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ID cards: a story I thought I'd never write.

Henk Ruyssenaars | 20.09.2005 16:06 | Globalisation | Repression

Freedom is buried in 'Apartheid' state The Netherlands: from the 1st of Jan. 2006 all 16 million people in the country will get a new 'Citizen's Service Number', turning the country into one big jail. The first Apartheid process against 250 people - out of ten thousands who could not show an ID Card - starts next week.

by Henk Ruyssenaars

Amsterdam - Sept. 20th 2005 - This is a story I thought I would never have to write. But, the neocons* managing The Netherlands, like in the US a so called 'Christian government', gave its approval last Friday Sept. 16, 2005, for the introduction of a biometric type of ID from October next year, a credit card style 'driving license'. It's the last nail in the Dutch coffin for freedom: after the yoke of compulsory ID cards now the Dutch get an electronic bit in their mouth, completing the electronic steering.

Freedom in Holland officially died Jan. 1st 2005 when a new law came into effect, making it compulsory in the Netherlands for everybody above the age of 14 to - at all times and outside of one's home - carry an official ID. Leaving home without it means at least a fifty Euro fine, eventually a court case. The first trial - in which a batch of two-hundred-and-fifty people is taken to court for not carrying an ID card - starts next week Sept. 28th in the central dutch city of Utrecht. Demonstrations against this Dutch, and also global shame, have been announced.

At the end of last August close to fourty-seven-thousand people had been fined, of which four thousand were children aged 14 and 15. Last January around 100 people a day were stopped, checked by the police and fined when they were not able to immediately produce a valid ID card.


And I've never thought I'd ever have to cover the same trials in my native Holland. Compassionate, understanding people and groups always were fighting Apartheid and the compulsory passes for the blacks in South Africa. Thirty years ago I saw in Johannesburg what will happen in Holland next week: the inhumane spectacle of hundreds of people who have been dragged into court because they - in their own country - could not immediately show an ID card and are punished. And remember: we were promised a European Union without borders, where we all would be able to travel freely, not even needing a passport. None of it was true: it was all a pack of lies.

According to the dutch industry's disinformation bureau ANP, the new ID card c.q. driving license "includes an anti forgery kinegram - a sort of hologram formed by fine lines of different thickness and shape. As the angle of the light changes, the image of kinegram also changes, producing the effect of a moving picture." It is of course not mentioned that the new 'driving license' also includes with data information loaded chips (RFID's) which will make it possible to control anybody anywhere.

RFID-chips which can be de-activated by the people in power. They have given themselves the tools to limit at will the freedom of movement of anybody, anytime and anywhere.


The Netherlands is paving the repressive way for the European Union countries: if the neocon management of a country does not like your ideas or you are not 'profitable', you will be socially and economically 'dead', and your movements will be curbed. It means for instance that the overhead display on a highway can warn you that you are not allowed to drive any further: all traffic lights will show 'red' if you do.

You probably can't drive your own car anyhow, because if you are critical of their system you will not be allowed to own one. Those having a car will - depending on their behavior - have fuel rationed or not. It's up to 'them' if you're allowed to tank and how much, or leave a city, suburb, province, state or country.

With their new ID card/driving license - which you pay a hefty price for, to them - you are electronically fettered, and will or will not be able to buy air line, train, boat or bus tickets. Your bank account can be blocked at any moment, like the other bank's credit cards which you must use. And anywhere - in any building, office, shop, subway or your place of work - entrance can be electronically denied.

Your new ID card will confine you to the area and possibilities and/or limitations they choose. Not you! Like receiving medical care or not: it's not only indicating your blood group, your card. The same ID card will be your key - or not - to an Internet which they control. It is electronical slavery optima forma, controlling and restricting your life. Without an ID you don't exist anymore: you are a non-person. A pariah in the New World Order, without a fully valid ID, the new status symbol of the slaves.

The Netherlands is #6 on the list of the richest countries in the world, and the dutch people pay - after Sweden - the highest taxes in the world. Still - according to official CBS statistics - one million people vegetate on a minimum income, and 'free food' banks see to their needs, lest they go hungry. In one of the richest countries in the world? Henry Ford was right, and we have the problem too, of being permanently lied to and cheated - Url.:


The latest example of their malignant practices is this: in one of the biggest billion $ scams and thefts ever in Holland, as usual excused by their media- and political prostitutes, now 'the banks' and their insurance companies are taking over all health care in The Netherlands from Jan. 1st, 2006: ripping off the whole population. What they and their banks again are doing, in the Dutch language - and correctly - is called 'roofmoord'; meaning robbery and murder in one.


