subMedia releases 'George Bush Don't Like Black People' Video
subMedia | 22.09.2005 18:28 | Indymedia | Repression | Social Struggles
Independent Media Group subMedia ( has released a music video to accompany the track 'George Bush Don't Like Black People' by the legendary K.O.
Independent Media Group subMedia ( has released a music video to accompany the track 'George Bush Don't Like Black People' by the legendary K.O.
This is an effort to keep the mantra going "George Bush Don't Like Black People" and raise awareness to George Bush's racist policies. The video can be downloaded at
At the time of this writing "the clip has been downloaded more than 40,000 times" said subMedia's Franklin Lopez. "We feel the video has touched a nerve and we are putting all our efforts into spreading it as far and wide as possible to keep the issue alive."
To support this effort subMedia has placed a full resolution DV version on its Bit Torrent server to facilitate the dissemination to independent television producers who might want to broadcast the video on their shows. "We are not only asking indy TV producers but also radio DJ's to download the MP3 and play it on their radio stations.
This announcement comes on the heels of a massive demonstration planned for September 22nd in Washington DC in opposition to the Bush Administration's racist policies at home and abroad.
This is an effort to keep the mantra going "George Bush Don't Like Black People" and raise awareness to George Bush's racist policies. The video can be downloaded at
At the time of this writing "the clip has been downloaded more than 40,000 times" said subMedia's Franklin Lopez. "We feel the video has touched a nerve and we are putting all our efforts into spreading it as far and wide as possible to keep the issue alive."
To support this effort subMedia has placed a full resolution DV version on its Bit Torrent server to facilitate the dissemination to independent television producers who might want to broadcast the video on their shows. "We are not only asking indy TV producers but also radio DJ's to download the MP3 and play it on their radio stations.
This announcement comes on the heels of a massive demonstration planned for September 22nd in Washington DC in opposition to the Bush Administration's racist policies at home and abroad.
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This link screws up firefox?
22.09.2005 19:59
Not tried it with micro$oft
USA and racism
22.09.2005 23:02
Any nation with a massive slave population will have various engines of racist propaganda to keep hatred at a maximum, to maintain the master/slave divide, and keep political power away from the slave class. Anyone who tracked the various US forums after the flooding of New Orleans etc., will have seen examples of this.
However, it is possible to praise the US for giving its slave class citizenship. This is more than most countries do. I would guess that America will finally see Black people get real power when they follow in the footsteps of the muslims, as they displace the jews as the dominant minority there. In human history, numbers eventually win out!
The real pity is that just after the US Civil War, Black Americans had true freedom, and equal rights. However, with hardly a pause, the legal establishment used its full powers of creativity to strip Black people of every new won freedom, and one can easily argue that it took Black's until the 1970's to win back what they gained in the days after the South surrendered.
REMEMBER, in 1945, with the FULL ASSISTANCE of the British Government, Black servicemen were sent to prison on their return to the USA for the crime of having married white British women. I would happily state that this was a crime on par with Hitler's Death Camps!!! Even today, some TV stations in the South will not show programs depicting relationships between so-called black and white people.
One thing I have NEVER understood, and that is how on earth did US authorities KNOW if someone was 'black'. I mean, what on earth is the 'test'. And please don't spout racist crap about the person's grandparents, or whatever, because that just pushes the self same question further back! When American courts were sending couples to prison in the 60's for having inter-racial sex, how the hell did they prove their victims 'whiteness' or 'blackness'.
It is a sad and depressing fact that for most nations, the judges and lawyers will almost always be far more morally repugnant than the worst offender tried by the court. Juries are used as both disinfectant, and deodorant, but even they can't hide the stench and decay that comes with such a rotten system. We should not puzzle that so many politicians are lawyers, but we should puzzle why we are stupid enough to permit this!
White settler politics
23.09.2005 00:59
brutal Frank