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IDF general returns from U.K. before plane lands, fearing arrest

Ha'Aretz | 11.09.2005 18:50

Kind of ironic, seeing as the current Prime Minister of the UK is, himself, a War Criminal.

IDF general returns from U.K. before plane lands, fearing arrest
By Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondent

Former Israel Defense Forces GOC Southern Command General (res.) Doron Almog flew to the U.K. Sunday but returned before the plane landed due to rumors that a warrant was out for his arrest.

The El Al flight carrying Almog turned around in mid-air and returned to Israel.

The rumors stemmed from a war crimes suit against Almog being filed by a London-based organization representing Palestinians.

However, government sources said they had no information regarding the arrest warrant.

In 2002 the Muslim Association of Britain threatened to take legal steps against current Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, who at the time was the IDF Chief of Staff, over his responsibility for injuries to the Palestinian people. Mofaz was staying in England during this period.

Arab Lawyers, supported by Arab organizations in London, demanded that Mofaz be arrested and put on trial for crimes against the Palestinian people. The crimes listed were participation in Israel's targeted killing policy in the Palestinian territories, responsibility for destroying the homes of Palestinians who carried out terror attacks against Israel, and responsibility for IDF activities in Jenin in April 2002 as part of operation Defensive Shield.

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At This Time

11.09.2005 20:01

It is a historic fact that, at this stage of an emerging full-blown dictatorship, the early methods and laws of the embryo dictator CAN be used against the embryo dictator's friends. However, be warned... this is a brief transitionary period, and such actions will soon be impossible, as the dictatorship becomes absolute, and the dictators word becomes the ONLY law!!!

The butchers of Israel only have to bide their time, and give Blair a small number of months more (basically, just past the next 911 event, or the nuking of Iran, whichever comes first).

For curious onlookers, the successful prosecution of an (anti-Taliban) warlord in the UK, for crimes commited in Afghanistan, is the reason this jewish terrorist war-criminal turned tail. Israeli jews are not stupid, and they trust their best-friend Blair just about as far as they could throw him (and very wise too, for when the sh*t hits the fan, Blair will expend them fully as his totally disposable, and totally irrelevant shock troops).

Anyway, at the moment, non-government Muslims groups, and Black groups, and Left groups should be drawing up lists of all of Blair's psycho criminal friends abroad, and promising to prosecute them in UK courts. On this basis alone, Blair would be made to suffer minor personal inconvenience, but his 'friends' would be mighty pissed and hurt, and the public would have a growing awareness of who, exactly, New Labour (New Reich) does business with.



11.09.2005 21:03

I wonder if the same things could be done for Hamas leaders when they come to London shopping with their wives ?


No fear

12.09.2005 12:19

I dont see how the British state, having started an illegal war, and having released the mass murdered and torturer dictator Pinochet in the past, can have any moral authority to arrest anybody.
The article does not make sense, there must be some other reason.



12.09.2005 12:46

I personally don't believe that this arsehole was in any danger of arrest, since as has been already stated, Pinochet was allowed to get away. As for other terrorists, i.e. Muslim terrorists, Blair would never do anything truly effective against them as, just like Bush, he relies on the fear of terrorists for much of his limited support base, which is already less than 25% of the British public.

It's the 9/11 equation:

9/11 + anything we say=shut up

:-) :-) :-)


Blue Zappa

Will the Muslims of the UK treat the Egyptian s the same?

12.09.2005 15:35

Palestinian shot in Gaza buffer
Rafah viewed over dividing wall
Rafah is divided between Egyptian and Palestinian sides
Egyptian guards shot dead a Palestinian man at the Egypt-Gaza border hours after Israeli troops withdrew from the area, Palestinian witnesses said.

However, an Egyptian spokesman has denied that his country's forces fired the shots that killed the man.

Hundreds of Palestinians had poured into the buffer between Gaza and Egypt.

Before the shooting, there were joyous scenes in Rafah as residents were reunited with relatives living on the Egyptian side.

The Palestinian witnesses say Egyptian forces opened fire to disperse crowds of Palestinians and Egyptians swarming across the border both ways.

A Palestinian man in his 30s died of a gunshot wound to the head, they said.

Ali ibn Sharmootah

Hmmm - lets ignore the other shootings shall we?

12.09.2005 15:58

Israeli troops shoot and wound five Palestinians

GAZA, Sept 11 (KUNA) -- Israeli troops shot and wounded five Palestinians in the town of Rafah and near Khan Youness in the south of Gaza Strip late on Sunday, security and medical sources said.

The sources said the Israeli troops opened fire in the direction of hundreds of young Palestinians near a checkpoint west of Khan Youness, wounding two. One of the wounded, a 14-year-old boy, suffered serious cuts in the face.

Three Palestinians were wounded with Israeli troops' gunfire in Rafah while they were watching Israeli troops' pullout from a nearby outpost. (end) zt.

Yup - so Egyptian border guards stand accused of killing a man - its almost as if Egypt has to do the zionist's bidding to justify all that aid money they get from Uncle Sam.

