows that Ronald Reagan is the true author of the crime.
McCartney, Reagan and Gabriel, working together, jeering and attacking, had my documentation showing child trauma, because I tried to get help from Amnesty International. They began stalking me with men I reported for torture, brutally tortured me again and savagely raped my deaf girlfriend, in order to dramatize the belief system they perpetrated to hide their accomplice in the AIDS onslaught, which was their claim that I deserved to be used as a slavelike guinea pig. To justify it, they impacted a very grievous head trauma and then called it self-inflicted.
Robert Fripp is a svengali of death who wants the right of assassination. Fripp's wacked out belief system and extremely violent temperment made him a natural ally of those peddling AIDS information as property, as well as in harrowing cruelty inflicted on me. He recruited the King Family into the rape of my girlfriend, whose interest is control of the script as a matter of Estate. It explained Dr. King's murder among sanitation workers as a function of extermination. Fripp engineered for those who released the virus their cover story about waging cathartic violence for the victims, ie. Oliver Stone's "Operation: Medicine Man", the true source of such acts as 911 and Valdez, encrypted for Valentine's Day in revealing poetry. What the coward Fripp, operating in subliminal communciation, does not communicate, is that the idea for Medicine Man came from those who released the virus and then soft-peddled the staged and phony intercept. Medicine Man is quaint Orwellianism for those who released the AIDS virus.
Naturally, because he is a felon and a quisling, there have been no end of howls by this murderer about the money being Ringo's and how I am really to blame for Lennon's murder. They were the words he was scripted and he took to them readily. It is amazing with what facility the Auschwitz Jews who penned the scroll, in the hand of Gail Burstyn, predicted England, even as the coward Fripp banks on their smears about me, over her partner Leslie. A girl I no more raped than I killed John Lennon. Fripp leered that I lusted for her.
No one ever said it better than Thomas Mann did in 1938, when speaking of the English who helped coach Hitler to power. "Surely we are culpable having believed all that pewwing about the brothers. We could not credit the prospect of such heaped-up knavery and manuveuring. It was never a question of the brothers, but of the Skoda works, Czech oil, Hungarian grain".
It's already too late. All the coward Fripp can do is hope his deception holds and his hideous bargain prospers. Clearly he has much reason in forcing me to compliance.
Ringo Starr is to blame.
I appear to be the only legitimate witness to step forward, which works its job in isolating me, to which ignorring the evidence in favor of selective reading, has aided those responsible. I'm just going to keep warning people. It's all that I can do. The Lennons and Pittsburgh ran a home-wrecking alliance with child molesters. I was tortured and treated like an animal in circumstances of utter destitution. Even my hearing aids were taken. My gold caps forcibly cut from my teeth.
Peter Gabriel, after claiming to be from Amnesty International, brutally tortured me and executed the rape of my retarded and deaf girlfriend. He was helping Lennon's killers. The AIDS victims were betrayed from the inside circle who leads them, just as surely as I was knifed with an English backknife.
Reagan's claim that he didn't know is a ruse to use his name in promote of the operation. It is a claim that states that he didn't know until 1985 and from that day forward worked with the perpetrators. I do not believe him, because his attorney, Kirshner, for Pittsburgh and false witness for the proof, had me in D.C. on the day he claims he was shot at. Kirshner's brochure reads, "there is no such thing as objective reality, only what the jury believes". Loud material from the Master of Hollywood. Is the late Reagan asking me to side with those who shot him, too? Nobody shot him. He waved to me the night before. When he said about the act, "All in all I'd rather be in Philadelphia" that is where I was coming off the train from D.C. I believe he set it up to have me blamed. His idea of victory is making his innocence into the big story. Is raping a retarded deaf girl "innocence"?
This was the deal of the century for an English. Just say "Reagan didn't know", Paul, and you get the money and a license to rape two deaf people, from a city where abuse of them has been permitted as an unwritten law from time memorial. No words have ever stopped them in their savagery towards me. Cries and pleas did not avail me as either a child or an adult in their hands, anymore than Jeannie could fend off the agent who raped her at her doorstep to punish me.
To prove his "FRIENDSHIP" with the monster Reagan, the coward Fripp brutally executed the rape of a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy and even has the cringing poets of Seattle offering his cover story. What could possibly be more loathsome than such a deed? They are calling absolute DEFEAT a victory, because, for them, it means payola.
Letter Five: On Behalf: A Deaf Rape Victim
I realize that you do not have jurisdiction in the crime at hand, however, I also know that the dishonorable celebrities committing this atrocity have absolute impugnity, and that is why I am canvassing offices like yours, trying to determine a course of action. Your feedback will make a difference.
Jeannie Tamburro is deaf, mentally retarded and has epilepsy. For many years I attempted to get help from a gang who had brutally mauled me as a child and were sending me death threats, by writing political articles in the Pitt News and Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Jeannie was attacked and brutally raped at 8 a.m. outside her home by this gang, who left their calling card at the scene and made no secret that it was retaliation for her helping me.
The crime involved a situation which had developed between me and the experimental film-maker of the shock film "RAPE", and with her viperous influence, my name appeared promptly afterwards in Asian Cult Cinema Magazine and Cineaste Film Quarterly. There was evidence that she filmed the rape of deaf Jeannie as it occurred. She was working with the Carnegie Foundation to tar my name due to letters in the assassination of John Lennon which surfaced in my home.
I had always known that what happened to me in childhood had been exceptionally unusual and was trying to get help. I had trusted Yoko Ono. This was a brutal revenge attack. They also attacked me.
Jeannie and I have been forcibly separated when Seattle abused deaf advocates urged me to come to Seattle from Pittsburgh for my own safety. I am subject to many death threats by Mrs. Ono and she has incited terrible hate crimes towards me by students. I deny wrongdoing.
Jeannie was raped for attempting to protect me and for stating the obvious fact that I had not wronged anybody. My political writings were used to justify torture, death threats and rape.
I am trying to secure outside intervention.
Letter Six: Triple Jeopardy
As a son of the USS San Jacinto, like him, Bush evidently thought it keen to make me privy to matters of nutcase National Security, and to call me special.
Operation: Medicine Man, the so-called Taliban catharsis operation was conceived by those who released HIV as a bone they threw Peter Gabriel who gnawwed on it. I can prove AIDS manmade. This little sidelight is Gabriel's accomplice and attempt to protect England from the implications. I was brutally tortured and my deaf loved one raped in a strategic management rampage he executed from the office of Amnesty International.
They put me under hypnosis, nicknamed me Tang, and had me calling them my master. They told me directly afterwards in a meeting at Sit 'n Spin that 911 was commissioned as an impact statement for the AIDS community and that part of the deal was that I am declared a sexual "empty set". They also deployed lip sync to communicate their studio observations, reaching a pitch during the Seattle Slipperman Riots, when people were showing off their dermatological problems.
All of this was part of the package deal given by Ming Na Wen and The Reagans to Pete Sinfield and The Beatles allowing them to pretend it wasn't accomplice, control their egos and escape with their Amnesty International slogans, despite committing murder, rape and torture on behalf of those who released HIV. They clutched their moneybags and said it was all about Lennon.
The agency who negotiated this sly hucksterism was Alternative Conflict Resolution at Carnegie Mellon University, with the blessings of Democratic Party machinery. These thugs tortured me and raped my retarded deaf girlfriend as an instrument of government secret patrol, to pacify English incensed more with Lennon's murder than with the AIDS crime. As Stalin noted, one man's death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic. Never were the words of Thos. Mann more true. Speaking of an English era of involvement with Nazi Germany, in the 1938 speech, "This Peace", he wrote, "Surely we are culpable having believed all that pewwing about the brothers. We could not credit the prospect of such heaped up knavery and manuveuring. It was never a question of the brothers, but of the Skoda works, Czech oil, Hungarian grain". Al Gore invented me as a patsy in a spat with Bush, and the rape of deaf Jeannie was executed with the sang froid of a trip to a 711 soda fountain.
This war crime/game is illegal, it continues still and they are constantly stalking me.
The edifice of the Lennon money scare allowed those who wrote the plan to claim they merely adopted it and The Beatles are forging ahead to position those who released HIV to profit by selling doctored information. Some people love war games and propaganda, even when penned by Adolf Hitler. All this being true, they are willing to stake everything on the denial of the guilty.
