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Open letter to the Peace Movement From Lloyd Hart.

Lloyd Hart | 17.09.2005 21:55

Humanity's Greatest Act of Inequality.

Mother Natures Daughter
Mother Natures Daughter

Open letter to the Peace Movement From Lloyd Hart.

Humanity's Greatest Act of Inequality.

By Lloyd Hart

As millions of people around the world and here in the U.S. organize and travel to peace rallies, marches and concerts set for the weekend of September 24th, it is not only important to comprehend and consider the inequalities, racism and classist behavior well hidden by the corporate media version of "America the beautiful" that hurricane Katrina has painfully wrenched the lid off of forcing all of us to stare at, and not to mention the planned and deliberate dismantling and militarizing of the activities of civil society agencies like FEMA, police departments and the first responder agencies on the state and local level and how the war on Iraq has played a role in sucking America dry of its National Guardsmen and equipment. It is however, equally as important to acknowledge what the awesome power of Hurricane Katrina revealed for the entire world to see and what now must become the most important peace movement discussion this coming weekend, humanity's greatest act of inequality. Placing all of nature and the planet and for that matter the entire universe that encompasses it beneath the delusion of superiority humanity has constructed for itself that has resulted in the physical devastation of the very ecological systems that allow humanity to exist in the first place.

The War on Iraq is just a side show of the greater War on Terror the Military and the Ruling Class of not just America but of the entire world has launched against the rest of us and what's left of the natural world. In other words the Military and the Ruling Class have launched this incredibly aggressive act of violence and robbery of the public treasury to prove total global military authority for the simple fact that the Military and the Ruling Class have accepted the science behind Climate Change of Global Warming as a direct result of deforestation, over industrialization, the aerosol and marine particulates and carbon dioxide that have been emitted and the consequences that have resulted. The Military and the Ruling Class are simply reacting to the global ecological catastrophe by simply backing up the already existent global economic dictatorship with the military completely unrestrained by the pretense of democracy and public accountability.

Global Climate Change and Peak Oil Part I

Global warming 'past the point of no return'

Those consequences are the Global collapse of the Fresh Food and Fresh Water Supply, the destruction of the Global Economy and its infrastructures as a result of the Super Storms, Super Droughts and now Tsunamis brought on by undersea earthquakes as a result of increased weight on plate tectonics caused by rising oceans.

Dude, My Economy is Destroying My Economy!

What I am getting at here is that the Peace Movement can no longer just address the war on Iraq as a two dimensional black and white issue that creates the slogan "Support Our Troops Bring Them Home Now" because the simple fact is the Military and the Ruling Class here in America has removed any possibility of the redress of the above grievance on the part of public because the Military and the Ruling Class have privatized the ballot box so completely into the hands of the Military and the Ruling Class insuring the public cannot interfere with the Military and the Ruling Class "Staying the Course." "Staying the Course" in Iraq and with their plans in the War on Terror for total global control within the context of what is probably the worst environmental catastrophe humanity has ever brought upon itself and the rest of the natural world.

Hurricane Katrina, the largest super storm we have seen to date has created an opportunity for the peace movement in all of its diversity, political unity and devisiveness that has had a tendency to water down the movement's effectiveness especially when liberals and progressives who think they run the peace movement attempt to control the movement's diversity and three-dimensional message from coming to the forefront of the movement's of overall message.

The catastrophe that has been caused by Hurricane Katrina along with the many catastrophes in recent history leading up to Katrina has seized the imagination of not just the American public but the entire global public opening a window of opportunity for all of the civil society, non-governmental organizations and individual activists that come together in the peace movement, to deliver a three dimensional message of what is truly happening to our lives, our communities and the planet on which we all live and what can be done by the public to create a Democratic response to the catastrophes that are deforestation, global warming, climate change etc..

While the Military and the Ruling Class prepare for the ensuing wars over food and fresh water they are launching to protect the world's largest and most expensive entitlement program the Military's and the Ruling Class's delusional social Darwinistic self-proclaimed right to rule the world, what will the peace movement prepare for?