In The Netherlands demonstrations are prepared against what many compare to the same economical maltreatment as Israeli neocons, the Mossad and their IDF military have done unto the Palestinians for decades: an inhumane and totally lawless and reckless abuse of human beings for the profit of 'their' ideas and banks. [] - Turning the country into one huge jail with electronical fences. In a demonstration against the disgusting development the Dutch 'House of Parliament' in The Hague - managed by neocon 'speaker' Weisglas - coming Saturday the 24th it will be surrounded by people holding hands, and who demonstratively will turn their back towards all those crooks once chosen to represent 'we the people', but who have betrayed us all.

Betrayed us in the same way as most of those guilty cowards and 'Quislings' calling themselves 'journalists' - in the APAX and other main$tream media sewers; those Judas's who have sold themselves to the neocon's nefarious New World Order of the London Banks and their villainous band of thieves.

So, what's in store for us? During World War II the Nazis in the Netherlands had no problem whatsoever to round up all Jews in razzias for transportation - with the Dutch railways and it's personnel - to first the dutch and than the Nazi's concentration camps. The Dutch authorities - like the Swedes, Swiss etc. had given every Jew a big 'J' on their ID cards.

Like this one for instance: an identification card issued to Sam Schrijver, a Jew, on August 29, 1941, in Amsterdam. After the Germans occupied Holland, Schrijver was actively involved in the Dutch underground, for whom he fashioned false identification cards and smuggled ration coupons. Arrested in 1943, Schrijver endured numerous beatings and lengthy periods of incarceration. He escaped death however. - []

While covering the Apartheid abuses in South Africa thirty years ago, I was arrested in the 1 million black township of Soweto, jailed and immediately kicked out of the country, after having been declared "Persona non Grata'. I never ever thought that I would see the same ID abuses happening in Holland later on, this time advocated by the same people who suffered so much because of it in World War II. But the greedy neocon's banks and their collaborating ilk keep doing it. One of the results being that the first group of 250 people will be in court and punished next week, because they - like the Palestinians or earlier the South African blacks - could not immediately show an ID card.

The people maltreating and emptying The Netherlands at present, behind their 'Judeo-Christian' facade are a disgusting and permanent crime against humanity, and must be punished as soon as is possible.

The clever conclusion should not be too difficult: stop 'them' before they stop you!

They use all means: why shouldn't we?

Henk Ruyssenaars

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

* Their Corporate News Media: Incompetent, Criminally Negligent or Complicit? - Url.:

* Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - Url.:

* Brainwashed? Take the free 'Gullibility Factor' test to find out if you're really a mind slave or not - Url.:

* Saturday, September 24 - 2005 - Massive March, Impeachment Rally & Anti-war Fair - Gather 11:00 AM at the Washington Monument - Info - Url.:

* Trying: Former PM Wim Kok, and other Dutch Govt.'s War criminals in Court - Url.:

* Help the troops come home! Url.: - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' - Url.:


Henk Ruyssenaars
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Hide the following 7 comments

where we all go

20.09.2005 19:41

So you wrote to tell us that Holland is a nasty little Fascist Racist country. Thank you, but I already know. Likewise, can we have no more admissions of the same from Australia, please.

As the world rapidly goes VERY rotten, it is to be expected that many smaller countries will become politically extreme- to the Right, or to the Left. It is some kind of instinct that anticipates global conflict, and the 'need' to specify a clear side.

Europe is heading Right at the speed of a senior British policeman rushing to warn an Israeli War Criminal that he faces arrest. The racist laws passed and implemented in much of Europe, and especially France and Italy, should sicken any survivor of Hitler's rampages. The stories of muslim housewives dragged into court for wearing their headscarves in public in Italian villages make one want to sob in despair.

Blair's evil now saturates the whole of the West. Extreme government acts in one country are used immediately as an excuse for even more extreme acts in another. A circle-jerk at an ever accelerating pace! The ONLY stage not yet reached is the consensus to raise an ARMY of the West in order to wage Blair's next round of wars- but this is coming VERY soon. Conscription travels hand in hand with ID cards. Will we, the people, fight against this- don't make me laugh!!!

