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SchNEWS' Neo-Labour Party Conference Graphic

Jo Makepeace | 23.09.2005 01:04 | South Coast

SchNEWS' Neo-Labour Party Conference Graphic

Here is a graphic we have made to commemorate our town (Brighton) being taken over by police as Neo-Labour, business cronies and minions flood into town for the Labour Party Conference

Jo Makepeace
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nice one, but

23.09.2005 01:58

But new Labour aren't fascist...

They are capitalist pigs, yes...imperialists dogs, yes...

But they rule through the parliamentary charade and the apparatus of social democracy...the carrot more than the stick...consent more than coercion - capitalist democracy more than outright fascism.

Such capitalist democracy rules through building a support system, a web of hegemony incorporating the leaders of Trades Unions and social movements, etc

Fascism is where the capitalists impose their will by direct force by liquidating (rather than incorporating) the Trade Union and social movement leaders.

Funnily enough, during Hitlers rise to power, Stalin's line was that the European Labour parties were 'social fascists'. One of the implications of this was that Hitler would not be qualitatively worse than the German Social democrats- both were, after all, servants of capital. How wrong they were then.

Now I know schnews is only playing with a funky graphic here...but images convey deep political messages.

And this one has the wrong political analysis at its core.

Barry Kade

The poster's a good start. Beware Blair's nay-sayers!!!

23.09.2005 06:07

Nice poster- if the UK were awash with such images, Blair's power might already be dying.

QUOTE "But they rule through the parliamentary charade and the apparatus of social democracy...the carrot more than the stick...consent more than coercion - capitalist democracy more than outright fascism"

Who wrote this? New Labour (New Reich) head office by the sound of it. Blair and his boys and girls starting to get worried?

Let me guess, we had better clearly state how much we agree with this, else we'll get seven bullets in the brain???

Better not notice Blair has absolute power, with 20% of the vote. House of Lords fixed. opposition parties no where in sight. Yep, we certainly have "capitalist democracy there", NOT!

Highest tax regime. Endless series of every more oppressive laws, and ever more people in prison for ever more reasons, serving ever longer sentences. House inflation out of control. Retirement age on the increase. Yep, we certainly have "the carrot more than the stick", NOT!

Every fundamental human right under attack, if not removed. Elimination of whole swathes of freedom of speech. Police allowed to murder anyone without consequence. Massive attack on adult sexual freedoms. Massive anti-war protest totally ignored. Yep, we certainly have "consent more than coercion ", NOT!

Why do you New Labour (New Reich) goons even bother, if this is the best you can do?

Blair is the Hitler of our age, but in reality he is going to go so much further, because his powerbase is so much greater than anything Hitler could have dreamt of. When Hitler was in the early stages of his rise to power, he needed goons to tell ordinary Germans not to worry too!

Fascism is the correct word, for it describes ONE LEADER, taking ABSOLUTE POWER, promoting a RACIST IDEOLOGY, using a MODERN INDUSTRIAL POWERBASE, in full control of the MASS MEDIA, promoting ENDLESS WAR against 'LESSER' HUMANS, for the GREATER GLORY and STABILITY of the leaders ORIGINATING PEOPLE. WAR is required for PEACE, and CHAINS are required for FREEDOM. All HUMAN RIGHTS must run secondary to the NEEDS OF THE STATE. The WORKERS are of LEAST SIGNIFICANCE in the power structure.

The arguments about definitions are designed to hide the MOST important fact, and that is WE KNOW IT WHEN WE SEE IT,

So, when at your various meeting, or protests, or whatever, one of Blair's embedded goons whispers in your ear that "this slogan is wrong or too harsh", or "this image is too powerful, or too critical", or "this program of action doesn't give Blair the benefit of the doubt", you know its time to get HIT HARDER, SHOUT LOUDER, GO MORE GRAPHIC, BE MUCH MORE DARING, and strengthen that campaign to the point where those goons cry literal tears of frustration at your failure to be mislead and rendered useless by their siren words!!!

Blair NEEDS you to fail. If he wasn't worried, he wouldn't have his people all over these forums. The same happened at the recent election, when the same people, working then for Blair's election campaign, passed themselves off as ordinary voters, and stage managed EVERY appearance of Blair with rent-a-crowd antics, flooding local newspapers with phoney joe public letters, and creating mock protest groups to disrupt opposition electioneering (with full co-operation from the police). How do we know. Blair allowed a documentary to be made showing his people doing EXACTLY this! DO YOU NEED ANOTHER DOCUMENTARY SHOWING BLAIR'S PEOPLE LOGGING INTO INDYMEDIA, OR ATTENDING ANTI-WAR MEETINGS ETC, TO UNDERSTAND EXACTLY HOW THIS PROCESS WORKS???