Psychiatry has vetoed my testimony from appearing in newspapers. They've watched me very intimately for many years, subjecting me to a horrific travesty. Occassionally bombings are triggered by my writing and poetry. As a running joke The Armed Forces love it. It's a super-policeman's hit job. His name is James W. Child from Bowling Green State University. His allies include John Stockwell, formerly of the CIA. It's real trickery.
They were accusing me of all sorts of things that were fraudulent, taking my hearing aids to pay for things that hadn't been done, saying that Midori was my master and that she had chosen to advance the men who tortured me as an Ayn Rand-style retribution for naming Ronald Reagan, the obvious author of the crime and the scam.
The method of intimate betrayal to solve geo-political matters is very English and involves the Gurdjieff Cult. Rights are a joke to these heavy-handed clandestine religious monsters, led by Robert Fripp of King Crimson, whose partner David Bowie was especially ferocious over the existence of Midori, the so-called Queen Sex of the Beatles.
The AIDS combine knew the accomplices they were courting and how to pull the strings of even the most vicious stringpullers. They cleverly depicted Midori as the victim with all this ultra-right wing COLORS community stuff about how she owed the tribe because I had a one night stand with a married Indian woman. Ming Wen arranged that one to give her and Midori a free hand, while stoking the froth of men like Spike Lee. Reagan knew his bought boys. They all came a'running over Midori as the ultimate sex trophy, over whom even the first Persian Gulf War, or so-called "Perfect Storm" of Operation: Catharsis, was ignited.
Reagan always enjoyed leaving hints and clues around.
Killing Sen. Heinz was a shrewd English chess move, because they knew Pittsburgh's mindset would be to blame me. It derailed my ability to prosecute those who released HIV.
The King Family were all hopping mad demanding their race have conjugal rights to Midori, the sacred symbol of Life in the Beatles sacred union, largely because Erun Gandhi had shaken hands with George Bush over the issue of a Louis Louis adultery. The Kings thus played out a race war tabula rosa while fires lit up the Middle East. As you can guess, Muhammed Ali figured it all out, and said that I must forgive those who tortured me in return for forgiveness from, no wait, let me, ALLAH?
Operation: Medicine Man was just a chess game by spoiled power merchants behaving like Michael Reagan. By what right they drafted two deaf people, damaged by years of abuse, none dare say. But the frothing with which they did so was chilling.
The English loved the farce, because they felt assured control of Midori, as a conquest, due to Lennon loyalty. The COLORS Movement gave the AIDS combine spin control because it created an aristocracy where each victim group has a token representative controlled by SONY. That made so much sense to Celine Dion's deluded mind that for a longtime she was advertising it in triumphant glee. Just as she advertised the rape of deaf Jeannie as a function of The Sisterhood and a branch of feminists she called Feminazis without embarassment or shame.
The purpose of the war game was to recruit the Beatles into an inidustrial espionage showcase of advanced war under the nuclear cage where they demanded the final spoils, at the expense of the Public's Right to Know and true justice in courts of law. They called their war game a Court of the Crimson King and said it was sacred because Sean Lennon had piped up, when told by his mother that the death of his father would be solved in court, "Which court a soccer court or basketball court?" As it turned out, a court where the accused have no rights that an English is bound to respect.
They had sexually prepared me, fucking me into seizures with Rosine Monteleone, the first virgin of the Two Virgins War Game, named after the Lennon record of the same name. Midori, the East/West Conquest, being the second. This war game was written by the AIDS combine and adopted by the criminals in England. They fucked me into seizures for spectator amuse, and have long had the Gays cheering them. Saying they had paid me in sex and must be repaid in torment. That is why raping deaf Jeannie amused them so much.
When Midori was prancing around showing off her kitty, they hypnotised me to feel the loss by clocking it to seizures and reminders of my loved one's rape.
She seemed accelerated by a factor just a fraction beyond his control, but as he loosed towards orgasm, she buckled with a subtle knotting as if to secure and suppress his abandon to maintain a renewal of passion. He groaned in a kind of agony which mingled with her meows to create a new surge of ecstasy. How many infinities this went on can scarcely be measured.
Letter Seven: To The Jewish Community
I am writing to you as a deaf person seeking assistance. Two Jewish boys from the Holocaust Survivor Community, as their own memorandums have shown, gave me a neuro-toxin as a youngster which led to Atypical Facial Pain, seizures, deafness and brain trauma. They then went into Neurology and Neuro-behavioral research, with intent to use me as their guinea pig in cradle to grave experimentation. Their names are Ian and William Wattenmaker.
Earlier, I tried to get help from the Arts Community. Violinist Midori Goto, to curry favor with the Jewish Community at large, took the Wattenmaker case, hired a call girl to sexually overdose me, in deliberate attempts to sabotague and humiliate me due to the severe psychological dislocation caused by inflammatory and cruel mistreatment of my injuries. It does indeed cause shattering suffering and personality change.
It worked out for them. Not only did Goto succeed in preventing me from being able to protect myself, but she incited many criminal attacks and hate crimes towards me within the Pittsburgh community, where she came to work for a semester on this errand, a city from which I was forced to evacuate after living there 40 years.
I am writing to plead with you to provide me representation within the Jewish Community who understand the sadism of this Auschwitz-styled experiment by the Wattenmaker boys and who can try to protect me from the opportunism and abusiveness of Midori Goto.
Please summon the humanity to answer this appeal.
Letter Eight: General Press Appeal
I am a deaf person whose loved one is also deaf and retarded. She was raped and I was tortured in a gangland-style attack organized as reprisal when I told newspapers, Amnesty International and police about child torture that I endured in gradeschool. The fact that I have a more complex story to tell has been used to silence me about horrible torture and the rape of a girl who is legally a child. I cannot understand how this is possible. We are deaf people. We have been repeatedly tortured in rape in broad daylight by a hun who masqueraded as being from Amnesty International. We were forcibly separated five years ago when I had to flee Pittsburgh for refuge in Seattle. I have been circled here repeatedly and live in such terror that my health has deteriorated. I do not think you should support abuse of testimony for the purpose of authorizing torture and rape.
The story I have to tell is really very simple. In order to hide his accomplice in the AIDS onslaught, Ringo Starr claimed I was to blame for John Lennon's murder. Letters in my home, sent to me as a child, when I was tortured, were about the murders of Lennon and Dr. Martin Luther King. Because of Dexter King's obsession with intellectual property, the mindset of the Beatles caught on. They were slurring me sexually and claiming that I was never victimized, in order to empower the way I was being used as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig and to force me to do as they were doing and negotiate a surrender to what appears obviously to have been Reagan terror. Naming the fuhrer is the proximate explanation for why Jeannie was raped.
The King Family behaved abominably. So determined were they not to regard me as a victim, for fear that I would write a book over which they had no control, that they adopted Ringo Starr's claim that I was so non-victim that they could torture, torment and brutalize me, which they have done for years and no one would ever care. No one did, but I don't attribute that to me not having been tortured as a child. I just attribute it to society's terror of facing the truth about the Lennons and the Kings and what they have become.
The men who released AIDS used me on Mt. Desert Island as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig. I was from Pittsburgh. To cover this operation they claimed that I made a threat to rape Leslie Katz in a letter. That is not what happened. Leslie Katz had been taunting me and subjecting me to nightly ordeals of performing oral sex on her while denying me intercourse on the grounds of her virginity. I obeyed her wishes, but when she taunted me, "why should you get another chance?" I called her a fucking bitch and said she was suggesting I should have raped her. Since the men who deafened me, coached Leslie and then sold the tale of blame in Lennon's murder had released HIV, there was little hope that I would be able to stop them with the truth.
One of the pieces of evidence from Mt. Desert Island concerns a mousecage assembler for the Jackson Immunogenetic Laboratory who was introduced to me through the same men who wrote the Lennon murder papers planted on my home. This man, Wm. Zell, had said, "What would you think of a scheme to transform the human race by injecting the blood?" in 1981 or 1982, before AIDS was known. He engineered the experiment of using me as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island in 1987-88.
The King Family are in the council of Nation of Islam. When Wm. Zell produced a letter surrounding my name with positive and negative signs, after a woman seduced me bearing a tattoo of the grim reaper pointing at her vagina, (and his letter speaks of his reference to "injecting people"), the King Family were sold on the idea that if I were not a victim I deserved to die by HIV; which extended to the assessment that since I was not a victim, something as bad as HIV had to be done to me.
