Anarchist Archive of Thessaloniki, Greece | 24.09.2005 17:11 | Globalisation
We are coming back on a matter, which should have ended, however, due to the “negligence” of some anarchists and antiauthoritarians in Thessaloniki –whom we addressed to come to assemblies and discuss but they didn’t (!)- is continuing with the well known authoritarian tactics of the “A.M”. The reason for this were some allegedly missed electronic devices from the School of Theatre of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for which the “A.M.” considers specific comrades as “guilty”. These comrades are members of the Anarchist Infoshop NADIR (in the B’ student dorm building) and they have been literally tortured mentally and physically (invasion in the anarchist infoshop NADIR, beatings, threanenings, blackmails, stealing of personal objects – a PC and an identity card from the house of a comrade etc.). All of these occurred, not only at that period (see also
http://www.geocities.com/dromous/denouncement.html) but also during the summer, the “Antiauthoritarian Move/ment” of Thessaloniki, sent some of its members, premeditated to provoke the attacks, to give them the possibility, on one hand, to whine, and on the other hand, to … condemn, in order to cover the miserable behaviour against the comrades of the infoshop. At the same time, they tried to produce confusion, publishing a ridiculous text in Athens Indymedia in August, in which they try to make excuse for their bullyboy actions speaking of a “comrade known for his ethics” and make rumours that some anarchist social fighters are snitches because they published the initials of the name of one of the leaders in the bullyboy actions. Well done gentlemen! The next time that one so-called “antiauthoritarian” will, for example, rape a female comrade, those who publish his name will be considered snitches! BUT WE NEVER GAVE AND WE WILL NEVER GIVE CONSENT TO THE TUMBLE ROUTE OF SOME IMPOVERISHED AND WORN-OUT “REVOLUTIONARIES”.
Continuing their familiar gang-war, on Saturday. September 17th , they ATTACKED ONCE MORE a comrade from the anarchist infoshop NADIR (the same one that had been held as a hostage 2 months before), in his room in the student dorm! One of the leaders in this attack was a person to whom we had also shown solidarity (with leafleting, posters etc. during his hunger strike). The comrade was held from the neck for many hours, his body was multiply scratched, being threatened to provide information about other comrades (the comrade who was tortured was literally everywhere showing his solidarity to the hunger striker and … his future torturer with whom they were initially together in the group of refugees. After that, as anyone would expect, a group of 50 anarchists came to the student dorm for solidarity with the comrade. It is obvious that because of the atmosphere fabricated by the “A.M.”, great rage was expressed against them and 3 of its members were injured. After 2 days there was a new attack against a comrade (outside his house!) -who was released from prison in February, after being held for 10 months because of his struggle-, who happened to listen the usual coward threats “we’ re looking for this guy and this guy etc.” and have his head open from beatings! Moreover, on Wednesday, September 21st, 15 bullyboys of the “A.M” came outside our offices in Delmouzou 3 street, armed with helmets and iron sticks, they threatened us cowardly, trying to invade the Anarchist Archive. We opposed them with flags and sent them away. But their cowboy “logic” led them once again later outside the Anarchist Archive, 30 this time, isolating Delmouzou street from its both ends (Christopoulou and Agias Sofias str.), calling us… “to fight” in the campus, in another one of their attempts to turn us into gang members!!! And while we could, justifiably, proceed to throw rocks at them or give another kind of answer, we decided to expose them and unmask them socially, using a PA-sound system and reading the following text: “This moment, bullyboys of the “Antiauthoritarian Move/ment” are around the Anarchist Archive of Thessaloniki. The well-known for its co-operation with the state, political parties, mass media, “A.M”, in its attempt to stop the struggles of anarchists, is threatening us right now outside our offices in a fascist manner. The fascist provocations of the “A.M.” will be retaliated by anarchists by any means. COPS AND STALINISTS UNITED A A FIST”. The punks were frightened by the social dimensions of this matter and they left in a hurry…
