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Anarchist History documentaries on DVD

KSL | 24.09.2005 19:37 | Analysis | Culture | Repression

BBC documentaries on the Angry Brigade (1974) and 'Persons Unknown' trial (1980) are now available on DVD

You might like to know that two documentaries on anarchist activism (and trials) in the seventies and eighties are now available from Christiebooks.
Both were made by Gordon Carr, the first was the basis of his book on the Angry Brigade.
Contains archive footage of events varying from Miguel Garcia to an early Crass gig!
With introductions by Stuart Christie

Now available on DVD:

The Angry Brigade (1974 BBC documentary) and
Persons Unknown (1980 BBC documentary)
Both chiefly in colour.

£17.00 (inc. Post and packing)
Cheques payable to
PO Box 35
Hastings, East Sussex
TN34 2UX

For more information email

Why wait for Christmas?



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Crass gig?

24.09.2005 20:12

Thats interesting- as far as I was aware there was no Crass live footage in existance???

Jah Crasstafari


27.09.2005 07:52

NB: This is one dvd with the two documentaries