It doesn't equate to ordering the destruction of 59 Palestinian homes, at least not yet.

Is it only muslims who abhow Israeli war crimes?

Abu Ghraib

Forgotten Occupation

12.09.2005 17:24

"Yup - so Egyptian border guards stand accused of killing a man - its almost as if Egypt has to do the zionist's bidding to justify all that aid money they get from Uncle Sam"

Actually, it's now Egypt who has to deal with the Palestinians. You do remember that Egypt occupied the Gaza for 20 years, don't you? They weren't as kind as the Israelis are, and they don't have their hands tied. During the first Intifada, when the "palestinians" started rioting on the Egyptian side of the border, trucks rolled up, tail gates dropped and machine guns put an end to the intifada on the Egyptian side.

It's time for the Palestinians to act as if they really want a nation of their own. Along with the end of the occupation in Gaza, it is also the end of excuses for the palestinians.

Ali ibn Sharmootah

Not Really

12.09.2005 18:57

Actually, that's nothing more than media-transmitted Hasbara (Zionist Propaganda).

Gaza may not have an Israeli military presence within, but it is still surrounded and controlled by the IDF. In a sense, it's like one giant, Israeli-controlled Concentration Camp.

And as these desert outposts were, indeed, abandoned by Israel, illegal settlement construction within the W. Bank and in Jerusalem have actually been stepped up substantially, as have the land grabs created by Sharon's Apartheid Wall, issues the media seems to have missed, while it was busy providing PR for the Zionists.

Israel continues to flout US-backed peace plan to freeze expansion
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Recently, several prominent Zionist commentators have labelled America an "enemy", saying they have sold out Israel, and made not so veiled threats against the country, simply becayse demands for Justice are finally gaining momentum.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War

And the LIES upon which the Zionists based the Occupation in the first place have been laid bare for all the world to see.

Zionism's War Hasn't Ended ... Yet

Laying it Bare- Masha'allah

12.09.2005 21:59

"On the morning of 23 May—the day after Egypt closed the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel's only access to the Red Sea—"

This is an act of war on the part of Egypt. In addition, the Egyptians kicked out UN Peacekeepers from the Sinai in preparation for thier attack on Israel.

Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi and Kuwaiti forces were arrayed at Israel's borders. In Addition, Saudi Arabia had troops at the ready. The only thing "laid bare" is the Arab alliances plans for an imminent attack on Israel.
Mashah'allah, the tiny nation held off the forces of 14 combined Arab armies, and totally defeated them in 6 days.

Regardless, the palestinians now have an opportunity to prove their willingness and ablity to create a viable state. Let's see what they do with this opportunity. As is often said however, the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Ali ibn Sharmootah

Nice Distractions, Hasbarians

13.09.2005 02:30

Anyhow ... back to the subject at hand. There must have been a threat if it was enough to make the man change his travel plans.

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation

Hasbara on the Brain

13.09.2005 04:25

"There must have been a threat if it was enough to make the man change his travel plans. "

Of course there was a threat. British Moslems are using the system to promote a kangaroo court.
You have Hasbara on hte brain. Must be reading Electronic Jiohad, er Intifada for your talking points.

Ali ibn Sharmootah

Great Distraction

13.09.2005 18:41

That's a funny comment ... seeing as how Muslims are on the receiving end of the real powers to create such courts, created by people who LIE to create wars of aggression for profit, in close alliances with Extremist Zionist leaders.

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation


13.09.2005 22:54

" I have never seen anyone in Seatlle IMC supporting "honor killings" or tribal hostilites among people in the world."

Actually Zionism was fulfilled twice during the last century. First with the establishment of Israel and secondly with the liberation of Jerusalem in 1967.

"Zion" afterall means Jerusalem. The jewish people have prayed for Jerusalem since the Roman ethnic cleansing of the 1st Century CE. Mash'allah they are home. Even the Holy Qur'an says that the Holyland belongs to the Jews. It is only the Arabist expansionists who go against the Will of Allah (swt)

Ali ibn Sharmootah

Wow, That's Just So Wrong

14.09.2005 04:12

Wow, the Zionist whackos really do the best job of discrediting themselves.

Sorry, but the interpreatation of Zion as Jerusalemdoes not absolve Zionism of its sins.

Just as Israel does not refer to a piece of real estate in the Middle East that you should ethnically cleanse of its inhabitants in order to create a State so that Zionists will attain power and wealth.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israel War

Seems the Zionists were in no more danger than America was from Saddam.

Another Zionist Myth exposed ...

Anyhow ... It's sad that the UK would potentially arrest one War Criminal, while at the same time, ignoring the one currently residing at No. 10.

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation

I don't see how it's our problem

15.09.2005 02:35

I don't really care about the whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict so I don't see why we should have bothered trying to arrest the guy. All it would have done is squandered loads of taxpayers money on a show trial. I don't see why we should be getting ourselves involved in other people's squabbles. Their struggle, their problem.

Humpty Dumpty