surely, what he says in his new paper columns is covered by free speech and in a paper where Ricard little john also has a column i think you should be looking else where for enemies,
or maybe your annoyed that he got a doctorate and you didn't? and maybe just maybe you don't like being the butt of his jokes... get over it, their are bigger fish to fry than mr clarkson.
whilst its true that there are bigger fish to fry, fish are much harder to pie owing to the fact that they spend most of their time under water. jeremy clarkson is much easier and much more amusing to hit with a pie, just saw this on the news, absolutley brilliant! clarksons ignorant, arrogant and outrageously stupid comments about climate change being a myth and cyclists being a valid target for hit and runs deserve this kind of reaction. well done pie warriors
if Clarkson advocated the idea that bicyclists should be hit-an-run targets, then giving him a pie in the face should only be a starter. sawing his arms and legs off and tossing him in a tank of pirahnas ought to be the main course.
bicyclists need to unite and put an end to the automobile, that pernicious monster dooming us all. and we especially need to humiliate idiots like Clarkson who can't even share the road with non-pulluting, healthy bicycles.
Pie pixie its a shame you choose to attempt to open with a joke for further reference a joke is a whitty comment made on a subject which is amusing better still it should have a meaningful result, you failed on both counts may i recommend it seems to me it may have more for you than this place which produces actual news.
Why dont you like Jeremy Clarkson? Is it because he can produce topical and amusing anecdotes? Or do you also want to crucify him for making fun of something that was to happen at random 8 months later?
If you are Gay Cyclist with an Electric Car who works for Green Peace I might consider you to have a genuine greivence if your not however grow a sence of humor or at very least stop bothering the rest of us.
I would say it was very embarrassing for everyone at Oxford Brookes. How sad to have a University full of 'intelligent' students, and the only form of protest they could offer on the day was a pie attack. How sad. And what a great opportunity for Jeremy to prove what an entirely dignified man he is. His only retort was to congratulate the thrower with a "Nice shot". Smooth!
Have a sense of humor. Haven't you heard of sarcasm? It's like that movie "Team America", which everyone thought was Right Wing, but was in fact a parody of Jerry Bruckheimer Movies.
Never mind what you think about him, I'd say "nice shot" was a pretty dignified response. Kept hold of his sense of humour. I don't like his views, but he gets respect points from me for that. And I think a pie is a valid response -- bit of humour, probably would have done something like that himself etc.
So, you disagree with someone's point of view, so you go and assault mature. What a pathetic cheap shot to someone who is more than willing to debate with you the points of why you dislike him, and has in fact done so on various occasions.
What a very selfish, childish act worthy of the yob culture this country is turning into.
>> So, you disagree with someone's point of view, so you go and assault mature. What a pathetic cheap shot to someone who is more than willing to debate with you the points of why you dislike him, and has in fact done so on various occasions.
Which is worse: having a pie thrown in your face, or having millions of people incited to run you over in cars?
You could say his comments against cyclists are funny, but not coming from a *prominent car ournalist* (ie. state car advertiser) in a country which is so car-dominated cyclists practically have no human rights.
if you think that its okay to assault someone just because you dont agree with what they say does that mean its ok for a car owner to knock over the next cyclist they see on the road not conforming with the rules of the road?? Think about it dafty, if you think he is advocating that we should run over cyclists and feel that he is inciting "millions" to do so then you are as nutty as a squirrels stash.......
I don't agree with Clarkson, but then I don't agree with violence either. A pie may look funny, but it is an act of violence, no more. If you did it for publicity, then shooting him would have got more coverage.
Clarkson's free to say what he likes, we are free to ignore him. This just gives him more notoriety and ups the fees he can charge for his celebrity.
delete as applicable (to your oh so very Oxford flurry of comments):
free speech blah whatever doesn't mean anyone should be free to say anything.
maybe you need an honorary sense of humour.
www.frowing - as in to-ing and ?!
Engaging someone like Clarkson in chat about our respective views might be so very Oxford darling, but wouldn't serve any point - personally I'd much prefer spending my time trying to stop your wee babies of the future from drowning, and dodging the cars that do try and run me down on my bike regularly.
Assault? Violence? A pie? Don't be daft - even Clarkson understood it better than you. Selfish, childish? I think driving a 4x4 anywhere (fuel-guzzling planet trasher), never mind over a peat bog (essential for our future - diversity, climate change blah), encouraging cars to drive down cyclists, and locking on to a bus are a wee bit ...
Condescending? Dismissive? Armchair undergraduate? Fuck off. I want a future.