It should be pointed out that when they made this assessment the Kings were servicing and working with those who released HIV, framing me for rape and as blameworthy in the death of Lennon.
The letters in Lennon's murder were planted on my home in 1974. In the 1980's, the faction who wrote the letters, now led by Ming Na Wen, who went on to work with Oliver Stone, pretended to find them and made claim to them while I was in Maine. Through an office at Carnegie Mellon University known as "Alternative Conflict Resolution", an English named Amanda Harcourt, professing to be in Amnesty International negotiated a plan that allowed them, while working with those who released HIV, to commit terror crimes, like the arson of the Jackson Labs, to send signals of protest about the AIDS virus, while blocking the public's right to know what had been found. Those who released HIV promised to help the Lennons and Kings keep it secret on intellectual property grounds.
The accomplices were promised future profits.
When I returned to Pittsburgh, where I faced continued sabotague, I unearthed the letters in my home, written by a girl from a holocaust survivor community when I was tortured as a child, and made the discovery known.
By then the Beatles were in a true frenzy denying my so-called "status" as a victim.
The Beatles launched a guerrilla war in Pittsburgh, on behalf of men I reported for child torture whose names they had secured from my testimony at Amnesty International and betrayed. The Kings and The Beatles not only attacked me but raped a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy, after circling use with an agent named Evangelia Karmas, or Avenging Angel of Karma. The King Family believed that this was the answer to doubts that I deserved "victim status", to keep attacking us and attacking us, while denying our being even human.
The English were advancing the idea that when I was forced to forgive those who tortured me, then I would be equal to the situation. They have made me an item in the plan to forgive the AIDS onslaught and profit from the material in question.
Frankly, I don't understand how anyone could have wanted to hurt me this badly. Jeannie is so deaf and retarded that she is legally a child. I haven't been able to see her in five years. I have been tortured repeatedly since childhood, a fact that drives the Lennon/King faction into a frenzy of hatred whenever I mention it. The fact that the Pittsburgh community made me a saleable laughingstock just testifies to how much cruelty I have been through. I live constantly being circled and harassed by the English. I have had seizures from their beastiality towards me.
I think it bears mentioning that I after I graduated from high school I hitch-hiked from Pittsburgh to St. Louis just to hear a solo, free guitar concert by Robert Fripp, a friend of Ringo's who is in the Gurdjieff Cult that harbored Wm. Zell. In the history of betrayals, the rape of deaf Jeannie by this marauder looms as one of the most infamous.
The fact that new evidence was found in John Lennon's murder during an investigation into AIDS origin and that the deaf victims on whom the evidence was planted were tortured and raped by the U.S. Government in answer (to the applause and with the collusion of the King Family) tells pretty clearly what the situation in Pittsburgh has been, and why I live in terror of every passing day in Seattle.
Having accompliced the men who released AIDS, the Kings are determined to force me to embrace the men who raped my beloved Jeannie.
Ringo Starr is to blame.
- 30 -
Letters: One: The Story I Tell
Two: Crime at Amnesty International
Three: Is This Hazing?
Four: The Velvet Revolution Dissented
Five: One Behalf: A Deaf Rape Victim
Six: Triple Jeopardy
Seven: The Jewish Community
Eight: General Press Appeal
Prologue: HIV: Auto-Report
This is a citizen's report on the circumstances surrounding new evidence being found in John Lennon's murder during an investigation into the origin of the AIDS epidemic. This material was found in Pittsburgh, in a Jewish Holocaust Survivor community but was not sworn in as testimony until the U.S. District Court of the State of Washington established Case No. CO2-623; ruling, "unable to establish jurisdiction". The tragedy of this crime is described in the following pages, extracts of testimony, focusing on the accomplice role of Paul McCartney, Bill Clinton and Ringo Starr. It is my belief that the evidence, which was planted on my home at a time when I was tortured as a child, was written by Reagan, Bush and Schwarzenegger. This accounts for the cruelty, and deranged false witness program by the U.S. Government, led by Oliver Stone, attempting to dismantle my ability to submit this material to you. All the material is copyright James MacRyland Crary, 2005. Because of the nature of the material, I invite you to share it under fair use laws, within reason. Please contact me at 315 Maynard Ave. S. #309 Seattle, WA 98104 or at

Letter One: The Story I Tell
The story I have to tell is really very simple. In order to hide his accomplice in the AIDS onslaught, Ringo Starr claimed I was to blame for John Lennon's murder. Letters in my home, sent to me as a child, when I was tortured, were about the murders of Lennon and Dr. Martin Luther King. Because of Dexter King's obsession with intellectual property, the mindset of the Beatles caught on. They were slurring me sexually and claiming that I was never victimized, in order to empower the way I was being used as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig and to force me to do as they were doing and negotiate a surrender to what appears obviously to have been Reagan terror.
The King Family behaved abominably. So determined were they not to regard me as a victim, for fear that I would write a book over which they had no control, that they adopted Ringo Starr's claim that I was so non-victim that they could torture, torment and brutalize me, which they have done for years and no one would ever care. No one did, but I don't attribute that to me not having been tortured as a child. I just attribute it to society's terror of facing the truth about the Lennons and the Kings and what they have become.
The men who released AIDS used me on Mt. Desert Island as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig. I was from Pittsburgh. To cover this operation they claimed that I made a threat to rape Leslie Katz in a letter. That is not what happened. Leslie Katz had been taunting me and subjecting me to nightly ordeals of performing oral sex on her while denying me intercourse on the grounds of her virginity. I obeyed her wishes, but when she taunted me, "why should you get another chance?" I called her a fucking bitch and said she was suggesting I should have raped her. Since the men who deafened me, coached Leslie and then sold the tale of blame in Lennon's murder had released HIV, there was little hope that I would be able to stop them with the truth.
One of the pieces of evidence from Mt. Desert Island concerns a mousecage assembler for the Jackson Immunogenetic Laboratory who was introduced to me through the same men who wrote the Lennon murder papers planted on my home. This man, Wm. Zell, had said, "What would you think of a scheme to transform the human race by injecting the blood?" in 1981 or 1982, before AIDS was known. He engineered the experiment of using me as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island in 1987-88.
The King Family are in the council of Nation of Islam. When Wm. Zell produced a letter surrounding my name with positive and negative signs, after a woman seduced me bearing a tattoo of the grim reaper pointing at her vagina, (and his letter speaks of his reference to "injecting people"), the King Family were sold on the idea that if I were not a victim I deserved to die by HIV; which extended to the assessment that since I was not a victim, something as bad as HIV had to be done to me.
It should be pointed out that when they made this assessment the Kings were servicing and working with those who released HIV, framing me for rape and as blameworthy in the death of Lennon.
The letters in Lennon's murder were planted on my home in 1974. In the 1980's, the faction who wrote the letters, now led by Ming Na Wen, who went on to work with Oliver Stone, pretended to find them and made claim to them while I was in Maine. Through an office at Carnegie Mellon University known as "Alternative Conflict Resolution", an English named Amanda Harcourt, professing to be in Amnesty International negotiated a plan that allowed them, while working with those who released HIV, to commit terror crimes, like the arson of the Jackson Labs, to send signals of protest about the AIDS virus, while blocking the public's right to know what had been found. Those who released HIV promised to help the Lennons and Kings keep it secret on intellectual property grounds.
The accomplices were promised future profits.
When I returned to Pittsburgh, where I faced continued sabotague, I unearthed the letters in my home, written by a girl from a holocaust survivor community when I was tortured as a child, and made the discovery known.
By then the Beatles were in a true frenzy denying my so-called "status" as a victim.
The Beatles launched a guerrilla war in Pittsburgh, on behalf of men I reported for child torture whose names they had secured from my testimony at Amnesty International and betrayed. The Kings and The Beatles not only attacked me but raped a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy, after circling us with an agent named Evangelia Karmas, or Avenging Angel of Karma. The King Family believed that this was the answer to doubts that I deserved "victim status", to keep attacking us and attacking us, while denying our being even human.
The English were advancing the idea that when I was forced to forgive those who tortured me, then I would be equal to the situation. They have made me an item in the plan to forgive the AIDS onslaught and profit from the material in question.
Frankly, I don't understand how anyone could have wanted to hurt me this badly. Jeannie is so deaf and retarded that she is legally a child. I haven't been able to see her in five years. I have been tortured repeatedly since childhood, a fact that drives the Lennon/King faction into a frenzy of hatred whenever I mention it. The fact that the Pittsburgh community made me a saleable laughingstock just testifies to how much cruelty I have been through. I live constantly being circled and harassed by the English. I have had seizures from their beastiality towards me.
