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Iraqi Liberators or Occupiers? Just Look Who Calls the Shots

Dave Lindorff | 24.09.2005 02:54

The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are complaining about the U.S. military's brutality and its indiscriminate attacks, but the Pentagon and the White House are just blowing them off. Hey, forget "sovereignty." We're in charge here.

Just what kind of ally is the US and its Coalition of the Willing or Sort of Willing?

First, imagine if you will that the U.S., unable to get enough troops into New Orleans to handle the post-Katrina rescue and security situation, had invited in German or maybe Venezuelan troops (actually on offer from Hugo Chavez). Imagine then that those foreign troops had begun busting into people's homes to haul them out of town, had begun shooting people they considered to be lawbreakers, and had conducted aerial bombardments of neighborhoods deemed too dangerous to go into. Imagine that U.S. authorities called for a halt to such activities, only to be told by the foreign forces' generals that they were going to continue with their aggressive tactics to keep their own casualties down.

Got the picture? Well, you've just pictured today's Iraq and Afghanistan.

In theory, both countries are "sovereign" nations that have asked the U.S. military, which installed their governments in power, to stay on and defeat local insurgencies.

Note that this would imply that the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are the bosses, with the U.S.-led military forces in each country playing a supporting role.

And yet in both Iraq and Afghanistan, we have the governments complaining about the way those military forces are operating.

In Afghanistan, President Hamed Karzai has told the U.S. military that he doesn't think they need to or ought to be conducting aerial strikes against Taliban forces. Nor does he want them to continue the standard practice of busting into houses in the dead of night to conduct search-and-destroy, or search-and-arrest operations. One can understand the president's frustration. The air strikes have led to some truly dreadful tragedies, in which whole families, including women and small children, have been killed, and the busting down of doors and the rousting of families from their homes creates more enemies than it captures.

Yet the response of the U.S. military, allegedly an invited "guest" of the Afghan regime, has been dismissive. U.S. military policy is heavily dependent upon air power, which is seen by the Pentagon and the White House as a way of minimizing U.S. casualties--a key goal for domestic political reasons--while smashing into homes is a way of creating an atmosphere of terror and fear--a second key goal that seeks to scare locals into not supporting the insurgency.

In Iraq, the situation is similar. The Iraqi government says it must have the final say before US air strikes or assaults on towns and villages, but the U.S. military ignores the demand, knowing that the Iraqi government is permeated with insurgent sympathizers who could tip insurgents' hands to every planned attack.

In the south, in majority-Shiite Basra, the police are so dominated by anti-occupation Muktada Al Sadr militia forces, that British forces there had to attack and destroy a police station with a light tank to release two British soldiers who had been arrested by local police.

The U.S. military's casual dismissal of government authority in Iraq and Afghanistan makes it clear that the governments in both countries are not what they claim to be--sovereign authorities--but rather are puppets of the U.S. It is also clear that the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq, far from being playing the stated role of "liberator," is an occupation army.

It is a hopeless position, with insurgencies growing rapidly in both countries. The stronger those insurgencies become, the more aggressive the U.S. military will have to become, and the bigger the disconnect will become between the illusion of local government "sovereignty" and the reality of U.S. occupation. At some point, reality will intervene, and the U.S. will be forced to withdraw from both countries in humiliating defeat.

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Dave Lindorff
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24.09.2005 05:54

Can we please delete this obscene piece of garbage!!!

"In theory, both countries are "sovereign" nations that have asked the U.S. military, which installed their governments in power, to stay on and defeat local insurgencies."

This disgusting statement is analogous to saying that if a psychopath breaks into a house, rapes the daughter, and murders the wife, no crime has been committed if at gunpoint, the husband agrees that he is happy with the situation, and states that the criminal can live there from now on, raping and murdering any other members of the family he so chooses.

The author of this piece CLEARLY justifies the mass murder, rape, and destruction of two countries under the principle that the USA is free to use TERRORISM to further its aims. He only questions the best time to cut and run AFTER THE CRIME.

I don't care if this scumbag then suggests that when things get messy, the USA should withdraw. That's like advising Bank Robbers to make a strategic retreat, if they hear police sirens. Good advice for the robbers, but hardly given for moral reasons, or for the benefit of their victims.

"In the south, in majority-Shiite Basra, the police are so dominated by anti-occupation Muktada Al Sadr militia forces, that British forces there had to attack and destroy a police station with a light tank to release two British soldiers who had been arrested by local police."

Did Blair himself write this??? Iraqi's attempting to defend themselves against the most horrific acts of British terrorism are defamed like this???

This whole article is the NASTIEST piece of BLACK PROPAGANDA masquerading as critical comment, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Yes, the fascists will attack each other over the quality and success of their plans, but do we have to read it here???



24.09.2005 15:25

Try reading the article a bit more properly, Twilight, before launching into full attack. I don't think he's saying what you think he's saying...



24.09.2005 15:45

You've got a serious problem twilight. You should chill out really. Your comment is totally senseless. The bloke who writes the paper justifies nothing, he describes a situation as he sees it.

chill out