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Galloway: Elements Within Government Using Terror Provocation Tactics

Prison Planet | 14.09.2005 19:33 | Terror War

Donald Rumsfeld himself has acknowledged these tactics.

To watch the entire interview, please click on the link provided.

George Galloway MP: Elements Within Government Using Terror Provocation Tactics

Steve Watson & Alex Jones / Prisonplanet | September 13 2005

On Friday 9th September Alex Jones was joined on air by member of Parliament and prominent antiwar activist George Galloway for a riveting one on one interview.

Mr Galloway discussed the rising tide of anti-Iraq war protest, the snarling Neo-Cons' plan for world war and the possibility of staged government terror attacks to justify the invasion of more countries.

The Emerging Controlled Police State

Mr Galloway kicked things off by asserting that the recent purposeful botch job on the part of FEMA in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and the heavy handed police state like crackdown in New Orleans has backfired on the political elite.

"The United States today looks like a country run by dangerous malevolent incompetants...There is a stain on the reputation of your great country and by association mine" Said Mr Galloway.

We have extensively covered the purposeful incompetence of the federal response in New Orleans and the jackbooted thuggery that is being advertised all over the nightly news, forwarding the agenda to once again normalize such repressive authoritative behaviour. Mr Galloway described the aftermath of Katrina as:

"A bizarre catalogue of incompetence and malevolence and racism and all the worst things about the US today... and now as we are beginning to pick up, there is more to it than meets the eye and it may be being seized upon as a big diversion. If it was it hasn't worked, it just compounds people's feeling that the US is run by these ghoulish, Marie Antoinette incompetents."

Mr Galloway went on to describe the state that the Neo-Con greed and war machine has got itself into:

"On the surface they appear to be gliding serenely like a swan but underneath they are paddling like hell just to stay afloat because they run the risk of being thrown out."

But Mr Galloway was also quick to point out that you cannot slip a cigarette paper between the two opposition parties both in the United States and Great Britain. There is no opposition, both countries operate under a duopoly, both parties run along parallel lines. We have to constructively approach how we vote and who we empower.

Mr Galloway's Respect Party, whom he represents in the London Constituency of Bethnal Green is an example of such a constructive movement. Respect knows it is never going to win a majority vote but is there simply to keep the powers that be in line, bringing them to book so to speak on important and far reaching issues that may otherwise go relatively unchallenged.

"The danger is that when the state begins to be such a miserable abysmal failure that people turn not to progressive forces of leadership but to the kind of brown shirted aggressive forces...".Galloway comments.

Government Engineered Terrorism

Previously Mr Galloway has suggested that there is a very real danger of the government engineering a situation where terror attacks can be manufactured and seized upon to forward the pre-planned agenda abroad and at home. On Friday Mr Galloway elaborated on these comments:

"There is a very real danger because you have elements within the state, you have the Richard Pearle 'axis of evil' snarling 'you're next' at this country or that country and yet the circumstance on the ground, the political collapse of the Bushites in the United States, the resistance in Iraq having taken such a terrible making the idea of another war simply ridiculous...and yet there are those in this Neo-Con, Zionist, Christian Fundamentalist axis that really are itching to get as much of this agenda pushed on whilst they still have the reins of power. So you cannot discount some kind of provocation being staged by those elements who want to propel the US into an even more disastrous invasion"

Mr Galloway suggests that it is not beyond the realms of imagination for a situation to arise where the power hungry elite in the US uses staged provocation to drag Iran into a geopolitical set-to, using Israel as the hammer. If this were to happen, the consequences could be as far reaching as to start a third world war which would be devastating for humanity.

This would provide the authorities with the perfect excuse to set up a police state domestically to regulate the activities of everyone and have complete control.

"...That's right, it's Orwellian, it's 1984, the permanent division of the world into warring blocs, for the profit of a few at the cost of the misery of the many, and we have to refuse this in every way we can." Galloway states.