I think it bears mentioning that I after I graduated from high school I hitch-hiked from Pittsburgh to St. Louis just to hear a solo, free guitar concert by Robert Fripp, a friend of Ringo's who is in the Gurdjieff Cult that harbored Wm. Zell. In the history of betrayals, the rape of deaf Jeannie by this marauder looms as one of the most infamous.
The fact that new evidence was found in John Lennon's murder during an investigation into AIDS origin and that the deaf victims on whom the evidence was planted were tortured and raped by the U.S. Government in answer (to the applause and with the collusion of the King Family) tells pretty clearly what the situation in Pittsburgh has been, and why I live in terror of every passing day in Seattle.
Having accompliced the men who released AIDS, the Kings are determined to force me to embrace the men who raped my beloved Jeannie. Ringo Starr is to blame.
Letter Two: Crime at Amnesty International
This letter is real. It is about terror hate crime from the offices of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL in England.
I am a poet. I won the Pennsylvania Governor's School Scholarship for Poetry in 1978 and once placed Second in a Seattle Poetry Slam. My father, deceased, was the author of "Humanizing the School" (dedicated to Dr. King), in 1968, and "America's Stake in Human Rights" in 1949.
I am deaf. I am impoverished and it takes stamina in the face of hardship to write these warnings. I was tortured. When I reported the abuse to AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, Peter Gabriel attacked me ferociously and executed the rape of my retarded deaf girlfriend. I am deaf from my injuries a fact about which Gabriel mocked me.
I am dealing with a man who is extremely violent, but who has the cloak of his arrangements with Amnesty International. He has stalked, shatteringly molested me and held me prisoner to his terror for 20 years.
I am now in Seattle. In 1985, at the age of 24, the situation in Pittsburgh had become very grave due to unprovoked, brutal gang violence towards me, which left me neurologically incapacitated and permanently deaf. I was isolated, and in a desperate attempt to get help and understanding, I made the very grave mistake of believing Peter Gabriel when he said that he was in Amnesty International. I named names.
The City of Pittsburgh deliberately deafened and brain-damaged me to facilitate my humiliation. They monitored and obstructed cognitive learning during my upbringing to prevent my understanding. The nightmare they subjected me at age 13 included beatings, abduction, gassing and a neuro-toxin. I'm trying again today to locate civilized humanity.
Gabriel attacked me, through union ties, with so much cruelty and beastiality that I was driven from my home. He has attacked me for years claiming that I was lying about child torture and needed to be discredited. Among the groups he cites for his catastrophic hate crime is the Pittsburgh Post Gazette who embroiled me in a nightmare by asking me to address the Fundamentalist Movement in letters to them. Gabriel's attentions to me can be verified. He carried on an extensive and wierd correspondence with me for three years before attacking me. He stalks me and brings evil false witness against me.
But that is not all he has done. Gabriel has had me psychiatrized and labled delusional for the purpose of political suppression of information about his beastiality. Despite this, and even though my own family has saught to prevent my testimony, he has been unable to prevent my mother Nancy, from bringing forward admissions that he was in contact with me and using me in his show business without payment and without permission. He also executed the brutal, brutal rape of a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy, for no reason but that she attempted to help me and interfered with what is apparently a wierd and ideological war game. He forced me to do things under hypnosis which were unforgettably degrading. He followed me around everywhere I went attacking me.
With some justice you might be asking, why in the world would Amnesty International brutally molest and rape two brain-impaired deaf people? Gabriel maliciously held me responsible for Lennon murder papers planted on my home by the men he adopted for Hollywood control, who themselves were behind the crime. If you are funding Amnesty International, I suggest you stop doing so, because you are funding a truly hollow promise. The letters were planted on me apparently to punish my family for my parents' work during the Civil Rights Movement. We deserved compassion for this strange and terrible circumstance, but received nothing but scorn and hatred.
Gabriel cited as his cause for serious sadism, and I had terrible, terrible seizures under the glare and violence of his beastiality towards me, a letter written just out of high school. I do not think a person, much less a poet of many public services and important testimony of torture, should be burned for life over one letter. Gabriel does; and his meannness and destructiveness have gone beyond Joe McCartney. He gave ultimatums of suicidal behavior to prove my merit in the death of Lennon and is informed by the extremism and impunity of Vaclav Havel. They brutally tortured me and they raped my deaf girlfriend. No Beatles agitprop about love will ever make amends for their hatred and sex crimes.
I must repeat that the girl he raped is retarded, deaf, legally a child and has epilepsy. There is absolutely no question it was him. They staked her out in advance and left their calling card. Oliver Stone printed me in Cineaste Film Quarterly and Asian Cult Cinema Magazines afterwards to brag of it. He raped my girlfriend as part of an effort to force me into his cult.
Gabriel's people threatened me in writing with HIV. He claims that they were only hazing me with terror of the virus when he used bacteriologicals on me. I would like you to bear in mind that he did this to someone whose loved one he raped and a deaf person who was tortured as a child. You can see the horror of what was done to me throttling still in my facial nerve over 30 years later. I had seizures from his beastiality. You could hear the troubling crucible of my mother recounting the tragedy of losing our home.
PETER GABRIEL has used the office of Amnesty International for rape and he has used it for black-marketing and he has used it for torture. He has made no secret of the fact that he regards this as a game. I have been badly and permanently injured in his beastial and unprovoked hate crimes. This horrible man is devious. I am a weak man, deaf, with neuro-trauma, who was in no way prepared for or equal to an encounter with his animalism and sadism.
I am writing not only to plead with you for intervention, but also to warn you.
Letter Three: Is This Hazing?
I was driven into homelessness where I was stalked and mistreated for over a year. The persons responsible did not relent after I found a Section 8 shelter and it is possible that I may have to evacuate my Seattle apartment for an Emergency Shelter in another state soon. I have been repeatedly tortured. No one will help me. Taking actions of social protest such as seeking Emergency Shelter in attempts to get away from abuse is the only course of action open to me. I do not want to leave my home in Seattle and did not want to leave my home in Pittsburgh. I reported child torture and the discovery of murder evidence to persons claiming to be from Amnesty International. They contacted my tormentors, framed me as accomplice and took extra-judicial actions to "punish" me which included the brutal rape of my retarded deaf girlfriend. They made no secret of their role in this crime and left damning evidence at the scene.
They poured a bucket of blood outside my home.
I was tear-gassed in my kitchen while preparing dinner at age 41 years old.
They threatened me in writing with "injecting" of HIV.
They notified those I had reported for child abduction and torture with intent to incite hate crimes towards me.
They brutally raped my retarded and deaf girlfriend, who also suffers epilepsy.
Something was put on the skin of my face.
They used scabies on me deliberately.
I had shingle attacks after a home break-in and poison incident which resulted in permanent acid reflux.
They called me a rapist. They called me a dog. They also have called me Hitler.
They graffitti'd epithets around my home.
They addicted me to Zyprexa. When I have tried to stop taking the drug, I've suffered sever nightmares.
Lights and recurrent motion hypnosis (FLUXUS mental abuse) were used to trigger seizures that caused dissociation due to prior inflicted head and neuro-trauma. It was like savagely pulling a ripchord through my head. I fell to the ground screaming while they jeered at me and spat on me.
They laughed in my face and denied everything. It is analogous to triggering epilepsy deliberately through flashing lights. The seizures I suffered were prolonged and the neuro-plastic head trauma surfaced in my facial nerve which throbs now in an unsightly manner constantly.
They tried to provoke outbursts of suffering so they could claim I was dangerous.
When I tried to protect my head with my hands they accused me of making a "threatening gesture".
I was told I was lucky.
Controlled incident structures were staged with hidden implications of a deranged nature.
Dead animals were left at my door.
They contracted an attack prostitute who claimed she was in love with me and wanted to be married for the purpose of deeply intimate defamation of character.
They plastered the school with photos of abortion they had contracted for which was recognizably my own.
I was forced to abandon my loved one after she was raped in circumstances of nervous breakdown and homelessness.
My fingernails bleed constantly from being bitten.
I suffered tachycardia.
I was offered beastial terms of accord with deranged false witness.
Seven boxes containing my life's work was forcibly taken and destroyed using deadly threats and life-shattering assault.
I endured blows by automobiles.