Think of this analogy. A guy finds a small lump, knows he should see a doctor, but doesn't. Lump gets bigger, fear grows, and somehow this very fact makes the trip to the doctor LESS likely. And so on, etc. Eventually, the wife sees the now massive lump, and literally forces him to the doctor. Good news = this problem has a treatment. Bad news = treatment only works on small lump (early stage).

Blair, the growing tumour that may already be past any kind of treatment, and thus is destined to destroy the Human Body in the worst kind of prolonged agonising way. What did we do to deserve this? We took our spiritual health for granted, and allowed the black spot he placed on our collective soul to grow!


Can We Have LOTS More...

20.09.2005 21:03

... of the same sort of news from all over the world please! including Australia! its important to know what kind of repressions are going on in different countries. The world is globalising and so is resistance. And knowledge is one of the best weapons.


question twilight

20.09.2005 22:37

"The stories of muslim housewives dragged into court for wearing their headscarves in public in Italian villages make one want to sob in despair."

This would not surprise me, the way the world is going. Do you have any more information on this?

Brian B

does this mean us Americans are going to have to liberate you europeans again?

21.09.2005 19:51

Not surprising...does this mean us Americans are going to have to liberate you europeans again?

American Anarchist

US liberating Europe?

23.09.2005 06:14

Dear American anarchist:

If there had been real anarchy in the US, most of the war crimes by the managers of the US would not have taken place.

May I suggest to study the following text:

Mat 7:3-5 (Jer) "Why do you observe the splinter in you brother's eye and never notice the plank in your own? How dare you say to your brother, 'Let me take the splinter out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own? Hypocrite! Take the plank out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother's eye."

If there is one thing many people are very afraid of, it's to be 'liberated' by american uniformed forces or their mercenaries: in the US managing circles, 'liberation' is a euphemism for genocide for profit. []

Resistance, civil disobedience and all other measures taken must bring those war criminals to court, the disgusting inhumane war criminals of all nationalities, like Bush and his belligerent Israeli buddies, Blair, Berlusconi,(It), Aznar,(earlier PM Spain), Balkenende,(Netherlands), and all other collaborators.

Especially all those rotten traitors and cowards in the neocon's mainstream media, those propaganda sewers on two legs who - as I said before - have betrayed us all and should be tried as the Nazi Goebbels and Julius Streichers of our time.

They are killing us for profit - like lambs to the slaughter - why should'nt we get them first?

Before they order you to carry their ID's, the electronic bits...

And before the coming draft and gun control...

Get them before they get you!

Real anarchism may help...

Henk Ruyssenaars

Extra: Related Article:

By Tom DeWeese

September 20, 2005 -

“If you have done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to fear from these surveillance policies in the Patriot Act.” There it was - the one line that is continually uttered by those who are determined to turn America into the society of Big Brother. It’s the one line that will instantly bring out my own urge to kill anyone who has said it. My patience has run paper thin for such short-sighted, quivering, knee-jerk reactionaries who are willing to sacrifice our precious liberties for some false sense of momentary security.

Now, during a radio interview on the subject, sitting in my office on the opposite end of the telephone, I heard it said by my host. I had been feeling the frustration growing throughout the interview as he dismissed my fears of an all-seeing, controlling government that can invade my own home without a search warrant or even a court order issued by a real judge. To him it was perfectly fine to pat down little old ladies and children in airports, while those fitting the profile of a terrorist could walk by, protected by political correctness. It’s OK that all of our personal lives, our bank accounts, records of books we’ve read and videos we’ve rented could be searched. And above all, to him, the greatest idea yet devised for protecting freedom in this nation was the creation of a national ID card. “Now,” he said, “we can control who comes in to this nation, where they go and who they are dealing with.” “And if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear!”

I lost it.“Have you any idea what living under a national ID card will be like? Have you given it the slightest thought beyond your own selfish, primal fear of some unstated threat,” I shouted into the telephone and over the airways. “Well, I spend a majority of my time looking into this issue and let me tell you what I’ve found to be true. And then, you tell me if this will be a nation you want to live in.” It was surprising to me that my host let me talk at this point. Perhaps the murderous tone in my voice warned him to stay quiet. Nevertheless, he let me continue.

