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UK Soldiers Caught Dressed As Iraqis Killing Local Police

deputy dog | 20.09.2005 06:49

The reports stated two British commando special forces dressed as Iraqis have been cought by the Iraqis after they were found shooting and killing local policemen. And the Iraqis put them in jail.

UK Soldiers Caught Dressed As Iraqis Killing Local Police
From David Cohen - Australia

The BBC reported somthing VERY vague about an attack on the Basra jail but it caught my attention, so I switched to the Australian TV channels to find more info:

The reports stated two British commando special forces dressed as Iraqis have been cought by the Iraqis after they were found shooting and killing local policemen. And the Iraqis put them in jail.

The British army then, came with tanks, destroyed the jail and freed the two british commandos. In the process, all the Iraqi prisoners in the jail ran away to freedom.

Riots started, and I saw British tanks engulfed with molotov coktails and British soldiers runing out of thier tanks, some were on fire.

This report give crediblity to the 'conspiracy theorists' who have long claimed many terrorist acts in Iraq are, in fact, being initiated and carried out by US, British and Israeli forces.

The TRUTH is the British had to either rescue or kill these two commandos in order to keep these operations secret. Fortunately for the two Brits, they were saved.

The British Commander of the forces involved gave such idiotic excuses I won't even bother to report them to you. The followng just moved on the net...

Iraqi Prison Stormed By British Tanks And Helicopters

British forces in tanks and helicopters stormed an Iraqi jail tonight to rescue two service personnel who were arrested after allegedly shooting dead a local policeman and wounding another, the governor of Basra said.

The two men had been taken to the Basra jail after violence erupted earlier today in the southern Iraqi city.

Photographs of the two - thought to be special forces officers - were taken and released to the media, showing them bandaged and bloody.

British troops had arrived at the police station where the two men were being held and encircled the building.

They were attacked by demonstrators with rocks and petrol bombs.

One soldier was seen engulfed by flames tumbling from his tank and gunfire was exchanged between the two sides, leaving three soldiers injured and two civilians dead.

Later, more than 10 tanks and helicopters broke down the walls of the jail in the rescue operation to release the two arrested servicemen.

It was also reported that 150 Iraqi prisoners escaped in what Mohammed al-Waili, the governor of Basra, described as a 'barbaric, savage and irresponsible' act.

The MoD refused to comment after officials said that the two men were undercover officers dressed as Arabs.

The spokesman said: "We can confirm that the two military personnel have been released."

Mr al-Waili said: "A British force of more than 10 tanks backed by helicopters attacked the central jail and destroyed it. This is an irresponsible act."

He said the British force had spirited the prisoners away to an unknown location.

deputy dog


Hide the following 8 comments


20.09.2005 09:05

Nice to see your usual lack of restraint in feverishly spamming this place with "FALSE FLAG" wanking ammo.

How about we wait until there is more info before we commit ourselves to anything?

WHO were these soldiers? WHAT was their mission? WHO shot at who first and WHY? And even more bizarre: How did they end up in the hands of militia?

We're all betting on how quickly we see a PrisonPlanet/InfoWars spam attack. We've already been Rensed.

But hey why let something inconvenient like corroboration of facts stand in the way of propaganda eh! Get pumping as much crap into the ambiguities as early as possible, I say.

Keep up the shoddy work!

All the lads from 'F' Company

they were dressed in civvies

20.09.2005 10:10

and fully armed, in possession of mines and remote control detonators, killed an Iraqi policeman, and then waved a union jack at the enemy. LMFAO. In other words they were spies and according to the Geneva Convention they should have been summarily executed after their confessions had been duly extracted(ouch).
Never mind, let's not let the facts get in the way of your pathetic display of solidarity with the scum on the ground, eh?

captain culprit, and major embarrasment


20.09.2005 10:34

Two pics of blokes with desert camo on. Assuming AFP aren't part of The Great Zionist Conspiracy...

Hardly what I call UK standard attempts to blend in, even if they did have a Khaftan on over them... sounds to me like they weren't on anything too deep/long-term.

As I said, let's get the facts first eh? I mean Jeff Rense will need to find an opportune moment to get away from his SAS unit to covertly file a detailed report after all.

Is that the new US version of the Geneva Convention where you are allowed to torture and execute prisoners?

Cheers for the wise words Lord Hawhaw.

Alfred Tenyson on behalf of 'F' (now awol after such a sharp rebuke)

That's the one

20.09.2005 10:49

although gimps and tankies are not noted for their intelligence, glad to see you got it. Latest is that the union jack was a pair of patriotic y-fronts.

colonel craptit

Onward, onward

20.09.2005 11:23

I agree it does sound like someone pissed in their own chips.

But, from what I hear standards have been considerably dropped due to A: general lack of fitness and declining wit of the alvailable manpower and B: MoD being too busy looking after the Sandhurst boys to give a fuck that private firms offer the "Elite" better prospects. So, who knows, this could be what be "the best we have to offer" hahahaha! Though, I doubt things are THAT dire yet. John Reid should be sacked just for the "laughing stock" factor alone... that and him being a twat.

But seriously: it could very well be part of an Ulster/Vietnam-style onion of "pro-active counterintelligence" (a.k.a unscrupulously, stirring shit up and creating a multiheaded beast that no bugger can control ny longer); but call me fickle in expecting some sort of rational theory that relies on facts.

At any rate, whatever they were up to and failed spectacularly, the Rank Rodney's will be passing the buck around like a live grenade...

Lord Alf

What's it all about...

20.09.2005 11:41

Ah, my error:

"Their clothes - plain T-shirts and chinos - were spattered with blood. One had a bandage wrapped around his head, the other also had a head injury, which had been dressed."

Getting interesting...

... Alfie?

these plucky fellows

20.09.2005 11:57

have served to lift the lid off the sewer out of which they and their ilk have been crawling this last while on their way to murder civilians via 'suicide' bombings, and as such they deserve some sort of credit. A claim to fame of sorts, I suppose.

general debacle

explosives in british agents car

20.09.2005 15:08

Iraqi police detain two British soldiers in Basra 2005-09-19 22:46:55

BAGHDAD, Sept. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi police detained two British soldiers in civilian clothes in the southern city Basra for firing on a police station on Monday, police said.

"Two persons wearing Arab uniforms opened fire at a police station in Basra. A police patrol followed the attackers and captured them to discover they were two British soldiers," an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua.

The two soldiers were using a civilian car packed with explosives, the source said.

He added that the two were being interrogated in the police headquarters of Basra.

The British forces informed the Iraqi authorities that the two soldiers were performing an official duty, the source said. British military authorities said they could not confirm the incident but investigations were underway. Enditem