Oliver Stone printed my name in magazines in such a context as to suggest that sexual attacks on me and the rape of deaf Jeannie were filmed in progress to amuse him. Yoko Ono has a controversial film called RAPE and believes she was avenging John Lennon's murder.
I was and am subject to mind shattering, codified "selective distractor" hypnosis or Indian Sign, right up to my present doorstep where origami has been left in frightening suggestion.
They lacerated the inside of my throat somehow. Note the mysterious rubbing of his throat by the Oswald character in "JFK". I was printed on the subject of this film by Stone himself in the worldwide cinema magazine "Cineaste".
They have followed me in the library with their necks poised in the hanged man position.
They have cyber-stalked me brutally.
Hospital reports that my deafness was a result of a nerve agent which also gave me lifelong atypical facial pain were ignorred in favor of fraudulent explanations.
I was put in a series of jail and prisoner dilemmas for even food, which I was told to eat from the ground.
My hearing aids were forcibly taken. For four years I lived in absolute deafness, something I never had to do before, because I was too terrified to replace my hearing aids.
THEY DEMANDED THE GOLD CAPS BE CUT FROM MY TEETH. I went for five years with broken teeth.
They mocked me in seizures Jerry Lewis style.
They stalked me with one eye shut, repeating over and over, "I'm sorry? I'm sorry?"
Court support for them was assured by the fact that Lennon's family was involved.
They challenged my right to exist, tormented me with skin creatures and HIV threats, stalked me sexually and accused me of rape.
They called me a pedophile.
They called Jeannie's rape "Karma".
Extreme destitution and homelessness was derided as performance art for the spectator amuse of Paul McCartney.
Personal records and dedicated poetry were impounded and destroyed.
Testimony of being pedophiled was broadcast to humiliate me.
They contracted sexual assault.
They gave me scabies.
They forced stool into my mouth.
My grandmother was sent Satanic literature on her deathbed.
They forced me to immerse my bleeding hands in a sink of horrible filth.
They told me they loved me and were trying to help me.
I was used as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island.
I was earmarked.
I was given the black spot in the cafeteria and experienced food poisoning.
Small possessions were taken from me and I was called a thief.
They identified themselves as being from a studio system.
They hinted that I was in a special service mission.
They said they were union philanthropists.
They called it "equity".
They used the neuro-plastic head injuries incurred in crimes I tried to report to Amnesty International and they recycled the injuries and trauma causing convulsive arrest.
My life has been destroyed.
This has gone on thirty years.
They solicited personal information using fraudulent overtures.
I was locked in a house from the inside and unable to escape.
I was framed as a reckless driver in a van driving incident at a grade school when, in reality, I was a protesting passenger who quit the job over the incident.
I may face wrongful death from poison crime.
The tragedy of gradeschool when I was tortured was monitored by a law firm who ply'd me with marijuana in attempts to normalize the beastiality.
Children were hired to behave in sexually suggestive ways towards me, obviously to give monitors something to imply about me.
I have been forcibly cut off from peers.
AIDS victims have been incited towards me, as have an organized homosexual lobby.
He has organized a thrill kill syndicate who stalk me in such places as on the buses.
He has aided men who inflicted severe bodily harm on me as a child.
He constantly protests that it is love, that his hatred drives him and that cruelty is his only antidote.
He says I should feel privileged to provide amusement.
He organized my being wrongfully banned from school, despite a Pell Grant.
He had me arrested for trespassing upon arrival to a place I was invited.
He has tried to incapacitate me by causing traumatic mental illness.
He has done all he can think of to disgrace my dead father who wrote a book dedicated to Dr. King.
He tried to sabotague my testimony through overwork of a head trauma inflicted when I was brutally attacked and gassed as a child.
He has used the occult to suggest that I am his "property".
He has saught to provoke police hostility towards me.
He claims to be with Amnesty International.
He spread rape rumors.
He has stalked me in para-military formations on the street, utilizing his fan base.
He has suggested that I woman I once loved eloped with the men who tortured me.
I want nothing to do with Midori. My loved one is named Jeannie. They raped her.
They spread horrific race slanders about me.
They said I deserved it.
Letter Four: The Velvet Revolution Dissented
I am a deaf person living on disability in the City of Seattle. I am formerly of the City of Pittsburgh, where my deceased father Ry, author of "Humanizing the School", and "America's Stake in Human Rights" was Chair of Education at the University of Pittsburgh. If you investigate this letter you will, to be sure, hear a distorted account from those responsible, particularly the Olga Havel Foundation.
As a deaf, library clerk, I was flattered when Vaclav Havel showed personal interest in me, although I sometimes wondered why, since I had nothing to my credit except my column, "Ritual Dissent" at Pitt NEWS, where I had taken an anti-apartheid stand in opposition also to the Arms Race. Unbeknowest to me, men who I reported for torture to Amnesty International, which left me badly neurologically impaired in childhood, had planted Lennon assassination letters on my home, word of which had reached Havel before me, because dad had been from Bush's ship in the Navy and the researchers informing Havel had dope about me which was nothing short of miraculous.
I am writing to you about abuse and rape of a Korean and retarded deaf girl who volunteers at the Pittsburgh Deaf Services facility and lives in the grief of mental retardation, isolation and poverty, because it was a professional hit job. I was tortured...later evacuated by ADWAS: The Abused Deaf Woman's Advocacy Service

I am writing to you because my rights were violated as a deaf person shockingly. I was never legally accused, much less convicted for, a crime. Yet, full knowing what they were up to, The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf allowed Robert Fripp of King Crimson to frame me for rape with the University of Pittsburgh Psychiatric Team and then, in punishment for a crime which never occurred, but which he led people to believe did, he executed the revenge rape of deaf Jeannie Tamburro.
I apologize that I am so angry.
It is a well known fact that Rosa Monteleone (Rosine was chosen for the name of Havel's town Ruzyne) and Evangelia Karmas (Alia), a name meaning Avenging Angel of Karma, got involved with me to set up defamation of character in advance of Jeannie's rape near St. Rosalia. They were from a group in England called "Hidden Pun" who had claimed to be from Amnesty International, and to whom I reported torture and later murder. They were contracted on me sexually to attack a head neuro-trauma which was inflicted in a childhood abduction crime. They have tortured me. They have sent death threats in demand of forgiveness.
As an undercover journalist who reported from Mt. Desert Island on an illicit AIDS related crime there, which I investigated as an undercover reporter and resigned Medical Library Clerk I am well aware that skepticism about my talent as a field investigator served as a blackout umbrella on
this terrible and frightening affair. I am writing to inform you that this took place, and that WPSD allowed the criminal sexual marauders responsible for perpetrating untrue allegations about me to brutally rape a mentally retarded and deaf girl who has epilepsy, has no concept of sex, is legally a
child and to justify it by stoking pre-existing and totally unjustified hatred for me.
Deaf Jeannie has lived a lonely life as a retarded, deaf, Korean orphan. I do not understand how anyone can justify the crime she endured when she was raped as a package deal worked out in Pittsburgh over a criminal rock's star demand for personal revenge in a crime neither she nor
I took any part in, but for which I have been maliciously held responsible, the death of John Lennon, whose murder was a part of the horrifying outrage I unearthed in this city of fear and insurmountable lying. I had seizures from their sadism towards me.
I hope you might share my concern about a group that violated the integrity of an academic institution after claiming to be with Amnesty International. I am a member of the Emerald House Clubhouse in Seattle, and also a deaf person. They brutally tortured me and raped my deaf girlfriend after claiming to be from Amnesty International.
The reason I am sacrificing time in order to speak with people who may have contact with or derive information from or even have heard of Amnesty International, especially those involved with the deaf or in colleges is to warn you about a very psychotic and violent individual whom Amnesty International refuses to be accountable for, even though many of their websites and his personal biography identify him as their spokesperson.
Jeannie Tamburro is deaf, retarded and has epilepsy. In cold blood, Peter Gabriel and his mob circled her and raped her to execute a revenge crime after I was maliciously blamed by them for a misfortune that befell them with which I have absolutely nothing to do. They were insinuating that I was a rapist, without a victim, to justify hate crime incitement over the death of Lennon and circumstances which enveloped me. I had written to Amnesty International in a state of trauma caused by severe trauma from a child abduction incident when I was tortured at age 13 and deafened. There was no place in the English mindset for a second victim in the Lennon murder crime. They aided the guilty for control of the property rights.