Of course, the past masters of government sponsored terrorism were the Zionists, who created the condition in the Arab countries, and in some European countries to stampede the Jewish populations out of the countries they had been living in for many hundreds years and get them into a Zionist state. Galloway comments:

"Suddenly Jewish people who had been the victims of Christian persecution suddenly saw their Synagogues being blown up, their countries being attacked and all kinds of provocations being staged so packed their bags and moved to occupied Palestine, then to be called Israel."

The Neo-Con War mentality

It's well documented that the United States has adopted such provocation "dirty tricks" before and during the Vietnam war and ever since.

"It's always the case that in a big and complex State machine, there are all sorts of elements, they don't have to be endorsed by all of the political leadership, they can be people representing a trend in the political leadership." Galloway states. He went on to once again lambaste the disgusting Neo-Conservative war crazed movement that had recently attempted to falsify documents to implicate Mr Galloway in the very corruption that they consistently revel in:

"I 've already mentioned this hideous character Richard Pearle. I saw him the other day actually snarling 'you're next', threatening people with American military power, a man who couldn't punch his own way out of a wet paper bag, but ready to fight to the last with other people's last drop of blood. These people make my blood boil and they ought to make every right thinking person feel that way. We deserve better than to be governed by these gangsters."

Mr Galloway went on to describe how it is always the elite draft dodging spoon-fed weaklings that strive for this kind of dominance over all, sacrificing the lives of others whilst swaggering around in their own bomber jackets playing up to the act.

Returning to staged terrorism and Zionism Mr Galloway pointed out that Zionism has nothing to do with Jewishness. The Zionist movement, as it is well documented, funded Hitler before World War Two and many of the figurehead of Zionism were not and are not Jews.

"The reality is these people have used Jewish people, and they have used them with this ideology of Zionism, to create this little Hitler State on the Mediterranean, to act as an advance guard for their own interests in the Arab world, and we're all paying for it, the Palestinians have paid for it, the Arabs have paid for it, and now the American people are paying for it, and why should we? We don't want to live our lives in a permanent state of warfare and division."

The danger in the Arab world is that the people their know we are not evil and corrupt like our governments are, but they also know that we democratically elect our governments, Galloway goes on to decree. They are supposed to act on our behalf and that's why this corrupt version of "democracy" is being flatly rejected across the Arab world.

Mr Galloway concluded by asserting that we do have the power to change things, we are in the majority:

"The United States was a country built out of nothing and a country that went to the stars. The people of the United States are great 'can-do' people and they ought to be able to use the Constitution which the founding fathers gave them to organise their political power to change things."

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15.09.2005 09:15

"Mr Galloway's Respect Party, whom he represents in the London Constituency of Bethnal Green is an example of such a constructive movement. Respect knows it is never going to win a majority vote but is there simply to keep the powers that be in line, bringing them to book so to speak on important and far reaching issues that may otherwise go relatively unchallenged".

I really think this is overstepping the mark. If there is a 'power' to Respect, it is not in it's election results, but in the mass support it receives in a few key constituencies. Sure it get's a bit of debate going, and Galloway is a brilliant speaker if nothing else. But if you think electoral politics is a waste of time - but only in a first past the post system -, then why do Germany, Holland, Denmark, etc, (all with systems of proportional representation) still have governments that are relatively close to the neoconservative positions of Blair's Labour Party? They have paries that command good results, and actually do have differences that are greater than a cigarette paper....Though of course, they still favour a 'democratic' system, and a system of hierarchy in decision making.

I would say that it isn't because of the voting system - though the systems in Britain and America have totally delegitimised the systems in both countries, and short-circuited to the answer that - capitalism creates mechanisms and institutions that allow it to survive. Such as the media. Such as debt. Such as wars. Such as racist scapegoating, etc...... Indeed, the very geography of our regions, with cities, transport links, the ways that foods and produce are grown and moved around - all of these have been shaped by capitalism, making any alternative look increasingly untenable.

The question then becomes how we can subvert, destroy, reform or create alternatives to those systems and mechanisms so as to make it possible to create viable alternatives that actually do make a change, rather than a bit of hot air. There's no easy answer - and I doubt any one person anywhere has a suitable answer to the real problems of actually securing social change -, but pretending that a marginal party that receives strong backing in ONE constituency actually puts a brake on a world-wide project for total privatisation and commodification is really rather silly.