“The Real ID bill that has just passed Congress and will establish a national ID card within the next 18 months will transform all state motor vehicle departments into agents of the federal government. They have now been told to install a high tech computer chip into every single drivers license in every single state. That chip will be used to carry either a finger print or voice print. It will be used to track almost every single transaction made by every single American, including buying guns, using credit cards, buying gas, getting on an airplane or a train.”

“Oh, yes,” I said, “I know what you’re going to say next. Your ilk always says it. “So what. If that keeps me safe, it’s OK.” “Well,” I continued, “consider how those ID cards will be used. Without one, you won’t be able to get on a plane or a train. You will be denied all government services. You will not be able to open a bank account. You will be literally shut out or American society.”

“And all the time the federal government has been passing this law mandating a national ID card - it vigorously denies it is doing it. It’s not mandatory, they tell us. It’s all voluntary. It’s just that without the approved card you can’t use government services. Why have they lied?” Perhaps it’s because Congress knows full well that the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to being boxed in like this.”

“But still you say, if you haven’t done anything wrong, so what.” “Well,” I shouted, “I’ll tell you so what.” “Once this system is set up, you as an American no longer have control of your life. That will now fall under the whim of any government official or bureaucrat that controls the data in your file.” “Do you know how much information currently in government data files is incorrect,” I asked. Then I answered my own question; “Over 25 percent. Underpaid, undereducated government employees are paid to input information into massive data banks."

''They make mistakes.''

“Have you ever tried to get credit, only to find a mistake on your credit report,” I asked. “Have you ever tried to fix it? Now take that experience and consider what happens when such mistakes block you from accessing your checking account so you can’t buy groceries. Consider what might happen if a mistake puts a false arrest warrant under your name. How do you prove you’re the wrong guy? How do you get it fixed? Now you have no money, no driver’s license. No ability to travel. You are completely cut out of society. What do you do now?”

“And to make it even worse”, I said, really warming up to the subject, “what would happen if you actually made someone in the government mad at you and that person had the power to mess with your records? What if things that are legal now are illegal in the future? It happens. Governments change. New laws are made. Drugs were once legal in this country and they aren’t now. Guns are now - but may not be in the future. It used to be perfectly legal to protect your private property from trespassers. It isn’t now. Do you ever pay cash for something so that the transaction isn’t recorded? They are out to stop that. Laws change. Now tell me, if the laws change and you are tied to a national ID and total government surveillance, how long until you suddenly have something to hide from an all seeing government?” “Will you be so smug then?”

“And,” I finally concluded, “the sorriest part of your eagerness to abandon liberty for a chance to be safe from the big bad terrorists… none of these intrusions into American life will do a bloody thing to protect you. Within five minutes of the issuing of a government national ID card there will be counterfeits on the streets and a black market emerging to see them to any pirate, illegal immigrant or terrorist in need. So we will lose our freedoms for nothing.”

Finally, I took a breath. There was silence on the other end of the phone. Dead air time. I felt this interview had come to an end, so I just finished by saying, “if that’s the kind of nation you want to live in, there are plenty of totalitarian societies which can provide you with all the sadomasochistic torment you desire to satisfy your need for pain and control. Please leave America for the rest of us who want to be free.” “As for you, this interview is over.”

2005 Tom DeWeese - Url.:

Fwd. by: FPF/HR - [enditem]

Henk Ruyssenaars
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The information above first now confirmed - ten-thousands will die.

03.01.2006 13:39

You are not a human being: you are a source of income with yet another tag to control you.

FPF/HR - Jan. 3d - 2006 - The information above which has been available outside of The Netherlands, was confirmed last night in a very short item on the 'national propaganda smokescreen': the Dutch RTV channel NOS, which has been and is shown to be a lobotomizing disaster for the 16+ million population of this small North Sea country, raped by the neocons.

Hardly anybody knew about the new 'earmarking' the so called 'Social Service Number' as its Orwellian name is because the mainstream media in The Netherlands are part of the 'starving the beast' policy of the malignant managers of Holland, the banks with their companies. All major newspapers are for instance owned by APAX, a London based multinational managed by Lord Cohen, one of the pack that wrecks the world.