Dr. Ryland Wesley Crary, my deceased father, wrote many textbooks, including "Humanizing the School". His first book was "America's Stake in Human Rights", a pamphlet still interesting even today, published in 1949. I grew certain that it was due to his work that I was tortured. I learned from the Department of the Navy that he had been blamed by George Bush for the loss of his plane at sea in World War Two. The letters blaming me for Lennon's death are initialled GB. Go figure.
Gabriel had sources from within my family, one of whom, a vicious stepbrother with Universal Studios, let him read these letters from another child, Gail Carolyn Burstyn, at the time I was tortured the content of which I did not understand. They were, sadly, evidence in John Lennon's murder. Gabriel contacted Oliver Stone, who printed my name in Asian Cult Cinema Magazine and Cineaste Film Quarterly, violently molested me, and raped deaf Jeannie Tamburro in a rampage with no justice to it whatsoever. The attack on Jeannie was, among other things, an attempt to force me to recant my testimony.
Yoko Ono has in fact received a sort of license to do serious injury and has committed many acts, some of them occult, seeking to torment my mind about her dead husband. The rape of deaf Jeannie was simply one of many brutal attacks.
My own research into the assailant faction allowed me to file Case CO2-623 in the U.S. District Court proving that they also released the HIV virus as a weapon. Gabriel has used the tendency on the part of bureaucrats to dismiss this Casefile as fiction in order to cloak his underground activities as an assassin. Gabriel was fanatically driven to protect the truly guilty because he can make a storybook explanation around the fact that the author of the letters came from a Jewish Holocaust survivor community. The length of time they have been silent, professing to have learned no earlier than 1985, tells the grim truth of the tale. In order to do this sale, he has maliciously characterized me and allowed the guilty to go free. At no time were those at risk from this enterprise and from the assassins in any way meaningfully warned. They are at large. We have received DEATH THREATS from both those who tortured us and from those who at one time dared to claim that they represented Amnesty International.
Neither I, nor deaf Jeannie Tamburro, had anything whatsoever to do with the death of John Lennon, which is the obsessive and solo focal point for Gabriel. I repeat: NOTHING. I told Amnesty International in good faith the truth about the terrible sadism I endured, which left me
permanently and irreversibly impaired. Gabriel's gang ferociously raped deaf Jeannie Tamburro and he left his easily identified calling card at the scene. He also sexually attacked me and I suffered trauma and terrible neurological seizures. He did this rampage in revenge for John Lennon's murder. I was a library clerk in a community college when he molested me.
I went to Amnesty International in good faith. I had no role in John Lennon's murder. Those who were truly guilty went free. The girl Gabriel raped is legally a child.
Please do not write to me simply to ask why you received this message. I am dealing with a very brutal murderer who tortured me and raped my deaf girlfriend. I cannot get help.
As a person who has had to make a full-time job of defending myself from his beastiality, I know from bitter experience that Olvier Stone will tell any lie no matter how cowardly and low to defend his twisted interpretation of what is real. He sided with a complaining ex-girlfriend, Leslie Katz, Gail Burstyn's partner, because I was weakest at that point and vulnerable. Nobody who knew me well considered me dangerous to Leslie. However, I have a severe neuro-plasm from head trauma and the degree to which I could be put into suffering through abuse titillated Oliver Stone. I was barely a high school student when he and Gabriel first set upon me sexually with attack dogs.
The film "JFK" was a travesty not because it was entirely wrong, but because of a different crime it covered for and empowered. Stone was stalling and buying time, meanwhile, around me, he has built a very brutal, private prison, staffed with lookalikes of men who child molested me and capable of raping a retarded deaf girl. Oliver Stone wants you to believe that the issues are too big to care whether two deaf people are tortured and raped and he printed my name in both Cineaste Film Quarterly and Asian Cult cinema to brag of his henchman status for Yoko Ono in what appears to have been their filming of the attack on my loved one, a very odd way to do credit to the memory of John Lennon, as master criminals acting in his name. Towards me, Stone and Ono have incited the most vicious and depraved people that Hustler Magazine money can buy. Ono is one of the fascist forces who have prospered as our society's Commonwealth has been looted.
Martin Sheen has led a campaign depicting the rape of two innocent deaf people, one retarded, one simply writing opinions in a campus newspaper, as special street justice. He loops crimes committed by other people towards me, calling me to blame for them, in order to cover his real atrocities.
...and they're planning something big that requires them to do nothing but go along with the master plan.
911 was your imagination.
There is a widespread presumption, originating in Pittsburgh where I lived, that I can be ridiculed and mistreated because it amuses them. Yoko Ono got on board with this group abuse picture, which is possible because I am deaf, and in a rampage, supposedly over her husband's murder, in which she projected a role about me, in league with the men who killed him, I was tortured and my deaf, retarded girlfriend was raped.
It's not a theory. I have proof of every word which those who see it concede. It is a script and attendant papers written by those who killed John Lennon and which my research proves released HIV.
The men who released HIV are in power. I proved it by taking a long shot at securing their arrest. For my effort to have prevailed, Peter Gabriel's mind would have had to be on the truth, rather than simply hijacking the operation in tandem with assassins in a struggle for material control of the idea behind the crime. He was recruited in a staged and phony intercept of the criminal source material planted on my home that could have led to very early public warning, in 1985, had Paul McCartney not been determined to shake cold hands with Reagan and keep it secret in a publication right claim and grab. These were the ultimate "Pentagon Papers". Ronald Reagan is depicted as Godfather of accomplices in their innocent plea.
I believe the evidence shows that Ronald Reagan is the true author of the crime.
McCartney, Reagan and Gabriel, working together, jeering and attacking, had my documentation showing child trauma, because I tried to get help from Amnesty International. They began stalking me with men I reported for torture, brutally tortured me again and savagely raped my deaf girlfriend, in order to dramatize the belief system they perpetrated to hide their accomplice in the AIDS onslaught, which was their claim that I deserved to be used as a slavelike guinea pig. To justify it, they impacted a very grievous head trauma and then called it self-inflicted.
Robert Fripp is a svengali of death who wants the right of assassination. Fripp's wacked out belief system and extremely violent temperment made him a natural ally of those peddling AIDS information as property, as well as in harrowing cruelty inflicted on me. He recruited the King Family into the rape of my girlfriend, whose interest is control of the script as a matter of Estate. It explained Dr. King's murder among sanitation workers as a function of extermination. Fripp engineered for those who released the virus their cover story about waging cathartic violence for the victims, ie. Oliver Stone's "Operation: Medicine Man", the true source of such acts as 911 and Valdez, encrypted for Valentine's Day in revealing poetry. What the coward Fripp, operating in subliminal communciation, does not communicate, is that the idea for Medicine Man came from those who released the virus and then soft-peddled the staged and phony intercept. Medicine Man is quaint Orwellianism for those who released the AIDS virus.
Naturally, because he is a felon and a quisling, there have been no end of howls by this murderer about the money being Ringo's and how I am really to blame for Lennon's murder. They were the words he was scripted and he took to them readily. It is amazing with what facility the Auschwitz Jews who penned the scroll, in the hand of Gail Burstyn, predicted England, even as the coward Fripp banks on their smears about me, over her partner Leslie. A girl I no more raped than I killed John Lennon. Fripp leered that I lusted for her.
No one ever said it better than Thomas Mann did in 1938, when speaking of the English who helped coach Hitler to power. "Surely we are culpable having believed all that pewwing about the brothers. We could not credit the prospect of such heaped-up knavery and manuveuring. It was never a question of the brothers, but of the Skoda works, Czech oil, Hungarian grain".
It's already too late. All the coward Fripp can do is hope his deception holds and his hideous bargain prospers. Clearly he has much reason in forcing me to compliance.
Ringo Starr is to blame.
I appear to be the only legitimate witness to step forward, which works its job in isolating me, to which ignorring the evidence in favor of selective reading, has aided those responsible. I'm just going to keep warning people. It's all that I can do. The Lennons and Pittsburgh ran a home-wrecking alliance with child molesters. I was tortured and treated like an animal in circumstances of utter destitution. Even my hearing aids were taken. My gold caps forcibly cut from my teeth.
Peter Gabriel, after claiming to be from Amnesty International, brutally tortured me and executed the rape of my retarded and deaf girlfriend. He was helping Lennon's killers. The AIDS victims were betrayed from the inside circle who leads them, just as surely as I was knifed with an English backknife.
