British SWP covers for union betrayal of Gate Gourmet workers
Worker Freedom | 13.09.2005 12:51 | Workers' Movements
On August 11, one of the world’s largest airlines, British Airways (BA), was brought to a standstill at one of the world’s busiest airports, London’s Heathrow.
Other airlines were severely disrupted by ground staff striking in support of 670 workers sacked the previous day by BA’s in-flight meal provider, catering company Gate Gourmet. Given three minutes’ notice, the catering workers were replaced by temporary lower-paid staff brought in by Versa Logistics, set up as a wholly owned subsidiary of Gate Gourmet eight months previously.
The dispute became world news, and the action by the Gate Gourmet employees resonated with BA employees and millions of workers around the world who themselves face deteriorating working conditions and the threat of redundancies.
But within a month of this show of solidarity, the sacked Gate Gourmet workers have been left to fight alone and BA has been emboldened to take action against ground staff. The principal responsibility for this rests with the trade union bureaucracy and its “left” apologists.
Within hours of the walkout, the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) stepped in to end action it viewed as a threat to its “partnership” not only with Gate Gourmet and BA, but with other corporations nationally. It instructed BA ground staff to return to work, and its leader, Tony Woodley, assured BA, “We do not condone what happened last week and we took appropriate steps to end the unofficial action.”
Britain’s largest leftist group is the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). They are also the major party within the Respect-Unity coalition, alongside a few smaller left formations and the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB). The former Labour member of Parliament (MP) George Galloway was elected as a Respect MP for the east London constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow in May this year on an anti-war platform.
To date, the SWP has made no comment on Woodley’s betrayal in its publications, and continues to report uncritically on the actions of Woodley and his associates.
The Socialist Worker newspaper portrays the dispute simply as one between “ruthless union-busters” and “a courageous group of largely Asian workers” helped by fellow TGWU members at BA who “delivered the most effective and militant solidarity action seen in Britain for two decades—in defiance of the anti-union laws.” No mention at all is made of the treachery of Woodley for calling off this “most effective and militant solidarity action.”
In its first edition following the TGWU’s calling off of solidarity action, the August 20 Socialist Worker singled out as the greatest achievement of the unofficial action the fact it had “forced a company that set out to destroy the T&G union at its sites to begin negotiations with union officials on Friday.” Only then did it state in passing and without even mentioning the TGWU that “The action was called off after 24 hours, but it points to how this crucial dispute can be decisively won. It grounded all BA flights at Heathrow.”
From the start, negotiations between the TGWU and Gate Gourmet were focused on a joint attempt to get the strike called off and secure the acceptance by the sacked workers of the redundancies demanded by the company. Instead of pointing this out, the SWP has dutifully reported the TGWU’s appeals for funds for its sacked members, who received no official strike pay from the union’s own coffers for weeks.
For his part, Galloway made a photo-op visit to the gate Gourmet picket line on August 30, during which he told the sacked workers, “You have the backing of your union and its general secretary, which has not always been the case with other unions and leaders.”
The SWP has also accepted the union’s arguments that it must abide by the anti-union laws prohibiting secondary action. In an interview published by the SWP without comment on September 3, Brendan Gold, head of the union’s civil aviation section, says, “The union is working to ensure that all the solidarity that can be expressed [emphasis added] will be.”
Gold gives two examples of solidarity the union has obtained so far. One is “solidarity action” at Copenhagen airport, but there is nothing explaining what this action consists of on the TGWU web site or the site the union has set up for the strikers.
The other is “full support” from US unions representing Gate Gourmet workers. This consists of a letter from Bruce Raynor, president of the UNITE Here! union, which has 6,000 members at Gate Gourmet US, saying “they will be forced to take every lawful measure possible to support our fellow union members” if the workers are not reinstated—i.e., the very same “lawful” policy of doing nothing that the TGWU is pursuing.
