Exhibition of films made with homeless and ex-homeless
Forward Outspeak ! | 23.09.2005 11:21 | Culture
'Outspeak' is a collaborative project between video installation artist Ian Nesbitt and members of Nottingham's homeless community. The artist has worked with participants to create snapshots of their lives over a three month period, which will be displayed alongside the artist's own response to the experience.
At the Surface Gallery 10 - 21 October
At the Surface Gallery 10 - 21 October
Opening event: Thursday 13 October 6:30 – 8:30pm Free All Welcome
Surface Gallery is at 7 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FB. Opening times: 11 - 5 Mon - Sat,
http://surfacegallery.org, 0115 9348435
Work made by video Ian Nesbitt. Photography is by Eleanor Mayne.
Surface Gallery is at 7 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FB. Opening times: 11 - 5 Mon - Sat,

Work made by video Ian Nesbitt. Photography is by Eleanor Mayne.
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