15.09.2005 10:04

The lefty yanks can have allahway,this fat orange mix of third worldism and islamism.
In his ego book he says he despaired of his scottish indiginous working class cos there was not "revolunary enough" so he fished out some sexy revos in the middle east.
He my be anti-war but so was john tyndall,it seems his social conservatism can be accused by the yankie left,because out the campus,s the left is fucked in the states.So the media savvy allahway with his suits and fat cigers,and his des lynam sauve tash gos over to usa to make revos wet them selfs.
You can have him but be warned he likes to dangle his crinkled nob at the ladies.


George Galloway MP - a man of principle.

15.09.2005 12:01

I find this last comment to be offensive and discriminatory.
George Gallowy, who I regard as a friend of mine is one of the most principled and honest socialist politicians in the UK. Compare his record to that of most Labour MP's. He has spoken out while others (on the left) have remained silent. Just think what a difference 30 or 40 MP's like George would make when linked to the action and activity of workers and progressive campains such as Stop the War, Defend Coucil housing etc etc. This was why RESPECT was formed (its a coalition) and why it is growing day by day and is so hated by "New Labour".

Neil Wiliams

Neil Williams
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15.09.2005 12:17

Galloway is a member of Blair's inner circle. Each member of this circle has a very important job to do. Prior to the invasion of Iraq, Galloway was unimportant- merely a British Government go-between between the UK and Iraq (you will understand this better if you consider the politicians that were the go-betweens for the IRA and the UK government, when the IRA was at its most demonised, and the fate of those politicians afterwards- Livingstone, we are looking at you).

Post invasion, and the importance of Galloway to Blair has significantly increased. Why? Well look how The Guardian newspaper functions as a carefully targeted propaganda machine.

The Guardian accurately targets a certain 'liberal' section of the British chattering classes, and attempts to 'gain' their trust. It uses this establish trust to feed various messages to its key group. Most recently, Blair chose The Guardian to be the MAIN pro-war paper, selling the Iraq War with obscene enthusiasm, and unprecedented levels of lies. Quite clearly, Blair considered the demographic of this newspaper the most dangerous, and the most important to 'convince' or at least create 'self-doubt' in, while seeking to wage war. This extreme 'asset use' has 'ruined' The Guardian as a future propaganda machine for much of its target audience, but was considered well worth the cost. Assets, after all, exist to be used, and sometimes they WILL be used up.

The approaching war allowed the 'traditional quality working class values' newspaper, The Mirror, to be chosen as the TOKEN anti-war paper. The comparison with the Guardian should hi-light Blair's obvious strategy, anti-war people were to be the 'thickie lefties' cos their brighter and better leftie breathren were to be pro-war or undecided at worst. The old divide-and-conquer thru intellectual snobbery that curses the Left! Anyway, the Guardian was used up (is there ANYBODY stupid enough now not to know that the Guardian is an EXTREME RIGHTWING publication masquerading as left), and the success of the Mirror required that it self-destructed with the carefully thought out 'phoney torture' picture plan.

Back to Galloway- the useful accident. The Iraq War generated the greatest protest ever seen in the UK. It showed Blair the 'scale' of his problem. Basically, Blair conclude that he had TWO main problems.
One- without safe control to render it ineffective, a anti-war movement could threaten Blair, and change the face of UK politics.
Two- anti-war feeling would make it VERY hard for Blair to win the next election.

Two had its solution thus. With Blair having TOTAL control of the Liberal party, via his control of Kennedy, the Liberals represented NO THREAT. They would receive an insignificant increase in their vote, enough to placate their simple minded supporters. The problem lay with the Conservatives. Historically, their vote would increase at the next election, and with Blair's rapidly decreasing popularity, this would spell disaster. The problem was solved by getting one of the most repulsive men in British Politics to take temporary control of the Conservative party.