The September 10 Socialist Worker cites with obvious approval the fact that the TGWU is seeking an emergency resolution to this year’s conference of the Trades Union Congress, which begins September 12. They write, “It calls for unofficial action to be legal when it is provoked by a company, agency workers to be employed on the same rates as full-timers, and for solidarity action such as the stoppage by BA workers in support of Gate Gourmet staff to be legalised.”
One could not conceive of a more pathetic attempt at a militant posture than a resolution calling on the TUC to oppose the anti-union laws and make a humble appeal to the Labour government of Prime Minister Tony Blair to amend them.
It is precisely because the trade unions and the Labour Party defend the interests of management that the Gate Gourmet strikers—who once paralysed Heathrow—are now restricted to a token protest on a grassy embankment, dubbed Beacon Hill by union officials, while Gate Gourmet truck speeds past and through the factory gates.
Last week, Gold, the head of the TGWU’s civil aviation section, visited the picket line to sell the strikers a “framework agreement” that he had signed along with TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber and the Gate Gourmet bosses. All of Gate Gourmet’s 2,100 workers then received a letter telling them to accept or reject the agreement and the compensation package on offer and return their forms to the TUC by Friday, September 2.
One striker explained to World Socialist Web Site reporters that he was offered £5,800 in June for six years’ service, but now the offer was £4,800. His wife, who had worked nine years, was offered £7,800—down from £9,800.
Gate Gourmet, according to the Sunday Times, claims that it has “won in negotiation the right to take back into employment only the staff it wanted to return.” It says it won’t take back 200 workers it identifies as “hardliners and militants.” Yet even now, Socialist Worker reports Gold saying, “We will not allow the company to pick and choose.”
Gold, in fact, admitted to the strikers that the company would not agree to reinstate all of the strikers. He said that they could keep fighting for their jobs if they wanted to, but those who wished could sign the form and take the compensation money.
And what does the September 3 Socialist Worker have to say? It quotes the TGWU convenor at Gate Gourmet describing the company letters agreed to by the union as a “small, but significant step forward.... In agreeing to write to everyone, the company is accepting it has a responsibility to the sacked workers. That is a crack in the position up to now where Gate Gourmet had said we were sacked and that was the end of the matter.”
The SWP functions as a political adjunct of the trade union bureaucracy. Many of its members occupy junior positions within the union hierarchy, and, more importantly, Respect has secured the affiliation of a number of branches from at least three different trade unions.
Both argue that a new party of the working class should take the form of a rebirth of Labour-style national reformism coupled with militant trade union action. They maintain that such a new party will be led by a breakaway left section of the existing Labour Party and trade union leadership.
This serves to prevent the working class from drawing the essential political lessons of experiences such as Gate Gourmet.
It is not enough to recognise that the trade union leadership and the Labour Party are corrupt and defend the interests of big business. The degeneration of the old organisations of the labour movement cannot be explained as the product of bad leaders who need only be replaced by more militant ones. It is rooted in the failure of the nationalist and reformist outlook of trade unionism, a perspective that has proved incapable of defending the interests of the working class and that results inevitably in the growth of a class-collaborationist and privileged bureaucracy whose role is to police the class struggle and prevent it from taking revolutionary forms.
When production was predominantly organised within national borders, it was possible to extract certain concessions from the employers through strikes and protests. Today, however, the globalisation of production has enabled big business to establish an ever-lower benchmark by forcing workers around the world to compete against one another.
The trade unions, which are wedded to a nationalist perspective, are incapable of advancing a viable strategy for the working class of any country to defend its interests. As a result, the trade union and labour bureaucracy can no longer reconcile its defence of the profit system with even the maintenance of past gains, let along an improvement in wages and working conditions.
Instead, the trade unions and the Labour Party have been transformed into mechanisms through which the demands of capital for wage cuts, speed-up and sackings are imposed, in the name of ensuring international competitiveness.