Reagan's claim that he didn't know is a ruse to use his name in promote of the operation. It is a claim that states that he didn't know until 1985 and from that day forward worked with the perpetrators. I do not believe him, because his attorney, Kirshner, for Pittsburgh and false witness for the proof, had me in D.C. on the day he claims he was shot at. Kirshner's brochure reads, "there is no such thing as objective reality, only what the jury believes". Loud material from the Master of Hollywood. Is the late Reagan asking me to side with those who shot him, too? Nobody shot him. He waved to me the night before. When he said about the act, "All in all I'd rather be in Philadelphia" that is where I was coming off the train from D.C. I believe he set it up to have me blamed. His idea of victory is making his innocence into the big story. Is raping a retarded deaf girl "innocence"?
This was the deal of the century for an English. Just say "Reagan didn't know", Paul, and you get the money and a license to rape two deaf people, from a city where abuse of them has been permitted as an unwritten law from time memorial. No words have ever stopped them in their savagery towards me. Cries and pleas did not avail me as either a child or an adult in their hands, anymore than Jeannie could fend off the agent who raped her at her doorstep to punish me.
To prove his "FRIENDSHIP" with the monster Reagan, the coward Fripp brutally executed the rape of a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy and even has the cringing poets of Seattle offering his cover story. What could possibly be more loathsome than such a deed? They are calling absolute DEFEAT a victory, because, for them, it means payola.
Letter Five: On Behalf: A Deaf Rape Victim
I realize that you do not have jurisdiction in the crime at hand, however, I also know that the dishonorable celebrities committing this atrocity have absolute impugnity, and that is why I am canvassing offices like yours, trying to determine a course of action. Your feedback will make a difference.
Jeannie Tamburro is deaf, mentally retarded and has epilepsy. For many years I attempted to get help from a gang who had brutally mauled me as a child and were sending me death threats, by writing political articles in the Pitt News and Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Jeannie was attacked and brutally raped at 8 a.m. outside her home by this gang, who left their calling card at the scene and made no secret that it was retaliation for her helping me.
The crime involved a situation which had developed between me and the experimental film-maker of the shock film "RAPE", and with her viperous influence, my name appeared promptly afterwards in Asian Cult Cinema Magazine and Cineaste Film Quarterly. There was evidence that she filmed the rape of deaf Jeannie as it occurred. She was working with the Carnegie Foundation to tar my name due to letters in the assassination of John Lennon which surfaced in my home.
I had always known that what happened to me in childhood had been exceptionally unusual and was trying to get help. I had trusted Yoko Ono. This was a brutal revenge attack. They also attacked me.
Jeannie and I have been forcibly separated when Seattle abused deaf advocates urged me to come to Seattle from Pittsburgh for my own safety. I am subject to many death threats by Mrs. Ono and she has incited terrible hate crimes towards me by students. I deny wrongdoing.
Jeannie was raped for attempting to protect me and for stating the obvious fact that I had not wronged anybody. My political writings were used to justify torture, death threats and rape.
I am trying to secure outside intervention.
Letter Six: Triple Jeopardy
As a son of the USS San Jacinto, like him, Bush evidently thought it keen to make me privy to matters of nutcase National Security, and to call me special.
Operation: Medicine Man, the so-called Taliban catharsis operation was conceived by those who released HIV as a bone they threw Peter Gabriel who gnawwed on it. I can prove AIDS manmade. This little sidelight is Gabriel's accomplice and attempt to protect England from the implications. I was brutally tortured and my deaf loved one raped in a strategic management rampage he executed from the office of Amnesty International.
They put me under hypnosis, nicknamed me Tang, and had me calling them my master. They told me directly afterwards in a meeting at Sit 'n Spin that 911 was commissioned as an impact statement for the AIDS community and that part of the deal was that I am declared a sexual "empty set". They also deployed lip sync to communicate their studio observations, reaching a pitch during the Seattle Slipperman Riots, when people were showing off their dermatological problems.
All of this was part of the package deal given by Ming Na Wen and The Reagans to Pete Sinfield and The Beatles allowing them to pretend it wasn't accomplice, control their egos and escape with their Amnesty International slogans, despite committing murder, rape and torture on behalf of those who released HIV. They clutched their moneybags and said it was all about Lennon.
The agency who negotiated this sly hucksterism was Alternative Conflict Resolution at Carnegie Mellon University, with the blessings of Democratic Party machinery. These thugs tortured me and raped my retarded deaf girlfriend as an instrument of government secret patrol, to pacify English incensed more with Lennon's murder than with the AIDS crime. As Stalin noted, one man's death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic. Never were the words of Thos. Mann more true. Speaking of an English era of involvement with Nazi Germany, in the 1938 speech, "This Peace", he wrote, "Surely we are culpable having believed all that pewwing about the brothers. We could not credit the prospect of such heaped up knavery and manuveuring. It was never a question of the brothers, but of the Skoda works, Czech oil, Hungarian grain". Al Gore invented me as a patsy in a spat with Bush, and the rape of deaf Jeannie was executed with the sang froid of a trip to a 711 soda fountain.
This war crime/game is illegal, it continues still and they are constantly stalking me.
The edifice of the Lennon money scare allowed those who wrote the plan to claim they merely adopted it and The Beatles are forging ahead to position those who released HIV to profit by selling doctored information. Some people love war games and propaganda, even when penned by Adolf Hitler. All this being true, they are willing to stake everything on the denial of the guilty.
Psychiatry has vetoed my testimony from appearing in newspapers. They've watched me very intimately for many years, subjecting me to a horrific travesty. Occassionally bombings are triggered by my writing and poetry. As a running joke The Armed Forces love it. It's a super-policeman's hit job. His name is James W. Child from Bowling Green State University. His allies include John Stockwell, formerly of the CIA. It's real trickery.
They were accusing me of all sorts of things that were fraudulent, taking my hearing aids to pay for things that hadn't been done, saying that Midori was my master and that she had chosen to advance the men who tortured me as an Ayn Rand-style retribution for naming Ronald Reagan, the obvious author of the crime and the scam.
The method of intimate betrayal to solve geo-political matters is very English and involves the Gurdjieff Cult. Rights are a joke to these heavy-handed clandestine religious monsters, led by Robert Fripp of King Crimson, whose partner David Bowie was especially ferocious over the existence of Midori, the so-called Queen Sex of the Beatles.
The AIDS combine knew the accomplices they were courting and how to pull the strings of even the most vicious stringpullers. They cleverly depicted Midori as the victim with all this ultra-right wing COLORS community stuff about how she owed the tribe because I had a one night stand with a married Indian woman. Ming Wen arranged that one to give her and Midori a free hand, while stoking the froth of men like Spike Lee. Reagan knew his bought boys. They all came a'running over Midori as the ultimate sex trophy, over whom even the first Persian Gulf War, or so-called "Perfect Storm" of Operation: Catharsis, was ignited.
Reagan always enjoyed leaving hints and clues around.
Killing Sen. Heinz was a shrewd English chess move, because they knew Pittsburgh's mindset would be to blame me. It derailed my ability to prosecute those who released HIV.
The King Family were all hopping mad demanding their race have conjugal rights to Midori, the sacred symbol of Life in the Beatles sacred union, largely because Erun Gandhi had shaken hands with George Bush over the issue of a Louis Louis adultery. The Kings thus played out a race war tabula rosa while fires lit up the Middle East. As you can guess, Muhammed Ali figured it all out, and said that I must forgive those who tortured me in return for forgiveness from, no wait, let me, ALLAH?
Operation: Medicine Man was just a chess game by spoiled power merchants behaving like Michael Reagan. By what right they drafted two deaf people, damaged by years of abuse, none dare say. But the frothing with which they did so was chilling.
The English loved the farce, because they felt assured control of Midori, as a conquest, due to Lennon loyalty. The COLORS Movement gave the AIDS combine spin control because it created an aristocracy where each victim group has a token representative controlled by SONY. That made so much sense to Celine Dion's deluded mind that for a longtime she was advertising it in triumphant glee. Just as she advertised the rape of deaf Jeannie as a function of The Sisterhood and a branch of feminists she called Feminazis without embarassment or shame.
The purpose of the war game was to recruit the Beatles into an inidustrial espionage showcase of advanced war under the nuclear cage where they demanded the final spoils, at the expense of the Public's Right to Know and true justice in courts of law. They called their war game a Court of the Crimson King and said it was sacred because Sean Lennon had piped up, when told by his mother that the death of his father would be solved in court, "Which court a soccer court or basketball court?" As it turned out, a court where the accused have no rights that an English is bound to respect.