Unsurprisingly, given the popularity of Blair, Iain Duncan Smith had been blandly increasing the level of ACTUAL support for the Conservatives in the UK. Unchecked, Blair could not overcome achieve absolute power at the next elections. No problem- Blair had a universal press campaign created trashing Smith, and Howard's friends used the FULL EXTENT of intelligence gathering done by friends of Israel (when you sniff coke at a party, you'd be AMAZED at who is taking notes). Impossibly, Howard took control of the party, unoppossed even by his worst enemies!!!! Wind forwards a few years, and Howard delivered the worst result (statistically speaking) in Conservative history. Against Blair's MASSIVE decline in popularity, the total share of the Conservative vote DID NOT RISE AT ALL. Again, impossible. Job well done, Howard resigned.

That left one problem, the anti-war movement. Left unchecked, the anti-war movement might become a full blown political party, possible gaining the support of disaffected Liberals, suspicious at why their leader was perpetually so ineffective, regardless of Blair's increasing weaknesses. Blair had ONE GOAL- there MUST NOT be a unified anti-war party that stood in every seat at the next election. Another impossible goal, given the size of the anti-war protest.

Hey, now we are back at Mr Galloway. Galloway was chosen for a new, bigger purpose. Galloway was carefully slandered with crude childish fake evidence- evidence SO FAKE that even the simplest reader of The Sun could see how phoney it was. It was trusted that most people would fail to ask why the Billions of Pounds funded security services would produced such incompetent work!!! Galloway would use his Righteous Indignation to form RESPECT, the mother of all distraction political movements. RESPECT had two goals. First, to tie the anti-war movement to so-called muslim extremism in the UK, and thus limit its appeal to 'normal' brits. Secondly, to use the muslim excuse to ONLY stand for election in particular muslim areas of the UK, achieving Blair's main goal of NO NATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR AN ANTI-WAR PARTY.

Today, with the anti-war movement in ruins, Galloway serves a new purpose, hence the article above to which I am replying. Galloway's job is to 'steer into the skid'- by which I mean, he states a sentiment that many many people believe, takes control of it, moving that group of people into a safer place with respect to Blair's goals and purposes. It works at a psychological level. People are so flattered that a PUBLIC PERSONALITY is prepared to say publically the ideas in which they believe, but that other public figures repudiate, that they may well give him a leadership role. Even without a leadership role, another mechanism kicks in. If Galloway says most of the things that people believe, Galloway may become accepted as an oracle of the truth, and those things he refuses to say become those things that are obviously false.

IN OTHER WORDS. Blair and his people identify the collection of beliefs that a certain 'dangerous' group of anti-war people ALREADY subscribe to. Galloway is then made to express these same ideas, to gain the trust of the group. Having gained the trust, Galloway will then attempt to steer the group, as much as possible, to positions that do Blair the least harm in the future.


George Galloway an example to all MP's

15.09.2005 14:44

twilight - there is no hope for the world with conspiracy theories like yours "Galloway part of Blars inner circle" - get a life!!!

My article in defence of George Galloway seems to have gone missing - I hope it can be found and placed here.

George Galloway ie a principled socialist who speaks for 1000's who are not heard. If only some of the other so called left MP's would speak out. If one man can do so much just think what 30 or 40 more linked to the actions of working people and progressive campaings could do? But ofcourse there are always those that can only work with themselves and see the world as some sort of conspiracy. Keep taking the tablets twilight.



insulted allahway

15.09.2005 16:30

Good i am glad you think my crit of allahway is insulting.Whats so leftie about him ,his lefty tash,standing in the same room as tariq ali,flashing peace signs at worthless demos.
He is anti-war big wow,tonnes of people are anti-war does not mean we have to fawn and get half-cut erections over them.What about stance over abortions,his religous guffage,etc.
The yank left are creaming them selfs over him,so fling the fat sauve get over there,he does not think scottish working class or any unsexy working class deserve his attention so he can swivel.
Hes just a guardains readers bit of rough,a hamfisted bit of buffonary.