That is why the working class must now undertake to construct its own socialist and internationalist party. Only then can the working class be united across national frontiers to challenge the economic and political power wielded by big business. The SWP and Respect are an obstacle to the achievement of this historic task.
Worker Freedom
Hide the following 19 comments
13.09.2005 13:55
Reposts, bitching about the SWP to promote x other faction etc..
13.09.2005 14:56
And as this is a full cut and paste from the WSWS that would be the SEP/ICFI then? As it doesn't say it I don't suppose this really goes as far as breaking the editoral guideline on not promoting parties or using the wire as a notice board for them - but does for reposting (c)opyrighted articles from elsewhere... but really!
It is a good comment piece with the added usual obsession with the SWP - move on...
sectarian shit
13.09.2005 17:57
Sorry,for the confusion but criticize Pual not me
13.09.2005 22:41
It is a good article but that last blerb attempts to spoil it,
Just so you know I am an Anarchist not a Marxist and I am certianly not a member of the of the WSM.
Althoug the WSM is somewhat better Ideological than the SWP becase they are non-leninist, the WSM does nothing besides write articles.
Anyway,The way to workers liberation is not threw a party.
I am sorry for the confusion,However if you want to criticize the article criticize the author mentioned above(Paul Mitchell ) as for myself WF I am just the poster.
Worker Freedom
sorry but that's just rubbish!
14.09.2005 11:08
The Gate Gourmet strike is one of the most vital industrial struggles for years, involving super-exploited workers and challenging corporate power and anti-union laws.
It's inspired trade unionists everywhere - up and down the country loads of us are working to support the strike, collect petitions and donations etc, yes including SWP and Respect people, and good for them! Far as I can see they're doing as much if not more than anyone.
(Certainly more than the pompous group who wrote this article who I've never even heard of let alone seen on a picket line - how easy it is to be ideologically pure when you do nowt)
And good for Galloway visiting the pickets too - only MP I've seen bother so far!
As to the contradictory role of the union leadership - well, duh, shock news there! - but do you change that by sitting on your arse sneering, or getting stuck in? It's not coincidence that Woodley and other union leaders are suddenly talking about challenging anti-union laws, it's because of this strike and the support it's getting through the movement.
For f*** sake, for all our sakes, stop sniping and posing and get down to the picket lines or at least do a collection, give the workers some support:
Mr Spoon
Sectarian Bollocks
14.09.2005 11:16
And it all passes with a nod and a wink from the moderators of Indymedia who, if it were another group being slandered, would be quick to censor, delete and denouce the post for what it is.
Draw your own conclusions.
how about a feature btw?
14.09.2005 13:24
Given what a big deal this strike is, would the IMC Editors consider running a Feature?
Mr Spoon
Dalek Alert
14.09.2005 14:15
You made little or no effort to challenge the claims made in the article, although that would have been easy enough to do.
Instead, it's simply another case of "Oh, its another criticism of the SWP. You're all sectarians. Indymedia's biased and the whole world's against us" and all that crap.
Did it ever cross your mind that so much criticism of the SWP, from so many different sources, over so long a time, simply cannot all be the work of sectarians? That, shock horror, some, maybe even most of the criticisms are valid? Do you think that all the groups opposed to the SWP (and its fronts) have nothing better to do than huddle up together behind closed doors, locked in some grand counter-revolutionary conspiracy to defeat the people's revolution?
I was a member of the SWP. I saw what went on from the inside, and believe me there was plenty of sectarianism going on on the SWP's side of the fence.
Wake up!
Much slander, one or two sources
14.09.2005 15:18
Nuf said.
There is no worse red baiter than a former red.
Former Red?
14.09.2005 16:56
I stayed on the Left, memory hole catchers mitt.
Unfortunately the SWP began drifting rightwards at an ever-greater speed.
I suppose now you'll be suggesting I'm some rabid right winger like Hitchens, Aaronovitch, Littlejohn, Clarkson and the other scumbags beloved of ignorant Tory pinheads everywhere.