How many of the self-righteous 'environmentalists' like those who pied JC live in homes that are entirely carbon neutral and entirely self-sufficient for power, food and water? How many of you never get a plane anywhere? How many smoke tobacco? If you actually knew anything you'd realise that cars are in no way the biggest problem in terms of emissions. Try offering workable solutions to reduce consumption and emissions instead of asking for ludicrous bans on automotive vehicles. Spending time advocating walking school buses, reducing food miles, investing in the rail network (the most efficient form of mass transport) and re-use instead of recycling would be far more use than moronic stunts at Landrover and Oxford Brookes. Lobbying parliament to tax aviation fuel would be another good start. Attacking individuals is the easy option. Oh, and finally, try looking up irony in the dictionary and then look again at JCs quotes.
"Evil car diver", you completely miss the point. Clarkson is a contemptuous git, completely. Irony? His comments, whilst amusingly composed, are based on a genuine dislike of non-car road users. Articles in the Sun just reinforce the growing belief amongst the increasingly selfish of our society that cyclists (and motorcyclists, horse riders – pedestrians etc.) have no right on the roads. The stunning irresponsibility displayed by Clarkson in publishing his crass views in the national media, is matched only by the shocking reality of the present perilous situation for non car road users. By that I mean a car driver could so very easily deliberately mow down and kill a cyclist today and expect to receive minimum punishment due to ‘lack of evidence’ or absence of witnesses. Yesterday a top UK performance cyclist was killed training in Norwich – let us see what happens to the car driver responsible!!
I could list dozens (literally) of serious accidents and fatalities in the last year alone caused by selfish car drivers to non car driving road users. I live in Liverpool, and a certain left back for a team that play in red, mounted the kerb and killed an old man last year in his certain type of 4 by 4 (rhymes with Grange Clover). Got off with it completely due to ‘lack of evidence’ .. i.e. no witnesses!
Before you accuse me of hypocrisy, I drive a car, a motorcycle and ride a cycle. I race motorcycles and bicycles. I SLOW down in my car for cyclists, give them plenty of room, and do not begrudge them their rightful place on the road (for I am one too). I MAKE ROOM and LOOK OUT for motorcyclists at junctions, turning right etc (for I am one too).
It is called ‘consideration for others’. Mr Clarkson epitomises the selfish ME ME ME age where car drivers carry the attitude of GET OUT OF MY WAY, I’M IN A CAR! On the continent (France and Spain) cyclists are respected, especially competitive cyclists.
A typical hypocrisy of Clarkson. He berates Motorcyclists for being ‘too loud’, yet gives himself orgasms on national TV swanning around in £100,000+ 5litre ‘noisy’ sports cars.
For some strange reason the UK has never ‘got’ cycling, even though we helped pioneer the machine! You are viewed as some kind of impoverished eccentric tax dodger (don’t pay road tax you see!) who can’t afford a car if you ride a bike! Fat lazy people who sit behind the wheel of cars who sneer and jibe at cyclists! People who will be costing the NHS thousands with their obesity and heart related conditions (my father is a surgeon who sees it all the time).
WHY can’t we all just be more respectful of vulnerable road users? We all have a right to use the roads, whatever our mode of transport. We all have a DUTY to look out for each other!
I think Weekender made a totally disgusting remark with this:
"sawing his arms and legs off and tossing him in a tank of pirahnas ought to be the main course." Probaply meant to be sarky but you're talking just the same as Clarkson! Clarkson's idea of knocking down cyclists is just a joke, please try to understand that you idiots!
I like Jeremy's pie face, though! Jeremy maybe a bit arrogant but you shouldn't take him that serious, it's just fun, or have you greenpeace lot no sense of humour at all?
i think all you peopal that dislike jc are very very sad,because he is a entertaner thats what he dose.and for this some half wit smack a pie in his face thats just stupid..ok so he dose say controversial stuff but who dosent we all slip some times and i just think its gay to punshish people for that ...must admit he does it on purpose but thats wats great lol...i ride a bike and i couldnt give a s**t about what he sed it a f**king J.O.K.E.!!!!!!
The Big JC is a learned and pragmatic man; an ombudsmen against the world of corporations and crappy cars. Environmentalists hug trees and smoke weed, hang around outside schools and harass parents instead of actually doing something worth while and "popping over to America" to sort out old G W Bush!!!!!! As the largest producer of pollution surely they would be a greater target- Clarkson is right to moan at half-hearted Environmentalists who ride bikes!!!!!!!! JC employs satire as a means of entertainment and education- only those incapable of spelling "O-zone" would not see this!!!!
Hide the following 21 comments
any photos??
12.09.2005 11:33
12.09.2005 12:30
surely, what he says in his new paper columns is covered by free speech and in a paper where Ricard little john also has a column i think you should be looking else where for enemies,
or maybe your annoyed that he got a doctorate and you didn't? and maybe just maybe you don't like being the butt of his jokes... get over it, their are bigger fish to fry than mr clarkson.
bigger fish to fry
12.09.2005 12:41
pie pixie
dessert first
12.09.2005 13:36
bicyclists need to unite and put an end to the automobile, that pernicious monster dooming us all. and we especially need to humiliate idiots like Clarkson who can't even share the road with non-pulluting, healthy bicycles.
