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A welcome goodbye to Sheffield airport

DL | 11.09.2005 14:16 | Ecology | Sheffield

My reasons for welcoming the demise of Sheffields airport.

The person who thinks that light aircraft produce a pleasent distant drone on a summer evening should spend a weekend or bank holiday in my garden. They will find thier peace and quiet continually drowned out by the relentless take offs from Sheffield airport. The sooner this airport closes the better mainly for the ears and lungs of people in the Tinsley,Darnall,and Handsworth areas of Sheffield. I am so pleased that Sheffield never ended up like Manchester or Leeds/Bradford and the poor people that either endure or have had to get used to noise and air pollution.



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12.09.2005 12:30

Please In Future DL include a little more with your post so that it does not get hidden as Non-News, Comment/Rant.




Peace and quiet

12.09.2005 13:12

As Sheffield airport has closed and you are pleased that Sheffield's people can enjoy the peace, please remember the rest of us. I hope you won't make any flights to or from Manchester airport. I live near it, and the less people who use it, he quieter it will be.