Well, unfortunately for you, I'm not right wing.
I happen to be an Anarchist.
And as an ex-member of the SWP,I am well placed to comment on its less than glittering sell-out of basic socialist principles in the formation of RESPECT.
I'm also well placed to comment on the sectarianism of the SWP. I'm a Trident Ploughshares Pledger with the Plymouth group. I was still flirting with the SWP at the time we had our first disarmament camp in Plymouth in 2002. The SWP sniffed around the camp, the demo's and the actions, and tried to horn in our campaign. On being told, politely but firmly, that TP is an independent organisation, I heard your local organiser here describe TP as, and I quote, "a hostile organisation."
We never did, nor have ever done, anything more hostile to the SWP than politely let them know that we are independent and wish to remain so. They withdrew their already less than useful support forthwith, and have since been seen only trying to hijack our demos, sell papers and recruit people.
So forgive if I find Swappies moaning about sectarianism just a little hard to swallow.
Good riddance to rubbish
14.09.2005 19:01
I prefer to judge the SWP on their role in the STWC than tattle tales from yet another A-A-Anarchist sectarian nutter. Would the anti-war movement be stronger or weaker if the SWP withdrew? I rest my case.
Any organisation that repels a freak such as yourself has to have something going for it by definition.
15.09.2005 10:32
I'm not sure we actually ended up with enough posts on the wire to manage a front page feature (something that was raised during the discussions on the Rolls-Royce strike features).
Way to propose a feature is to send it to imc-uk-features - at - there are some guidelines for writing IMC UK features here:
mm okay - moving swiftly on
15.09.2005 10:48
..could I repeat my request to the IMC Editors - can we have a feature on the Gate Gourmet strike please? It's a really big deal and these workers need our support!
Mr Spoon
15.09.2005 11:49
ekes (an imc admin)
Trotbot Ahoy!
15.09.2005 12:00
I've declared my affiliations, and my reasons for leaving the SWP.
You seem not to want to declare where YOU are coming from.
Instead of answering my points about why I left, you prefer to reply with meaningless personal abuse, which is rendered all the more meaningless by the fact that we've never met and thus you have no knowledge of who I am even.
Five out of ten, Trotbot troll.
Must try harder.
Another AAAnarchist is crying about the SWP on Indymedia (yawn)
15.09.2005 15:18
Readers should not hold their breath for an answer. AAAnarchists can duck questions like this for hours, days, years.
Next we will probably be hearing about Kronstadt.
Ignorance Is Bliss, Isn't it?
15.09.2005 16:50
The attendance at StWC national demo's seems to have been dropping since February 15th. And I doubt very much that the latest A to B demo on September 24th will buck that trend.
Many local branches are at best moribund, if active at all.
The insistence on going on yet another A to B march is hardly the most inpiring of tactics, and I've schlepped up to London a good few time myself.
Bristol StWC, which remained largely independent from the national body (and thus avoided SWP influence) still seems to have a degree of life left in it. What does that tell you?
Oh, and on the subject of avoiding questions, answer me this one, memory hole catchers mitt. I have declared my affiliations openly and honestly so readers can acknowledge where I'm coming from and judge my comments accordingly. You, on the other hand, have declined to declare yours, so that readers may analyse your comments in the same fashion.
So answer the question:
Are you a Swappie?
A simple yes or no will suffice.
And preferably without yet another childish and peurile insult like "freak", if you don't mind.
You Put 2 Trots in a room you have 3 Parties
15.09.2005 18:12
To spite that fact this aritcle makes very good points about how business unions betray the wokers whic as an IWW meber I will alsways be aware og. if some SWPers accusse me of being down on thier party prove me wrong by "not betraying the workers nexed time Komrads"
Worker Freedom
The hope of the hopeless
15.09.2005 18:36
If I had a dime for every time a lonely pathetic A-A-Anarchist had pronounced the anti-war movement in Britain dead I would be a member of the Fortune 500.
But keep hoping.