Our choice was TO always AVOID ANY KIND OF GANG-WAR (whenever possible), staying in our social liberational action directions, but we WON’T IGNORE OUR SELF-DEFENCE… And of course, we won’t hold any responsibility for whatever happens, if the “Antiauthoritarian Move/ment” decides to continue this stupid and coward game they, indeed, started… … Anarchist Archive of Thessaloniki and Comrades, Alexandrou Delmouzou 3 (first parallel of Filippou str. from Agias Sofias) Open every Wednesday 17.30-20.00 and Saturday 10.30-14.00
We are coming back on a matter, which should have ended, however, due to the “negligence” of some anarchists and antiauthoritarians in Thessaloniki –whom we addressed to come to assemblies and discuss but they didn’t (!)- is continuing with the well known authoritarian tactics of the “A.M”. The reason for this were some allegedly missed electronic devices from the School of Theatre of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for which the “A.M.” considers specific comrades as “guilty”. These comrades are members of the Anarchist Infoshop NADIR (in the B’ student dorm building) and they have been literally tortured mentally and physically (invasion in the anarchist infoshop NADIR, beatings, threanenings, blackmails, stealing of personal objects – a PC and an identity card from the house of a comrade etc.). All of these occurred, not only at that period (see also

Continuing their familiar gang-war, on Saturday. September 17th , they ATTACKED ONCE MORE a comrade from the anarchist infoshop NADIR (the same one that had been held as a hostage 2 months before), in his room in the student dorm! One of the leaders in this attack was a person to whom we had also shown solidarity (with leafleting, posters etc. during his hunger strike). The comrade was held from the neck for many hours, his body was multiply scratched, being threatened to provide information about other comrades (the comrade who was tortured was literally everywhere showing his solidarity to the hunger striker and … his future torturer with whom they were initially together in the group of refugees. After that, as anyone would expect, a group of 50 anarchists came to the student dorm for solidarity with the comrade. It is obvious that because of the atmosphere fabricated by the “A.M.”, great rage was expressed against them and 3 of its members were injured. After 2 days there was a new attack against a comrade (outside his house!) -who was released from prison in February, after being held for 10 months because of his struggle-, who happened to listen the usual coward threats “we’ re looking for this guy and this guy etc.” and have his head open from beatings! Moreover, on Wednesday, September 21st, 15 bullyboys of the “A.M” came outside our offices in Delmouzou 3 street, armed with helmets and iron sticks, they threatened us cowardly, trying to invade the Anarchist Archive. We opposed them with flags and sent them away. But their cowboy “logic” led them once again later outside the Anarchist Archive, 30 this time, isolating Delmouzou street from its both ends (Christopoulou and Agias Sofias str.), calling us… “to fight” in the campus, in another one of their attempts to turn us into gang members!!! And while we could, justifiably, proceed to throw rocks at them or give another kind of answer, we decided to expose them and unmask them socially, using a PA-sound system and reading the following text: “This moment, bullyboys of the “Antiauthoritarian Move/ment” are around the Anarchist Archive of Thessaloniki. The well-known for its co-operation with the state, political parties, mass media, “A.M”, in its attempt to stop the struggles of anarchists, is threatening us right now outside our offices in a fascist manner. The fascist provocations of the “A.M.” will be retaliated by anarchists by any means. COPS AND STALINISTS UNITED A A FIST”. The punks were frightened by the social dimensions of this matter and they left in a hurry…
Our choice was TO always AVOID ANY KIND OF GANG-WAR (whenever possible), staying in our social liberational action directions, but we WON’T IGNORE OUR SELF-DEFENCE… And of course, we won’t hold any responsibility for whatever happens, if the “Antiauthoritarian Move/ment” decides to continue this stupid and coward game they, indeed, started… … Anarchist Archive of Thessaloniki and Comrades, Alexandrou Delmouzou 3 (first parallel of Filippou str. from Agias Sofias) Open every Wednesday 17.30-20.00 and Saturday 10.30-14.00
Anarchist Archive of Thessaloniki, Greece