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Building a sustainable energy powered hospital in Togo

Forward | 25.09.2005 16:51 | Globalisation

On Monday night at the Crocus Cafe in Lenton ( - for directions) there will be a meeting to discuss a new project to build a sustainable-energy-powered hospital in Togo. Josie Kaye, an ex-student of Nottingham University recently returned from Togo, will be giving a presentation on the current status of the project.

The plans are in the early stages at the moment, but the rough idea is to build a link between Nottingham and the community of Nyitoe-Zukpé where the project will be based. The two communities will then work together to fundraise, design and build the hospital.

As well as being good healthy stuff the project will hopefully be a chance to learn about sustainable design, international development and also French. No prior-experience in any of these will be necessary though.

If anyone is interested and would like to know more, drop down to the Crocus for 7pm.
