Invitation to join big peace blockade in Derby
Forward PEACE | 20.09.2005 13:25 | Anti-militarism | Birmingham | Sheffield
A request for activists to join a blockade of the Rolls Royce factory in Derby, where they make the engines for the Trident submarines is going out.
There will be a weekend of events starting on Saturday 22nd October with leafleting and events in Derby. This will be followed on Sunday by training for the blockade on the Monday morning. Trident Ploughshares have asked people who want to join the blockade to come to the training day as details of the following day will be given.
If you want to lock on that is OK but bring your own D lock and remember you will be responsible for your own fines. The police are aware of the event. If you want to join the blockade, you need to register with them (names and numbers are important on the day for legal support) and accommodation on supporters floors is also available.
For more information, go to or telephone 0845 330 38 77
Forward PEACE
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you cant do that
20.09.2005 15:46
the people who work there are Amacus union workers and they may be going out on strike to support their mates in bristol who have a sacked union rep see
but of corse they can afford to go on strike cause they make good money making what they make
20.09.2005 16:00
20.09.2005 18:21
It's commonplace with Trident Ploughshares actions.
I'm a Pledger with the Plymouth group, and we do this for all our open actions.
Nothing to worry about, I assure you.
concerns on this one
22.09.2005 11:12
Mainly non of the contact details work; not the 0845 number, the mobile number you get when you ring the 0845 number and the emails bounce back
Now paranoia is rising, to get three contacts wrong is pretty hard.
there is also an email subscription list, could be mining potential activists details
also its not on Veggies calander, most people I know who do this type of thing put details on veggies calander, this might mean they don't want it widley known
23.09.2005 17:04
Addressing your concers
23.09.2005 19:32
The email address was working at last test, I've sent out a test message today to check it and if it bounces I'll take it up with my ISP.
The phone numbers are working fine for me perhaps you'd like to try them again.
The email list is to enable people to agree to the non-violence guidelines before downloading a briefing pack. People are free to create temporary webmail accounts to access the list, and may of course unsubscribe as soon as they have their briefing pack.
This is a Trident Ploughshare action supported by CND. If you would like more details feel free to email me at
Harmony Hutchby
thank you for your concerns
23.09.2005 20:50
Thank You.
Harmony Hutchby
Big Rolls Royce Peace Blockade
07.10.2005 20:31
Wonder if anyone might be able to co-ordinate/supply/liaise on transport and travel for this, so that anyone and everyone who would like to attend can/is able to, do so.
Offers of help appreciated.
Dialogue first, rather than confrontation with the "messengers"
20.10.2005 10:17
So my apologies in advance if you are already doing hat I am about to suggest.
I would have suggested a leafletting, or information exchange first, before a blockade. A blockade is of course - no matter how much you convince yourselves that you are anon-violent group - much more on the violent side of passive-agressive; it undoubtedly provokes violence at the least. It will provoke a violent confrontation with the police, and give a confused message to the workers who manufacture and produce the engines. They might even think that you are a bit loopy, and self centred publicity seekers; which isnt the case, is it?
Many of the workers will not know that the work they do contributes to building engines that are put into sumarines by another company, and then those submarines are arrmed and fitted with Nuclear warheads by the British State. They are linked to the Nuclear program indirectly and often at the worst very tenuously.
It is the UK government that are responsible, and the managment of Rolls Royce for excepting the contract, so I should be careful not to victimise the Rolls Royce workers, because it is them whom you would want on your side, because they have the power to disrupt the manufacture of those particular engines for the new trident Program.
If you just want a bit of person publicity and to be deluded that you are doing something morally superior and effective to prevent Nuclear war then go sure go ahead, and provike some violence that will deliver a confused message but will no doubt appease the conscienes of a few middle-class protesters who lifestyle politics do not necessitate getting a manufacturing job to survive and support themselves and their famililies.
Just a note: I think Nuclear weapons are more about a means of obtaining political power. And there is also the deterence factor: that´s is deter attack from the USA. That is there is an incentive to obtain them to defend your nation against being invaded or attacked by the USA, and it buys a nation political clout, admittedly only a small amount, with the US. Inn the end US will befriend a nation if it gets nuclear weapons.
Britain mainly keeps its Nuclear weapons to give it political power, for example a seat at the top table at the UN, all of whose 5 members have nuclear weapons. Weapons give nations both the threat of delivering immemse material destructive power, but, today, and much more importantly political power. Without Nuclear weapons, britain would no longer be a permant member of the security council with veto powers, now would France.
So britain buys that power with the billions it gives to th US for Trident missiles.
Ed Campbell