Many of the people in The Netherlands have through the neocon media's abusing indoctrination lost track of reality, their wrong ideas backed up by fake 'opinion polls': 'the majority thinks like you' being the deceptive message. That's why the treacherous, lying and cheating 'ministers' etc. in The Hague are war criminals, supporting - against the will of the people who pay those lousy bastards - with money and troops the banks 'New World Order' crimes: breaching all conventions by their killing and invading for profit.

For decades Holland has been forced to become an American 'Lapdog of War'. - Url.:

The London banking establishment - which globally owns the so called 'insurance companies' - has now started the biggest heist ever of money and lives in this #6 richest country (for them) in the world.

They have in a - what must be seen as a hostile take over - usurped the whole tax paid national health service which now forces everybody to pay much more money extra - on top of the eighteen percent from the taxes one paid already for decades for NHS alone.

This shameless theft and killing of those who can't afford the high costs anymore like in the States - happens according to the US neocon's blueprint in this - their colony - where the for them working sheeple already pay the second highest taxes in the world, after Sweden. The Dutch should have stopped those usurers in their rotten tracks. because now the poor, sick, and old people: everybody who can not pay those Shylocks their extra usuring of the NHS payments, will be banished as - what they already last year in Dutch called - 'wanbetalers'.

For the Dutch people this term is pejorative: it degrades the poor sick people who have been plundered by them, to some rabble which refuses to pay or pays irregular and therefore can be banished. The figure of 'wanbetalers' given a year ago was three-hundred-thousand, now it's more or less officially said that with all 'illegal' foreigners etc. it could be more than one million!

What those bankers and their vultures do is pure murder of sick people who can not afford their Shylock rates and payments for medicine or treatment. We've never had it so bad in Holland as with these mentally and morally sick 'bankers' who just don't give a damn whether you live or die: as long as you are profitable.

Elder, sick people by Henry Kissinger were called "Nutzlose Fresser", meaning 'useless eaters'.

To them, you are not a human being: you are a source of income.

The people responsible for this belong to the same racket which will make a couple of ten-thousand elderly people in England die of the cold this winter too. [England: higher gas prices make ten thousands die - Url.:]

They are murdering vultures, this greedy group of creeps, and must be stopped at any price.

They are the problem, nothing else.

May they rot in Hell.

Henk Ruyssenaars

Foreign Press Foundation


Henk Ruyssenaars
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Total control via ID Cards now ready in The Netherlands: lambs to the slaughter!

10.10.2006 08:49


Follow up of the article ''I never thought I'd have to write'':

1 October 2006: 'they' start issuing compulsory RFID's in credit card size, which also must be used as driving licenses.

"Those at the helm of these oil multinationals have become our overlords, in the process making the government, now more than ever before, their instrument of domination."


Intro by Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent

FPF - Amsterdam - Sept. 27th - 2006 - In the excellent essay below by Manuel Valenzuela, he writes about the horror regime of the 'overlords'. Fitting his article as a hand in a glove, The Netherlands, a.k.a. Holland, can be taken as a dreadful example. Internationally Holland is #6 on the list of richest countries in the world: for the robbing elite that is. Possible is this only, because for ages the 'overcrooks' from the Dutch-Anglo oil multinational SHELL and the 'international banks' run the so called 'government' as well as the country with it's 16 million inhabitants.

The Netherlands is small and thus easy to control, and from the 1st of October 2006, the absolute last bit of privacy starts disappearing, taken away by the 'overlords' when their stooges, the so called 'authorities' which the people pay for, start issuing compulsory ID cards in credit card size, which also must be used as driving licenses, but have very underreported build in RFID signals. The carriers will be electronic beacons, they can be traced and the validity changed or stopped everywhere. By remote control and electronic 'readers' too. Work, home, bank accounts, travel, cable connections for Internet, TV or telephone, hospital registration etc.: everywhere the movements can be checked and controlled.

Officially it has always been denied, but one can only start believing those collaborators in 'government' when they start denying things. Holland is used as a 'Project for a New American Century' testing ground for the US and the rest of the colonies - which are next in line for this electronic Apartheid. Needed by the slave masters to - as much as they can - control the electronically enslaved people, which to them are not human beings but just 'sources of income and profit'. - []

The undressing of the social fabric - like in the US, England etc. - and the sick profit greed by the 'managers' of Holland, results in the fact that every year ONE percent more Dutch end up on, or under the poverty line. And - according to the 'official' figures - in one of the richest countries on earth now ELEVEN percent of the people in Holland have become POOR. And in many cities 'free food' centers - (Gratis Voedselbanken) - keep mushrooming. But the vultures doing this are not even ashamed.

