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Iraq-Israel oil pipeline 'to reopen'

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign | 21.09.2005 15:32 | Social Struggles

Israel's finance minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, predicted yesterday that the British-era oil pipeline from Iraq's northern oilfields through Jordan to the Israeli port city of Haifa would be reopened.

"It won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa," Mr Netanyahu told a group of British investors in London.

"It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted and Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean."

The pipeline was closed during the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948 and has never been used since.

Its rehabilitation would dramatically enhance regional economic co-operation after decades of war and mutual suspicion.

But the project is unlikely to become reality before a permanent settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Anton La Guardia,

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign
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21.09.2005 16:53

I'm surprised the British Isle don't sink under the weight of all the Israeli WAR-CRIMINALS that Blair and Livingstone welcome here on such a regular basis. Now we understand why Livingstone's congestion system was so important- we wouldn't want all of us native riff-raff slowing up their journeys around London!!!

As for talk of this pipeline, well it has more to do with close co-operation between kurdish and israeli terrorists in the North of Iraq. The Kurds are being offered a LITERAL pipedream to help keep them onside until it is time to expend them in the next stage of military action in the Middle East. Shame, really, because the Kurds have put such effort in being the shock troops of the so-called Iraq army (post invasion), willingly committing ever atrocity requested by Blair. They should have paid more attention to the history of WW2.


Netanyahu is NOT Iraqi

21.09.2005 17:14

The day Israel
- stops occupying Palestine
- start respecting human rights of none Israelis as it is a democratic country
- starts respecting and following international law
- stops development and destroyers all its weapons of massdestruction

That day I as an Iraqi might see it possible for such a pipeline. Until then Netanyahu have three options to choose from, one is he continues to dream on as he is free to do that, two he starts implementing the obligations set above or thirdly he occupies Iraq.


Nadia, I think im in love

21.09.2005 18:46

Hi Nadia,
I agree with everything you say, once again.

Spot on with your comments.


Peaceful Co-existence

22.09.2005 03:10

The main reason the arabs attacked the newly establish nation of Israel in the first place, is because Trans Jordan wanted the port of haifa for Iraqi oil. Problem was, Jordan wanted to lead the "pan-arab state" The Syrians and Jordanians have come to blows over "palestine" for this very reason. Wouldn't it promote peace, if the oil flowed from Iraq through Jordan (an arab nation) and then through Israel bound for Europe? Sounds like a peaceful cooperation kinda thing.

Ali ibn Sharmootah

Well said Ali

22.09.2005 13:37

Once again I wholeheartedly agree with you.

It is actions such as this which bring peace. Look at the work Israel and Jordan have done in the Dead Sea together. Now Prince Abdullah is talking about moving from mere tollerance to acceptance.

Unfortunately this is always bogged down by the contrary work done by idiots like Twilight



22.09.2005 18:15

Wouldn’t it promote peace in the whole world, if Israel ended its occupation of Palestine? Sound like a peaceful step to make and good cooperation can come out of it too!
