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DSEI March. Tuesday. Pictures.

Guido | 13.09.2005 20:39 | DSEi 2005 | Anti-militarism | London

Several hundred people. Several hundred cops. Sunny day.

The demo.
The demo.

Samba mayhem.
Samba mayhem.

Arms trading.
Arms trading.

Tooled up agitator.
Tooled up agitator.

Great placards of our era 1.
Great placards of our era 1.

The bowler bloc!
The bowler bloc!

Yes Tony, you love big Texan cock as well.
Yes Tony, you love big Texan cock as well.

Great placards of our era 2.
Great placards of our era 2.

If beards were outlawed then this demo would have been illegal.

I cant help thinking that the organisers got this a bit wrong. What is the point of having a lawful, non confrontational, A to B march on a weekday? They could have doubled their numbers if this had been at a weekend when all those herbalists and sandle makers were not working.

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14.09.2005 16:52

and what's the point in having a protest when dsei isn't there? it's only on during the week you div.

good pics though.


in response to your comment

14.09.2005 21:55

re being not there - they are still setting up the arms fair and delivering their shite to the Excel centre over the weekend before the arms fair ( they don't just parahcute it in on the day ! ) . DSEI is still booked for a few years to come so I think therefore that it is legitimate to protest all year ropund - hence why people go to Reed even when the fair isn't taking place.

lots of people putting effort in ( tho should be more :-) )


11.02.2006 07:19

are you all serious? sure, lets have the radical islamic facists run the world! what a wonderful place it would be - women, no votes; inhumane treatment for anyone who dissents. ahh pure bliss! I have an idea. How about all you low lifes go to college, make a living and form a family. When you start to care about your kids being exposed to NAMBLA, etc - your views may change. The USA keeps people safe. If you disagree, please, take a few months to live in Iran.

we keep you alive