And it has to be taken into account that those are 'official government-figures' which always are made to fit the by them wished facts - so it's probably much worse - and of course proof of the robbing of the 'managers', which really are 'Robbing Hoods'. - []


After Sweden - [] - the Dutch are forced to pay the highest taxes in the world, more than fifty percent in direct and indirect taxation. In reality meaning that the average Dutch worker during at least SIX months a year works for the so called 'state' - those' money managers' emptying the state's trough, enriching themselves.

Because of their media not giving any real information - and it's unbelievable to see and hear again the worn out, but enormous wave of lies, promises which are never kept, and all the 'presents' which people pay for themselves, plus the usual lot of propaganda, smoke and mirrors for the coming fake 'election' in November - most people in Holland can't get a grip on the thieves and their lives because they think they have no possibility to compare with other countries.

Alternative sources of information are always avoided and denigrated, and people the world over and via Internet mostly giving good information, are called 'conspiracy theorists'. The people are made to think that what in reality is slavery - via low kept wages and high taxes - is OK, is the way it should be. The people many times don't know the alternatives, are not told where Indymedia can be found, and globally any comment or protest is filtered by the compliant media: "Their Master's Voices'.

Their 'computer coolies' censor and throw away any criticism, keep day and night parroting the 'money managers' propaganda, just collaborating along in the centralized mainstream. Their cowardice is a thousand times bigger than what they claim their IQ is. And the dish bitches and prompter pimps are all guilty of crimes against humanity by association. Like Goebbels Nazi 'stenographers' - which were hanged for this kind of collaboration after the Nuremberg Trials.

The Euro currency also was 'introduced' in Holland, and with force - without ever asking the population, like in most European Union countries - making life, according to a reliable investigation, at least forty-nine-dot-one percent (49.1%) more expensive. Officially it's for 99% denied, but it's known that 'The Banks' and their criminal collaborators netted billions in blood money, which they call profit. It is only through hair-raising brainwashing the by this nefarious mafia also owned commercialized major media - [APAX - Chairman Lord Cohen - London] - their printed press and RTV-channels - that so many millions, like in other countries where they influence life, can be kept ignorant.


A good example of how to attack their brainwash industry was given in Germany in 1968, when the publishing house of Axel Springer for years loudly kept defending the war in Vietnam, and the 'might makes right' policy of the multinationals to again use the american war machine, this time to kill millions of people in South East Asia, and threaten millions of others. With the US's moral lacking multinationals like DOW etc. making huge $billion profits by producing enormous amounts of deadly napalm, the all beings and environment poisoning Agent Orange, and other banned and inhuman weapons to kill. Like now again in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and maybe next in Iran. Which however is very well armed, has a much better trained army and is as a country five times bigger than Iraq.

Anyhow: at that time - thanks to efforts to rebuild German-Jewish relations and his continuing $millions support of Israel - Axel Springer had been made the owner and dictated the flood of misinformation c.q. propaganda in over 39% of the daily newspapers, 82% of the supra-regional newspapers, 90% of the sunday newspapers and 48% of the radio and tv journals. The really disgusting propaganda rag 'BILD Zeitung' (BZ) - was printed in around four million copies daily. Permanently and brutally in Germany advocating to jail and otherwise punish the protesting people which they described as 'red rabble' and 'anti American terrorists' - innocent but critical people who wanted information and facts, instead of propaganda.

The situation in Germany at present - Update Oct. 10th, 2006: (ex KGB) President Putin of Russia visiting pro Israeli 'Bundeskanzler' Angela Merkel in this US/Israeli colony Germany, is a low brow play for the ignorant galleries, a Potemkin façade for the geopolitical war geoing on.

And guilty are the 'money managers' directing PM Angela Merkel - making the situation more or less the same as in other US/Israeli colonies: the anti-war effect is feverishly 'neutralized' and replaced by a collaborative US/Israeli policy, which Germany now further and illegally with troops, but also financially and with the assistance of the secret service BND, supports. PM Merkel and her atrocious 'advisers' are a shame for the German people: making them guilty of war crimes too.

