Waterside Anti-Arms Fair Protests - Opposite DSEi (pics)
nowar | 14.09.2005 20:25 | DSEi 2005 | Anti-militarism | Free Spaces | London
This afternoon the last large group of protestors (approx one hundred) moved into position opposite the Excel centre - facing the warships across the basin. As the sounds of the PA sound system echoed across the water - a mix of music, slogans and speeches - defence police and army personnel zipped across the waves in zodiac style speedboats (complete with waterborne FIT). This was about the best place campaigners could get to in order to maker themselves heard by the arms dealers. Demonstrations of military speedboats and landing craft were greeted with jeers and slogans shouted out over the water, meanwhile one person jumped off the quay and made a swim for the warships. (14/09/05)
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14.09.2005 21:03
What the fuck will it take to get people on the streets?
15.09.2005 03:09
In this country? On this Island, what will it take to get people out protesting to stop war and death?? Shheeeeeeeeeesh, you got me there. I dunno, probably ONLY ever when the bio-chemical-nuclear and radiological shit hits their own green back yard fans or beloved motor cars or motor bikes, literally(i.e. N.I.M.B.Y.) will the pathetic, ignorant and sick, selfish wan**rs of THIS poxy, pathetic cuntry then want to complain about how bad they have it and how unfair this all is - that THEY are experiencing tough shit.
By then, possibly, and possibly even probably, some sick extreme fundamentalist fuc**r will be about to put a bullet in their tiny of tiniest selfish brains or a big shiny eff off knife up their smug, self-satisfied, British ba**ard arse just like in NAZI Germany in the 1930s and 1940s against jews, commies, travellers, etc, ,when the WORLD went to WAR because of hatred, greed, anger and fear(plus the economy stupid), and people were KILLED, yes thats right, KILLED by weapons and wars........and then, if, more likely WHEN that happens, THEN.........and only then will those fuc**rs want to go out and complain about it..................................Tooooooooooooooooo late, arseholes.Your'e precious tv, ipod and football team just went Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up in a mushroom cloud, along with your wife, hubby, partner, granny and kids. Schucks, eh..
Still, youve got to love them aintcha?
Ignorant and apathetic
The Numbers Game
15.09.2005 10:32
Two things to say:
First, don't be too down-hearted folks! For every hardcore activist taking part there will be many more following events on IndyMedia and saying 'yeah, go for it!' Your impact is greater than you may think. All protest movements start small and get bigger.
Second, bear in mind activists have made certain tactical and political choices which were bound to have this effect. Rejecting StW-style populist mass mobilisation in favour of direct action does inevitably mean accepting smaller numbers, doesn't it?
The argument is that direct action is more effective and involving, not so much A-to-B marching and speeches 'from the platform' - but the trade-off is a smaller activist base.
Either we say okay, fair enough, so be it - or maybe be prepared to compromise a bit on tactics and do some stuff (I hesitate to say it!) a bit more like StW do?
Mr Spoon
15.09.2005 14:55