Ironic Criticisms

15.09.2005 17:44

These accusations are interesting, since many of the same criminal "Neo-Cons" (Fascists) currently in power of the USA today, were the same people who protected Saddam, trained and armed his forces, financed his Regime, and gave him logistical support. They are hardly in a position to make such accusations - but they will - because that's how Fascists fight, as they are well aware that their own position is indefensible.

It should also be noted that the Opposition to the current re-emergence of Fascism is prevalent throughout all political spheres, and that "the Left" is but one part of that Opposition. Right-Wing pundits often make this mistake because they're own ideologies are so far outside the mainstream, so far to the Right, that anything less than full allegiance to them must be "the Left".

Also, they sling this term about, in a vain attempt to dupe people into misunderstanding this growing Opposition, what it stands for, why it opposes this Madness, and what it actually believes in.

Most importantly, it serves as a Distraction from the increasing criticisms and exposures facing the Hard Right, the ever-shrinking pool still supporting and driving these insane policies. However, as their numbers are in steady decline, it's become easier to spot the hardliners, the people behind this Neo-Fascism, within all political parties.

Take detailed notes.

And back on tyopic, Rumsfeld has stated since 2002 that he will use these tactics in order to draw out "ze terrorists", but the real point seems to be finding the Justification for further US military aggression throughout the ME.

More specifically, Rumsfeld said in July that Lebanon will be a launching point for these types of operations, leading me to wonder, in regards to the assassination of Rafiq Hariri and the pressure to withdraw Syrian troops from Lebanon, 'Qui Bono?'. It was interesting to watch as the media repeated ad nauseum the unsupported allegations against Syria, from the people who said "Iraq has WMD!!!", and at the same time, ignore the statements from Lebanese leaders who accused the CIA/Mossad ...

"A" For Distraction Efforts

judy Dense

15.09.2005 18:13

I know i part of the thick male population,but what the in the name of lindsey germans rotten clitoris does the above post mean.


Good analysis

15.09.2005 21:52

Re Twilight.

I think yours is a good analysis. Galloway used to be my MP actually and my basic belief has always been that he is essentially a divisive agent of the pro-war lobby. I mean, the meeting with Saddam was as perfect PR for them in the build up to the first Gulf war as it was in the aftermath of the second.

He still fulfills a highly divisive role. Basically, he looks like a sleazebag and a crook, and he acts like a demagogue. His rhetoric creates obedient followers on the left and alienates the middle classes. A perfect recuperator in other words.


George Galloway a true internationalist

16.09.2005 12:52

George Galloway "divisive agent of the pro-war lobby" - come on Cornholio where have you been for the past five years (you need to take the same medication as twilight - how come none of your can ever use your real names?).

Mr Lustbuster - your are just offensive and vulger - I cant understand why some of you comments are not banned under the editorial guidelines when other good aritcles are not allowed as they are seen to advertise another site!.

Some of you sem to need an "enemy within" to fight to justify your nutty conspiracy world theories - get a life and join the hard graft of changing ths world - lets hope you are at least on the Stop The war Demo next Saturday (or is this too just an SWP front/conspiracy?).

George Galloway is one of a few MP's who will speak out when others remain silent, he is an internationalist and gives hope and inspiration to those who are trying to build a socialist alternative to "New Labour".

Why do some of you enjoy attacking someone who is trying to change are world for the better but always remain silent about the betrayal of the Labour MP's and Labour Party (say nothing of the Tories ans Liberals) to the very idea of reform and socialism - know your enemy. Still in yoir micro, conspiracay world we are all the enemy - so what is this perfect vision of politcial thought and structure YOU NEVER MENTION OR EVER DESCRIBE - go on tell us!!!

Try listening to this and tell me George is not a man of principle:


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16.09.2005 14:58

Its allahways self-importance and buffonery and his slight of hand which irks me.His constant fishing around for a new set of " mallble working class" except home grown ones of course,not sexy or exotic enough.He is just charles kennedy with gold spryed underpants.Who says and means nothing to the everyday needs of the working class.

chris hitchens v galloway
fat slug v fat slug.

Mr lustbather