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Disappearing public sphere | 12.09.2005 19:15

Broadcasting regulator Ofcom ( has ruled that Make Poverty History ( is prohibited from advertising on television or radio.

In a statement today Ofcom ( have pronounced the Make Poverty History campaign’s political aims to be in breach of broadcast regulations.

Members of the Make Poverty History coalition reacted with dismay to Ofcom’s verdict. In a statement, a spokesperson for Make Poverty History said:

“We're disappointed with this decision. Members of the Make Poverty History coalition went to great lengths to ensure the 'click ad' met broadcast regulations and took appropriate advice before submitting it to broadcasters.

“This advertisement simply highlights the fact that a child dies every three seconds because of preventable poverty. The millions of people who are wearing a white band or taking action as part of this campaign do not see it as a narrow party-political issue. They see it as the great moral issue of our time.

“We will look carefully at the implications of this decision for our future activity. As world leaders meet in New York for the UN World Summit, it is vitally important that we get across the message that they must go much further in order to make poverty history.”

The ‘click ad’ brought together a number of public figures and celebrities including Brad Pitt to Cameron Diaz, Kylie to Diddy who starkly click their fingers. Each click symbolises the death of a child. Across the developing world, one child dies every three seconds from extreme poverty.

The advert aired through millions of pounds worth of donated ad space on TV, radio and cinema.

Too political for British TV? The authorities have ruled. Judge for yourself:
Click ad is viewable online here:

Disappearing public sphere


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Could admin hide this advert please

12.09.2005 22:46

it breaches guidelines

too corrupt

How convenient for the government

13.09.2005 01:42

After MPH have done Blair and Brown's PR, they've been silenced now St. Geldof has stopped subverting them and retired to his mansion.

This is the real evidence of precisely how the cynical the whole Live8 operation was.

Its also funny how the toothless advertising regulatory framework that usually bans ads after their campaigns have finished is remarkably effective for silencing those advertisers who happen to have a politically difficult agenda. after the government have subverted it!


terrible, but predictable

13.09.2005 07:22

Please don't harbour any illusions that we live in a free society - 'our' government's policies cause the deaths of millions - Nelson Mandela calls it genocide. When even the most mainstream coalition (with mainstream celebrities on board) tries to point this out in a very polite but powerful way, they are censored by the state.

This is what we are up against, people I know who are involved in Make Poverty History are well-intentioned but prone to think the government can be part of the solution - hopefully actions like this will clarify the situation, much like the parliament protest ban or the edo injunction. The state is prepared to kill millions for business as usual, let us move beyond lobbying....


Political advertr

14.09.2005 12:20

I have seen the advert and it was political they are right, you did not ask for help for poor countries you wanted to lobby the government that is political, just admit it and stop complaining, they are right and you know it, otherwise you would appeal


wtf is 'political'?

14.09.2005 18:29

so its political to oppose mass starvation - genocide, but apolitical to promote the corporations that are helping perpetuate it?

in this context 'political' means threatening the status quo, nothing more.

we won't make poverty history by begging those who perpetuate it, then censor our efforts to point this out.