An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security

Warming could bring colder UK winters

Global Climate Change & Peak Oil Part II

Will the peace movement simply just organize rallies with a two dimensional messages that have no possibility of uniting the public to defend ourselves against the ruthlessness by which the Military and the Ruling Class advance the arrogance of superiority to us and all of nature? Will the peace movement take on the real issue behind the War on Iraq, the War on Afghanistan and the War on Terror, the destruction of the global ecology? Will the peace movement connect the dots between deforestation global warming and climate change and the overall strategy of the war on terror? And will the peace movement finally abandon the Liberal strategy of describing everything the Bush regime does as incompetent and begin to show that everything the Bush regime and their ruling class allies have done to our society since they began stealing elections is part of a deliberate premeditated plan that can only truly be understood when you place the Bush regimes' actions against the backdrop of the collapse of the Global ecology? Will the peace movement finally declare that we are in the fight of our lives and that now is the time to flood the streets of America and the world with Gandian Non Violent, Non Stop Total Economic Disruption of the Global Economic Dictatorship. Will the peace movement stop describing the Anarchists and the Black Block who are fighting for what little future they have using union style picket line tactics of direct confrontation against the unconstitutional intimidation and provacation deployment tactics of the militarized police as counter productive and even as agents provocateur.

If a 150,000 people could lay their lives down to secure the American public a living wage then why can't America's progressive movements confront the very same arrogant power the very same way to save Billions of lives human and otherwise that the Military and the Ruling Class are going to make sure starve to death and succumb to disease year upon year upon year until the poor people that the Military and the Ruling Class do not want to share this planet with are completely erased.

Strange weather disrupts marine ecosystems along Pacific Coast

If the Chinese government can spend a hundred billion dollars on a watershed reclamation effort to turn the clock back on deforestation, global warming and climate change then why is this not the central focus of our governments? If Arab governments who have already spent billions and three decades reclaiming watersheds in the middle of seemingly impenetrable deserts what is wrong with our government? If the Libyan government can install morning dew capturing mechanisms that then takes that moisture and places it directly in the ground that then supports the growing of orchards what is wrong with our society? If it requires a guaranteed income welfare state to to free up the labor to repair the damage to the global ecological systems why is the peace movement not promoting this idea? If it requires more communal and collective sharing of what resources remain in order to stabilize and reduce population growth with well fed healthy families why are we not promoting these ideas? If Europe can put up hundreds of windmills in order to reduce emissions from coal fired electrical generation facilities and to reduce Europe's dependency on nuclear power what is wrong with America. What is wrong with Americans.

Does the Liberal, progressive, civic and trade union and socialist left truly even recognize the global ecological crisis? Or do they view the environment as still a side issue not integrated and incapatible with left wing economic theory.

The rally, march and concert coming up on September 24th. will be the last one I will attend until I see the above questions answered by the peace movment. Otherwise I shall place my attentions to the survival of my family in the present and a growing maelstrom that is the collapse of the global ecology.

Lloyd Hart
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Not a Reason Not To March

17.09.2005 23:21

What is the definition of peace?
I would tentatively propose "freedom from violence of all kinds."
Therefore, under that definition I and many other people will be advocating peace on 24th Sept (and the rest of the year, for that matter.)
Freedom from violence against minorities
Freedom from violence against the envornment
Freedom from violence against children
Freedom from violence against women
etc etc
Living in a peaceful soceity is not just about not being at war, its about living in harmony with your surroundings and i think that many people demonstrating on 24th will have broader platforms than the war in Iraq, although this will obviously be a focal point.
Dont stay at home because of a few ideological quibbles!


UK vs. US

18.09.2005 01:32

Cat, I am assuming your in the UK. Don't you have free and fair elections and didn't the last election reduce labor's majority significantly effectively ending Blair's discusting career as a wannabe conservative? America does not have free and fair elections but the left in America is pretending that they might one day gain power through the ballot box. If I lived in the UK I would consider the Peace Movement there successfull in shaping policy through the ballot box. You have ruined Blair's career and punished the labor party on the local and national levels effectively teaching them whos boss.

Lloyd Hart
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UK Peace Movement

18.09.2005 09:00

Lloyd, the UK peace movement is pretty much a failure over here. The UK is at war with Iraq even though most brits oppose it. That's not being successful!

And the elections over here are dominated by big business ... there was a reduced minority for bliar at the last election, but it was not significant enough. the labour party has huge amounts of funding and any radical opposition the party might have has it's voice dimmed down. No sensible person believes waiting for the ballot box is the way to stop the war.


I agree

18.09.2005 14:33

But total failure is not how I would describe it. I definitely think if the protest movement stepped it up in the UK by directly confronting the economy in britain you would see even greater succcess at the ballot box while at the same time broadening democracy to candidates who wouldn't otherwise throw there hat in.

Political democracy is of course not enough. Economic and ecological democracy must be fought for in tandem but while you still have an open ballot box the people of the UK must fight for democracy.

This next winter and the winters to come for the UK and Europe are going to deepen the ecological crisis there. Do you not think the public in the UK will vote their interest, survival.

I think the Radical Environmentalists have a bright political future in the UK.

Lloyd Hart
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