Government must ensure justice for Hicks
ACSJC | 22.09.2005 20:10 | Analysis | World
"One year was a problem, two years a grave concern. But over three years being held in these conditions is appalling and should set alarm bells ringing for all Australians who value their basic human rights."
AUSTRALIA: CUBA: US: The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council is calling on the Australian Government to secure real justice for Australian citizen David Hicks. The call follows a Pentagon announcement of a resumption of military commission hearings at Guantanamo Bay.
Bishop Christopher Saunders, Chairman of the ACSJC said, "For more than three-and-a-half years David Hicks has been held by the U.S. authorities - for most of this time without being charged.
"Only recently David Hicks was charged by US authorities with conspiracy, attempted murder and aiding the enemy. And it is unlikely that subsequent changes to the military commissions that would make them function more like a traditional judge and jury will ensure a fair trial.
"Legal experts in Australia and overseas have criticised the military commission process. The Law Council of Australia has said the proposed changes to the military commissions amount to 'tinkering around the edges' and that the standard of justice remains inferior to that afforded before a non-military court.
"Australians believe that all citizens are entitled to their day in court and the protection of the rule of law should they be accused of an offence. We believe this right must be guaranteed, regardless of the nature of the charges against an individual. David Hicks should have access to the ordinary processes of justice if he has done anything wrong.
"The detention of David has gone on for too long. I call on the Australian Government to use its best endeavours to end the detention of David Hicks. It should do this by either seeking a proper trial before a non-military court or returning him to Australia", Bishop Saunders concluded.
For further information:
Bishop Christopher Saunders
Chairman, ACSJC
Tel: 0418 260 155
John Ferguson
National Executive Officer, ACSJC
Tel: 02 9956 5811
It is quite encouraging to see other organisations, especially religious and in particular Christian groups, voicing their concerns on the military trial of David Hicks and at the his treatment by the Australian Government.
David Hicks would have been freed long time ago if it wasn't for the Australian Government's total disregard for David's human rights. In June 2004, after almost 3 years of imprisonment and the visit of John Howard to the US, David was charged with charges that could not withstand a legitimate court or civil trial.
However, David is not the only Australian to have become the sacrificial lamb of this arrogant government. Other Australians include: Ahmad Aziz Rafiq, held initially at Abu Grahib and then transferred to another prison camp (?), Talaal Adree in Kuwait, Ahmed Jamal, and Mohamad Abbass in Egypt.
According to Amnesty there are in the vicinity of 70,000 prisoners held by or at the behest of the US administration around the world.
Remember David has been imprisoned and tortured since December 2001. It is time for David Hicks to be freed.
I have written countless letters to MPs, Kim Beazley's office responded to one of them 2 and half months after receipt. This is the importance the Opposition gives to this human rights issue.
Marlene Obeid
Justice for Hicks & Habib
(Mob. 0401 758 871)
More than 500 inmates are currently being held at Guantanamo. Only four have been charged including Australian man David Hicks.
Detainees at the American military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are on hunger strike against their indefinite detention, according to human rights lawyers.
All Australians deserve a fair trial
Denying any Australian a fair trial weakens Australia's democracy
David Hicks will not receive a fair trial in Guantanamo Bay.
We must demand that Foreign Minister Alexander Downer get David Hicks back here to face an Australian court:
The Center for Constitutional Rights wrote:
Now more than ever we need to put an end to the Bush Administration's illegal practices torture and detention. Here's how you can join the fight:
justice betrayed ......
AUSTRALIA/CUBA/USA: A stated belief of the Liberal Party is: "We believe in a just & humane society in which the importance of the family and the rule of law & justice is maintained."
The Prime Minister & a number of his senior Minister's, demonstrated how this Liberal Party belief, also a 'core' value of our democracy, has been betrayed: to the detriment of us all.
For David
We could leave Muslims including Hicks alone to sort out their own problems while we deal with being led by the nose. Or we could review the known facts regarding our nation's involvement and decide if current directions appear to be crusades, face facts. Hicks and Ned Kelly are just a product of our nations hypocrisy, both of whom woke up to it, long before I did.
Bishop Christopher Saunders, Chairman of the ACSJC said, "For more than three-and-a-half years David Hicks has been held by the U.S. authorities - for most of this time without being charged.
"Only recently David Hicks was charged by US authorities with conspiracy, attempted murder and aiding the enemy. And it is unlikely that subsequent changes to the military commissions that would make them function more like a traditional judge and jury will ensure a fair trial.
"Legal experts in Australia and overseas have criticised the military commission process. The Law Council of Australia has said the proposed changes to the military commissions amount to 'tinkering around the edges' and that the standard of justice remains inferior to that afforded before a non-military court.
"Australians believe that all citizens are entitled to their day in court and the protection of the rule of law should they be accused of an offence. We believe this right must be guaranteed, regardless of the nature of the charges against an individual. David Hicks should have access to the ordinary processes of justice if he has done anything wrong.
"The detention of David has gone on for too long. I call on the Australian Government to use its best endeavours to end the detention of David Hicks. It should do this by either seeking a proper trial before a non-military court or returning him to Australia", Bishop Saunders concluded.
For further information:
Bishop Christopher Saunders
Chairman, ACSJC
Tel: 0418 260 155
John Ferguson
National Executive Officer, ACSJC
Tel: 02 9956 5811
It is quite encouraging to see other organisations, especially religious and in particular Christian groups, voicing their concerns on the military trial of David Hicks and at the his treatment by the Australian Government.
David Hicks would have been freed long time ago if it wasn't for the Australian Government's total disregard for David's human rights. In June 2004, after almost 3 years of imprisonment and the visit of John Howard to the US, David was charged with charges that could not withstand a legitimate court or civil trial.
However, David is not the only Australian to have become the sacrificial lamb of this arrogant government. Other Australians include: Ahmad Aziz Rafiq, held initially at Abu Grahib and then transferred to another prison camp (?), Talaal Adree in Kuwait, Ahmed Jamal, and Mohamad Abbass in Egypt.
According to Amnesty there are in the vicinity of 70,000 prisoners held by or at the behest of the US administration around the world.
Remember David has been imprisoned and tortured since December 2001. It is time for David Hicks to be freed.
I have written countless letters to MPs, Kim Beazley's office responded to one of them 2 and half months after receipt. This is the importance the Opposition gives to this human rights issue.
Marlene Obeid
Justice for Hicks & Habib
(Mob. 0401 758 871)
More than 500 inmates are currently being held at Guantanamo. Only four have been charged including Australian man David Hicks.
Detainees at the American military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are on hunger strike against their indefinite detention, according to human rights lawyers.

All Australians deserve a fair trial
Denying any Australian a fair trial weakens Australia's democracy
David Hicks will not receive a fair trial in Guantanamo Bay.
We must demand that Foreign Minister Alexander Downer get David Hicks back here to face an Australian court:

The Center for Constitutional Rights wrote:
Now more than ever we need to put an end to the Bush Administration's illegal practices torture and detention. Here's how you can join the fight:

justice betrayed ......
AUSTRALIA/CUBA/USA: A stated belief of the Liberal Party is: "We believe in a just & humane society in which the importance of the family and the rule of law & justice is maintained."
The Prime Minister & a number of his senior Minister's, demonstrated how this Liberal Party belief, also a 'core' value of our democracy, has been betrayed: to the detriment of us all.

For David
We could leave Muslims including Hicks alone to sort out their own problems while we deal with being led by the nose. Or we could review the known facts regarding our nation's involvement and decide if current directions appear to be crusades, face facts. Hicks and Ned Kelly are just a product of our nations hypocrisy, both of whom woke up to it, long before I did.