In responce
12.09.2005 14:04
Why dont you like Jeremy Clarkson? Is it because he can produce topical and amusing anecdotes? Or do you also want to crucify him for making fun of something that was to happen at random 8 months later?
If you are Gay Cyclist with an Electric Car who works for Green Peace I might consider you to have a genuine greivence if your not however grow a sence of humor or at very least stop bothering the rest of us.
I would pay
12.09.2005 14:10
Any photos or film please?
12.09.2005 15:22
What Flavor Pie was it?
12.09.2005 16:32
American Anarchist
12.09.2005 17:18
Ralph Nader
reasons to pie clarkson
12.09.2005 17:28
"nice shot"
12.09.2005 17:51
12.09.2005 20:38
What a very selfish, childish act worthy of the yob culture this country is turning into.
Mr Logical
13.09.2005 02:02
Which is worse: having a pie thrown in your face, or having millions of people incited to run you over in cars?
You could say his comments against cyclists are funny, but not coming from a *prominent car ournalist* (ie. state car advertiser) in a country which is so car-dominated cyclists practically have no human rights.
Do you ride a bike?
Speaking as a cyclist, this made my day :D
13.09.2005 13:10
Don't agree..
13.09.2005 19:28
Clarkson's free to say what he likes, we are free to ignore him. This just gives him more notoriety and ups the fees he can charge for his celebrity.
oh so Oxford
13.09.2005 22:50
free speech blah whatever doesn't mean anyone should be free to say anything.
maybe you need an honorary sense of humour.
www.frowing - as in to-ing and ?!
Engaging someone like Clarkson in chat about our respective views might be so very Oxford darling, but wouldn't serve any point - personally I'd much prefer spending my time trying to stop your wee babies of the future from drowning, and dodging the cars that do try and run me down on my bike regularly.
Assault? Violence? A pie? Don't be daft - even Clarkson understood it better than you. Selfish, childish? I think driving a 4x4 anywhere (fuel-guzzling planet trasher), never mind over a peat bog (essential for our future - diversity, climate change blah), encouraging cars to drive down cyclists, and locking on to a bus are a wee bit ...
Condescending? Dismissive? Armchair undergraduate? Fuck off. I want a future.
weekender fan
Riding a bike won't save the world
15.09.2005 10:11
Oh, and finally, try looking up irony in the dictionary and then look again at JCs quotes.
Evil Cardriver
Evil car driver .. you miss the point
18.10.2005 15:40
I could list dozens (literally) of serious accidents and fatalities in the last year alone caused by selfish car drivers to non car driving road users. I live in Liverpool, and a certain left back for a team that play in red, mounted the kerb and killed an old man last year in his certain type of 4 by 4 (rhymes with Grange Clover). Got off with it completely due to ‘lack of evidence’ .. i.e. no witnesses!
Before you accuse me of hypocrisy, I drive a car, a motorcycle and ride a cycle. I race motorcycles and bicycles. I SLOW down in my car for cyclists, give them plenty of room, and do not begrudge them their rightful place on the road (for I am one too). I MAKE ROOM and LOOK OUT for motorcyclists at junctions, turning right etc (for I am one too).
It is called ‘consideration for others’. Mr Clarkson epitomises the selfish ME ME ME age where car drivers carry the attitude of GET OUT OF MY WAY, I’M IN A CAR! On the continent (France and Spain) cyclists are respected, especially competitive cyclists.
A typical hypocrisy of Clarkson. He berates Motorcyclists for being ‘too loud’, yet gives himself orgasms on national TV swanning around in £100,000+ 5litre ‘noisy’ sports cars.
For some strange reason the UK has never ‘got’ cycling, even though we helped pioneer the machine! You are viewed as some kind of impoverished eccentric tax dodger (don’t pay road tax you see!) who can’t afford a car if you ride a bike! Fat lazy people who sit behind the wheel of cars who sneer and jibe at cyclists! People who will be costing the NHS thousands with their obesity and heart related conditions (my father is a surgeon who sees it all the time).
WHY can’t we all just be more respectful of vulnerable road users? We all have a right to use the roads, whatever our mode of transport. We all have a DUTY to look out for each other!
16.11.2005 12:05
"sawing his arms and legs off and tossing him in a tank of pirahnas ought to be the main course." Probaply meant to be sarky but you're talking just the same as Clarkson! Clarkson's idea of knocking down cyclists is just a joke, please try to understand that you idiots!
I like Jeremy's pie face, though! Jeremy maybe a bit arrogant but you shouldn't take him that serious, it's just fun, or have you greenpeace lot no sense of humour at all?
K Sleyer
i think its sad
03.03.2006 20:44
jeremy clarkson is my hero lol
Your opinion matters less than an intoxicated, dyslexic BABOON
22.07.2006 19:47
The Big CT