I know people are going to call me a pedant, but...

23.09.2005 09:36

...the quote isn't by Mussolini -- though it is commonly attributed to him. It's was actually said/written by the Italian philosopher, and fascist, Giovanni Gentile. But I am sure Mussolini would have agreed with it. [skip down to bottom]


We need our propaganda - they the ruling elite have theirs!

23.09.2005 13:32

Great poster - hope you dont mind if I use it on my blos sometime (ful credit will be given).

AS someone who spent most of the last 14 years in the Labour Party ( I'am now in RESPECT) I can tell you its not far from the truth. Most of Labours conference parties are sponsored by big business who que (remember i cant spell!!) up to do this - you get little saugage rolls on sticks and the best wine and cannaps from a waitress with a walls sign on her lapel or some such trash.

No the Labour Party are not fascist yet - but this a battle of ideas (they - the ruling elite spend £millions for this same purpose, day in, day out, TV, Radio and papers etc) to convince ordinary working people, and you are right 1000's of posters like this would help us get across the message that this man Blair and his party are corrupt with power (its like Animal farm - in the end you cant see any difference betwwen the pigs and men).

Lets have even more posters - Socialist Art!

Neil Wiliams
See the new SAS Blair/Bush rats cartoon.

Every day we become like the Big Brothers World in "1984" (well worth a reread at this time - its so real and written over 60years ago).

Neil Williams
- Homepage:


23.09.2005 14:21

Dear Twilight,

No, I'm not a new labour apparachick, you fool ! - and neither am I defending new labour, as anyone who can read properly as well as rant could see.

Once again I'll say this: I believe that new labour are an authoritarian and racist right wing capitalist government. - But they are not the same as Mussolini or Hitler! They are not fascist.

You are a paranoid fool if you think that by making this distinction I am some government agent or apologist.

Barry Kade

Reply to Barry Kade

23.09.2005 19:18

New Labour aren't fascist but they are integrating state and corporate power.

The quote explains the image and you haven't tried to disagree with the poster's message..


yeah, sure...

24.09.2005 00:20

Yes, new labour are the slaves of corporate power, for sure. I agree.

And new-labour's neo-liberalism involves a new and priviliged place for corporations within the state. Sure, I agree again. (But this is also different from the corporatism of Mussolini, which was more part of the zenith of the national-state-capitalist era of the mid 20th century than we have with todays globalising capitalism).

But MY MAIN POINT is that we do not live under a fascist government (yet).

It is simly a lazy analysis to claim that every right wing authoritarian we hate from Thatcher to Blair is a 'fascist'. The term 'Fascist' then becomes a mere lefty swear word rather than a proper political analysis.

And it risks the danger of 'crying wolf' - people won't respond and fight the real face of fascism if we say we are\already living under it.

Listen, I try to spend my life organising resistance to capitalism. I already hate both the Labour party and its governmental cloak for capitalist murder and exploitation.

But I do not need to exagerate the facts and claim new labour are swastika wearing Nazis in order to find a rationale for fighting them until my last breath. In fact, I think such hyperbole counter-productive. OK?

Barry Kade

Fair enough

24.09.2005 01:13

I was too curt in my post and I would actually agree that Schnews have gone over the top.

But I think that perhaps their thinking is that the "Big Brother" generation are sufficiently de-sensitized to the 'concept' of fascism, that the swastika is the only image that will remind them of of their civil liberties.


While your on the subject of italian left wing facists

24.09.2005 22:57

Not to mention the Rifondazione Communisti with huge villa and servants !
Are the bosses of the left really any better than the bosses of the right ?
I like this kind of performance art satire .. good on you schnews any time is kick off time >>>>

raving lefty nazi

Is that

25.09.2005 01:23

The older one of the Chuckle Brothers?

Ch-ch-chuckle vision!
Ch-ch-chuckle vision!


Bloody right

01.11.2005 20:46

Bloody right, they are fascist. Think how many public sector workers there are, and the numbers are increasing, meaning more people paid by Labour, controlling more and more of the country.

Also think of all the freedom of sppech laws being made, freedom of speech is named that because you can say what you want without fear of being locked up. Besides as the BBC now seems to be government controleld so if they want them to say, constantly promote multi-culturalism 24/7, then hey, screw independance from the government the BBC will do it.

There are too many left wingers in Labour, who really want Britain to change to thier ways and will do anything to see it done. Tis a sick sad world.

there's right and wrong