The German students, and a lot of other people using their brain, got fed up with the lies and tried to burn down the Springer buildings on many places in the country, understanding where the REAL EVIL was. It was NOT in the compliant military ('Befehl ist Befehl! - 'Orders are Orders!') - nor in the collaborating police headquarters: the country as a tsunami drenching evil was to be found spouting from the so called 'Springer mentality editors' and 'journalists' which were stealing the people's voices, all the time brainwashing them with their lies and rewriting history so it would fit the 'masters' version of the 'reality' they want people to believe.

The powerless made people only saw one way out, and resisting them rightfully tried to exorcise those media devils. It is possible that they - like the South Africans did in their freedom fight for Nelson Mandela and other leaders, fighting for their ideals - it is possible that they even used SHELL oil for their Molotov cocktails... - Url.:

Whatever: it worked!

But in Holland the shameless SHELL and other 'overlords' slyly take care of what still many Dutch believe is their 'right to vote and choose their own personal'. They in many cases still think anno 2006 that with eighty-four percent electronically, and of course 'government' rigged, 'voting' - they 'choose' their parliamentarians c.q. government. But, looking at the 'government': it's taken care of by neocon 'Speaker of the House' Frans Weissglas, and oil multinational SHELL delivers as usual the Prime ministers as well as the smoke screen called 'opposition'. Valenzuela is right. What a hoax!


And, since we're anyhow speaking of SHELL and other con jobs: maybe I've lived to many decades (4) abroad, away from Holland and in different countries - where English was not the main language - I therefor see it different. And since I'm not brainwashed by them, according to foreign observers and me there's another very expensive hoax in Holland: a strange bunch of people which is - as long as they can remember - running around, arrogantly and illogically claiming that they - nota bene by birth: just because of the fact that they happened to be born into that family - are something 'special'. Against better judgement saying they are something called 'royal'?

As far as can be seen and deducted from their behavior, the only thing 'royal' about these from the state's taxe-trough slobbering jesters, are the Dutch people forced to douse these multi millionaires royally with their tax money. And this is happening with the vile help of daily brainwashing by their 'royalty propaganda' outlets: A wedding! A new baby! Engagement! & Holiday pictures! - which are all trying to keep this - the people's intelligence insulting medieval myth - alive.

An elderly woman, a SHELL fan and shareholder named Beatrix is by them called a 'Queen' and upped with a lot - and without asking the taxpayers - the Euro-millions costs for this group with three 'daughters in law' of which the media said the 3 girls were now to be called 'princesses'. Like in the fairy tales. Well: reality as always is different: the eldest 'princess' sold cancer - making PR for smoking tobacco in Brussels.


The other eager beaver - Mabel Los (a.k.a. Wisse Smit, the name of her stepfather) - fornicated with UN diplomat Sacirbey who tried to embezzle $millions from the UN. But, having the wrong multinational friends, he ended up in jail.

Than she fornicated for years with the biggest drugs dealer in Holland, Klaas Bruinsma - [] - sharing 'Bed & Breakfast' on his boat de 'Neeltje Jacoba'. The Dutch secret service AIVD (tax paid) has a load of films, photos and written evidence, but the people - who pay - are not allowed to see it: those from the royal myth say it's 'secret'. But, the problem was solved when the Preacher - ('de Dominee' in Dutch) as this #1 drugs baron was called - died of an acute lead poisoning. The Preacher was gunned down on an Amsterdam street, as far as is known by the drugs trade competition. Than Mabel got hold of an empty headed member of that strange 'royal' clan: a bloke by the myth believers called 'prince', and married him.

Number three, Maxima, is the one the myth propagandists will declare 'the new queen' of this gang since she married one of them - a beer guzzling guy nicknamed 'Prins Pils'. Maxima Zorreguieta was fostered by a 'maximum' war criminal father in Argentina, Jorge, who was a minister in the genocidal Videla government which murdered at least 30.000 human beings. They were tortured - which is legal in the US and Israel - 'interrogated' and often thrown alive out of high flying helicopters. From that height the water is as hard as concrete, so it's not difficult to imagine what their remnants looked like when they sometimes washed ashore.