They had sexually prepared me, fucking me into seizures with Rosine Monteleone, the first virgin of the Two Virgins War Game, named after the Lennon record of the same name. Midori, the East/West Conquest, being the second. This war game was written by the AIDS combine and adopted by the criminals in England. They fucked me into seizures for spectator amuse, and have long had the Gays cheering them. Saying they had paid me in sex and must be repaid in torment. That is why raping deaf Jeannie amused them so much.
When Midori was prancing around showing off her kitty, they hypnotised me to feel the loss by clocking it to seizures and reminders of my loved one's rape.
She seemed accelerated by a factor just a fraction beyond his control, but as he loosed towards orgasm, she buckled with a subtle knotting as if to secure and suppress his abandon to maintain a renewal of passion. He groaned in a kind of agony which mingled with her meows to create a new surge of ecstasy. How many infinities this went on can scarcely be measured.
Letter Seven: To The Jewish Community
I am writing to you as a deaf person seeking assistance. Two Jewish boys from the Holocaust Survivor Community, as their own memorandums have shown, gave me a neuro-toxin as a youngster which led to Atypical Facial Pain, seizures, deafness and brain trauma. They then went into Neurology and Neuro-behavioral research, with intent to use me as their guinea pig in cradle to grave experimentation. Their names are Ian and William Wattenmaker.
Earlier, I tried to get help from the Arts Community. Violinist Midori Goto, to curry favor with the Jewish Community at large, took the Wattenmaker case, hired a call girl to sexually overdose me, in deliberate attempts to sabotague and humiliate me due to the severe psychological dislocation caused by inflammatory and cruel mistreatment of my injuries. It does indeed cause shattering suffering and personality change.
It worked out for them. Not only did Goto succeed in preventing me from being able to protect myself, but she incited many criminal attacks and hate crimes towards me within the Pittsburgh community, where she came to work for a semester on this errand, a city from which I was forced to evacuate after living there 40 years.
I am writing to plead with you to provide me representation within the Jewish Community who understand the sadism of this Auschwitz-styled experiment by the Wattenmaker boys and who can try to protect me from the opportunism and abusiveness of Midori Goto.
Please summon the humanity to answer this appeal.
Letter Eight: General Press Appeal
I am a deaf person whose loved one is also deaf and retarded. She was raped and I was tortured in a gangland-style attack organized as reprisal when I told newspapers, Amnesty International and police about child torture that I endured in gradeschool. The fact that I have a more complex story to tell has been used to silence me about horrible torture and the rape of a girl who is legally a child. I cannot understand how this is possible. We are deaf people. We have been repeatedly tortured in rape in broad daylight by a hun who masqueraded as being from Amnesty International. We were forcibly separated five years ago when I had to flee Pittsburgh for refuge in Seattle. I have been circled here repeatedly and live in such terror that my health has deteriorated. I do not think you should support abuse of testimony for the purpose of authorizing torture and rape.
The story I have to tell is really very simple. In order to hide his accomplice in the AIDS onslaught, Ringo Starr claimed I was to blame for John Lennon's murder. Letters in my home, sent to me as a child, when I was tortured, were about the murders of Lennon and Dr. Martin Luther King. Because of Dexter King's obsession with intellectual property, the mindset of the Beatles caught on. They were slurring me sexually and claiming that I was never victimized, in order to empower the way I was being used as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig and to force me to do as they were doing and negotiate a surrender to what appears obviously to have been Reagan terror. Naming the fuhrer is the proximate explanation for why Jeannie was raped.
The King Family behaved abominably. So determined were they not to regard me as a victim, for fear that I would write a book over which they had no control, that they adopted Ringo Starr's claim that I was so non-victim that they could torture, torment and brutalize me, which they have done for years and no one would ever care. No one did, but I don't attribute that to me not having been tortured as a child. I just attribute it to society's terror of facing the truth about the Lennons and the Kings and what they have become.
The men who released AIDS used me on Mt. Desert Island as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig. I was from Pittsburgh. To cover this operation they claimed that I made a threat to rape Leslie Katz in a letter. That is not what happened. Leslie Katz had been taunting me and subjecting me to nightly ordeals of performing oral sex on her while denying me intercourse on the grounds of her virginity. I obeyed her wishes, but when she taunted me, "why should you get another chance?" I called her a fucking bitch and said she was suggesting I should have raped her. Since the men who deafened me, coached Leslie and then sold the tale of blame in Lennon's murder had released HIV, there was little hope that I would be able to stop them with the truth.
One of the pieces of evidence from Mt. Desert Island concerns a mousecage assembler for the Jackson Immunogenetic Laboratory who was introduced to me through the same men who wrote the Lennon murder papers planted on my home. This man, Wm. Zell, had said, "What would you think of a scheme to transform the human race by injecting the blood?" in 1981 or 1982, before AIDS was known. He engineered the experiment of using me as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island in 1987-88.
The King Family are in the council of Nation of Islam. When Wm. Zell produced a letter surrounding my name with positive and negative signs, after a woman seduced me bearing a tattoo of the grim reaper pointing at her vagina, (and his letter speaks of his reference to "injecting people"), the King Family were sold on the idea that if I were not a victim I deserved to die by HIV; which extended to the assessment that since I was not a victim, something as bad as HIV had to be done to me.
It should be pointed out that when they made this assessment the Kings were servicing and working with those who released HIV, framing me for rape and as blameworthy in the death of Lennon.
The letters in Lennon's murder were planted on my home in 1974. In the 1980's, the faction who wrote the letters, now led by Ming Na Wen, who went on to work with Oliver Stone, pretended to find them and made claim to them while I was in Maine. Through an office at Carnegie Mellon University known as "Alternative Conflict Resolution", an English named Amanda Harcourt, professing to be in Amnesty International negotiated a plan that allowed them, while working with those who released HIV, to commit terror crimes, like the arson of the Jackson Labs, to send signals of protest about the AIDS virus, while blocking the public's right to know what had been found. Those who released HIV promised to help the Lennons and Kings keep it secret on intellectual property grounds.
The accomplices were promised future profits.
When I returned to Pittsburgh, where I faced continued sabotague, I unearthed the letters in my home, written by a girl from a holocaust survivor community when I was tortured as a child, and made the discovery known.
By then the Beatles were in a true frenzy denying my so-called "status" as a victim.
The Beatles launched a guerrilla war in Pittsburgh, on behalf of men I reported for child torture whose names they had secured from my testimony at Amnesty International and betrayed. The Kings and The Beatles not only attacked me but raped a mentally retarded deaf girl who has epilepsy, after circling use with an agent named Evangelia Karmas, or Avenging Angel of Karma. The King Family believed that this was the answer to doubts that I deserved "victim status", to keep attacking us and attacking us, while denying our being even human.
The English were advancing the idea that when I was forced to forgive those who tortured me, then I would be equal to the situation. They have made me an item in the plan to forgive the AIDS onslaught and profit from the material in question.
Frankly, I don't understand how anyone could have wanted to hurt me this badly. Jeannie is so deaf and retarded that she is legally a child. I haven't been able to see her in five years. I have been tortured repeatedly since childhood, a fact that drives the Lennon/King faction into a frenzy of hatred whenever I mention it. The fact that the Pittsburgh community made me a saleable laughingstock just testifies to how much cruelty I have been through. I live constantly being circled and harassed by the English. I have had seizures from their beastiality towards me.
I think it bears mentioning that I after I graduated from high school I hitch-hiked from Pittsburgh to St. Louis just to hear a solo, free guitar concert by Robert Fripp, a friend of Ringo's who is in the Gurdjieff Cult that harbored Wm. Zell. In the history of betrayals, the rape of deaf Jeannie by this marauder looms as one of the most infamous.
The fact that new evidence was found in John Lennon's murder during an investigation into AIDS origin and that the deaf victims on whom the evidence was planted were tortured and raped by the U.S. Government in answer (to the applause and with the collusion of the King Family) tells pretty clearly what the situation in Pittsburgh has been, and why I live in terror of every passing day in Seattle.
Having accompliced the men who released AIDS, the Kings are determined to force me to embrace the men who raped my beloved Jeannie.
Ringo Starr is to blame.
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Mac Crary