The Argentinean military government and it's murdering gangs killed many hundreds of 'subversive' young parents and pregnant girls too, stealing their babies which were given to other murderers in the military. Maxima knew and knows about all the atrocities, but like 99% of the spineless media she keeps silent. Videla and others were arrested for this, Zorreguieta not yet, even if his 'immunity' has been lifted some weeks ago and his criminal acts are known and documented. Something which is hardly ever mentioned in Holland. It's easy for anybody to see that the creatures doing this are mentally disturbed, but like the multinationals and their media minions: they have no shame and lack all human decency.

But, going back to the wrecking power of the 'oil barons' and their bankers which Valenzuela describes: The Dutch so called Labor Party (PvdA - Partij van de Arbeid) - is supposed to defend the human rights of the working people. But the kingpins of this treacherous gang have mostly been trained and developed as some Manchurian candidates by SHELL. In the year 2000 SHELL with the usual assistance put 'their man' Wouter Bos in the Dutch parliament, as another one of their stooges. Bos the Labor parliamentarian, who for 10 years had been trained, educated and developed by them. Because when Bos finished his study - economics, what else? - in 1988, at the Free University of Amsterdam, he had been asked before and thus immediately started to work for SHELL, as a 'Management Consultant'.

In 1990 he was named 'Policy Advisor' of SHELL Netherlands, later on placed in Hongkong, and of course Bos was in London for some time. Than it was decided to put him in parliament and make him in November 2002  'Political leader' of the Dutch Labour Party, PvdA. Which for the past decades has become a totally fake 'party' with many 'rulers' - by them nearly 'killed' unions - and few members left. Many call it the Party of Poverty - 'Partij v/d Armoede' in Dutch - and with good reason. The multinationals and the backing banks are bleeding Holland. Anemia of the mind is the result too. - Wouter Bos - SHELL training - Official c.v. - Url.:

The SHELL multinational - which globally is abhorred and called 'SHELL is Hell!' for it's Kill & Drill profit-policy - like exterminating the Ogoni people in Nigeria - [] - well, SHELL for many years and much profit used one of their worst political crooks to further wreck the Dutch unions too. The so called 'fighter for socialism' - Wim Kok - was made 'union boss' and later Prime - better said Crime - minister of SHELL's fiefdom, the profit unit known as 'The Netherlands'. And, after Kok's gigantic 'let down' of everybody who ever believed in honesty or justice, 'selling out' and betraying all Dutch workers who saw their income dwindle with wages getting lower and lower, this disgusting Judas and collaborator Wim Kok was awarded by SHELL and other multinationals too.


* Member of the Supervisory Board of Royal Dutch Shell (Dutch/Anglo 'Kill & Drill' oil company)
* Member of the Supervisory Board of ING Group (part of the international banking usurers in London)
* Member of the Supervisory Board of TNT (international 'postal company' with Dutch origin)
* Member of the Supervisory Board of KLM (Dutch tax paid airline, privatized, defrauded and sold to France. Who profits?)
* Member of the Strategic Advisory Panel of The European Business Awards. (Cross-promoting other criminals -
The so called 'Business Awards' are for their friends and 'fellow robbers' - mostly not for other, human beings.)


The essay by Manuel Valenzuela perfectly shows the rot above, and the nearly indescribable inhumanity and many crimes against global humanity of this group in London - which 'holds the gold, and thus the power'- in many countries and societies permanently is committing. Giving enough reasons and explaining why all 'Wim Koks' - their 'press pimps' and other war criminals everywhere, must be stopped and jailed.

This scum of the earth, this mafia of 'Übermenschen/overlords' - is killing us if we don't 'neutralize' them. The least we should try is to absolutely stop the responsible propaganda parrots which make the wars possible.

I've written it earlier: with their 'media manure' they fertilize the battlefields. They psychologically 'massage' and 'prepare' the masses of people via the by the warmongers owned 'mess media'. (Pun intended).

They are making war propaganda for the enemy and thus - according to all international law and conventions - guilty of war crimes. And - if they maybe survive the rightful revenge of the rightfully angry people - we'll have to take all those nefarious 'sell outs' like Kok and other war criminals to Court, awaiting their deserved life time prison sentences.

With hard labor it's hoped. - Url.:

[End quote]

You can read the rest and "Into Pyramid’s Shadow: At War with Ourselves" by the excellent writer Manuel Valenzuela - here at Url.:

Henk Ruyssenaars

Google selection FPF/HR - Url.:


Henk R.
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